Discussing religion is literally a waste of time and energy

IOW the very nature of material existence challenges the adage of making the best use of a bad bargain for as long as one is dictated by a quality of existence that has no greater sphere than sensual enjoyment and mundane appearances.

Could you suggest an alternative that does not require me to surrender my integrity?
Could you suggest an alternative that does not require me to surrender my integrity?
If one's integrity is dictated by sensual enjoyment and mundane appearances, I would suggest its a poor use of the word ... much less any concern about having surrendered it to a dubious proposition ...
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yet mortality still has a success rate of 100% ... which is why I said "once again you are either dumbing down the term or possessed of a state of willful ignorance" ... or even earlier .... Iow discussing science as somehow being a magical panacea to the problems of material existence requires a dumbed down definition of existence at best or a willful state of ignorance or intellectual immaturity regarding the the nature of suffering in the material world at worst.

I see. So because science has only made life longer and healthier and happier for the vast majority of humans but hasn't granted us immortality, it isn't any better than religion that has in fact never done either? Why is avoiding death so important for you? Are you afraid 80 years of healthy life in the 21st century isn't enough time to accomplish all you want to? Or is it something else? Maybe the dread of seeing everything you desperately cling to disappear forever?

IOW talking about improved healthcare as a solution to the problem of death requires a dumbed down definition of existence or a willful state of intellectual immaturity,

That death is a "problem" is your assumption not mine. Frankly I find the prospect of eternal rest quite appealing.

Yet you cite longevity as an attractive feature of existence. I am simply pointing out that it is no real solution

Living longer happier and healthier lives is a solution to the problem of living shorter less happy and disease ridden lives. That we eventually die isn't part of that problem. In fact it's part of the solution.

More to the point, there is nothing a gross materialist can do about it despite engineering their lives in such a manner to desperately try to avoid it

A gross materialist is trying to avoid dying? In what sense? Why would he want to permanently avoid death if he as a materialist fully accepts the limitations of his physical body? It is the religionist who lives in craven terror of permanently dying and so losing all the things he has come to habitually rely on.

Which explains why the cessation of experience (so-called death) is so problematic

The cessation of experience in death isn't problematic except in your own mind.

actually if you want to talk about the rotting miasma of irrelevant superstitions and trite rituals you should take a closer look at what people do as a consequence of attachment to things that will shortly cease to exist

Noone does that better than the religious..

loland how do you propose to evolve and progress (even if its only materially ... which I think we can both agree has an inevitable end game plan that eventually undoes everything) without stability?

Reason and knowledge provides a solid basis of information on which to pivot towards new evolutionary possibilities. Religion provides none of this. It is a wastebin of old defunct concepts and childish myths than no longer have place in this world.

IOW its a misconception for a gross materialist to belittle god for not delivering a safe haven for their insignificant desires when he designed the world (a world we inevitably get attached to) for the very reason of highlighting the folly of such desires.

And yet a whole world that thrives on progress and material improvement contradicts you. People are happier than they have ever been, and that's certainly not due to any of the insanity religion has spread for over 3000 years.

course, despite all such belittling discussion by such gross materialists, they inevitably work in the same fashion of trying sustain and maintain such desires despite admitting (at least in their saner moments) the inevitable futility of it

I don't see any futility in material pleasure. In fact I have a hard time conceiving of any other kind.

uess we can automatically dismiss the bravado of being materially indifferent you were alluding to in teh previous paragraph

I affirmed materiality as a creative flux. It is glorious and wondrous and energetic. There's not a thing about material reality I would change despite your religious need to demonize it.

s why the tragedy of the situation is that such individuals get out-performed by pigs, dogs and camels

You seem inordinately impressed by the activities of animals. What's the fascination? Do you really have such little respect for the lives of your fellow humans?

l me, since you said the nature of it would somehow spoil the notion of eternal existence ....

