Discussing religion is literally a waste of time and energy

I think he meant through education, not execution.

< ------ Its ironic that you say this

Christianity almost killed western civilization once with the Dark Ages.

< ------ Followed by this

It appears you aren't educated on the subject ...

Anyway, feel free to offer examples for your claim ... or at the very least, wiki it.
Anyway, perhaps now you'll agree with me that religion is worth discussing because it is the biggest problem facing humanity. If we can't cleanse ourselves of this bullshit, we may all be doomed.

I've just read a story in Rumi, paraphrasing the Koran - the idea is that if God were to show us the real enemy existing inside of us, we'd be paralyzed, unable to do anything, neither work nor be pious.

Funny how hateful atheists as yourself prove things said in old theistic books!
< ------ Its ironic that you say this

< ------ Followed by this

It appears you aren't educated on the subject ...

Anyway, feel free to offer examples for your claim ... or at the very least, wiki it.

Since you did not rebut me, I feel no need to rebut you. Perhaps you are correct, but then you said almost nothing.
Since you did not rebut me, I feel no need to rebut you. Perhaps you are correct, but then you said almost nothing.
You said Christianity nearly wiped out western civilization in the dark ages.

i am saying that is not a statement even remotely accurate according to historians ... hence the irony of your first statement about education.

No doubt you disagree, so I gave you the opportunity to prove otherwise
You said Christianity nearly wiped out western civilization in the dark ages.

i am saying that is not a statement even remotely accurate according to historians ... hence the irony of your first statement about education.

No doubt you disagree, so I gave you the opportunity to prove otherwise

Your argument is very persuasive. Reminds me of an argument I had with my brother when I was a child.
"Is so."
"Is not."
"Is so."
"You stink."
Your argument is very persuasive. Reminds me of an argument I had with my brother when I was a child.
"Is so."
"Is not."
"Is so."
"You stink."
actually my argument is "why/how is it so?" ... so whenever you are ready to exhibit your so-called superior education, please be our guest .....
Your argument is very persuasive. Reminds me of an argument I had with my brother when I was a child.
"Is so."
"Is not."
"Is so."
"You stink."

Back this up by citing some sources.

Oh fuck you. You try and come across as a Christian, or is it a Buddhist and then you make fun of retarded people. Really? I have read all the counter arguments to my statement. That those times were not really that bad. That Christianity saved science. That the problem was the with the pagan hordes. And on an on. The fact of the matter is that Christianity is a superstition based on ignorance. And that those superstitions were enforced during those times, often under pain of death. Not always. Galileo, one of the founders of modern science, only got house arrest for disagreeing with the Church. Others were not so fortunate.

lightgigantic evidently does not know how to make an argument. Here is how it is done.

I make a statement.
lg says, no, that is not correct because of X, Y and Z.
Then I reply, it is correct because of A, B and C.
And so on.

Here is the conversation that happened.

I make a statement.
lg says, that is stupid. Tell me more.

See, that it a pointless discussion so I decided to not engage in it except to point this out.
The fact of the matter is that Christianity is a superstition based on ignorance.

Provide evidence for this.

Oh fuck you. You try and come across as a Christian, or is it a Buddhist

That's just your projection.

and then you make fun of retarded people.

No, of internet discussions. Although I'd still love for someone to convince me that online arguments are sooooooo meaningful and worthwhile.

lightgigantic evidently does not know how to make an argument. Here is how it is done.

I make a statement.
lg says, no, that is not correct because of X, Y and Z.
Then I reply, it is correct because of A, B and C.
And so on.

And so on:

That is not an argument.
You're right.

Its a query about a statement that seems to be pulled out of someone's backside.

To form an argument I would first have to hear why you think Christianity nearly wiped out western civilization in the dark ages, since, this is a strange statement coming from a group of people who extol the virtues of education.

So once again, whenever you are ready to start discussing these fine ideas of yours ....

thanks in advance.
Provide evidence for this.

