Discus Naturalistic Pantheism

Naturalistic Pantheism is the belief that god is everything.
You can think of it as the body of god or each part is part of the whole. Knowledge is a greater understanding of god/nature.

Erm.. a minute ago you said that Naturalistic Pantheism doesn't recognize the supernatural and that it posits that where theists say god they really mean nature.
Or did I get that wrong :confused:
Yep that’s correct

Its the belief god embodies nature (as opposed to supernatural and magical god)
And is indifferent to human needs and desires. It's a position that workings of nature can be explained scientifically.
Most practitioners (not all) can learn of life’s workings by seeing how other bodies interact around them or a feeling of togetherness if you like because very much so we are part of nature as well, they want to feel spiritually in tune with it. They don’t do it not because of a belief in heaven or hell but because it feels good right here right now. It's a way of saying thanks, I want to make a meaningful contibution while im alive with out a need for anything in return other than to feel good about it I supose.
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yep thats correct

its the belief god embodies nature or is nature as opposed to supernatural and magic.
And is indifferent to human needs and desires. It's a possition that workings of nature can be explained scientificly.
Most practisioners can get an insight to lifes workings by seeing how other bodies interact around them or a feeling of oneness if you like becasue very much so we are part of nature as well.

Yea, but is it necessary to keep mentioning god ? Just say everything is nature and that god doesn't exist as such, and be done with it :D
do you believe in nature? If you study or gain knowledge you discover how you come into being. EG evolution, predation, plant life, the suns light and warmth ect

If thats not god I dont know what god is
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Oh forgot to mention when I die my molecules will return to god, if fact I think all the atoms change in your body every 5-7years or so dont thay?
Oh forgot to mention when I die my molecules will return to god, if fact I think all the atoms change in your body every 5-7years or so dont thay?

Man, you have to pick one. God or nature.
When you die the atoms that make up your body now are returned to the Earth, to nature.
Getting mixed up becasue I'm editing spelling mistakes and stuff while you reply in the mean time.

I ment to say I exist in my conscious body now but the parts that form my body dont vanish when I die.
Why should I believe in a magical, supernatural, superstitious god?
I believe nature is god and god is real. Everything from the cosmos as a whole and all parts there of.
Getting mixed up becasue I'm editing spelling mistakes and stuff while you reply in the mean time.

I ment to say I exist in my conscious body now but the parts that form my body dont vanish when I die.

Well, I agree. But you asked me whether or not I believed in nature. I asked you what you meant by that.. you never answered ;)
Why should I believe in a magical, supernatural, superstitious god?
I believe nature is god and god is real. Everything from the cosmos as a whole and all parts there of.

Sigh.. ok. So you reject the accepted definition of the word "God", in stead you say "God" means "nature" to you. Correct ?
So why do you keep using the word God ? What's wrong with the word Nature ?
seems there is no accepted definition of god other than what your told to believe by the central authority of priest and men trying to enslave you and bend your will to the will of there god.
Taking your freedoms and killing in the name of a supernatural, superstitious one.

I have cleerly defined my god the best of my knowledge but still learning as humans like to do some times.
seems there is no accepted definition of god other than what your told to believe by the central authority of priest and men trying to enslave you and bend your will to the will of there god.
Taking your freedoms and killing in the name of a supernatural, superstitious one.
Right.. God is by definition supernatural, which is something you reject.

I have cleerly defined my god as best of my knowledge.

And that definition happens to be exactly the same as the definition of nature, correct ?
I'm not sure what you're trying to pull off by keeping to call nature God.. perhaps acceptance from your parents, friends etc ?