did we evolve, did god make us? or was it the aliens?


Registered Senior Member
i just want everyones oppinion onwere we came from,i personaly think that the grays made some sort of genetic thing and breeded themselfs with apes, cause think about an ape, the think about a gray, what is in the middle??? US. i think that the grays do this al over the galaxy. and i think that they have taken human specimens and placed them on different planets for experiments.

You may be right. We could have been created as a fruit gathering ape like creatures at first and then the aliens came along and with their advanced technology, thought they were like gods and started crossbreeding. Another one is if several different planets came here and produced a race of humans after them in looks. All the different races may originate from different planets and we may be the determining factor to see if can get along then the aliens may be not fight each other and make peace. We could be an experiment for peace.
its hard to say,but because of the missing link thing and because we are the only species that got this smart on the planet,i too think we were genetically changed by others outside the planet,or we are from outside this planet.has anyone thought that we could be the aliens?that we could have crashed here and lost all technologies but were smart enough to do some breading or genetic down grading(with the available animals on the planet-probably apes)just to keep our race somewhat in tact? who knows.i do think there is genetic manipulation with the grays too.plenty of women have claimed to see their baby hybrids from the grays.ive read that they are doing it to keep their species going too.i also still think the giants/12th planet thing is possible.and there is the pleidian factor.ive heard so many ideas its hard to pick one,but then again,who says they all cant be going on?.............nik
its hard to say,but because of the missing link thing and because we are the only species that got this smart on the planet,i too think we were genetically changed by others outside the planet,or we are from outside this planet.has anyone thought that we could be the aliens?that we could have crashed here and lost all technologies but were smart enough to do some breading or genetic down grading(with the available animals on the planet-probably apes)just to keep our race somewhat in tact? who knows.i do think there is genetic manipulation with the grays too.plenty of women have claimed to see their baby hybrids from the grays.ive read that they are doing it to keep their species going too.i also still think the giants/12th planet thing is possible.and there is the pleidian factor.ive heard so many ideas its hard to pick one,but then again,who says they all cant be going on?.............nik
nik...I think you are totally out to lunch man. have you ever been abducted? maybe this is where all your wacked out ideas originate from. may God help you, my friend.

[This message has been edited by Trojan (edited October 03, 1999).]
Why would aliens crossbreed with us? Are they so curious about the results? Do they need us to produce some hybrid that is resistant to some galactic disease? I'm sure you meant these experiments were produced in the lab, because the wording could imply interspecies sex. And if the aliens are anything like us, it'll take a cold day in hell for them to mate with a monkey! B'Elanna notwithstanding, a human male would have to be pretty drunk to mate with a lizard. Unless they're college students at a keger or lonely ranchers. Anyway, I hope the scientist in them will preclude them from giving us intergalactic AIDS or herpes. Yuk!
trojan,whats up? cant a guy have a few ideas in his head? out to lunch? maybe god will help me? i hope so,if not he's a loser,cuz im a nice guy.

regarding aliens and breeding or sex stuff,ive been looking into this since about june ,1991.some good resources are-john mack,and bud hoppkins.they are psychologists and are the guys that broke this stuff out in the public.there are others too though.

i have seen women on talk shows-in the early 90s,geraldo,mory,montel,etc and they all have the same story.woman gets prego(if she has a boyfriend or not)woman loses baby to miscarriage in third trimester,woman has break down, then she has flash backs,some go to hipno,and they dicover that the baby was taken during an abduction.later,(sometimes years)they have a "visit" and are shown their hybrids.

ive read it in books and theres a movie called INTRUDERS that is based on john macks book.this show is cool even if your not into this subject.all i know is that alot of women claim this is happening and you only see the ones that "come out" imagine how many there are that dont.i have 25 books on alien stuff and alot of the breeding subject is in them.all i can say is it could be true,you d have to do some digging to get a good idea of the info out there,its not on cnn or the nightly news,and for good reason,later......nik
"ideas", is that what you call them? I beleive God created us. Do you even beleive in God, probably not. Have you even read the bible? I will pray for you and hope it is not too late. always remember, what comes around, goes around.
One certainly does have to wonder about you people. What on Earth makes you think the cooky alien/God creation scenarios are more plausible than the scientifically viable and actually observed evolution? I mean, it's not even apples vs. oranges; you can't even compare these!!

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited October 04, 1999).]
What makes any of you actually believe there are Aliens? - let alone being responsible for anything on this planet!!!
Can any of you prove Aliens exist?
...Dexter, you also say "<u>the</u> Aliens" as opposed to simply "Aliens". Do you know something at the age of 13 that us grown-ups don't?
Well. I think that until we define God, and prove the existance of Aliens, then everyone have a right to their truth even though it may seem very absurd

