Do crop circles coresspond to any star charts?

paul defourneaux

Registered Senior Member
Dear Men of Science:
I have recently read on a German web site that when certain crop circles mathematical equations are paired they represent coordinants to stars in our galaxy. Does this mean that certain intellegent beings are trying to give us hints of thier off world location?Go to and see them for yourself.

Machiaventa Speaks :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

[This message has been edited by paul defourneaux (edited August 03, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by paul defourneaux (edited August 03, 2000).]
Hi Paul!

Long time no hearing from you.

Concerning crop circles: I also believe they are man-made. If someone gives a certain interpretation to those patterns, fine, but to me it's like having a discussion on the form and filosophical interpretation of a drop of inkt on a piece of paper: timeconsuming and not very enlightening ;).

BTW: The URL doesn't seem to exist ?



"The best thing you can become in life is yourself" -- M. Eyskens.
The link didn't work, man. Tell ya what, though. If an extraterrestrial intelligence were interested in having us contact them, you'd think that with all of their intelligence they'd realize that we don't speak the same language and would come to the conclusion that writing is useless. If they've got something to say, all these years of hinting around haven't been working, so they'd better come out and just say it.
The link was posted wrong, when I tried to edit it it would not change.I am trying to post this the right way. Here it is folks:http//
:cool: :cool: :cool:


[This message has been edited by paul defourneaux (edited August 08, 2000).]
I saw a documentary on crop circles that
where scientist from around the globe studied
the evidence and found some interesting facts: the wheat was bent over without breaking so it was not pushed down by anything like someones foot or a vehicle.
They stated that with todays technology they cannot recreate the same affect on the wheat.
They tried many experiment to recreate it but
all attempts ended up breaking some of the wheat stalks. there is no evidence of e.t.
They concluded that the mystery can't be
solved until they see one being made.
They made no comparisons to the star charts.
I don't believe in E.T's but I'd love to know
what made these circles.
There have been many documented cases of hoaxes. Probably the vast majority of circles are made be under grads on a weekend holiday. (Hay, I would have done the same when I was young. As a matter of fact my second year at university we faked an alien attack by constructing several hot-air balloons out of plastic dry-cleaner's bags and candles and set them adrift on the early morning breeze over campus. We had a campus cop chasing a couple of them into the woods. We were very lucky we didn't start a forest fire!

But I digress... back to crop circles. I doubt if all circles (especially the early ones)were hoaxes. I suspect they may be of natural, biological origin but who knows?
Last week (August 7 -13) a new report was run on either Sky News or BBC World, stating that scientists have actually found crop circles to be caused by localised changes is magnetic fields on the surface of the Earth. When these changes occur, there is a small discharge of static electricity which causes the crops to collapse into the pattern of the magnetic disruption. Anyone else see these reports?



Chaos, panic and disorder - my work here is done
Hi all,

Well, I didn't see that particular documentary, but I've seen plenty of others. I always find it very amusing to see people standing on some grass saying "I feel the power"... Makes you wonder what kinda grass they smoked.

Anyway, I am convinced that they are all man-made. I personally know some artists and I can tell you that when they get an idea, they will realize it, no matter how. To me cropcircles are just like graffiti: another way of art which attracts loads of attention in the beginning, but gets kinda boring after the first 20 you saw.

About the "no human being could ever possibly make that Julia fractalset in crop": well yes, Leonardo da Vinci didn't paint every hair of the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo didn't paint the pope's chapel (sorry, don't know how to phrase it in English) and the piramids weren't built.



"The best thing you can become in life is yourself" -- M. Eyskens.
True, but there is evidence of many crop circles containing slight amounts of radioactivity, and the wheat seeds were distorted. And it is nearly impossible to do something on such a great scale. I mean, some artist, which is either a) drunk, or b) on drugs, going out in the middle of the night, creating a vast complex picture, without any help from the air, without leaving any footprints, pushing the wheat down without breaking it, braiding and tieing the wheat on occassion, create a slight magnetic field through unkown mysterious forces, and finally smuggle some radioactive material and sprinkle it all about, is (in my mind) absurd. Also these artists are in control of a huge international orginization spreading back hundreds of years and devoted to creating circles all over the earth. Lots are created by hoaxers true, but some were created by forces beyond me. Thx for letting me rant, i had to get it out of my system. And also, i shall deliver the rasberry, just for kicks :p

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
regarding crop circles and any equations which arise from them (likely topographical algebra or geometry, or others of course): These things are man made, the conspirators revealed themselves, their methods, and their tools. They even demonstrated how it was all done. They are man made. In light of equations-this sort of thing reminds me of when cults leaders take obscure numerical references in the bible and try to come up with some particular date that the world will end. This is mathematical bullhockey. One thing that is clear about mathematics is that, given enough knowhow, one can make math say about anything. All you have to do is be good at rationalizing nonsensical, unrelated topics. Also the positions of stars are so many that I would be suprized if, given one could quantify anything about the crop circles, they did not correspond with some star positions. Its like shooting blindly into the sky and hoping to hit the sky, not terribly hard.

I'm undecided on who/what is behind them, I don't reject that they are man made but perhaps those of you who are convinced they are man made could explain how the stems are melted at a molecular level???? i.e. not bent not broken MELTED and keep growing with a bend in the stem?? I have only ever read 1 explination that would account for this. But I'd like to here your answers first.
i'm not buyin it..

