Do crop circles coresspond to any star charts?

Thed's link convinces me that the complexity of the design isn't an issue. I love all the logos and pics, especially the one with an ET pic in the formation.

My only question now is the validity of the plant structures' being somehow changed. I'm beginning to suspect that there are a few natural ones being formed, and the evidence for these is being assumed to be true for all of them.

Unless you want to think that aliens are promoting British celebs, rock stars, or companies...:cool:
wait a minute here... have you read that site?? they say they did the crop circle in the movie Signs, which was an extremely basic one, not complex at all (Signs is also a terrible movie obviously made to throw people off track). they also say they made them with wooden planks, which doesn't account for the radiation left behind.

that site is part of a huge disinformation campaign regarding the crop circle phenomenon. i've seen the information there mutate over the years. first they were saying they did them ALL in wilkshire, now they realize there are way too many to claim and say they are influencing others to do them.

also, almost every last pic of circles they claim to have made that appear on the site are terrible, nothing showing deep complexity. so i don't doubt they made those.

notice that if they really did it, then they would need permission from the farmers, otherwise they would get into trouble.

furthermore, if they supposedly "started it", then how do you account for those that have occured throught history?
I am no alien enthusiast by any means, but one thing I can do is derive a reasonable conclusion based on the facts and evidence.

Fact: Many crop circls in the U.K. have been found to have been made by teams of hoaksters. This is still the case today.

Fact: Crop circles are a worldwide phenomena and have been for decades (centuries in certain places). The two brothers in England who made themselves famous in the 80's for revealing to a British magazine that they were responsible for England's crop circles said that they had derived the inspiration for the circles from a story out of Australia about a rash of circles there in the 70's. The Australian circles are still unexplained, as are a plethora of others in many nations around the world. (Hard to believe that people in starving Africa or the Orient will take the time out of their day to make crop circles when the news of crop circles in other locations has never reached them, thus giving them no place to derive their inspiration.

Fact: There have been crop circles pop up over night that are over 600,000 square feet in area, with hundreds of circles forming PERFECT geometrical formations.

Fact: A mathematician In New England derived the "5th theorem of Geometry" from a crop circle and actually published his findings in an academic journal.

Fact: Several reputable geologists, physicists and other types of scientists have studied these circles in depth and do not believe all of them are man made hoaxes.

Now, as for the last fact, let me post a link to a website that was published by a geophysicist from Michigan who has researched the circles for years. Not only does he find abnormal radiation readings around most circles, but he also finds that the crops continue growing but no longer can produce seeds in many cases. Also, many of the crops in the cirlce have expulsion cavaties created presumably from the extreme microwave radiation that was applied to the crops for a brief period of time. Click the link for a more in depth explanation of what this geophysicist feels is a purely natural phenomenon.

Yes, zechaeriah posted that link above, and I found it interesting to say the least, and at least a start on a natural cause. I'd like to see other sources as far as the effects on the crops. Certainly by now there'd be a huge database of specimens.

Zechaeriah, I drew the conclusion that manmade could be complex just by the various photos of crop designs on that site. Not the geometric ones, the logos and don't think those are natural/alien created do you?

Still on the fence here...can't dismiss it as total hoax, not convinced it's some outside communication either.
YES some cropcircles most certainly DO correspond to star coordinates, for instance the cropcircles Me and some other would be funny jackass made a week ago relatively corespond to the distance between our solar system and proxima centauri.

Offcoase we figured that some I WANT TO BELIEVE ufologist would read the signs....
no, i haven't come to a major conclusion about them yet. my guess, as i stated above, is that someone with lots of money has created a machine that uses some sort of high tech that is not available to the public. either that, or it truly is something being created by some extraterrestrial being, whether it be from outer space or another dimension of reality. that may be hard to swallow, but i simply cannot see a team of people making such complex and perfectly geometrical designs with wooden planks, it's just not possible. especially when they happen overnight, in all kinds of weather, and over 200 times a year. and that's only the RECORDED ones.

i admit that some circles are made by humans, there is plenty of evidence to that. but when you look at ones reflecting fractal sets, ones with radiation left behind, and ones that are so huge it would take days to make, the whole hoax theory kinda falls short.

the fact that the bulk of them seem to be happening near other sacred geometrical patterns (i.e. stonehenge, white horse, etc) is leading many to believe the circlemakers are spiritual. but again, i don't have any strong personal assertions about them.
Why circles why not crop triangles, or is the circle symbolic for the ubiquitous flying sausager (PUN intended) banter that surrounds us ?
One ring to bind them all...hum.

The most interesting thing to the crop-circles is how they chart the culture of the late twentieth century.
Deja vu:

<i>Fact: Crop circles are a worldwide phenomena and have been for decades (centuries in certain places). The two brothers in England who made themselves famous in the 80's for revealing to a British magazine that they were responsible for England's crop circles said that they had derived the inspiration for the circles from a story out of Australia about a rash of circles there in the 70's. The Australian circles are still unexplained, as are a plethora of others in many nations around the world.</i>

It is just possible that Australians might have come up with the idea...

<i>(Hard to believe that people in starving Africa or the Orient will take the time out of their day to make crop circles when the news of crop circles in other locations has never reached them, thus giving them no place to derive their inspiration.</i>

Who says news hasn't reached them? And if they have fields full of crops I really doubt they are starving.

<i>Fact: There have been crop circles pop up over night that are over 600,000 square feet in area, with hundreds of circles forming PERFECT geometrical formations.</i>

So, they'd need a few more people to do the construction.

<i>Fact: A mathematician In New England derived the "5th theorem of Geometry" from a crop circle and actually published his findings in an academic journal.</i>

Which mathematician? Which "5th theorem"? Reference, please.