How is spoiling the notion of eternal existence a problem? Everyone dies. We need to face and accept that. Deluding ourselves with dreams of heaven and eternity might well be a form of mental masturbation for the self-deprived.

are not planning to slit your wrists this sunday, you can already answer that question

I have to be immortal not to want to commit suicide? How ridiculous..

u have certainly done a full circuit, haven't you?
Initially you extol the glories of existence by saying what a fine thing it is to live long through medicine and now you admit that the quality of material existence is so feeble and insignificant that prolonging it is of no real consequence or value.:shrug:

I only acknowledged the feeble pseudolife of religion, which presents a quagmire of fictions and fantasies that drains the spirit of all energy and motivation to better itself. Material living remains exactly what I said it was--an adventure full of energy and possibilities and joys far beyond anything promised in scriptures.

Actually existence is all about attachment. It doesn't matter whether you are Billy Joel, a 5 year old or someone with terminal cancer.
Death spells the end of such attachment which explains why it is such a confounding kink in the plans of those who's vision is prohibited from extending beyond such things.

Actually existence is all about letting go and being open to what comes next. As I already clearly stated.

well you are the one who portrayed the bible as establishing such things. Obviously you belong (or at least used to belong) to the category, so it probably explains 99% of your undertstanding of such matters

And 99% of all Christians' understanding of such matters as well..

given the perennial nature of suffering in places with less disease and poverty its difficult to say how it is.

Given? Where is less disease and poverty causing more instead of less suffering?

There are even studies that show material opulence, after one has utilized it to put a roof over one's head and food in one's stomach, doesn't play such a great role in establishing personal happiness. Its simply a delusion of the gross materialist to work harder than an ass for material benefits that are more easily available as a pig or dog.

Citations please..

yet you are completely unsatisfied with merely eating food and paying the energy bills to reap the benefits of owning a room heater ...

I am? How would you know something like that?

which is why your field of activities expand to many complex social interactions and aspirations which is the real network of your existence of attachment (and of course aversion).

That's certainly part of my life. But its not the end all and be all of my whole existence. I have many activities that I enjoy. None of which fixate me to the monstrous barbarisms of a religion that continues to thrive on fear and hatred and guilt.

No doubt you will try and deny this by speaking some trite nonsense about renunciation that you don't understand and cannot perform .... but you should understand that one cannot simultaneously "pursue the sensual" (as you explain in the paragraph below) and hope to be free from the network of entanglement as explained in this scriptural paragraph.

I don't need to "pursue the sensual." It's right here, as far from my eyes as light itself or from my ears as music itself. We are awash with sensuality and feeling. It drives our whole sense of being alive and real. Taste, smell, touch. All is right here available to us at all times. It flows thru our veins and our nerves. It is who we are, religious delusions of some gaseous soul notwithstanding.

death, especially as it is traveled to via old age, is not an open door to endless possibilities ... what to speak of the innumerable complex reactions that arise from the pursuit of material desire. I mean sure, embracing the sensual is something very appealing ... but its the inevitable consequences from it that are FORCED upon us that causes the problem. This is why material life is a strange dichotomy of the pursuit of things we are strongly attached to followed by the repugnant (and doomed) attempt to renounce the consequences from such pursuits. So there is a hard work to pursue the sensual followed by a hard work to avoid the consequences ... with predictable results

That's what I said. Embrace and let go. Everywhere this rhythm is the same. Receive and release. Affirm and detach. The whole universe vibrates with this chord. We would do well to learn it.

IOW you are big on the propaganda of embracing the sensual, but its the very nature of material existence that by doing so you will find yourself being embraced by many things you will have to work ten times as hard to try and avoid.

Embrace and let go. Just like I said..

You're deluded.

But then I'm not the one defending the claim of an invisible magical skydaddy who will make me live forever because I'm scared of permanent loss am I?

Your molars definitely are rotting ... and when they are finally useless (assuming that you actually live to such an age) your dentist (who will no doubt be younger than you and naturally embody the health and vigor that has since passed and is unattainable to you) will be able to provide you with another solution (provided of course you can afford it) and say something like "these will make it look just like new, and charm the young girls at the store when you smile at them" (even though you are buying colostomy bag replacements).

Nope. My teeth are in fine shape. Sorry to disappoint...

IOW the very nature of material existence challenges the adage of making the best use of a bad bargain for as long as one is dictated by a quality of existence that has no greater sphere than sensual enjoyment and mundane appearances.

