Do atheists indocrinate their children into their belief system?

Our two children are both amused that anyone believes in religious hocus pocus. They know about the Easter bunny, Jesus, Leprechans and witches. It's refreshing that most of their friends, even those inculcated in Bible mythology from an early age, have shaken off the Santa Claus and Jesus myths.

They are free to explore Wiccan, Buhddism, Christianity, Hinduism or any set of non-scientific readings they want to.
Dear friends
Though we have different belief , i heratily wish u a happy life.My house is open to u wherever u want.

My question how do u expect u childrfen to have filial devotion and to take care of u when u grow up or even pray for u if they do not have any relationship with GOD


God is not required to be polite or to have ethics. Latvians have many folk tales on how important and virtuous it is to help your old parents, and those tales have nothing to do with any religion.
Needless to add, if you're a good parent - a loving parent, then they will want to take care of you regardless to what sky fairies they or you happen to believe in or not.
Needless to add, if you're a good parent - a loving parent, then they will want to take care of you regardless to what sky fairies they or you happen to believe in or not.

Theres always assisted living.

Anyway it would appear from the posts so far that of all the atheists here, only MW has theist children and she was a thiest when she brought them up.

So clearly, atheist parents have atheist children, who appear to view theists with amusement, suspicion or caution.
Do you know of any atheist children who were atheists, but turned to some religion?

So clearly, atheist parents have atheist children.
Can't say that, it's an inductive conclusion and the people you questioned here are very few, hence it's not a good conclusion.
You need a larger pool of responses to get an answer that is more objective and representative.
Dear friends
Though we have different belief , i heratily wish u a happy life.My house is open to u wherever u want.

Is it there we would be inundated with more preaching or would we be offered some intelligent conversation?

My question how do u expect u childrfen to have filial devotion and to take care of u when u grow up or even pray for u if they do not have any relationship with GOD

Perhaps you should first look at those elderly parents who have been abandoned by their Muslim children.
Do you know of any atheist children who were atheists, but turned to some religion?

Yeah, many of them in late life. I know some who changed their religion as well.

Can't say that, it's an inductive conclusion and the people you questioned here are very few, hence it's not a good conclusion.
You need a larger pool of responses to get an answer that is more objective and representative.

Sure I'm willing to wait on the atheist who is unbiased towards religion when discussing it with his or her kids. :)
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Needless to add, if you're a good parent - a loving parent, then they will want to take care of you regardless to what sky fairies they or you happen to believe in or not.

Very true. I don't know why believing in wood sprites, virgin births or elephant gods would aid in taking care of a loved one.
Is it there we would be inundated with more preaching or would we be offered some intelligent conversation?

Perhaps you should first look at those elderly parents who have been abandoned by their Muslim children.

If what u say it is true do not blame islam.I know that they are some evil who send their parents to elderly house to please their wives or after they steal them.but these people are bad.

And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.” [Quran 31:14]
And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.” [Quran 17: 23]
So, as you see, many Muslims don't care for their children therefore being religious does not guarantee that the same person will care for his parents.
Today we all get together and the grandkids will probably be told about Easter eggs being the Celtic symbol of fertility and immortality. the cycle of life. If they someday want to pursue this further and worship the spirit of the Oak Tree then that's their perogrative. My expectation, however, is that they'll be enlightened third generation atheists. They are still young enough to 'believe' in Santa but I don't expect them to hold that belief once they are more steeped in scientific thinking.

Again, however, if they want to maintain a belief in the Jolly Old Elf, flying reineer and so on, that's up to them. Spirits, angels, eye of newt, crucifixes, mistletoe, various floods, Noahs Ark, Pinnochio, Jesus, Batman, and SpongeBob. They'll know them all but it's hard to introduce them to all fantasies. Most of that is done through cultural osmosis. I suppose we could tack up images of Vishnu, Zeus, and the Green Lantern but there's a limit to how much a kid can absorb. There's hundreds of religions and kids will discover their own paths.
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Eggs are not exclusively a Celtic symbol of fertility, it's a symbol for that in many cultures around the world. You could say that it's an universal, archetypal symbol of fertility.
Symbolic thinking is a part of being human, and they are not only religious symbols.
So, as you see, many Muslims don't care for their children therefore being religious does not guarantee that the same person will care for his parents.

A real muslim is ethical and wellmannererd.they are some arabs who only have muslim names.they are distant of islam and its teaching.They even fight against islam with pen .
arabs are less than one third of muslims around the world
Eggs are not exclusively a Celtic symbol of fertility, it's a symbol for that in many cultures around the world. You could say that it's an universal, archetypal symbol of fertility.
Symbolic thinking is a part of being human, and they are not only religious symbols.

True. No way however we'll start listing off religions for them to delve into. Probably dozens used the egg as some imagery or another. We're celtic background so we;ll stick to that. Besides, it they start worshipping oak trees, they are more likey to take care of us in old age ;)