Myles, you have no idea what you are talking about. You do not know me. You are making assumptions. They are wrong. And your anecdotal evidence of something that you think relates to my life is, above, part of unasked for condescension.
I am not sure what psychological need you have to make such assumptions, but as someone who thinks he is representing the scientific worldview, you should be embarassed.
I think I know enough about you from your posts to make some sort of judgement about your personal beliefs.
For example, you claim that we all rely on personal experience much of the time. That is true when it comes to everyday matters because we have direct empirical experience to rely on. But when it comes to questions of whether God exists, what his attributes are and so on , you have nothing better to offer than assertions based on personal beliefs which you have arrived at for reasons best known to yourself.
Your problem begins when you speak about your beliefs as if they had the support of empirical evidence, which is untrue. Our experience of gravity can be shared ; religious beliefs cannot other than with others of the same persuasion and, even then, because of the abstract language used it, it is not certain that two people are necessarily discussing the same thing. Hence the endflerss interchanges about what god might or might not want, what it means to be re-born and so on.
You have overlooked the fact that my rtemarks were addressed to Grteenberg
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