Well, I guess a good place to start is the Garden of Eden. Where are the dinosaurs? We could continue on to Lot and his wife who was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back at the nasty place. Or Satan and God talking about Job and just how to test his character. Or maybe we could delve into the eating of shell fish and wearing of blended fiber cloth (I know Christians don't obey these but that just shows how inconsistent they are). Maybe we should move on to the new testament with its virgin birth, walking on water, raising the dead. And then there is the biggy that Christ died for our sins. WTF. Do you get my point?

And that is just the standard catechism. We could go on to things like Galileo and why the earth is not the center of the universe. How evolution is the work of the devil. How contraceptive devices like condoms are evil.

Oops I forgot a biggie, the Hebrews as slaves in Eqypt? Raining frogs and stuff.

Well I think that is enough for now. Please rebut.
You're right.

Its a query about a statement that seems to be pulled out of someone's backside.

To form an argument I would first have to hear why you think Christianity nearly wiped out western civilization in the dark ages, since, this is a strange statement coming from a group of people who extol the virtues of education.

So once again, whenever you are ready to start discussing these fine ideas of yours ....

thanks in advance.

Well this is a good thread to note that talking with Xian apologists is pointless. If you can't see the forest for the trees ...

Why not simply concede the point that Christianity didn't nearly wipe out western civilisation in the dark ages?

You're drifting off topic into a general rant about the evils of Christianity.


Christianity almost killed western civilization once with the Dark Ages.

You said Christianity nearly wiped out western civilization in the dark ages.

i am saying that is not a statement even remotely accurate according to historians ...

Back this up by citing some sources.

Oh fuck you. ....

You don't come out of that discussion looking very good.

Why not just admit you made a mistake, then move on?

Why not simply concede the point that Christianity didn't nearly wipe out western civilisation in the dark ages?

You're drifting off topic into a general rant about the evils of Christianity.


You don't come out of that discussion looking very good.

Why not just admit you made a mistake, then move on?

I don't really care if I look good or not. While the original statement might have been poorly worded. I find it hard to believe that anyone could not see that the Catholic Church did put a major kink in the hose of technology and science. I have no doubt that if the Church had not been made to reform, that we would still be riding horses and tossing our excrement in the streets.

But even more to the point. When I tried to get not argue with lightgigantic, and yes I realized at the time that it was not inside the scope of the thread, and that I did return his challenge with a totally accurate barb, and when wynn jumped in to press me, and not a word do you give to them about staying on thread. Not that I expect such consistency here. Oh I almost added repeated a naughty word to you here.

So which is it, that I am to concede (or argue) my point off topic in this thread? Or stay on topic? You decide. I will do what I like.
Oh fuck you. You try and come across as a Christian, or is it a Buddhist and then you make fun of retarded people. Really?

I thought that the 'you might win, but you're still retarded' posters were SERIOUSLY uncool. It's ironic that Wynn's been condemning moral relativists and atheists for their supposed moral failings and undeveloped consciences in several recent threads.
I don't really care if I look good or not. While the original statement might have been poorly worded. I find it hard to believe that anyone could not see that the Catholic Church did put a major kink in the hose of technology and science. I have no doubt that if the Church had not been made to reform, that we would still be riding horses and tossing our excrement in the streets.

But even more to the point. When I tried to get not argue with lightgigantic, and yes I realized at the time that it was not inside the scope of the thread, and that I did return his challenge with a totally accurate barb, and when wynn jumped in to press me, and not a word do you give to them about staying on thread. Not that I expect such consistency here. Oh I almost added repeated a naughty word to you here.

So which is it, that I am to concede (or argue) my point off topic in this thread? Or stay on topic? You decide. I will do what I like.
Its not that your statement is off topic.

Its simply fanciful.

Christianity did not come close to wiping out western civilization in the dark ages.

Infact anyone who thinks that western civilization came close to getting wiped out by anything in the dark ages probably thinks they call it the "dark" ages because it was nasty.