Disclosure Conclusions

I think I may be on the verge of agreeing with duendy, ... which is odd. I'm sure various govt departments have used some quite way out cover stories before, and one of these backfired attempts is apparently 'Project Mogul' (Roswell.).

I think such exercises could be used as social litmus paper. If enough people can be swayed to believe in alien abduction, convincing even more people of the existence of WMD in Iraq in very doable.

So the simple answer is to always ask 'how does it benefit the giver of this news' when you are told a story. My motive here? To increase scepticism and inquiry, and ask for evidence, and encourage others to require the same.

The short story is, if you worry about aliens, WMD, and terrorists, you perhaps aren't focussed on civil rights, and Kyoto.
craterchains (Norval said:
,,, and again, STDD.

Hope you love your job as much as I love mine phlogger :D

STDD? I am unaware of this acronym.

My job? I work in IT. That 'I' stands for 'information', not 'intelligence'. I'm flattered you think I'm some agent.

I have to be honest with you, I did once apply to work for MI5, but the money was sucky, for an IT job in the City.
craterchains (Norval said:
Same Tactics, Different Day :D
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, duh?

Does that refer to me debunking you, or you repeating the same falshoods without any evidence Norv?

And like I said, I'm flattered you think I'm part of the Intelligence Community, when I'm just some IT geek who fiddles with computers for a living.
Allow me to remind you phloggy ;)

These cast down Bad ET's are deceivers, slanders, liars, and use these same tactics all the time. Same Tactics, Different Day STDD
ET's do not exist. Lie
UFO's do not exist. Lie
They can't get here because faster than light travel isn't possible. Lie
CS types of crater chains are not weapons strikes. Lie
Multi-Impact crater basins are not weapons of deep penetration. Lie
Big CS crater chains on big objects, little CS chains on little objects are not indicators of strategic usage of weapons. Lie
And the list goes on and on and on and on.

No, I doubt you are a part of the "Intelligence Community." :D
Craterchains, a while ago I asked a few questions. The topic quickly moved on - as it sometimes does - before you had addressed any. I was hoping you might do so now. Earlier in this thread I said:

Gosh, Craterchains, that's a lot to swallow all in one post. Please allow me to ask a few questions:

What are you waiting to be disclosed, and why is it inevitable?
Why do you think ETs are on Earth?
Do you really think that humans fall into such distinct and easily definable 'good and bad' groups?
Why do you assume that aliens do?

I'd like to add now:

What evidence do you have that faster-than-light travel is possible?
What evidence do you have that some craters on some bodies in our solar system were caused by weapons?

Well, I guess my private chat with Laika answered all those questions.
But for those of you that weren't a part of that chat, here are the high lights.

The Bible.
What evidence do we have for the possibility of travelling faster than light?
I dont believe it really falls into that category.
Its kind of like, what evidence do we have that we'll find a cure for Aids or Cancer.
There really isnt any direct "evidence" for it, just a strong plausibility of the advancements we have already made heading in that direction, makes it "reasonable" that it may eventually be achieved.

It amazes me that on a forum such as this with such intelligent people, even if in their own ways, have such limitations on what they think is possible even after all of the progress we have made in the last hundred years and how far we may have yet to discover and advance/grow/progress.

Just amazes me in a confusing kind of way.
And ya, I've seen aprox 30 of these mettalic crafts in broad daylight with a friend over Kelowna B.C. Canada.
Dont know "who" or "what" was controlling them....but I do know one thing,
...somethings up.
What a pain in the ass subject.
Something that has the potential to tremendously effect all of our lives to a very large degree, yet, I cant be bothered with it on a day to day basis.
I got a life to live.
And if and when "disclosure", or what ever you want to call it, does happen, it better not be an inconvenience ;)
moementum7 said:
What evidence do we have for the possibility of travelling faster than light?
I dont believe it really falls into that category.
Its kind of like, what evidence do we have that we'll find a cure for Aids or Cancer.
There really isnt any direct "evidence" for it, just a strong plausibility of the advancements we have already made heading in that direction, makes it "reasonable" that it may eventually be achieved.

