did we evolve, did god make us? or was it the aliens?


Just a simple question. How can you be so sure of that?

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born
Hello 666,

The simple answer to your simple question is... God has told me (and others) that this is so and has demonstrated this to me (and others).
God made us with help from the elohim (angels). Doesn't say how in the Bible. Obviously involved some genetic engineering of some type, eh? The thing is that some of the elohim are fallen. These are the beings that we perceive as our "aliens". They will take credit for our creation, deny that Jesus is the Son of God and our Saviour, and support the Antichrist in his rise to power (acting as false "evidence" of a spiritual heirarchy), and provide the lie to cover up the rapture. Watch.....

God loves you and so do I!
Actually Lori, I have to disagree with your statement about god seeking the angels help in creation. In Genesis 1, god creates the heavens, earth, plants, animals, people, etc. by saying essentialy let it be so. In Genesis 2 god creates mankind out of dust, and plants seeds to form eden. Neither creation account mentions god using the help of angels, or "elohim." I accept that I am no great bible scholar, but I am reading it.
If god is omniscient, why did he even need help?

(Maybe idle angels are the devil's workshop...)
Thats my point... god didn't need or use help. The only thing that could support Lori's viewpoint is the bible. Seeing as Lori's viewpoint requires a literal intrepratation of the creation story, and neither creation story supports her viewpoint, she is in a bind.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard Corp. You think that God just said "let it be" and poof everything just happened magically? Do you think that Eve really talked to a snake and ate an apple too? That's why scientists laugh at religion. Don't you get that the Bible is metaphorical in many instances? And the word elohim may not be in your version, but it specifically states in the original greek a plural form of the word God, which is gods, which is elohim. You honestly think that God put a bunch of dirt together in a little pile and poof there was a man? That's ridiculous. And I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm making fun, but I really don't agree with you at all.

God loves you and so do I!
Lori, Searcher, et al...

You might find this interesting... Yesterday, msn conducted a live poll, posing the following question and choices... I was somewhat surprised at the results after 11,714 responses:

Question - "What's your view on the accuracy of the Bible?"

- Every detail is literally true. (39% chose this answer)

- Some details may be inaccurate or exaggerated, but the fundamentals are true.(31% chose this answer)

- The Bible is fundamentally fiction, incorporating some historical facts. (26% chose this answer)

- None of the above. (3% chose this answer)
Hmmm...I'm surprised at the 39%. I don't even see my choice up there though. That is every detail CONTAINS truth, but it may be literal or metaphorical. For example, I don't think that Eve met a snake in the garden. I don't think that she ate some fruit. I don't think it took a literal six days to create the earth. I don't think that the Antichrist will look like a dragon. I don't think that the rivers will actually turn to blood. And so on..... I was just discussing this though with Corporal on another string. I think that we can get into trouble sometimes if we ONLY look at the literal meaning of the Word.

God loves you and so do I!
You completely missed my point. By no means do I believe in a literal intrepretation of the bible. Most of it is stories, attempting to condense history into easy parables and stories. I had thought that you were arguing a literal intrepretation. My apologies for the misunderstanding.

BTW, there is no "original greek." The bible was originally in hebrew, then greek, then latin. So the greek may be a mistranslation.
Oh, thanks. I was just wondering about how I can get a Bible that is NOT the KJV. What other versions are out there besides those watered-down study Bibles? Anyone know?

God loves you and so do I!
Lori- More recent, better translations are all over. They don't have the thee's and thou's, but it's not like Noah spoke in king james english anyways. I personally prefer the Jerusalem Bible, as it is the easiest to read, and translated into modern english. I also use the New American Standard. The Living Bible and The Good News Bible are both supposedly good as well. If you are looking for a modern translation, but one that doesn't read like a novel, choose The American Standard. Any bookstore that doesn't carry them should be able to special order them for a small cost. I wouldn't hesitate to say that Amazon.Com probably carries it, as well as bn.com. Good Luck!

They may as well have asked about the accuracy of a book that contains, among other things, a hodgepodge of stories handed down orally from generation to generation before being written down, poetry, advice on ethics, etiquette, marriage, childrearing, diet, food preparation, etc. The Bible is all these things and more, but I think it is a mistake to take much of what is written in the Bible literally.

I think it is much more interesting to note that everything that has ever happened and everything that will ever happen was apparently encoded in the Torah at the time it was dictated to Moses in a letter-by-letter sequence, thousands of years ago! We are only learning about this code now that we have entered the computer age.

The knowledge that there is a hidden code naturally leads us to question how it got there, and why it was put there. Or at least, that's my reaction to this knowledge. Is anyone else as intrigued by this as I am?

Searcher..you are so wrong.

Michael Drosnin is the main person using ELS codes to decipher hidden meanings in the bible. He uses computer programs to analyze the torah for messages. The program will take a portion of the bible and find r-o-s-w-e-l-l by taking every 4th letter, then u-f-o by taking every 12th letter. Sound convincing? I thought so.

Then I read that Moby Dick contains many of the exact same thing. So does just about every other piece of writing on the planet. War and Peace has Bulls and Chicago and Jordan all in the same passage. So are these texts messages from god as well?

A reporter (Barry Fagin) trying to debunk them analyzed his own article, and found "Coke adds life" and then "Love Boat hit show."

The "messages" are simply coincidence.
Corp. Hudson,

Michael Drosnin? Yes, he sensationalized the discovery of the codes, but if you really want to read an intelligently written book about the codes, try reading, "Cracking the Bible Code", by Jeffrey Satinover, M.D.

It was statistically determined by Harold Gans, a senior cryptologic mathematician with the U.S. Department of Defense, that the chance of the codes being nothing more than coincidence were less than 1 in 62,500.

Is this a threat to your religious beliefs? Is that why you deny the possibility that the codes were put there intentionally?

No, a hidden code in the bible or torah would not threaten my religous beliefs. I think it would be an amazing revelation, if true. The problem is that it IS simple coincedence.

May I ask what language these codes are being deciphered from? The hebrew, or english torah? Which translation? And how do you explain the existence of these codes in EVERY piece of lengthy writing that exists?

Would not the existence of hidden codes and such in every piece of writing discount the theory? Surely not every author in history was visited by or divinely inspired by god.

[This message has been edited by Corp.Hudson (edited November 21, 1999).]