Do atheists believe in survival of the fittest?

Survival of the fittest

  • Big fish feed the little fish

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About survival of the fittest, I mean.

Though that is an interesting question.

Are there atheists who are not evolutionists?
Well the phrase was coined by a guy called Herbert Spencer who was looking to apply what he saw (and somewhat misunderstood) as evolutionary principles to his ideas on economics.

As such social and ecomonic Darwinism aren't adequate analogues of natural selection, and indeed from a political sense are more closely alligned with the right wing, religious, anti-evolution crowd's ideologies than they are to a humanistic outlook.

Does that answer your question?
BIg fish = fitter

little fish = not so fit.


You've highlighted nicely problem with the phrase and shows that it has misunderstood evolutionary theory.

It tends to apply subjective human values to what constitutes fitness - small may be fitter in certain circumstances - size or strength or intelligence may have no bearing on fitness in nature.

The reality is that ToE would say something like - "survival of the just fit enough"
As compared to the not fit enough?

more like as compared to "the biggest, strongest, most brutish, monkey survives"

for example co-operation, community, and altruism were likely survival factors for early humans - rather than the kind of fierce individualism that a phrase like "the survial of the fittest" suggests
I believe that the strong should always help the weak, not take advantage of them like many religions, governments and businesses do. It seems that many see trying to help others is somehow a siggn of weakness while I see it as a very high value in my life. I help when I can and where I can. I lend my experiance, wisdom, kindness and time with those who need it and aren't trying to just "use" me. :)