Even your much touted heaven relies on projections of sensory experiences. Visions of golden streets. Trees of magical fruit. Streams of refreshing crystal water. 99 virgins awaiting every Islamic martyr. There is simply no pleasure apart from the senses. Religion is nothing if not the tragic history of all failed attempts at finding one.
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I see. So because science has only made life longer and healthier and happier for the vast majority of humans but hasn't granted us immortality, it isn't any better than religion that has in fact never done either? Why is avoiding death so important for you? Are you afraid 80 years of healthy life in the 21st century isn't enough time to accomplish all you want to? Or is it something else? Maybe the dread of seeing everything you desperately cling to disappear forever?
err .. no
I am simply pointing out how the innate problems of material existence have not been touched by so-called advancements in science.
It was you who was trying to put forward the case that this isn't so on the strength of medicine.

That death is a "problem" is your assumption not mine. Frankly I find the prospect to eternal rest quite appealing.
yet for some funny reason not appealing enough to take it up right now (and probably only would seriously contemplate it when your body is at the tail end of its predictable course)

Living longer happier and healthier lives is a solution to the problem of living shorter less happy and disease ridden lives. That we eventually die isn't part of that problem. In fact it's part of the solution.
the fact that you die, probably after passing through the phases of old age (with its concomitant state of disease) is something you cannot solve, period.
If death wasn't such a problem, you wouldn't be making such a song and dance about medicine, trying to puff it up in a manner that it obviously isn't

A gross materialist is trying to avoid dying?
Not just them.
Every living entity.
Its kind of the cornerstone of sanity.

In what sense? Why would he want to permanently avoid death if he as a materialist fully accepts the limitations of his physical body?
but they don't fully accept it. That's the point.
They may accept it as inevitable but that certainly does nothing to stem the tide of activities that a gross materialist performs in order to postpone (or forget) the inevitable

It is the religionist who lives in craven terror of permanently dying and so losing all the things he has come to habitually rely on.
On the contrary, the gross materialist habitually relies on things that will fail them - the most prime example being of course their fallible body.

The cessation of experience in death isn't problematic except in your own mind.
and yours too if you have better plans this sunday aside from slitting your wrists

Noone does that better than the religious..
actually its the forte of the hopelessly materially attached ... regardless whether they take an appearance of the religious or boldly atheistic

Reason and knowledge provides a solid basis of information on which to pivot towards new evolutionary possibilities. Religion provides none of this. It is a wastebin of old defunct concepts and childish myths than no longer have place in this world.
And thats the point : take all this so-called solid basis of knowledge for so-called "new" evolutionary possibilities and it can't compare to a mere paragraph of scripture. IOW it offers nothing but hopeless attachment to things that will shortly cease to exist in a pattern of chewing what is already being chewed.
I mean you may think you are better than a dog because you do your business on four wheels rather than four legs ... but if the business is exactly the same than the dog has it better since they don't have to work to make car repayments.
When you think about it, you wouldn't even have to be a dog owned by a very rich person to enjoy a life that is 10 times more materially enjoyable than your current one.

And yet a whole world that thrives on progress and material improvement contradicts you.
You keep falling back to the same tired arguments.
You continually say the standard problems of material existence are solved by such so-called progress yet all you can talk about is dumbing down the definition ("look how medicine has solved the problem of death!") or attempting to sustain a state of willful ignorance ("death is not a problem for me and it actually solves all the problems .... even though I am obviously not stupid enough to follow my own inane ideas which are obviously nothing but bluff and bravado")

People are happier than they have ever been, and that's certainly not due to any of the insanity religion has spread for over 3000 years.
If you think the key to material happiness lies in the pursuit of sensual enjoyment its simply due to insanity

I don't see any futility in material pleasure. In fact I have a hard time conceiving of any other kind.
This is why dogs and pigs out-perform you

I affirmed materiality as a creative flux.
which obviously isn't the creativity and wonder of ceasing to exist (or even having things one is attached to ceasing to exist)

It is glorious and wondrous and energetic.
which is why the inevitable march of disease and death or even the three fold nature of suffering (suffering caused by natural phenomena, other living entities and even one's own body) effectively curtail life's plans into a battle strategy as opposed to a delightful stroll down the yellow brick road

There's not a thing about material reality I would change despite your religious need to demonize it.
I'm actually speaking the truth.
What to speak of being explicitly my religious take on it, its practically impossible to find any sort of philosophical take on the subject, atheistic or otherwise, that entertains the hallucinatitive dribble you are going on with.

