did we evolve, did god make us? or was it the aliens?

I like your reasoning in paragraph two and three of your November 21 Post. I think it would have taken me awhile to think of that. I only had a gut feeling that this was not my cup to tea. I had read little about it because of what little I had read seemed a little too much.

I respect Scientific study and much of what it has studied and proven in
my lifetime, not to mention the past. But I still do not think, nor will I ever think
that Science is the last word..........at least not today.
There are too many possibilities out there when you consider there may
be multiple universe(s). We can’t imagine what kind of life forms could have existed
in the past, and at this point the kinds of life forms that may exist now in our
universe. There are just too many unknowns.

I’m confused about your stand. I actually agree with all you said in you
November 19, 1999 11:09 am post. I thought you took the Bible literally and to me this means exactly ‘as it was written’ and is currently translated.

Since I don’t consider my beliefs to be set in stone, I continue to search
out other views and opinions and I’m not intimidated by what I consider a little far
out. I only get nuts when someone trys to beat the hell out of you for not believing
as they do.
Chaos Theory does say our universe will decay into a dead universe at
some point in time, but it does not address the idea of another universe that may
have had a friendlier type of expansion than ours does. Could a supper life form
have evolved that was able to cross into another universe or our universe at some
I am not saying this is scientific theory. It is only an idea that has crossed my mind.
Corp. Hudson,

I suppose I was assuming that you would realize they were using the original Hebrew writings when I stated, "everything that has ever happened and everything that will ever happen was apparently encoded in the Torah at the time it was dictated to Moses in a letter-by-letter sequence".

Yes, you can find related words in any lengthy writing, but not to the level seen in the book of Genesis (the only book of the Torah that has been studied at length by the scientists working on the code, although the phenomenon has been observed throughout the Torah and disappears thereafter).

The interesting thing is that if this were merely some sort of coincidence, you should be able to match pre-selected, unrelated terms with the same frequency. However, when names were matched with incorrect dates, the phenomenon vanished!

I just plain thing it is coincidence. I won't even argue with you about the codes being in other lengthy pieces of writing. Lets think about this from a theological viewpoint for a minute. God has ALWAYS been direct when presenting new viewpoints or philosiphies to man. Why should he hide this one?

And how could you for sure find examples in hebew? Did you know that hebrew has no vowels? I am sure that if you removed the vowels from Moby Dick, you could find many more examples.

Someone saying they found a hidden code saying "Clinton is an adulterer" in the torah means they REALLY found "Clntn s n dltrr" and added the vowels. I would love for there to be a hidden code from god, but it simply doesn't exist.

Also, do you argue that the author of every book in the bible was divinely inspired? This certainly cannot be true, just look at Job and Ecclaistasies.
Corp. Hudson,

God has ALWAYS been direct when presenting new viewpoints or philosiphies to man. Why should he hide this one?

I don't know - why would He forbid us to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Why would He bar the way to the tree of life? Why would He confuse our languages so we couldn't get together and build a "tower into heaven"? Why would He ask us to believe everything in blind faith without asking questions? Why would He seal up a book until the end times? It seems clear enough to me there are some things this God of yours doesn't want us to know about - at least not until the end times. It certainly seems fair enough to ask why.

And how could you for sure find examples in hebew? Did you know that hebrew has no vowels? I am sure that if you removed the vowels from Moby Dick, you could find many more examples.

Someone saying they found a hidden code saying "Clinton is an adulterer" in the torah means they REALLY found "Clntn s n dltrr" and added the vowels.

Well, we really aren't talking about removing the vowels from Moby Dick and finding English words and phrases, are we? We are talking about finding Hebrew words and phrases, correctly spelled and hidden in an ancient Hebrew text that was, according to Jewish tradition, dictated to Moses in a letter-by-letter sequence. And as I mentioned before, when you pair words that are unrelated - the phenomenon disappears.

Also, do you argue that the author of every book in the bible was divinely inspired? This certainly cannot be true, just look at Job and Ecclaistasies.

Uh, no. Apparently I'm missing your point here. The code only appears in the first 5 books of the Bible. As I previously mentioned, the phenomenon vanishes beyond that.

The first 5 books of the bible weren't dictated to moses. Jews accept that, as do Christians and Muslims. They are the Books Of Moses, not BY Moses.

He forbade us to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because he did not want us to have that sort of power. He destroyed the Tower Of Babel because it overshadowed him in the peoples eyes. God does not ask for blind faith, and the bible is against blind and unquestioning faith.

God has not closed the book on anything. The bible was not written by god, and god had no say in what books were/were not included in it.

And I hat to inform you, but there is no Hebrew word for Clinton or Roswell, or UFO. These things weren't around in those times, and could not have been spelled out.

I apologize for my extreme skepticism, but the variables dont add up.
Corp. Hudson,

The first 5 books of the bible weren't dictated to moses. Jews accept that, as do Christians and Muslims. They are the Books Of Moses, not BY Moses.

Please see the following website address (Comptons Online) for some basic information regarding Moses and his role in writing the Torah:


Following is an excerpt from that website:

"Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions revere Moses for his central role in communicating the Ten Commandments and the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) directly from God to the Jewish people soon after their escape from Egypt. Thus the Torah is also known as the Five Books of Moses."

He forbade us to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because he did not want us to have that sort of power. He destroyed the Tower Of Babel because it overshadowed him in the peoples eyes.

So whatever happened to free will? Is that only for when it's convenient?

God does not ask for blind faith, and the bible is against blind and unquestioning faith.

Paul thought it important enough to tell us twice not to ask questions (see 2 Timothy 2:23 and Titus 3:9). And we are told countless times throughout the Bible to "believe" and "have faith" (in God and Jesus).

God has not closed the book on anything.

You might want to check out Daniel, Chapter 12, and Revelations, Chapter 5. Perhaps the Torah is the sealed book - and we are just now on the verge of opening it?

And I hat to inform you, but there is no Hebrew word for Clinton or Roswell, or UFO. These things weren't around in those times, and could not have been spelled out.

I never once mentioned these words being searched for by serious codes researchers - I believe that you were the one who brought those up.

Comptons Encyclopedia is misinformed. Much of the Torah is based on the Laws Moses brought down from Mt.Sinai (for the purposes of discussion, let us assume that the mountain was Sinai), but it was not written by him. The Torah contains accounts of events that happened after the death of Moses.

The events and laws were written down hundreds of years later by 5 key authors, each with a distinct and recognizable (to biblical scholars at least ;)) style.

Obviously, I have been misinformed about the codes. I know about Drosnins discoveries, and not much else. I fyou would point me to an informative website, perhaps we could have a more intelligent debate.