Do any of you have psychic powers yet?

Kinetic Spirit

Possessed Immortal
Registered Senior Member
I must know If any of you guys have psychic powers yet. I don't want lies :( I really would like to talk to you about it.


goodbye...until we meet again...

Uhh.. exactly what do you mean by that?

Sorta like seeing the future?

*is new to this subject*
Some Empathic abilities and some slight precognition,,, Used to do more but I cant channel as much energy for now.
Haha empathy and precognition, eh?

What exactly do you mean by that? You can pick up on peoples mood and sometimes experience Deja Vou? Neither of these are psychic powers, and both are quite mundane.

As for channeling energy, no one can, you clearly don't even know what the word means if you would use it as such.
Originally posted by Mystech
Haha empathy and precognition, eh?

What exactly do you mean by that? You can pick up on peoples mood and sometimes experience Deja Vou? Neither of these are psychic powers, and both are quite mundane.

As for channeling energy, no one can, you clearly don't even know what the word means if you would use it as such.
Empathy in a psychic sense. For example, knowing how someone feels without any contact with them, or having an knowing what they're thinking while they're talking about something else.
Precognition... Think Spider-Sense.
To channel is to direct along a desired course. By channel energy I mean to channel the energy contained within a human being, say by meditation.
Id like to try stick to the topic of the thread with as little scrutiny as possible, if thats ok with you Mystech. if you want to continue then just use the PM system.
Originally posted by man_of_jade

Id like to try stick to the topic of the thread with as little scrutiny as possible, if thats ok with you Mystech.

Only those who are trying to deceive fear scrutiny, man of jade.
i used to have those dreams that foretell future, now i just have visions (not NOW now, im so tired of college i barely have energy for a thought of moving a finger; drained). i did communication by thought, where you mentally tell someone to do smthg and they do it, but i forgot how to (messes up karma, i think). but i read people's thoughts if were close, physically and in relationship.
why, k.s., what do you want?
I haven't developled powers yet but...

:( I haven't developed any abilities yet but with my meditations I have noticed things I haven't noticed before. I really thing everyone who loves to learn should meditate. No matter what your learning. Meditation is good for your mind and helps you and others around you.

thx :(

goodbye...untill we meet again...
Meditation is good for your mind.
As for developing your natural abilities requires first defining them then exercising them.
We are all born with different abilities others may be acquired after training the ones we have. The most common is precognition this is primarily due to the fact that the subconscious is a very powerful computer it processes data that we aren't even aware that we are collecting. The second is probably telepathy and operates on an subconscious level we experience it when we have a gut feeling about some one else especially someone met for the first time.

To find these abilities one must look for multiple occurrences of odd coincidences in ones life then try to reproduce them.

With respect
;) :cool:
Very true! now that you mentioned it, i noticed that even though i could have those weird dreams ever since i was little my abilities developed after i started to pay more atention to the "odd" things. As for consciously developing a skill... i never succeeded. i think its really smthg that happens on its own... somebody please enlighten me on the range of things psychics can do and how to do it.
another thing, i always pondered if everything in life has a purpose, what is the purpose of my ability to predict the future (i cant change it).
As for consciously developing a skill... i never succeeded.

In my opinion consciously developing a skill is considered as theory wich may be used later on as practice.
Originally posted by whitewolf
Very true! now that you mentioned it, i noticed that even though i could have those weird dreams ever since i was little my abilities developed after i started to pay more atention to the "odd" things. As for consciously developing a skill... i never succeeded. i think its really smthg that happens on its own... somebody please enlighten me on the range of things psychics can do and how to do it.
another thing, i always pondered if everything in life has a purpose, what is the purpose of my ability to predict the future (i cant change it).

as to the first question "somebody please enlighten me on the range of things psychics can do and how to do it." that answer would behard as abilities and methods of use are as veryed as the users.
The second is to allow you to prepair and influnce the future past that point.

with respect
Can anyone do telekinesis at the moment?

Im really curious If any of you actually can move objects with your mind or have done it by accident.

I also want to know how you guys meditate? If you do that is?

:( Thx

goodbye...until we meet again...
closest thing i can offer you from my experience are these:
(1) when i was ab 4, my mom tried teaching me how to swim. she was holding me up w one arm and chatting with my sister. i had nothing to do, and thought: "what would it feel like to drown?" next thing i knew my mom let go of me and i slowly watched water rize up right in front of my eyes.
(2) ab a year ago, at a party, we were sitting around in the kitchen and i thought "what if that pan (on unlit stove!) would burn?" 30 minutes later it was burning. i swear i didnt do or say anything to cause that! nobody confessed. i guess it did that by itself.
wow thats wierd!

Gee your case is really wierd. I've never heard about that happening to anyone its nice to hear other people's accidents.
not sure

When I get angry closed doors fly open as do hinged windows or slam shut when open. Any electric watch in close proximity is fried (1 ft), radios and TV's are besieged by static and digital calculators experience weird errors and people have accidents.

When I am being pushed by other people they receive the full range of bad karma lawyers have been threw in prison and psychiatrist commit suicide

As for meditation I use different techniques for different purposes. To calm and clear my mind I use the void technique. I concentrate on my breathing while visualizing an abyss that is totally empty I place my self in the center then open my mind to the void and let all my thoughts to drift away to its furthest corners.

For energizing my spirit I follow the void with the ball of light. I visualize a ball of pure energy being formed above my head. When formed I draw it down through my head to the region of my solar plexus I then start it to vibrate and spread through my body this continues till I am filled and my body resonates with the flow of the energy and universe.

For protection I use the sphere of protection. I calm my mind and visualize a sphere forming around myself this sphere is clear from the inside and silver on the outside it reflects all negative energy back to its source while allowing positive energy to pass through.

with respect
oh yes, forgot meditation.
my advice is browse some books on wicca, witchcraft; these people find meditation quite important, and you'll find a nice variety of things you can do.
as for me, i use the methods mentioned above. then there's this one i fished out, where you sit calmly and visualize yourself as a large tree, with a nice trunk, lush branches and leaves, and long roots running deep into earth, and then energy, as bright yellow light, running up those roots and spreading throughout your tree body and every leaf; then, all of that energy has to come back to earth. whenever i try to raise energy inside myself i visualize it as that yellow light.
i honestly doubt the effectiveness of meditation, but if anything, you dont have to believe in these things for them to work (thank Gods!), and my predictions have become more clear and exact.
welcome to this new world; it is just as rich and large as the world of people who dont believe in these things.
Heard of such?

Hmmm. I am a specialist in "arranged chances", some people call them "sync"s. Example: I went to a supermarket today and the customer before me had to pay 269,50. Guess what? My bill was ... 269,50. A few days back a friend asked me how I do to always meet the most interesting people. I answered jokingly: Oh, they just come flying to me. Few hours later, a parrot flew in my garden and in fact is (as I write this) defecating on my shoulder :) . Things like this happen all the time and those syncs are becoming more often.... What is that?
trying to get some

I recently dedicated myself as a solitary witch and I have personally been trying to increase my phsic powers, if you wanna call them that. I do meditate and do creative visualisationa fair bit. i can cast a circle, evoke an aspect of a deity andcause something to happen (ie a healing) although I am not very skilled and a pretty big newbie. is that what you mean?