IOW, philosophically speaking, to talk of being simultaneously readily engaged in material enjoyment and also establishing a sort of detachment from the inevitable short comings of it is not the sort of thing you hear from any sort of credible philosophical school.

You seem inordinately impressed by the activities of animals. What's the fascination? Do you really have such little respect for the lives of your fellow humans?
I am just delineating the tragedy of the situation.
Sparrows don't need to take sleeping pills at night.
Or work in a factory.

How is spoiling the notion of eternal existence a problem? Everyone dies. We need to face and accept that. Deluding ourselves with dreams of heaven and eternity might well be a form of mental masturbation for the self-deprived.
Obviously you don't have the resources to entertain alternatives but my actual question was why do you find dying to be some sort of hold up for the question of eternal life.

Earlier you said words to the effect that god offers eternal life but the joke of this is that you have to die.
My question if you have eternal life, how is "dying" going to ruin the game plan?
It seems to me, the only problem with that proposal is that it would involve having to detach from one's already established (material) position ... which of course is the fundamental problem for the gross materialist in practically every one of their 24 hours

I have to be immortal not to want to commit suicide? How ridiculous..
If death is such an apparent non-issue for you and even an important solution to the problem of existence itself (at least IYHO), the question remains why it always remains low on your priority list.
Of course the obvious answer is that existence - even if its the dreadful sort that sees us take second place to dogs - is preferable in a million and one different ways that non-existence is not

I only acknowledged the feeble pseudolife of religion, which presents a quagmire of fictions and fantasies that drains the spirit of all energy and motivation to better itself. Material living remains exactly what I said it was--an adventure full of energy and possibilities and joys far beyond anything promised in scriptures.
since the energy is limited, so are the possibilities ... which in turn provides limited resources to what effectively becomes a dog eat dog world .... and to make matters worse, the nature of being attached to a world of limited things that will shortly cease to exist engineers a whole bevvy of aspirations and anxiety that are so constant in their afflictions that people commonly attribute a happiness to the mere ability to not suffer at the current moment (just like you said earlier : I have eaten and I have a working heater so I am happy - basically you are just saying you have temporarily solved your problem of hunger and heating).

IOW what you call happiness is of such a low grade it is actually categorized as suffering in scripture. All you can talk about is the so-called adventure of establishing temporary solutions to problems that will, due to the superior nature of material, eventually engulf you.

Call it dynamic or energetic, but if you call it happiness you are simply trying to stabilize on an unsatisfactory level of performance.
This is why animals always out-perform humans in material affairs since the human form, with its facilities of superior intelligence, simply cannot hope to be happy simply by eating food in a heated apartment.

Actually existence is all about letting go and being open to what comes next. As I already clearly stated.
yet no one wants to "let go" right now because they are bound by attachment.
IOW, as far as engineering a life plan/outlook goes, we only entertain "new possibilities" from the established plateau of our attachments ( a plateau that eventually falls away despite our most ardent desires and endeavours).

Of course at this point you may like to inject "but this is simply the way things are" but given that people operate their lives to avoid or postpone such an inevitability, it clearly shows that this is more a problem that they cannot solve as opposed to a mere non-problem.

And 99% of all Christians understanding of such matters as well..
But that statement is moot since it would draw from your already existing knowledge base on the subject ... which you already explained when you talked about how the bible is portrayed

Given? Where is less disease and poverty causing more instead of less suffering?
practically everywhere.
Its not like the newspapers are thinner in such places because they have no subject matter.

Citations please..
just try google on "statistics on happiness"


I am? How would you know something like that?
I assumed that a person who extols the variety and energy and opportunities of material existence had recourse to grander experiences and aspirations than eating a sandwich in front of a room heater

That's certainly part of my life. But its not the end all and be all of my whole existence. I have many activities that I enjoy. None of which fixate me to the monstrous barbarisms of a religion that continues to thrive on fear and hatred and guilt.
Fear, hatred and guilt are but a few simply sub-categories of attachment and aversion.

