Did Nothing Create Everything?

Maybe "God" likes fighting?
I think you are possibly very close to the mark here.
If we look at history and notice that wars are always taking place. I read a lot of history and it is surprising how few places have not been plagued with constant war.
And with such high casualty rates...folk don't care..well they just dont know as so many have one narrow peek into a perhaps contrived history that only focuses on a small part of the world.
But if we only count the number of deaths from the WW1 and WW2 one could wonder how if the most unlikely proposition was that there was indeed a god just how much he must enjoy fighting and destruction...but of course he managed a few miracles folk will tell you during this time...still it is clear if there is a god he certainly loves humans..fighting and dieing.
Why would he pick one fighter over the other?
Well that's easy...the loser must be a sinner who has started to think his victories were due to skill and relentless training whereas the winner has obviously placed his trust in the Lord just like Kenny should have done the miserable sinner.
Where would he get any pleasure in known who's going to win?
I don't think he is interested in who will win..like most of us we just want to see blood and lots of it.
I mean why do you go to the car races..yrs yes you are right..to see some horrible crash with flames and cooked body parts.
I learn more when I lose.
Well stand around and claim there is a god and lose and learn...