Originally posted by Henrik
Last week (August 7 -13) a new report was run on either Sky News or BBC World, stating that scientists have actually found crop circles to be caused by localised changes is magnetic fields on the surface of the Earth. When these changes occur, there is a small discharge of static electricity which causes the crops to collapse into the pattern of the magnetic disruption. Anyone else see these reports?

i've seen that theory before, and i think it's bogus for the simple reason that almost all of the circles are particular patterns or pictures, such as the fractals of the Mandlebrot and Julia sets. almost all of the circles are variations of man-made geometric patterns, like the pyramids and star of david, etc. the notion that it's a fluke of nature is just absurd.

however, there are electromagnetic disturbances caused by water patterns underneath the surface of the earth where the bulk of the crops are being formed. whoever is making them must be using something that harnesses that energy.

my theory is that it's someone with a shitload of money (a Rockefeller or Rotheschilde perhaps??) who invested in some zero-point energy machine. so, yes, it is man-made, but the evidence is overwhelming that it is NOT possible to do these patterns with wooden planks.

some pics of the most recent ones:

btw, anyone's whose interested, Tuesday Feb 18th at 7pm EST we're interviewing filmmaker William Gazecki about his current documentary Crop Circles: Quest for Truth on our radio show. go to for more info.

The only argument I've ever seen that would suggest them not being a hoax is the whole stem bending/melting evidence. i have yet to see the hard evidence though, only the mention of it. Anyone have a link to something showing some magnification or analysis or something about what happened to the plants? Without it, it's all hearsay in my book.

And no, I doubt most are natural, due to the various shapes and symbols. Perhaps the first observed one was a freak of nature, and someone took the idea and ran with it.

Both sites listed are great sites for the pictures...I notice the latter even sells them. :rolleyes:

Given the lack of info on the plants, I could think of various ways to make patterns within crops without other people noticing, especially over a long term, and then call the papers as if it's an overnight thing. Apparently there's some money to be made here...
i too have wandered around the theory that someone is making them to make a profit off of them. but you have to realize the implications...

first off, you need a large group of people to pull it off in a short amount of time, that's pretty much a given, unless you have some sort of high technology that will help you (which the magnetic radiation left behind suggests). either way, you need loads of money (unless the people are volunteers... maybe a cult of some sort??), and the money people are making off of pictures of them doesn't seem like it would suffice.

secondly, you would need a master artist to organize such an event. i have to admit, i was in the marching band in high school and we did some pretty crazy shapes on the field. but there were 120 of us. most crop circles are around the size of a football field (some even larger) and the pattern of overlaying the crops (which can be seen in the crop circle pics by the way the sun shines on them) is extremely intricate and precise. they get into that in Gazecki's movie.

you gotta admit here... scientists have used all sorts of instruments to determine their geometric perfection and have come up with very slim chances (like one in 46 million! see: last paragraph on left-hand side) that the geometrical accuracy could have happened by coincidence.

also, the radiation hasn't only been found on one or two of the formations, it's a common occurance. (for stem node and radiation info see: ) stem nodes don't just melt, they explode! what's causing this occurance??

so whoever is making them isn't just some schmoe, it's someone with access to a lot of technology.

there's also the occurance of white balls of light around the formations and in other fields. they've been recorded, and Gazecki actually shows a few of them in the documentary. pretty impressive as people are clearly seeing the balls of light from different positions on the land. in one of the videos, you see the ball of light pass by a tractor and the tractor stops to look at it. another one, the ball of light comes out and two black military helicopters come flying up to look at it. this is strange phenomena we're dealing with here...
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Puzzling...I'd suggest the plasma/sprite connection with something about the areas affected, as they mentioned in the last article, with the aquifers doing something to attract the charge.

But not if the really weird shapes, like the fractal sets, have the same evidence of structure change. My question at this point would be, is there a correllation between the type of shape and the evidence left behind? Do they all share the same charge, radiation, and physical damage, or is this only found in the more natural shapes? Plus, do the locations all have something in common as the plasma/sprite theory suggests?

I don't know if I can write them all off as a hoax...but I'd have to rule out natural causes way before any thoughts of an outside influence crossed my mind.
yes, both the plasma and sprite issues are very interesting. there's a still on the video of a map showing where the bulk of the circles show up and the correlation with the aquifers is amazing. i'll have to watch the video again to find that still cuz i can't seem to find it online anywhere (maybe i can get it from the DVD myself).

also, another thing i find really interesting is that there is much noise about people that claim to have 'interacted' with the circles, or the circlemakers, by holding meditation circles and trying to send a specific pattern mentally. of course they claim to have been answered with the exact formation they 'sent', but it's hearsay, so that's tough evidence to go by. but why would people spend so much time convincing themselves of such a thing? and these are groups of people saying this too. not saying it can't be faked, especially since it can't be proven. but it's an interesting social phenomenon that is surrounding the whole thing.

the most important part of the phenomenon, though, is the religious implications. lots of the formations are variations on ancient sacred geometric symbols, the newest ones reflecting various symbols of mathematics and astronomy, showing the circlemakers' interest in general 'higher wisdom' if that is an appropriate term to use.
bwahahahaa! yeah two guys are running around with wooden planks, mmmhmm... believe whatever you need to believe dude.
oh and to answer your question about consistency of structure change in the crops throughout, YES the changes are all the same, no matter what crop they are. magnetic radiation which decreases with crops picked further and further away from the circles.