I don't need to "pursue the sensual." It's right here, as far from my eyes as light itself or from my ears as music itself. We are awash with sensuality and feeling. It drives our whole sense of being alive and real. Taste, smell, touch. All is right here available to us at all times. It flows thru our veins and our nerves. It is who we are, religious delusions of the soul notwithstanding.
yet the more complex consequence of such a reality is that you are more than just an instrument amassing information from your environment - you are also a sentient being with aspirations that seeks out to shape the environment and interact with others in a host of different relationships (which in turn, provides another complex level of information assessment and aspiration).
IOW you have a life dictated by attachment and aversion and its the pursuit of such values that dictate your psychological complexity (or simplicity for that matter .... if you have no aspiration beyond eating a sandwich in front of a room heater in winter)

That's what I said. Embrace and let go. Everywhere this rhythm is the same. Receive and release. Affirm and detach. The whole universe vibrates with this chord. We would do well to learn it.
But its not like that all since the only moment people tend to let go is when they eventually find themselves in scenarios they have desperately tried to avoid and it is pulled away from them.

Embrace and let go. Just like I said..
but thats the problem of material existence - its not dictated by your powers of embracing (hence the position of unfulfilled desire) or your powers of letting go (try tell the bank that you have renounced the bank loan you took out from them 3 years ago).

At this point you might try and palm this all off with bravado and try and play yourself like some sort of androgynous automaton or self realized yogi in complete control of their senses that is untouched by the psychological phenomena that is so prevalent in contemporary society ("I don't care if the bank freezes my assets/ my children get molested by the police/ the next door neighbor runs over my dog/ I get diagnosed with leukemia/ yada yada) but the fact remains that this so called life outlook of embrace and let go, at the very best, is simply an ideal that faces many practical difficulties since the very nature of the individual doing the embracing or letting go is in a wider environment/society that is vastly more powerful and influential and lays the pieces on the game board.

But then I'm not the one defending the claim of an invisible magical skydaddy who will make me live forever am I?
instead you are advocating the idea of engaging whole heartedly in sensual pursuits with no real awareness of the wider environment which will dictate consequences requiring you to work ten times harder to escape

Nope. My teeth are in fine shape. Sorry to disappoint...
congratulations on owning eternal teeth

and so and so.
yes .. on it goes
Time waits for man ... so they say.
I was arguing that there really was a period (roughly 500 - 1000 CE) that can truthfully be called a European 'dark age'. It was certainly a dark age compared to the Greco-Roman civilization that preceeded it.

It effectively marked the end of ancient Greco-Roman civilization. In western Europe, it came dangerously close to ending civilization entirely, by nearly sending culture back to a prehistoric iron-age illiterate village-agriculture level.

A comfortable lifestyle tends to prevents people from even just contemplating the consequences of a whole season of crops failing (due to cold temperatures, floods, droughts and disease).

For comparison and more detailed data, see the Irish Potato Famine, for example.

It's true that the West fought its way back and eventually regained everything it had lost and more. But suppose that it had never been necessary to do that. What if ancient civilization had never collapsed but had continued to progress instead?

Then they'd probably nuked eachother out a few centuries earlier.

It isn't certain that Greco-Roman civilization would have survived had Christianity never been established. Given the unpredictable vagueries of history, it's probably impossible to say with any certainty how things would look today had ancient civilization survived. But it's certainly an interesting question to speculate about.

Then why place the blame on the Catholic Church?
Because they already know they're going to a bad place in the afterlife, so they may as well get their insults in now while they still can.

I don't think you get it. Atheists don't believe in your "bad place in the afterlife", so it doesn't worry them one bit.
I don't think you get it. Atheists don't believe in your "bad place in the afterlife", so it doesn't worry them one bit.

Then why place the blame on the Catholic Church?

Why, on the one hand, acknowledge the versatility of factors involved in social change, but then, on the other hand, nevertheless place the whole blame on only one?

Why favor the Theory of Evolution - but resent when one ends up on the losing end of it?
err .. no
I am simply pointing out how the innate problems of material existence have not been touched by so-called advancements in science. It was you who was trying to put forward the case that this isn't so on the strength of medicine.