Reality is often stranger than fiction is what i have heard, and it may be true in this case also.. Who knows.
tell ya what partner,ive been more religions than i care to remember (thanx to my drunk mother trying to find her crutch) i was born catholic then became a christian,then went to seventh day adventist.there was one more that i cant remember for sure.the point is ,all i remember as a kid from bible stories etc,was the killing and the order to be a certain way or else you go to hell.screw that.you cant be gay,cant do this you cant do that.....whatever,(im not gay,i have 2 kids,but im not a gay basher either)you have priests and others within the church molesting kids and crap for GOD sake.and what about the people in the rain forest that havent heard of our god?they go to "our" hell? bullshit.god may not be real,although i would never say that as a politician like jesse ventura just did.maybe i havent seen aliens,but have you seen god? oh ,he's in your heart? ok,well i say god didnt create man,man created god,for whatever reason.for a crutch,for power for the church and government,too keep people "scared" of hell to keep order,whatever....the thing is,even if i dont believe and then he shows up,all i have to do is beg for forgiveness and say sorry for my sins and i get my "get into heaven free card" right? theres always a loop hole buddy.a part of me does believe in him,but a part of me believes in aliens too.and the alien stuff is what i see more proof of right now.the only proof of god is one book.ive got 25 alien books.

so you actually observed evolution hey?wow,you must be old!!! you sure are a posterboy for our scientific comunity!!!you act as if humans can do no wrong,like we and our scientific methods and conclusions are impervious to mistakes.let me tell you something,we are not the smartest know all living things in this universe.your scientists can make mistakes just as our "alien scientific "researchers can make mistakes (in your view).what makes your"legitimate"evolution scientists better than scientists that study abduction,or alien stuff?theyre all just humans.are you in the evolution field-i thought you were the astronomy guy?? do you like darwin?do you really think we were all tad poles once?then we grew feet,then we lost 2 legs and walked up right?thats pathetic.i guess anytime now we should be growing our wings,yippee ,i cant wait!!!!

im a grown up and i believe there could be aliens.there is evidence,but only if you look for it.cattle mutilations have been occurring since the 40s,claims of abductions have been recorded since the ancient times,as well as the report of flying discs,or shields and chariots as they may have been refered to back then.there has been pictures on cave walls in europe,iran,iraq,south america, and here that show pictures of ufos,or some space ship.i just saw on "sightings"this morning that scientists are finding more abduction cases that go through generations.a family was on tv and said that the grandmother got abducted since she was a little girl,then her daughter was getting it,now her son is seeing the grays.apparently they get messages of how we are morons and wrecking our planet and we better shape up.not that thats news.i think maybe youre watching and reading the wrong material.aliens are not going to be on cnn,or MTV.so you grow up and do research.

at first i thought this site was cool,but now i see there are plenty of closed minded idiots here that arent even serious about sharing information or actually learning the views of others.also,i dont know why so many need to throw religion into the alien/science stuff all the time,not that i mind discussing religion,but i thought there was another section for that.its almost time to bail from this place,its just a bunch of arguing.............nik
Hello people,

I'm not sure how many times I'll have to say the same flippin' thing before you guys catch on, but I'll say it as many times as it takes....God created us, aliens were created by Satan in order to convince us otherwise. Hence the deception. Will you guys please pay attention? :)

God loves you and so do I!
you're a funny little boy, how do you know so much....hmmm, that's strange. Well, give the boy a medal. very familiar....be prepared to be bedazzled...and bingo was his name oh
How do you come to the conclusion that
Satan created aliens? Are flying discs with crosses on it angels? I cannot make
a connection.

first of all to all of you religious people, i went to a christian school my whole life, (except for this year) and i was a christian for a number of years, but then i thought about it, and started beileiving otherwise. but to dave, the only reason i was elludeing to my age was because of my typing dissability. but i do not think i know more than u. i think i can know more than u, but i havent really pute my mind to it, u see i am fairly popular and people refer to me as cool, but noone knows that i go to this sight, no one knows that i think about this stuff, i cant help it. but i also beileive that we might of been created by "the aliens" and that there is noreal god but mearly a consious universe, kinda like the force i guess. but i also have beileived for a long time that we were the aliens and we crashed here and that stuff

I'll say it plain and simple........ PROVE to me Aliens exist.
No caveman drawings, no CNN or Discovery specials,...YOU prove to ME that Aliens exist.

Thats all I've ever asked on this board and not ONE SINGLE PIECE of anything has come my way. Research???? Bring it on, Boy!!!! Give me first hand tangible proof, Nik.
There are three words you used in your reply (which contained argumentive insults, mind you)-
Strong evidence there, Nik. :)

i totally agree nik. ive grown up in a church too. and now i know, but there still is that little thing

I am not in anyway demeaning you because you're typing skills are not that of a pro-keyboard user, and I see that you have now emphasised " might, maybe, could have" etc. So I see your point as to "it's just a thought I had about life". :)

for instances of observed evolution, browse the following page: <A HREF="http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-speciation.html">http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-speciation.html</A>. See this page for a couple more examples: <A HREF="http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/speciation.html">http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/speciation.html</A>. I guess you don't have to be all that old to observe evolution at work, after all. Please tell me how many mistakes the scientists made in these observations.

"Creation science" and "Alien research", in most instances, are oxymorons. If you don't see that, then you don't understand the concepts of "science" and "research".

I am; therefore I think.