Did Muhammad actually exist?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I'm just curious, did Muhammad actually exist? Was he a real person? Did he really write the Quran, or was it written by others in his name?

I am not asking these question to bash Islam. I already know how Muslims will answer these questions. I'm addressing this question mostly to non-Muslims.

I admit I don't know much about Islam, but I have many Muslim friends. What is the consensus of non-Muslims on this forum? I would like to learn.

If Jesus didn't exist, why is he mentioned in the Quran?

Thanks for your input.
There are letters written by Muhammed to other kings that have survived. There is independent confirmation from Indians who met his compatriots [the oldest mosque in India was built in the lifetime of the Prophet]. Jews of the time have written about him.

I don't believe anyone has ever questioned the fact that he existed.
Muhammad is the most significant historical figure to have ever lived. To deny his existence is profoundly stupid, for lack of a better word. What kind of a reaction did you expect, M*W?

Jews of the time have written about him.

I don't believe anyone has ever questioned the fact that he existed.

We're valid sources now? Way to remain consistent.

No one questions whether or not Muhammed lived, non-Muslims question what he said. The man lived not that long...and his work was written much time after his life. Even the compiler of the information questioned its accuracy.
I'm probably missing something, but wheres the evidence he existed? And by that I mean, evidence, you know, REAL evidence.
His work? You mean Hadiths? Things he purportedly said and did? Yeah, there are varying levels of accuracy, we know that. Do you?

I'm probably missing something, but wheres the evidence he existed? And by that I mean, evidence, you know, REAL evidence.

Like what? His grave is in Medina.
I'm probably missing something, but wheres the evidence he existed? And by that I mean, evidence, you know, REAL evidence.

BetrayerOfHope, it's possible he didn't exist. But there's no evidence that Josephus was real either. Or Caesar. The evidence is the rippling effect it had on the remainder of history. That's the only way you can detect validity. Even then, it's tough. So oral tradition is important.
I'm probably missing something, but wheres the evidence he existed? And by that I mean, evidence, you know, REAL evidence.

Where is the evidence that your great-grandfather existed? A picture? Inconclusive. What else? A pocket watch? Could have been anybody's pocket watch. Do you see how silly your argument is? If Muhammad did not exist, then people like Genghis Khan, Justinian, Constantine, Richard, Saladin, etc., did not exist either.

Muhammad is the most significant historical figure to have ever lived. To deny his existence is profoundly stupid, for lack of a better word.

Better get used to stupidity. There are people here who don't believe in the moon landing. There are people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy by the US government. There are people who believe in Astrology. In comparison, denying the existence of some guy who lived 1500 years ago is minor.
hahaha Most significant?

Without Moshe (or Musa for you) there is no Muhammed.
Without Moshe there is no Yeshki
With out Moshe there is virtually nothing!
That, of course, is debatable.
There is no valid reason, however, to doubt his existence.

Actually it is not. :p


The following is from Michael Hart's book and lists Prophet Muhammad as the most influential man in History. A Citadel Press Book, published by Carol Publishing Group
Ranking of the twenty from the list of 100:

1. Prophet Muhammad
2. Isaac Newton
3. Jesus Christ
4. Buddha
5. Confucius
6. St. Paul
7. Ts'ai Lun
8. Johann Gutenberg
9. Christopher Columbus
10. Albert Einstein
11. Karl Marx
12. Louis Pasteur
13. Galileo Galilei
14. Aristotle
15. Lenin
16. Moses
17. Charles Darwin
18. Shih Huang Ti
19. Augustus Caesar
20. Mao Tse-tung
Actually it is not. :p

Yeah because Michael Harts opinion matters.

What's the most quoted book by Yeshki?? Torah.
What's the most quoted people by Muhammed? Torah / Yeshki

Who brought the Torah? Moses.

What was Isaac Newton? Christian / Scientist
St. Paul CAME from Christianity which came from Yeshki which came from citing quotes of Torah which was from Moses.

I could continue...I could.
Who follows Moses? Not the Jews.

Who follows Jesus? Not the Christians.
Who follows Moses? Not the Jews.

Who follows Jesus? Not the Christians.

This argument has nothing to do with the topic.

But you're a complete idiot S.A.M. you don't even know the laws. You think you do. But I am just another unfaithful liar to you. You say "Look man says his own deeds to you!!!" praise boomshakalaka. Nope, you just are uneducated. Living a 3rd world country, amongst poor uneducated neighbors.
Better get used to stupidity. There are people here who don't believe in the moon landing. There are people who think 9/11 was a conspiracy by the US government. There are people who believe in Astrology. In comparison, denying the existence of some guy who lived 1500 years ago is minor.

Unless that "some guy" established a religion practiced by 1.5 billion people (even 1,400 years after his death), conquered Arabia, and made the Arabs a superpower.

hahaha Most significant?

Without Moshe (or Musa for you) there is no Muhammed.
Without Moshe there is no Yeshki
With out Moshe there is virtually nothing!

And without Musa's parents, there is no Musa. Does this mean that Musa's parents are the "most significant" historical figures? Oops, I see you've been trapped by your own faulty logic. Let me help you out.

So it's not debatable because Michael Hart (whoever the hell he is) says so?
What he says is fact? :bugeye:

No, because he is right. Mohammed was directlt responsible for all his influence. And his influence has affected not just the Muslim world but through the alleviation of the dark ages and the trade established by Muslims from China to Norway, all the world. It is still the most debated most talked about subject on earth and consumes the whole planet today. How can you deny his influence? ;)
Unless that "some guy" established a religion practiced by 1.5 billion people (even 1,400 years after his death), conquered Arabia, and made the Arabs a superpower.

And without Musa's parents, there is no Musa. Does this mean that Musa's parents are the "most significant" historical figures? Oops, I see you've been trapped by your own faulty logic. Let me help you out.


No, the argument is different. Moshe brought the Torah into the world. That torah had more influence on the world than anything ever. It was the WORDS that were quoted...not his blood.
For better or for worse, everyone today studies Mohammed and Islam, no one studies Musa. How does that make him significant? He may be significant to you, but I bet more people can quote [or misquote] the Quran and Hadith than anything Musa said. Try debating with people about what Musa said, then debate with them what Mohammed said or did not say.