Do crop circles coresspond to any star charts?

well see, now we're getting somewhere with this debate, so thanks for taking it seriously enough to give a good argument.

my response:

you gotta remember that when someone goes to dispute something, if they're not diplomatic enough, they're gonna get either a cold shoulder or a very defensive response from whom their disputing. we see it all the time on sciforums. so as far as Sofka's personal opinion about Burke goes, i don't view that as a valid argument against the validity of Burke's claims, only blatant defamation, which is expected in a Journal of
The Inquiring Skeptics of Upper New York.

regarding Sofka's comment about Burke not having control groups, if you go to the BLT research team's (which Levengood, Burke's associate, is a part of - he's the 'L') website that i listed, you'll see control groups clearly used, they even have pictures of them. my guess is that Sofka was being belligerent and Burke didn't want to answer his questions anymore, but i'll make an assumption for your sake, Fetus, that at that time, let's say there were no control groups in the experiements. alas, Sofka's JISUNY article is from 1995, 8 years ago.

you raise a good point about the rust, however, you apparently didn't read the 'magnetic material in soil' section on the BLT research page:

Most often these magnetized spherical particles are found clustered around, or just outside, the perimeters of circular crop formations, suggesting that centrifugal force from a spinning vortex is distributing this material to the edges of the formations. We have seen cases, however, where the major deposition of this material is in the soil at the centers of the circles, the amounts then dropping off toward the perimeters. And we have instances where the magnetic material is deposited linearly, usually in increasing amounts as one samples out toward the perimeters of the circles, again suggesting a rotating force as the distribution agent.

so why is the vortex theory so far-off? i personally don't think the particles are from meteorites because the circles are too 'designed', where there is obviously some thought to them. for them to be naturally occuring, like Levengood is trying to say, is like saying the wind causes me to walk down the street.

if you take a look at the particles in the pictures, they are clearly embedded in the plant as well, meaning they coudln't have just fallen off a tool. the particles are also all balled up, which happens when metal is heated so much it liquifies. how do you explain all of this?

also, the formations aren't left unnoticed for weeks, or even days. they are found the very next day. farmers aren't just oblivious to their crops, they pay attention to them. and when formations occur around places like stonehenge, where they often occur and people are always around waiting for them, there isn't enough time for broken plants to heal. nor is that a normal part of plant healing processes. we're talking broken crops vs. bent crops, exploded nodes and elongated nodes that occur over a period no longer than a few hours.
I was referring to the possibility that any hoaxer could bring in a couple of handfuls of iron oxides powder from a steel works or off any metal grinder, and sprinkle the crop circle to make it "genuine" As for imbedding of iron powder: is that common, has it been counted statically? Also there is no mention if those iron granules were not in the soil to begin with they do not state any control test of amount per gram of soil per depth, or in proximity to crop circle. Also most importantly why was an isotope count not done on the the iron granule samples to prove definitively if they came for meteorites or earth mined steel?

Are plant samples taken immediately or after several days? From the reports don’t specify.
Although most crop circles are hoaxes, the original crop circles in australia are still unexplained and did actually correspond to star charts. I wish people wouldn't pull hoaxes in this nature because it trivializes the phenomena and turns it into a joke.
It reminds me of the first reported alien abduction. I'm sure we've all heard the story of betty and barney hill? A couple of simple folks who were driving along a road in an uninhabited area. They claimed they were taken aboard an alien spacecraft and subjected to experiments by small beings with large cat like eyes. Pretty standard stuff so far right? but remember they were the first and the most compelling part of their story was they had a star chart that contained stars that weren't discovered untill five years later and also their cars paint had blistered in such a way that could not be recreated by humans even to this day. Thats pretty convincing if you ask me but the ridiculous stories from copy cats have turned the betty and barney hill story into "just another load of crap" in most peoples eyes. Its a shame really.

PS: yeah , the movie "signs" was pathetic.
Any evidence can be pulled up on a subject the thing is that to prove the subject the evidence must be check and repeatable… this is were all Alien abduction evidence falls short.

If you can not find valid evidence that either proves or disprove your theory the next thing to do is speculate its likelihood: though this is not very accurate nor is it any long in the realm of science I’ll give it a shot: Lets see… what are the chances that some alien race would come to are planet to abduct people, probe these peoples anuses, mutilate cows, spook people into believe in there existence yet not just come down to the general public and final just announce once and for all they exist?
Fetus, that's just absurd. you're taking the stance on the whole issue of extraterrestrial life that most righteous scientists take, and that's "if i can't figure it out, then it hasn't happened". ETs could be organized and political just like us, they could have their reasons for not wanting to be public. you're doing just as much speculation now as most UFO believers, so just stop before you ruin the discussion, eh?

i'll have to write more later cuz you're raising a lot of debate over the circles that i've raised myself in doing the research. i'm just sick to my stomach right now and need to go lay down. i WILL be back though, you've been warned :eek:
that right I am! I'm say since there is now real viable evidence that speculation is all that left... still if these aliens have political beliefs like the ones I have shown they might have above then we (not them) are the superior life form!

I've seen a few which really stretch the man made theory. I mean over 700 circles in an elaborate design in a few hours???!?!?!:eek: I say there are many mechanisms active around us, which we know nothing about. I am tempted to believe men did the circles but it is still difficult.
I think it was on TLC that showed a crop circle making "Artist" gang of 3 make a very elaborate crop circle in under six hours! I was shown on stop motion camera on top of a crane with time in the up right hand corner.
Uhh, I think that humans made those crop circles. And your link didn't work...but you probably know by now.

¤•¤aLysSa¤•¤:m: ;)
alyssa, if you're referring to the link in my last post, it works fine.

and you are entitled to your opinion about the phenomenon, but the evidence of magnetic particles, exploded stem nodes and mysterious balls of light caught on video on numerous occasions is still perplexing.