<i>Fact: Several reputable geologists, physicists and other types of scientists have studied these circles in depth and do not believe all of them are man made hoaxes.</i>

Which reputable geologists, physicists etc.?

<i>Now, as for the last fact, let me post a link to a website that was published by a geophysicist from Michigan...</i>

Note that the article is from 1998. Note where the article appears.
Originally posted by Rambler
I'm undecided on who/what is behind them, I don't reject that they are man made but perhaps those of you who are convinced they are man made could explain how the stems are melted at a molecular level???? i.e. not bent not broken MELTED and keep growing with a bend in the stem?? I have only ever read 1 explination that would account for this. But I'd like to here your answers first.

Melted on a molecular level? What the hell are you talking about? For one, the point at which most plants burn is lower than the point at which they'd melt (And as such they'd catch on fire and burn, rather than melt), and second, where the hell are you comming from with this? Crop circles are caused by groups of 2 or there people using planks of wood and some rope, they step on the bored, and hold the rope which his tied around each end, and used as a bridal of sorts, and just keep pushing them plants over, noth a whole lot to it.
Originally posted by zechaeriah
bwahahahaa! yeah two guys are running around with wooden planks, mmmhmm... believe whatever you need to believe dude.

Translation: "HA! A rational explination, you must be out of your mind! Clearly if we speculate wildly about completely unsubstnatial topics, THAT will lead us to the truth!"
I made a crop cycle before on my parent’s 20-acre hobby farm! It was only about 10 meter wide. I used a wood plank about 2 meters long. I wanted to see if I could do it so I tried that was so long ago brings back memories.

I think crop circles are made by people… maybe very rarely a freak of nature event like fungus, tornado, and weird electrical or magnetic so forth. If aliens are doing this their pretty fuck up beings I’ll tell you that! Oooh wait this are the same aliens with the human anal fetish right? Ya they must love messing with are heads and shoving large metal things up are orifices.

As for the evidence that crop circles leave a radiation signature, mutate the plants or don’t break the straw: Who took these measurements… could they have bias opinions? Were the measurements made in comparison to a control? Were any measurements made scientifically and shown to be valid statistically?
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i'm not saying that crop circles cannot be reproduced by humans. i'm just simply pointing to the bending of the crops to a perfect 90 degree angle that humans could certainly NOT do.

all the hoaxers actually break the crops or the crops bend from the point at which they stick out of the ground-- a 'genuine' (for lack of a more appropriate word) crop circle's crops are ALL bent precisely at the same point throughout the circle. sometimes it's a couple inches above the ground, sometimes it's 6-10. you simply cannot do this with wooden planks. most crops break when you try to bend them, unless you heat them up first, which adds more time to a man-made hoax, and how are they heating up the crops?

also, the magnetic radiation left behind is simply a mystery. i already left two links on a previous post on this thread to this phenomenon.

my point is that at least 40% of the crop circles that are out there are totally unexplainable. and the bulk of the circles are happening over aquafins, which is interesting as well. there's also about 200 cases a year, and all over the world. and that's just the recorded cases.

Read my post above yours! I want to see some real science done not some bullshit that was made up by some people claiming to be scientists yet also make a killing off of doing crop circle tours and books. Have any of these people made seminars or published in scientific journals?
ok, two things here.

1 - i do not wish to do all the research for you. if you are posting on a thread in the PSEUDOSCIENCE forum, then expect it to be PSEUDOSCIENCE and don't force people to prove themselves SCIENTIFICALLY on every post.

2 - if you need a starting point for scientists interested in anything extraterrestrial-related, you could go to or check this site out

you could also do a search on google, for christ's sake.
Ok then we don't need to believe that ANY crop circles are created by (fucked up, perhaps high) aliens since no viable unbiased evidence can be produced. Yet a huge amount of evidence and proof has shown that crops circle are made by people.

On a personal note: If any proof did come up that some crop circles were made by aliens I would freak out and demand we shot down these sickos ASP because if they have the time to draw pictures in hay, mutilate cows, abduct and anal rape locals then who knows what else they are doing, but most likely it is equally fucked up and bad for us!

Also: Psuedoscience = fake science or lack of it.

you're yet another person who comes into the pseudoscience forum just to debunk. that's ok though, i am prepared for people like you.

first of all, i'm not gonna re-explain anything that has already been explained here. read the thread in it's entirety before you ask questions. i will, however, remind you of what issues are surrounding crop circles so that you have something to start your research with.

1 - magnetic radiation
2 - seeds picked from crops grow differently than seeds picked from crop outside of circle
3 - geometric perfection and complexity of design and production
4 - apparent 'interactivity' visitors and neighbors of the circles seem to have with it.
5 - stem nodes of plants exploded
6 - plants are bent at perfect right angle and all at the same height
7 - these things don't show up in known man-made circles.
what kind of hardcore proof are you looking for? i mean, aside from actually being there and running tests on the plants yourself, i don't see what pictures and articles written about them can't provide you.

like i said, maybe you need to actually do some research into it yourself. but if you're really that lazy, here is link to The BLT research team
Oh so you mean something like this?
Or this one that show any rust from a standard steel object could be use to make a hand made crop circle “genuine” by Dr WC Levengood theory of 'Ion-Plasma Vortex which by the way is made by meteors not aliens.
As for the site you gave me: Could it also be possible that after the plants were planked down and allowed to continue growing they brake point would heal (effect 2) the resulting cut off of nutrition to the seeds would produce effects 4 and 5. Also he does not explain effect 3.

I'll believe when several unconnected researchers prove Levengood theory. You need a 3rd party to verify and repeat to prove your theory as a fact.
That or we could believe in cold fusion just because two guys said they made it happen. Or we could believe in already existing viable molecular electronics or ect ect ect…