Do People Deserve To Be Poor?

that's the key word. "Self Control". Do you think it's possible for people to have mental disorders that hinder their ability to maintain self control?

Dont forget there are other sources of weight gain. Most antispychotic medication lowers peoples' metabolism rates which brings to another reason:

Not everybody has the same metabolism rate. Most of us are in the middle. There are some people who have a very very good motabolism rate and there are the unfortunate ones who have a very poor motabolism rate. Sure you can tell them not to eat so much but that wont do anything. They have to eat the same as everyone else otherwise they will not get the nutrients they need.

Also diabetics have a hard time because they are always in constant battle with maintaining a proper glucose level. where does that come from? Food

man oh man I love debates
that's the key word. "Self Control". Do you think it's possible for people to have mental disorders that hinder their ability to maintain self control?

Mental disorders? Hmm, that's the same thing as "fucked up in the head", "crazy", "insane", "abnormal", "sick-in-the-head", and other such terms, right?

Not everybody has the same metabolism rate.

Then they shouldn't eat so much if they don't want to gain all that fat! The metabolic rate doesn't create calories from nothing, ya' know?

Fat people eat too much. What's so fuckin' hard to understand about that???

Diabetes? I read an article not too long ago that basically said that a diabetic wouldn't have any problems if they ate the right kinds of food.

Baron Max
Yes, the fat eat to much. I still say mental problems are different ":L

I don't understand how being born poor can be compared to:

a. someone with a metabolic condition that may cause them to digest food much more slowly than a person with a "normal" metabolism.


b. someone with an imbalance of serotonin, or dopamine, or some other neurotransmitter within the body.

I mean seriously, this thread is typical in that it's impossible to follow because of the shrill name calling, but is anybody actually suggesting that a child has any control of the economic status they are born into?

There's no shame in being poor. There is shame in staying that way.
This is a very unique question, it's one I've only just recently begun considering. Based on what you know of society, education, and just general experience do you believe those who are poor deserve their fate. Are they less deserving or useful, an thus less important?

It would be easy to classify the poor as merely useless puppets of their prospective governments but do they have any importance?

Well that's my question, it's a serious one too. Please tell me your opinions.
Do those poor people have POTENTIAL. If they do, then it is obviously worthwhile saving them from their poverty, don't you think!?

Regardless, nobody deserves poverty.
..., but is anybody actually suggesting that a child has any control of the economic status they are born into?

No. But as soon as they grow up some, they can work to get out of poverty, thus .....they won't deserve it.

There's no shame in being poor. There is shame in staying that way.

No, I don't think there's shame in being poor either way ....if that's what they want to be and they're willing to accept the conditions.

The shame in being poor is asking, expecting others to give you food, housing, clothing, etc, without them having to work for it. That's the shame of poverty!

Baron Max
If there is such a thing as "deserving" to be poor, the only problem is that poverty is denied to many of the most deserving, and awarded to many who don't deserve it in the least.

But life, as the rich man once said, isn't fair.
Why should one iota of anything anyone generates via their efforts be given to the likes of you ?

Your definition of "freedom" IS obligation. The obligation to provide for delusional gimps like you, who have created a dream-world in which their so-called "gifts" place them on some higher plane wherein they "deserve" a slice of the good life for no more than farting out some hackneyed vision of a "better world".

Complete, utter, and absolute nonsense.
You sound just like those slaves last century that cussed people out for telling them that slavery should be abolished.

Try coming up with a decent argument because your argument so far is garbo.

Freedom is the opposte of obligation. Try proving that wrong. What you are proclaiming is that it is impossible for everybody to be free. Proof?
What are the necessities of life? What is wealth? Fat people aside, is poverty more of a state where there is no hope?
My question to you. How do we keep the world going with everybody twiddlin' their thumbs and fuh-fuh-fornicatin' all the live long day ?
hmmm... that sounds prety good, actually. Just don't tell me it's that old Alvin Lee cliche -
Tax the rich...
Feed the poor.
'Til there are no...
Rich no more...

'Cos that ain't never gonna work unless you plan on doin' some shootin'...

Gork us up some of the Gospel according to Bozotsky~Land, brutha !

i'm ready to sign up an' quit mah day job !!
Ah wants tuh be FREE !

I say, I say, I say - AMEN !!!
My question to you. How do we keep the world going with everybody twiddlin' their thumbs and fuh-fuh-fornicatin' all the live long day ?
hmmm... that sounds prety good, actually. Just don't tell me it's that old Alvin Lee cliche -
Tax the rich...
Feed the poor.
'Til there are no...
Rich no more...

'Cos that ain't never gonna work unless you plan on doin' some shootin'...

Gork us up some of the Gospel according to Bozotsky~Land, brutha !

i'm ready to sign up an' quit mah day job !!
Ah wants tuh be FREE !

I say, I say, I say - AMEN !!!
You do not even know what you are talking about. Where did I say anybody is sitting there? You cannot even prove it. You probably would say that slavery should not be abolished.
Basicaly you are claiming that people should not be free to do what they want. Yoou probably claim that there is no such thing as freedom. Yet nowhere in sight do youm provide any proof to your false assertions. So sad for you.
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You do not even know what you are talking about. Where did I say anybody is sitting there? You cannot even prove it.
You're the one who said nobody wants to work, and that nobody should have to work.

So what happens when nobody does ?


No. You were the one that claims that poor people should be forced into labor for the rich. And that freedom is an obligation. Get real. You have no proof of any of this.