It amazes me that on a forum such as this with such intelligent people, even if in their own ways, have such limitations on what they think is possible even after all of the progress we have made in the last hundred years and how far we may have yet to discover and advance/grow/progress.

me))))))))))))Me too. it is odd. but i feel te impasse is cause this 'progress' cannot realistically carry on in te dualistic/materialistic way it has done--asit is too destructive. for real radical change , consciousness is to having to be explored. is consciousness faster than ligght?....tis is just a question . might not mean anything

Just amazes me in a confusing kind of way.
And ya, I've seen aprox 30 of these mettalic crafts in broad daylight with a friend over Kelowna B.C. Canada.
Dont know "who" or "what" was controlling them....but I do know one thing,
...somethings up.
What a pain in the ass subject.
Something that has the potential to tremendously effect all of our lives to a very large degree, yet, I cant be bothered with it on a day to day basis.
I got a life to live.
And if and when "disclosure", or what ever you want to call it, does happen, it better not be an inconvenience ;)
ok, i want to quiz you on those UFOs you saw. what do you think? man-made?--as in secret technology? or Alien craft?

did they stay very still in formation?

if so, for how long?
In physics it has been stated "Mass can not travel faster than light", that means there will never be a spaceship that can break the light barrier by travelling in a straight line like a sprint course.

There are suggestions that it's possible for information to travel faster than light, because information doesn't have to have "Mass". It might even be possible to generate a "wormhole" that just links two points together where an object can travel between two points in space or time without actually having to break the Lightspeed rule.

However both suggestions are currently very "Fictional" and only have basis in theory until more practical testing as done and more results made public.
Awww shit Duendy, cant believe your makin me explain this....again.
As I said, It was in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
Dam this has to be about 6 or 7 years ago now, summer of 1998.

My friend John and I were coming back from a store around 11am, grabbing a couple boxes of Kraft Dinner for lunch. It was a sunny day very few if any clouds in the sky. We were on the outside of the downtown core. On an elevated suburb looking over the city of Kelowna.
As we were walking up the street approaching our destination, a friends house that we were visiting, we were just talking away about whatever, when about 20ftft away from the walkway leading to the front door of the house house I happened to notice something up and out towwards the corner of my eye to the left. The house we were going to was on the left.
These were the connections my mind made in this order from what I remember.
There were also two kids playing at the base of a streetlight lamp post, both kind of squatting playing with whatever,
As we were walking I noticed the kids, then I noticed what I thought were soap bubbles up and to the left.
I remember automatically just assuming that they were soap bubbles, and that the kids must have been blowing them.
This whole thought process happened within a second.
But then as I looked directly at these bubbles........WHAM!
I dont know how to explain this...just going on about your every day life, everything is kind of just normal, natural,.....
I looked up at these bubbles, and the first thing I noticed was that they were not flowing like bubbles would be up that high in the air.
You know, sporadicaly. We've all seen bubbles, sheesh, so anyways....
These were not bubbles.
There was around 30 of these bubbles in the air.
The reason I thought they were bubbles was because they were shiny mettalic discs.
But there was also visibly noticable forces around them.
Like a bubble.
You know how sunlight reflects off the top of bubbles.
Well here were these shiny mettalic crafts filling up the majority of the top half of these force fields.
Someone once asked me how I knew they were force fields, what the fuck else were they.
As my mind suddenly became completely blank, unable to find ANY associations or references for what I was now witnessing, which is a very wierd state to be in, without taking my eyes off of them, I reached out with my right hand and assertively grasping for my friend, as I stopped he came right up beside me, my right hand came up onto his shoulder and with my left hand I pointed directly at these things and I said with an almost agressive questionability....."What the hell is that!?"
We both just stood there for probly around 6-7 seconds when my friend says,
"I dont know, tiny UFOS smaller than us?"
It was also wierd how he said it so non challantly.
we stood there for another 5 seconds, then he just walked off down into the house.
I kept standing there dumb founded, I looked bak over to the kids in an almost state of shock witnessing such an event while these two children were still in the same reality of innocence as when I first seen them just moments ago, so involved in their play while here were these crafts not even a kilometere away up in the air.
I looked at the kids for only a moment then back to the crafts, now the emotions were begining to over take me.
I lost it.
I COULDN'T believe what I was seeing.
I forced my head down and started to walk towards the front door, telling myself...
"no way,... no way..., no...FUCKING...WAY"
As I put my hand on the door handle I stopped, and and said one more time..."NO.. FUCKING.. WAY!" I turned around and ran up back onto the street to engage this phenomenon with a newly resolved sense of confidence to deal with this actively.
But they were gone......and thats what really wierds me out.
What I mean by having a newly resolved sense of confidence to deal with it, I mean that if they were still there I probly would have started screaming for people to come out of their houses and come see these things instead of being overwhelmed and in a state of shock and disbeleif.