Less suffering due to vaccinations, cures, surgery, and a healthier lifestyle isn't touching the innate problems of material existence? Not having to physically exert ourselves as much in our work and our traveling isn't solving the problem of life's exhausting drudgery. The suffering of millions caused by mental disorders and addictions isn't being alleviated by medications and therapies designed to enhance recovery? Science is constantly facilitating all sorts of solutions to the "innate problems of material existence". To deny this is just delusional.

yet for some funny reason not appealing enough to take it up right now (and probably only would seriously contemplate it when your body is at the tail end of its predictable course)

To everything there is a season, a time to live and a time to die. That's from your own Bible btw.

the fact that you die, probably after passing through the phases of old age (with its concomitant state of disease) is something you cannot solve, period.

The fact that I die solves the problem of suffering in a diseased aged body and mind. It isn't part of the problem. It is the solution.

If death wasn't such a problem, you wouldn't be making such a song and dance about medicine, trying to puff it up in a manner that it obviously isn't

Medical science alleviates suffering, disease, mental illness, addiction, pain, and the suffering of disabilities. It improves the quality of our lives immensely and continues to do so at an exciting pace. The fact that it doesn't keep us from permanently dying one day is irrelevant to all this.

Not just them.
Every living entity.
Its kind of the cornerstone of sanity.

Yet billions of living entities are leading happy and engaging lives even though they will die someday. How do you explain that?

but they don't fully accept it. That's the point.
They may accept it as inevitable but that certainly does nothing to stem the tide of activities that a gross materialist performs in order to postpone (or forget) the inevitable

Living a long healthy life is just common sense. Trying to avoid ever having to die is something else. A sick and twisted ambition of the religious to compensate for never having the courage to live a fulfilling life.

On the contrary, the gross materialist habitually relies on things that will fail them - the most prime example being of course their fallible body.

People rely on all sorts of things that eventually will fail. Cars, computers, bridges, the stock market. The amount of success they gain from these things far outweighs the inconvenience of having it break down some day. And that includes our bodies as well.

and yours too if you have better plans this sunday aside from slitting your wrists

Why would I slit my wrists?

And thats the point : take all this so-called solid basis of knowledge for so-called "new" evolutionary possibilities and it can't compare to a mere paragraph of scripture. IOW it offers nothing but hopeless attachment to things that will shortly cease to exist in a pattern of chewing what is already being chewed.

There's so many new things coming out of the chute of the future, possibilities we haven't even anticipated, that the need to hold onto any one of them is becoming increasingly impractical. Learning and discovering new things, we are delivered from the compensating fears and attachments to our past. We move on to bigger and better things. That is the nature of evolutionary progress. And dispensing with the myths and superstitions of religion is prime example of this natural trend.

I mean you may think you are better than a dog because you do your business on four wheels rather than four legs ... but if the business is exactly the same than the dog has it better since they don't have to work to make car repayments.

I don't compare myself like that to dogs. I am simply a different being from them. Why do you idealize the experiences of animals? Is your life so miserable that dog's laying around doing nothing is the best option you can imagine for yourself?

When you think about it, you wouldn't even have to be a dog owned by a very rich person to enjoy a life that is 10 times more materially enjoyable than your current one.

If dogs have a happy life, what is that to me? I'm not a dog. Why would I hold them up a standard for what I desire?

You keep falling back to the same tired arguments.
You continually say the standard problems of material existence are solved by such so-called progress yet all you can talk about is dumbing down the definition ("look how medicine has solved the problem of death!") or attempting to sustain a state of willful ignorance ("death is not a problem for me and it actually solves all the problems .... even though I am obviously not stupid enough to follow my own inane ideas which are obviously nothing but bluff and bravado")

Where did I say medicine solved the problem of death? Where did I say that eventually dying someday is even a problem? Medical science increases the longevity and quality of our lives. It even facilitates a comfortable and natural way of dying called hospice and euthanasia. Only a moron would claim that a longer life of less suffering and disease is not improved because we don't live forever. Once again, why do you want to live forever? How does that make life here and now any better than it is now?

If you think the key to material happiness lies in the pursuit of sensual enjoyment its simply due to insanity

It's not the key to anything. It's simply the law of life itself. Insanity is actually the attempt to avoid sensual pleasures for some pie in the sky afterlife. A kind of collective insanity we call religion.

