Do Police have a right to Murder?

Unless you were referring to livestock attacks on blacks, you were talking about cops there.

I'm quoting someone else goal, if I said "and they want to send all the nigger back to Africa" I'm speaking of their ideal to the words they use. It is irrelevant: I show plenty of police that do their job heroically in the videos above, but pigs that fuck up and get no punishment is the problem. If they are not slaughtered, peoples trust in police will further degrade, increasing crime and civil tensions, increasing riots and destruction.
I'm quoting someone else goal, if I said "and they want to send all the nigger back to Africa" I'm speaking of their ideal to the words they use. It is irrelevant: I show plenty of police that do their job heroically in the videos above, but pigs that fuck up and get no punishment is the problem. If they are not slaughtered, peoples trust in police will further degrade, increasing crime and civil tensions, increasing riots and destruction.
You call cops "pigs" and hope they are slaughtered. Some people call blacks "niggers" and hope they are lynched. (Only the bad ones of course.)

Same same.
You call cops "pigs" and hope they are slaughtered. Some people call blacks "niggers" and hope they are lynched. (Only the bad ones of course.)

Same same.

Irrelevant, back to the argument at hand, that being police are given too much leeway in the authority and that leads to piggery.

Do you disagree with cameras on police? Do you disagree with stricter laws and regulations limited their conducts such that when they do piggish things they get punished?
Glad you are getting uncomfortable. That's the first step to introspection.
Do you disagree with cameras on police?
Nope, provided they are used under restrictions to protect privacy.
Do you disagree with stricter laws and regulations limited their conducts such that when they do piggish things they get punished?
No problem with regulations on what police can or can't do. Big problem with calling people "piggish" (or "niggerish" or "kike-ish")
Glad you are getting uncomfortable. That's the first step to introspection.

Your grossly missinterpreted my words then.

No problem with regulations on what police can or can't do. Big problem with calling people "piggish" (or "niggerish" or "kike-ish")

And that is utterly irrelevant. I'm not a sjw that gives a fuck about derogatory words, when pigs behave better I will stop calling them pigs.
And that is utterly irrelevant. I'm not a sjw that gives a fuck about derogatory words, when pigs behave better I will stop calling them pigs.
So you'd be OK with everyone here calling you a racist asshole, because that's irrelevant? You think that would work well in terms of improving any problems we have here?

Treat others how you want yourself to be treated.
So you'd be OK with everyone here calling you a racist asshole, because that's irrelevant?

Been called worse here, ask Tiassa, Tiassa thinks I'm pure evil at this point.

You think that would work well in terms of improving any problems we have here?

Don't think it matters, irrelevant, we are here on a internet forum just arguing about policy we will never get to implement ourselves. This is purely a thought experiment,

Treat others how you want yourself to be treated.

If I fuck up, I expect to be punished for it, unlike the police, the ones that are pigs that is.
I disagree. I moderate other forums, and there is a difference in the discussion based on whether people call each other names or not.

Don't care.

I didn't say anything about punishment. I said treat others how you want to be treated.

I'm not a police officer.

You have, not I, change the subject to how offended you are are calling police pigs, are you and SJW?
The question in the thread is: do we have that situation, in the US, right now?
I'd say it's becoming that way, but I'd like to think there are still ''good'' police officers out there who would not abuse their position. I think that's the question really...are cops using their position to abuse others, to abuse the law? To that I'd say, yes, that trend seems to be growing.
If the "right" and the label "murder" are being evaluated in the same terms and context, sure. But here in this thread it's not quite that simple.

Given the authoritarian mindset inherent in police work, coupled with:
1) a propensity or lean toward physical violence, very common and positively correlated, and
2) ingrained racial bigotry, also common and positively correlated in the US

we are no longer necessarily talking about technical, legal, murder, but rather what strikes a decent minded and informed observer not afflicted with the same mental biases, in an informal and generally overall moral and ethical sense, as "that was murder". And the question being: is there, in real life, a significant gap or distinction?

On the one hand: Not justified killing, in that moral/ethical sense. Something a good person, or good police officer, should not have done - seriously, should not have done. "Murder", in that sense, and no "right" to commit it.
On the other: But it's legal, they have the legal and socially accepted, formal and operative, right to have done it. And to do it again, in the future.

The question in the thread is: do we have that situation, in the US, right now?
1) Support that claim. Demonstrate this supposed positive correlation.
2) Support that claim. Demonstrate this supposed positive correlation.

You mean a "decent minded and informed observer" not under the same pressure of threat, but only playing armchair quarterback?
There are legal procedures and criteria for a "good shoot" and perpetrators of "bad shoots" are routinely prosecuted.

Media narrative just emphasizes the latter over the former.
You mean a "decent minded and informed observer" not under the same pressure of threat, but only playing armchair quarterback?
There are legal procedures and criteria for a "good shoot" and perpetrators of "bad shoots" are routinely prosecuted.
Well that's what brings up the question, isn't it.

Are there, and are they; and in all significant relevant circumstances, do they align with the moral or ethical assessment "that was murder", in the US?
You mean a "decent minded and informed observer" not under the same pressure of threat, but only playing armchair quarterback?
Faulty comparison.
Well that's what brings up the question, isn't it.

Are there, and are they; and in all significant relevant circumstances, do they align with the moral or ethical assessment "that was murder", in the US?
Unless you can demonstrate otherwise.

What, still not interested in supporting your own claims:
Given the authoritarian mindset inherent in police work, coupled with:
1) a propensity or lean toward physical violence, very common and positively correlated, and
2) ingrained racial bigotry, also common and positively correlated in the US
You have, not I, change the subject to how offended you are are calling police pigs, are you and SJW?
I have no idea what an SJW is. But no worry, I'll do it your way.

I have no problem with police killing all the violent, murderous criminals they want. The more the better, I say.
I have no idea what an SJW is. But no worry, I'll do it your way.

I have no problem with police killing all the violent, murderous criminals they want. The more the better, I say.

It is the killing of non-violent normal people that the problem, it is the killing of children holding toy guns that is the the problem, it is the beating of homeless men on the street to death that is the problem, these actions, by PIGS degrades public trust in police, that being one of the foundations of our civilization, this increases the rate of riots and protest that cause destruction and death and at the very least cost cities millions of dollars that the tax payers have to fork out while the PIGS get at best a slap on the wrist.

Tell me did this man deserve to die?
It is the killing of non-violent normal people that the problem, it is the killing of children holding toy guns that is the the problem, it is the beating of homeless men on the street to death that is the problem, these actions, by PIGS degrades public trust in police, that being one of the foundations of our civilization, this increases the rate of riots and protest that cause destruction and death and at the very least cost cities millions of dollars that the tax payers have to fork out while the PIGS get at best a slap on the wrist.
Cops should get medals for shooting and killing all the violent, murderous criminals they want. And hefty bonuses, so they are incentivized to kill more.