Like I said, there was at least 30 to 35 of these crafts, and they were all moving in an eerie unnatural mechanical motion, all in sync with eachother.
They were in the shape of an hour glass on its side.
Almost like they were continually drawing the number 8 sideways.
As for their size, if you held your arm out at length and then put your finger tips about 3/4 of a centimeter apart thats how big they appeared.
I beleive they were the size of cars or vehicles.
My friend thought they were smaller.
Shiny mettalic discs, your typical UFO shape, surrounded by a force field of some kind.

Now heres my subjective thoughts on it.
They way they were all moving in such pefect sync, to have that many of them, be that close toeach other, and maintain such sync while they performed the path of the number 8, blows my mind.
They eather had to all be controlled by a computer machine, or whatever/whoever was in those things had to of had some kind of psychic link or something.
Cant explain it.

Heres what really blows my mind if I think about it, and its really wierding me out right now because I dont usually think about this, is that the angle that they were "performing" and I say that because this 8 they were choreographing was right at me.
And when I ran back up to see them again they were gone.
I admit, that part could all be in my head thinking that they were in some way trying to communicate with me or my friend directly. Very subjective indeed.

And after all of that......life goes on.
Nothings changed.
Still gotta go to work, still chasing the women, and I still like to have fun.
Just cant be bothered with it on a day to day basis.

Anyways, thanks Duendy.
I still need to get this off my chest once and awhile, not many people I can really be serious about this with.
And to be honest, its the psuedoscience thread that brings me back.
It really is a weird place to be in after you see something like that.
You cant go back to what it was like before you saw it.
And even if it was just govenrment crafts, the fact that they are hiding such crafts, and for what purpose they would use them probly disturbs me even more.
But guessing what was in those crafts is pure assumption.

Personaly, for many reasons, I tend to lean towards the alien thing. ;)
But until I actually see these creatures with my own eyes, *shrug*
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THANKs Momentum7 (has your 'name' got anything to do with that event?), a great accountof your and your friends experience.

How do you feel if -accosted by a materialist/'skeptic'--they 'inform you you must have 'false memory syndrome'----how woud you challenge such an accusation....or 'sleep paralysis' or being'whacko' or a 'liar'?
Just a heads up.

Kingdom of YHWH Summary Report for 2005

The chasm that has kept mankind fragmented and turned upon itself is about to go away. The two major reasons mankind is fragmented and divided can be traced to our governments and religions. The False Prophet, and the Beast that are to be shortly cast into the lake of fire brings to an end all of earth's governments and religions.
With that happening there is going to be turmoil and strife, with most not really comprehending what is happening. Not knowing the way out. Unless one understands why all of this is happening, and how it will happen, they will most likely fight against what many have been praying for. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, and so on. Most will not be able to understand that this Kingdom of the Heavens is an Intergalactic Government. They will not be able to accept that their gods were actually extraterrestrial beings.
To accept these things for myself, and after watching a few learn and comprehend these same things from their own studies and research, was difficult enough, and yet we have managed to keep our sanity. Deception breeds confusion, confusion breeds insanity, but with perseverance the deceptions can be discovered and exposed. With out the confusion that these deceptions caused, reality becomes clear. It is not insane to believe what the evidence shows, although it is pure insanity to keep believing the lies and deceptions.
With the war in the heavens over, and the losers cast down to earth, we know that the end times are upon us for sure. But what will people do with no more politics to discuss, no more religious ideas to discuss. Just maybe they will have time to learn? Imagine a world with no political or religious strife, a world that is united in knowing what really happened to mankind and why. The real historical truth, the real truth in discovery (so called science), and no more squandering of our taxes.
I leave you with this final thought. Do not shoot at the space ships, nor the angels in them. With out questions, there are no answers, nor statements. With the return of King Jesus all will know that we are not alone in this universe. All will know the galaxy has a government and democracy is not it. All will know that ET and UFO's are very real. And, all will know just where our technological help has been coming from. The bad ET's that were cast down. The losers of that heavenly war.