This is why dogs and pigs out-perform you

Out perform me how?

which obviously isn't the creativity and wonder of ceasing to exist (or even having things one is attached to ceasing to exist)

Every moment is a cessation of one experience and the beginning of another one. The passing away of what is into what is no longer and the birth of what is new and full of promise. We should all be used to ceasing to exist by now. It is the law of life itself, to dispense with the past and to embrace the future. Religion is the refusal to do this. It is the fixation on the same old traditions and ideas of thousands of years. That's why it is irrelevant. Because it closes itself from the future.

which is why the inevitable march of disease and death or even the three fold nature of suffering (suffering caused by natural phenomena, other living entities and even one's own body) effectively curtail life's plans into a battle strategy as opposed to a delightful stroll down the yellow brick road

You can certainly sit around and mope all day about all the things that aren't happening in your life and how a lazy well fed dog is a state preferrable to your own. Or you can go out and take charge of your life and make good things happen that fill your life with excitement and pleasure and joy. The choice is yours.

I'm actually speaking the truth.
What to speak of being explicitly my religious take on it, its practically impossible to find any sort of philosophical take on the subject, atheistic or otherwise, that entertains the hallucinatitive dribble you are going on with.
IOW, philosophically speaking, to talk of being simultaneously readily engaged in material enjoyment and also establishing a sort of detachment from the inevitable short comings of it is not the sort of thing you hear from any sort of credible philosophical school.

So what? What need do I have a philosophical schools to lend authority to the firsthandedly learned truths of my life? I have learned purely from experience. Only the religious must fall back on abstractions and formulae for living a life they are too scared to actively live out.

I am just delineating the tragedy of the situation.
Sparrows don't need to take sleeping pills at night.
Or work in a factory.

Sparrows die of disease, frost bite and predatory hunters all the time. I wouldn't be so ready to idealize their lives as some sort paradisical state of perfect leisure and pleasure.

Obviously you don't have the resources to entertain alternatives but my actual question was why do you find dying to be some sort of hold up for the question of eternal life.

Earlier you said words to the effect that god offers eternal life but the joke of this is that you have to die.
My question if you have eternal life, how is "dying" going to ruin the game plan?

It doesn't ruin the game plan for me because I'm not religious. It only ruins the game plan of those who have to believe they will live forever in a state of perfect leisure and bliss. Death is only a problem for the delusionally pious who are so unhappy in this life it actually takes belief in an eternity in heaven to make them happy. Newflash: if you haven't mastered the art of sensual pleasure in this life then a whole eternity in paradise won't do you any good at all.

It seems to me, the only problem with that proposal is that it would involve having to detach from one's already established (material) position ... which of course is the fundamental problem for the gross materialist in practically every one of their 24 hours

Every moment we detach from a past material position to a new material position. Like I said, matter is in constant flux and transforming itself all the time. The lesson of material existence is simple: embrace, let go, and re-embrace the new. We're doing this all the time without thinking about it.

If death is such an apparent non-issue for you and even an important solution to the problem of existence itself (at least IYHO), the question remains why it always remains low on your priority list.
Of course the obvious answer is that existence - even if its the dreadful sort that sees us take second place to dogs - is preferable in a million and one different ways that non-existence is not

The fact that I accept my passage from the present moment every second is the reason I have no problem with eventually dying someday. I accept the inevitability of this fate. And it gives my life a value and importance it would not normally have if I thought I was going to live forever.

since the energy is limited, so are the possibilities ... which in turn provides limited resources to what effectively becomes a dog eat dog world .... and to make matters worse, the nature of being attached to a world of limited things that will shortly cease to exist engineers a whole bevvy of aspirations and anxiety that are so constant in their afflictions that people commonly attribute a happiness to the mere ability to not suffer at the current moment (just like you said earlier : I have eaten and I have a working heater so I am happy - basically you are just saying you have temporarily solved your problem of hunger and heating).

I haven't temporarily solved the problem of hunger and heating. I have permanently solved it. My life is far better thanks to my access to material perks and convenience. You'd have to be one pessimistic fool not to recognize this in your own life.

IOW what you call happiness is of such a low grade it is actually categorized as suffering in scripture. All you can talk about is the so-called adventure of establishing temporary solutions to problems that will, due to the superior nature of material, eventually engulf you.

