Do People Deserve To Be Poor?

Sorry, Killjoy. I just don't see it that way.

The point I read was, "I contend that me getting X by doing nothing while another person works hard to get X does not mean the person working hard deserves it."

Now, this whole thing may tread back to some other issue 'twixt you two. I suppose there is that. But he's right, especially when we read the rest of the post. One might be able to say that "He doesn't deserve that." But it is a difficult proposition to say, "I deserve this because ...."

Especially at that point, the word "deserves" becomes a very subjective standard.

Like Lixluke explained it,

Lixluke said:

That is why I find people that get a good education dumb as hell when they claim they deserve anything beyond the education they got. "I busted my ass in school so I deserve bla bla bla. . ."

I've heard folks talk like that, too. And I, too, think it's just ridiculous. It proves that "educated" does not mean "intelligent", but that's a separate issue.

In the meantime, no matter what's going on, demeaning human disability is low.
Yep, there you go's a matter of self-control.

All the other bullshit you posted was just that ...bullshit ...excuses.

Baron Max

Oh, so scientific fact is Bullshit?

You know Baron, you are a damn hateful and ignorant man. What I posted is fact. The only reason you think it is bullshit is becuase then it shows you that maybe, just maybe in some cases that self control doesn't mean a damn thing in the end. You can have all the self control in the owrld and work yourself to the bone and in some situations all that means is you are a very controlled and weary poor person.

Now do the world a favor back up and look at your life and imagine what might have happened if a few things that went right had instead gone very wrong. It happens to millions of people everyday and yes some of then could pick themselves up and make it work, but at least as many are knocked down for the count through no fualt of their own.
Oh, so scientific fact is Bullshit?

You know Baron, you are a damn hateful and ignorant man. What I posted is fact.

Oh, I agree that some people lack the ability to control their own eating habits. But that's also true of many other kinds of lack of control ....murderers, theives, rapists, pedophiles, drug addicts, drunks, ...and the list goes on and on.

But the REASON that people are fat is because they eat too much. It has nothing to do with genes or genetic make up. If they did not eat so much, they wouldn't be fat. That's a scientific fact!!!!

What you're calling a "fact" is that some people lack control. The lack of control doesn't cause one to be fat!! Eating causes fat ...and that's a scientific fact. You're just making excuses, even if "scientific", for fat people being fat. All the "science" says is that you're too fuckin' weak to resist the food that you stuff into your mouth.

It happens to millions of people everyday and yes some of then could pick themselves up and make it work, but at least as many are knocked down for the count through no fualt of their own.

Those that can't get back up are weak individuals who don't deserve any sympathy from me or anyone else. If they're that weak, they should die off so as to prevent passing that genetic weakness to other generations. In the animal world, that's exactly what happens, and those that survive are the strong ...the weak die off.

Humans, on the other hand, whine and cry and get help from idiots ....and thus the genetic make-up of humans now has so many lousy, weak traits as to be completely weak and helpless, whiney and crying all the time because they don't get their own way. And they invent "science" to show that it's not their fault!!! Fuck 'em, they should all die if they're defective.

Baron Max
Baron max said:

But the REASON that people are fat is because they eat too much. It has nothing to do with genes or genetic make up. If they did not eat so much, they wouldn't be fat. That's a scientific fact!!!!

Baron, do you know what a "sustenance diet" is?

What you're saying is that people are somehow lazy whiners if they don't starve themselves to death, or at least to other medical problems.

But why should you care? After all, you can always blame people in that condition for starving themselves.

Fuck 'em, they should all die if they're defective.

There is no real rule against Spartanistic savagery at this forum, but hatemongering doesn't make you look any better.
this is a difficult question wich "might" not have a true answer. maybe it does.

i dont know who is the judge of who is deserving of what prize for there deeds.

on one hand you could say the man who stuck with a 9-5 job working for peanuts his whole life deserves more than the lazy man who won the lottery.

or you could say the man working a 9-5 should have taken the risk to start his own buisness and escape the peanut pay of the rat race, he who dosent try wont succeed,

or maybe he couldent take the risk because of duties to his family incase he failed his own buisness so he stuck with the low paid job for steady low income,

maybe the young man who started his own buisness and made an empire had all the lucky breaks while others around him tried tried tried and failed.

there might have been a man who didnt want alot of money aslong as he had his friends and his family, he was rich in love and happyness but not in material wealth.

there might have been a man who was striving to become rich and he neglected his friends and family to persue buisness and wealth, in the end he succeeded and became rich, then he grew old and died with his money but without his friends and family.

the world can seem cruel sometimes, but there are rich people who might not seem deserving of that money, and poor people who might not seem deserving of there poverty, a poor person in london has a small amount of money and dosent own expensive things, he has a dingey abode and dosent eat the best of the many foods available here,

the poor man in africa has a dirt hut or deseised shack in a shanty town, he is starving every day just waiting to die of aids or starvation.

you could say the african could leave his shanty town and go and hunt some wild game or try to seek a better life elsewhere but he doesent try. or maybe he cant because of some reason.

we are human thats why, we are poor because we strive for better, look at the animal kingdom who is the poor lion and who is the rich lion? who is the poor elephant and who is the rich elephant etc etc,

think about it.

