Do Atheists ever doubt their belief?

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“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno, Isis, Astara, IPU, Quetzalcoatl & the Great Wolf Spirit? If not, do you ever doubt your lack of belief in them?
1111 ”

You never have ANY doubt? You never wonder if you're mistaken & maybe you should believe in them?
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno, Isis, Astara, IPU, Quetzalcoatl & the Great Wolf Spirit? If not, do you ever doubt your lack of belief in them?
1111 ”

You never have ANY doubt? You never wonder if you're mistaken & maybe you should believe in them?

Uh no... and no. Sorry dude ;)
If I ever get doubtful, I just call myself agnostic for a few days. Not too much to worry about for us atheists, really.
Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno, Isis, Astara, IPU, Quetzalcoatl & the Great Wolf Spirit? If not, do you ever doubt your lack of belief in them?

I don't doubt that they were right in determining some element to be greater than themselves. Whether they had a fully complete or accurate depiction of that element is something else ....
My atheism requires no belief or disbelief.

Your question should be: "Do atheists ever have moments when they think a god or gods may exist?"

This wouldn't be a weakness of their "beliefs" in atheism, but a sliver of belief in the direction of theism. Atheism is not an active stance, it is a passive, natural stance. We are all born atheists, and most of us remain atheistic towards 99.99% of all superstitious nonsense for our entire lives, only adopting the .01% of lunacy that infected our parents.
My atheism requires no belief or disbelief.
I'm always amazed how atheists start with statements like this, only to be followed by .....

Your question should be: "Do atheists ever have moments when they think a god or gods may exist?"

This wouldn't be a weakness of their "beliefs" in atheism, but a sliver of belief in the direction of theism. Atheism is not an active stance, it is a passive, natural stance. We are all born atheists, and most of us remain atheistic towards 99.99% of all superstitious nonsense for our entire lives, only adopting the .01% of lunacy that infected our parents.
a detailed explanation of their beliefs .....
An atheist could wonder if perhaps there was something to religion

Most atheists have exposure to the local religions. They can see what they are about and often have practiced them at one point or another. For example I tried out various protestant faiths and was a catholic for 11 years. I've also investigated paganism, new age, pantheism and religous forms of Buddhism.

What exactly is left to wonder about?

or that perhaps it might be good or correct to believe in God.

How can believing what is manifestly false be good or correct?

An atheist could feel anxiety that perhaps they should investigate this or that religion more or wonder if they made a mistake when they left a religion.

Why would they do that? Is it a mistake not to be a rastaman or a roadman? How about Unite Vegital or the Raelians? At least I know what the offer.

Thiests are always so proud of their own religion, but how can I choose one set of unsupported claims over another?
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