I'm going die of hunger or freeze to death someday? How so? And frankly, I don't care what the Bible calls suffering--a book responsible for more misery and guilt and fear than any other book ever published.

Call it dynamic or energetic, but if you call it happiness you are simply trying to stabilize on an unsatisfactory level of performance.
This is why animals always out-perform humans in material affairs since the human form, with its facilities of superior intelligence, simply cannot hope to be happy simply by eating food in a heated apartment.

And yet here I am quite happy with my material comforts and pleasures. I'm a living refutation of your whole cynical outlook that man can never be happy without immortality. I'm doing quite well without that delusion thank you.

yet no one wants to "let go" right now because they are bound by attachment.
IOW, as far as engineering a life plan/outlook goes, we only entertain "new possibilities" from the established plateau of our attachments ( a plateau that eventually falls away despite our most ardent desires and endeavours).

Openness to the future, seen for what it is, gives us more and better things that outweigh the momentary sadness of saying goodbye to the same ole same ole. Detaching ourselves from the past, we are ready for discovery and creativity. This is the law of the universe.

Of course at this point you may like to inject "but this is simply the way things are" but given that people operate their lives to avoid or postpone such an inevitability, it clearly shows that this is more a problem that they cannot solve as opposed to a mere non-problem.

Wanting to live a long healthy and happy life is the same as wanting to never die? That doesn't follow at all.

practically everywhere.
Its not like the newspapers are thinner in such places because they have no subject matter.

Only bad news gets printed. There are far more good things happening that we never hear about.

I assumed that a person who extols the variety and energy and opportunities of material existence had recourse to grander experiences and aspirations than eating a sandwich in front of a room heater

Eating and being warm aren't parts of the ongoing pleasure of material existence? Since when?

Fear, hatred and guilt are but a few simply sub-categories of attachment and aversion.

All phantoms generated by religious delusion, fostering the unnatural need for an afterlife where all these phantoms it causes will allegedly no longer exist.

yet the more complex consequence of such a reality is that you are more than just an instrument amassing information from your environment - you are also a sentient being with aspirations that seeks out to shape the environment and interact with others in a host of different relationships (which in turn, provides another complex level of information assessment and aspiration).
IOW you have a life dictated by attachment and aversion and its the pursuit of such values that dictate your psychological complexity (or simplicity for that matter .... if you have no aspiration beyond eating a sandwich in front of a room heater in winter)

I'm fine just living my life as I do. I don't need to aspire to greatness or fame or any of the things you apparently ascribe great value too. Simplicity is accepting the everyday materiality of being as just what it is and nothing else. Totally satisfying and totally fulfilling.

But its not like that all since the only moment people tend to let go is when they eventually find themselves in scenarios they have desperately tried to avoid and it is pulled away from them.

Then they let it go and move on. No problema..

but thats the problem of material existence - its not dictated by your powers of embracing (hence the position of unfulfilled desire) or your powers of letting go (try tell the bank that you have renounced the bank loan you took out from them 3 years ago).

Sure it is. Material things only have the value I give them. I can as easily remove that value in favor of new and different things and experience. We do this all the time everyday. It's called growing as a person.

At this point you might try and palm this all off with bravado and try and play yourself like some sort of androgynous automaton or self realized yogi in complete control of their senses that is untouched by the psychological phenomena that is so prevalent in contemporary society ("I don't care if the bank freezes my assets/ my children get molested by the police/ the next door neighbor runs over my dog/ I get diagnosed with leukemia/ yada yada) but the fact remains that this so called life outlook of embrace and let go, at the very best, is simply an ideal that faces many practical difficulties since the very nature of the individual doing the embracing or letting go is in a wider environment/society that is vastly more powerful and influential and lays the pieces on the game board.

It works for me. Don't knock something unless you've tried it.

instead you are advocating the idea of engaging whole heartedly in sensual pursuits with no real awareness of the wider environment which will dictate consequences requiring you to work ten times harder to escape

Only in your imaginary demon haunted universe. When difficulties arise, I simply do as I always do. Let them go and move on. Nothing could be simpler or more self-evident.

congratulations on owning eternal teeth

Teeth that aren't rotting aren't necessarily eternal. When I die they will rot. But not before then.