What you're saying is that people are somehow lazy whiners if they don't starve themselves to death,...

No, they're lazy whiners to whine about their fat, yet are too fuckin' weak to do anything about it. They'd rather whine so as to get people like you to enable them so they don't feel so bad about being so weak and fat!

There is no real rule against Spartanistic savagery at this forum, but hatemongering doesn't make you look any better.

You should make that a rule, then you could ban me forever. Please? Hell, make it a rule that no one can type "Baron Max" into the sciforums. Please?

Baron Max
Baron Max I've never seen you so agitated :eek: Anyway I think everyone has to really consider the situation. When you're just plain born with bad genes you can't change anything through willpower alone. They could ignore food all they like but it's honestly a sickness designed by man, you see food they buy in places is usually meant to make them more hungary, so in effect they'll buy more food. If they change their eating habits to things like vegetables they'd soon find they don't want as much, vegetables fill you :-Z

Now as for being weak... Baron is right in some respect. Animals will die off if they're unable to survive, and while this isn't exactly bad we are humans, different than animals in many ways. It's a responsibility to take care of eachother not only in a family but also in society. Each person is unique, and those weaknesses they possess can help make us strong. By dealing with the problems of others we learn to prevent them in our society, thus increasing its chances to live on.

This is what it means to live now.
Each person is unique, and those weaknesses they possess can help make us strong. By dealing with the problems of others we learn to prevent them in our society, thus increasing its chances to live on.

No! What's happening is that we've prevented natural selection to weed out the weak and infirmed, thus subjecting the species with weakness and infirmity that's been allowed to propagate, even worse, we've ENCOURAGED weakness and infirmity to flourish in our species.

If we keep it up at the present rate, there'll be only a few strong individuals to take care of the billions of weak and sick and infirmed and helpless. Is that what you want for your specie? From your post, it seems that you're actually proud of that weakness and sickness growing in your specie.

Baron Max
i agree with alot of what baron is saying but not the way he is saying it, :)

natural selection is true, the weak shall perish where the strong survive, that includes strong minded as well as strong bodied, a warrior will live where a peasant shall die. etc

a human society as a whole with human rights, we protect the weak from harm and they hinder the society combined. because if nature were to take its course without man made laws the weak would die. it sounds cruel to the "humane" ear but it is life, it is nature.

Oh, I agree that some people lack the ability to control their own eating habits. But that's also true of many other kinds of lack of control ....murderers, theives, rapists, pedophiles, drug addicts, drunks, ...and the list goes on and on.

So you are comparing people with an over abundance of a certain bacteria with rapist, pedophiles, drug addicts and so on. You know I used to think you had a refreshing view point but obviously your just a moron.

But the REASON that people are fat is because they eat too much. It has nothing to do with genes or genetic make up. If they did not eat so much, they wouldn't be fat. That's a scientific fact!!!!

What you're calling a "fact" is that some people lack control. The lack of control doesn't cause one to be fat!! Eating causes fat ...and that's a scientific fact. You're just making excuses, even if "scientific", for fat people being fat. All the "science" says is that you're too fuckin' weak to resist the food that you stuff into your mouth.

Did you even read what I posted moron. I posted about research that shows why some people on restricted food intake and exercise routines. These are peaople who are NOT over eating and in some cases would be under eating. G0o back and read the post again and this time READ.

Those that can't get back up are weak individuals who don't deserve any sympathy from me or anyone else. If they're that weak, they should die off so as to prevent passing that genetic weakness to other generations. In the animal world, that's exactly what happens, and those that survive are the strong ...the weak die off.

Actually if you think about it they are not weak, not even in the slightest. They get more calories from the same amount of food. They are the ultimate survivors. Peoples with the abundance of the one type of bacteria will survive famines and droughts and even interstellar travel better. It's not a weakness, except to people like you.
So you are comparing people with an over abundance of a certain bacteria with rapist, pedophiles, drug addicts and so on.

I was comparing the lack of self-control in those groups .....not making a comparison of the people. Fat people have no self-control, pedophiles have no self-control, drug addicts have no self control, ......get it now?