Norval L. Cunningham

CONTACT by email; research@kingdomofyhwh.com
Posted; Nov. 27, 2005
Site opened on; April 23, 2001
© Recognized inalienable rights to intellectual materials. 1971 - 2005
Hey Duendy, My first response would be...Who cares?
I wouldn't expect anyone to believe me just cause I say so.
Thats just healthy.
I remember what I was like when stories of "UFO's" and the possibility of "Aliens" came up. I didn't really believe in them and I didn't really not believe in them....whatever right.

Nothing wrong with a bit of skepticsm.
There are two types of people in my opinion.

There are the "Pragmatists" and the "Believers".
I'm a pragmatist.
A pragmatist would be someone who may have seen or heard of these crafts, beings, or whatever the case may be, and be like, Ok, maybe they are, and maybe they aren't.
But are indeed open to further information on the subject.

Believers on the other hand, just simply believe that they dont exist....period.
That it HAD to be a balloon, or those people HAD to be under mind control, or just HAD to be anything other than possiblity of other life.

I cant for sure say that there were "aliens" in those crafts, but I can and WILL say that I saw those crafts.
Its really funny Duendy, how when you hear something enough, you really do begin to believe it.
Some beleivers are really good at disecting a sighting or picture or someones account of an event, and by the time I'm done reading it I'm like, "They probly WERE balloons".
And actually having to remind myself of what I saw.
Thats why I do have to give some credit to those who continually share information on this topic in spite of these beleivers.

As well, I am defintely glad that I was with some one at the time of this sighting.....seriously.
I probly wouldn't have told this to anyone if I wasn't.
I know, a little weak, but I probly wouldn't have.

The beleivers are a wierd bunch, on both sides.
Theres also the believers that have never seen a craft or alien or whatever and "beleive".
Their both wacko, driven more by fear, ego, or emotion or something.
But I'm no psychiatrist so....

At the same time I have to admire those skeptics "as long as their not believers" that do challenge any claims that are a little out of the ordinary.
A lot of people can get sucked into some pretty sappy shit, losing them money, causing distress or in extreme cases costing them their lives like some of those occults.

But I may be getting off topic.
Like I have said, I'm a passive pragmatist.
I know what I saw, and whether they were alien or government craft, either way, I think that it is at the crux of a very large change in the way we live in comparison to the way things are going now.

But what can I do about it,.....nothing.
In my day to day life, what I saw really doesn't change a thing.
Wake up, brush my teeth, put one shoe on at a time...etc.
Still have to deal with work, relationships, and just trying to make the most out of my life.
Thinking about this too much causes me to kind of stall out.
Just because there is nothing I can do about it, besides come on this forum every once and awhile and share my story.

This topic is still a little taboo.
Although less and less.
And to directly awnser your question one more time, it would entirely depend on whether their enquiry came from a pragmatic perspective or a beleivers perspective.
From a pragmatic point of view, I would share my experiences.
But from a believers point of view,....whats the use, I would justt keep on doing what I was doing before they asked me.
You cant change a beleivers mind, no matter what topic or area it is in.
And besides, why would you want to?

Anyways, again, Aliens or Government....somethings up.

P.S. No, my names just a play on my last name, "Moe" with a slightly egocentric pun thrown in :D
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right...i'd assumed something like ...you know when you said tose 8 UFOs wer kind oflike in momentum, thatyou had chosen your name like that but not actually said '8' for some reason.....hehe, i know tat must make sense

what happened for you and your friend ISimportant, vitally so. all Big Experiences are for they are like Trikster ways of seeping into our surieties UNsureities
Deep_MindQuest said:
http://www.alienresistance.org/disclosureproject_ufoharm.htm Disclosure Project, Dr. Greer is unfortunately playing all of us right into the hands of the very Shadow Government he warns of. These other non-essential (to Disclosure) pursuits are built upon a single faulty premise - that UFOs are not ever harmful.
UFOs destroying African villages wit a single beam...? thousands being killed by UFOs all over the world...? well. its settled then. they are fukin Americanas in
secret advanced spacecraft...! look at the evidence. whoe known for doing this in our OWN species.....? yip the U.S....nd UK. so/......? 2+2 = ..?

also dude rthink about what you wish for. already we are under threat from possible global poisoning by U.S and UK use of Depleted Uranium....we KNOW about Hiroshoma, Nagasaki, etc etc, Agent Prange, and all the utter horror of warfare. Now your suggesting we accumulate arms even more for war in SPACE...!...

Jeeeezuz. whatisyour mindset like? why ddo yu always need 'demons'...ifit aint te devil it gotta be space filled with evil aliens.....Sad