Do theists know deep down that there no afterlife?


ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum?
Valued Senior Member
Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die afterall.
If there is a heaven, it is logical to assume there is also a hell

And it is logical to want a paradise over a torture chamber of a shithole (? whatever)
Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die afterall.

I don't want to go to heaven, thats boring and also temporary, I'd rather achieve the highest perfection, the highest power, freedom, enjoyment, happiness, this lifetime...

Heaven is temporary, but the kingdom, the unmade, the unborn, eternal...

Also the same argument was made thousands of years ago (atheism is really just an ancient faith-based belief system) by an atheist against Buddhism:

"Once everyone was seated, Prince Payasi said, "Reverend Kumara, I maintain that karma does not have results. I believe that there is no life after death, no world beyond our own. I think that angels and demons are things from a child’s dream."

"Hah! Holy men such as yourself can wax quite poetically about the wonderful life they will have after death – about the myriad comforts that await them in some other realm. But notice this, Reverend Kumara: not a single one of them desires pain, nor death. They all strive for comfort and to live for as long as possible. If such heaven worlds exist and these holy men can see them, why don’t they take a knife to themselves, or drink poison, or jump off of a cliff, and hasten their journey to these heavens? They don’t! That is another reason that I do not believe in other worlds, in angels and demons, or in Kamma."

Kumara (Gautama Buddha's disciple) replied:
"Hmm. Take this parable and consider it carefully: There is a rich man with two wives. One wife is pregnant, and the other has a son of ten or twelve years. This rich man’s heir would be the son. This father then died, and the son went to claim his inheritance, but the pregnant mother pleaded, "Wait! Wait until my child is born! If the child is a boy, he gets half of this wealth, but if she is a girl, she becomes your servant." Desiring to have half of the wealth for herself and her child, she made this same plea whenever the heir came to claim his inheritance. Then, she took a knife and tried to cut open her womb, wanting to hasten the arrival of the child, and thus her wealth. However, in doing so, she destroyed both herself, and the unborn baby.

"Likewise, if a man ends his life to seek the fortune of other worlds, he will not only have destroyed this life, but the next as well. You do not eat pasta before it has finished boiling, or you will hurt your teeth and stomach. The merit that holy men create grows only better as they live longer. Now, Prince, admit that you are in error." (Payasi Sutta)

This scripture is part of pali canons was written around 250 BCE...ancient atheism is just the same as the modern faith-based atheism..
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How is heaven temporary? If there is a heaven, wouldn't you spend eternity there? And how is it boring? It would be a total paradise, with everything you could ever want
Ah, logic.
Predicated on "if".
If there was JUST heaven then logically there isn't a hell.

And what are people going to get up to in Heaven?
For example the ones whose husband/ wife died and they remarried?
Which one are they going to stick with?
How is heaven temporary? If there is a heaven, wouldn't you spend eternity there? And how is it boring? It would be a total paradise, with everything you could ever want

Well its not really boring, but it depends which heavenly world you're talking about, there are many heavens filled with sensual enjoyment that lasts hundreds of thousands of years, but all heavenly worlds, and everything else in the material world is temporary, changing, unstable, inconstant, etc...ofcourse there are the pure, eternal abodes, which are different, upon achieving the pure abodes you never return this kind of world/universe...
Still can't see reason on that can you? :rolleyes:

What's unreasonable about it? The only reason its unreasonable is because it contradicts what you desire to be true...even though atheism is based on belief without evidence (faith) its some how not faith-based?
What's unreasonable about it? The only reason its unreasonable is because it contradicts what you desire to be true...even though atheism is based on belief without evidence (faith) its some how not faith-based?

We "desire" what?
Belief in what?
Faith in what?
I'd say heaven is like the same experience as your life

without the misery, sickness, death, depression, and overall negativeness

Pure comfort, peace, and relaxation

Oli, I'm saying that if there is a place where good people go, it'd be logical to think that there is a place where bad people go
I'd say heaven is like the same experience as your life

without the misery, sickness, death, depression, and overall negativeness

Pure comfort, peace, and relaxation
Like I said, what about those who've remarried?

Life again without the misery - repeats bore me.

Oli, I'm saying that if there is a place where good people go, it'd be logical to think that there is a place where bad people go
Or logical to think they're just dead, with nothing else for them.
Behave and you can go to the party, if you're naughty you can stay in your room and don't get any fun.
We "desire" what?
Belief in what?
Faith in what?

You desire that you're right that there is no God, no karma, no heaven/hell, etc....

You have faith (belief without evidence) that there is no God, no karma, no heavenly or hellish worlds, nothing that sounds supernatural is true, etc...
Like I said, what about those who've remarried?

Life again without the misery - repeats bore me.

Or logical to think they're just dead, with nothing else for them.
Behave and you can go to the party, if you're naughty you can stay in your room and don't get any fun.

They go with their current relationship (or recent if their lover died), because if they split up, do they still love each other?

No, I said it would FEEL like life, but it would be utter paradise in my opinion to whoever experiences it. I would have a golden palace, filled with everything I could ever want and every girl I've ever wanted, and every night a feast etc

THAT is paradise!

And what would staying in your room be? Hell.
You desire that you're right that there is no God, no karma, no heaven/hell, etc....
I have no desire either way on those counts.
You're making unwarranted assumptions.

You have faith (belief without evidence) that there is no God, no karma, no heavenly or hellish worlds, nothing that sounds supernatural is true, etc...
Wrong: since there is no evidence then the logical conclusion is that it's a null question, until (if ever) evidence shows up.
There's no point believing in something that can't be shown to actually exist so the lack of belief is not faith based, or desire based, it's merely that the subject isn't worth any further consideration.
They go with their current relationship (or recent if their lover died), because if they split up, do they still love each other?
I said the first one died and the survivor remarried.

No, I said it would FEEL like life, but it would be utter paradise in my opinion to whoever experiences it. I would have a golden palace, filled with everything I could ever want and every girl I've ever wanted, and every night a feast etc

THAT is paradise!

And if every girl you ever wanted didn't want you who gets the choice? :)

And what would staying in your room be? Hell.
You think?