You weigh some 400 lbs. You consider yourself obese. Do you want to weigh 400 lbs? If not, then you have no self-control ....just like those others.

Peoples with the abundance of the one type of bacteria will survive famines and droughts and even interstellar travel better. It's not a weakness, except to people like you.

Then you and other fat asses should be happy as pigs in shit on a hot Texas day. Yet here you are making excuses for being fat. You should be loudly proclaiming your superiority, not making excuses. The government should reverse their stance on obesity and try to make even more people fat and obese instead of trying to curb the trend.

Why aren't you proud of your fatness and obesity????

Baron Max
Baron Max, what about people with depression?

I think "depression" is just another form of weakness and the inability to control ones own emotions. Yeah, it's a flaw, a weakness, ...that should have been "naturally selected" OUT of the human race.

Baron Max
I was comparing the lack of self-control in those groups .....not making a comparison of the people. Fat people have no self-control, pedophiles have no self-control, drug addicts have no self control, ......get it now?

You weigh some 400 lbs. You consider yourself obese. Do you want to weigh 400 lbs? If not, then you have no self-control ....just like those others.

Are you really this kind of moron all the time. I'll tell you what, cut back to a 1200 calorie diet and stay there for a year then talk to me about self control. Oh and while you are doing it split a chord of whood every day and walk a mile. And this is on top of everything else you have to do. Now add to that wear a backpack that has forty pounds of books in it. Every week add three pounds of books. That is how some people exist everyday of their lives.

I'm not saying all fat people are like this, but a good deal of them are. They diet religiously, they count their calories, they increase their activity and they behave with more self control than should be humanly possible. Then along comes a bit of research that tells them that maybe, just maybe they can breathe a little easier. They can understand why they do all the things they are supposed to do and yet they keep the weight or gain more.

Now if you can't understand this then maybe you should just quit trying to think. After all it is obviously not your strong suit.

Then you and other fat asses should be happy as pigs in shit on a hot Texas day. Yet here you are making excuses for being fat. You should be loudly proclaiming your superiority, not making excuses. The government should reverse their stance on obesity and try to make even more people fat and obese instead of trying to curb the trend.

Why aren't you proud of your fatness and obesity????

Baron Max

Okay, first of all you misunderstood everthing I said, but then again I expect to understand you'd actually have to have a working braincell or three. I am saying NOT ALL CASES OF OBESITY ARE THE RESULT OF LACK OF CONTROL. Some are and everyone will admit that, I will even go so far as to say most are. But lumping everyon in that catecory is a lot like lumping you with most jerks, it does diservice to the other jerks.

So back you empty head up and shut up. It is patently obvious to those with owrking brains that yours roitted away, if you had one.
They can understand why they do all the things they are supposed to do and yet they keep the weight or gain more.

SCIENTIFIC FACT: People gain weight, fat, because they take in more calories than they use.


Well, if someone else forces the food down the fat-ass' throat, then I guess I'd have to excuse that one fat-ass. All other cases, however, are due to lack of self-control. You can make up all of the excuses that you wish, but in the end, it's just that ....excuses for the lack of self-control. It's exactly the same with alcoholics ...they lack self-control.

Baron Max
SCIENTIFIC FACT: People gain weight, fat, because they take in more calories than they use.

Well, if someone else forces the food down the fat-ass' throat, then I guess I'd have to excuse that one fat-ass. All other cases, however, are due to lack of self-control. You can make up all of the excuses that you wish, but in the end, it's just that ....excuses for the lack of self-control. It's exactly the same with alcoholics ...they lack self-control.

Baron Max

A genetic disorder? You mean that a genetic disorder creates fat from nothing, from air? Nope, even people who have a "genetic disorder" are fat because they eat more food, more calories, than their bodies use. Thus, ....they deserve to be fat.

How many Darfur refugees are fat or obese? None, right? So if "genetic disorders" cause fatness, then surely there should be at least a few of 'em who are fat. Hmm, but there ain't, are there?

If you drink too much booze, you get drunk.
If you eat too much food, you get fat.
Seems perfectly sensible to me.

Baron Max

the people of Sudan and most other countries are suffereing from civil strife, lack of food, sanitation etc.

There is next to no obeste people in Africa simply because THERE IS NO FOOD. In order for a genetic disorder to fulfill itself, there has to be food. What about the psychological illnesses where people simply eat on impulse or eat because they are depressed.

It is impossible to correlate one person's food supply with a genetic eating disorder
What about the psychological illnesses where people simply eat on impulse or eat because they are depressed.

They lack self-control. All those psycho-babble things are just excuses.

Fat people are fat because they eat too much food. Why they eat too much food might be open to debate, but I doubt it. I think it's simply a lack of self-control.

Baron Max