Discus Naturalistic Pantheism

Yeah I think I know what your talking about, it was discovered with the double slit experiment as far as I know.
An electron acts like a wave but when observed it acts like a particle. My personal opinion is that at the quantum scale, the line between a particle and energy could be a bit fuzzy. The act of observing adds energy to the system, just enough quantum energy to appear as a particle of matter, maybe. In other words the electron is entangled energy wave that when energy is introduced (say another electron) it untangles a bit, frees the wave of energy (becomes less entangled) and searches to balance out to a stable position. When you add energy it acts like a particle, in other words the energy shifts location. The entangled electron energy is stable when paired with a proton. Matter is entangled energy after all. At our scale it’s unnoticed but we see it as chemical reactions, atoms bonding into molecules and molecules breaking up into individual atoms. And we use electrons wave function to transmit energy and convert it into usable energy to power our appliances.
Something like that I could be completely wrong so don’t quote me on this :)

I think the mathematics is called the uncertainty principle, not sure.
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I think what you’re looking for is how can consciousness affects the universe.

I dont have time to write a theory just yet need to go to cricket training.

Simply put, how does consciousness effect a universe of action and reaction? How does free will add or subtract to the universe? In other words our consciousness forms an Idea which can be put into action.

I'll get back to you later, need to go im running late.
I dont have time to write a theory just yet need to go to cricket training.

Imagining the little fellows doing little push ups and synchronized chirping!
Consciousness allows the universe to view itself.
The big question is what is the potential of consciousness?

Metaphorically: Are we really awake or just sleep walking. To be mindful or to be closed minded.

If biological evolution is a guide for greater survivability, Id say it’s to disperse the seeds of life though out the universe. Gain knowledge for technological advantage. Shape the environment to support life systems. Let nature be our teacher.

I guess we should be the caretakers of life on earth foremost. I can only imagine how advanced eco-tech would be if earths life systems was felt to be more valuable than weaponry. Life support systems are high priority in space ships, why not for space ship earth?
Wouldn’t it grand if technology evolved to be the nurturer and provider for life systems.

At the moment we are doing what all life has done, consume and let nature do the rest. It may not be so forgiving. Our potential as a species is much greater I would think.

Free will leans toward a symbiotic existence or a parasitic existence.

Hi Swarm, seen any more little fellows lately :)
Hi Swarm, seen any more little fellows lately

Oh I see crickets quite frequently this time of year. The poor fellows have it hard when the weather turns cold. They like to beg at the door for warmth, but I'm afriad we callously turn them away.

I never knew they had a training program.