Did Mohammad sin???

Arsalan, this should be a peace of cake. You should be able to open the Qur'an and as it is the most perfect book ever written by mankind - well actually by GOD and just post 3 "new" and "enlightened" concepts. Not pages long, just the concept. Then I'll ask you about the concept. This is actually more important to me than the OP.

The Quran was revealed 1400 years ago. New and enlightening for that age or this one?

Secondly, asking a question is not a straw man argument unless I am misrepresenting your position. The question does assume that Islam did offer something new and novel and enlightening about the human condition - if it does not then I will withdraw the question. But rest assured it was a real mistake. I just assumed Islam did offer some new insights into humanity.

You are building it up by saying, and this is continued from the previous Islam in Europe topic, that Islam has no novel or distinctive features and therefore must be plagiarized. Building something up and then breaking it down yourself and then claiming what you said was right all along is a straw man argument.

Thirdly, I went to the link. The first "novel" concept was purported to be this:
Islam is the only religion that totally rejects the notion that truth is the monopoly of any single faith, race or people;

This is not a new concept Buddhists teach that no absolute or ultimate truth is taught, including Buddhism.

First of all there is some Truth that one can achieve in buddhism. Secondly,let me just quote that paragraph:

While speaking on the subject of the distinctive features of Islam, the first and most attractive feature that strikes one, is its most endearing disclaimer that Islam has a monopoly of truth, and that there have been no other true religions. Nor does it claim that Arabs alone have been the recipients of God's love. Islam is the only religion that totally rejects the notion that truth is the monopoly of any single faith, race or people; instead, it professes that divine guidance is a general bounty that has sustained humanity in all ages. The Quran tells us that there is neither a race nor a people, who have not been blessed with the bounty of divine guidance, and there is neither a region of the earth nor ~ body of people who have not received prophets and Messengers of God

It is quite clear that the no monopoly of truth that is being talked about here is that that there have been Prophets sent to every people and their religion was true. Buddha, Jesus, Krishna etc. And that Islam is not just the one religion that was revealed by God.

So what is there? Anything?

I suggest you answer my first question from the top of this post and then read the whole article I linked to. Especially the part about the setup of the state and keep in mind that this was revealed 1400 years ago.
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IThe exact same concept is in the Bible as well as Buddhism and was written about extensively by many ancient Greek Philosophers.

A universal religion, as it is stated in the text, because it claims to be for the whole of mankind. Jesus on the other hand said his teachings were not for everyone and even reused to help people outisde of the ones he was sent to.

This passage appears to be premised on the notion there is one God which (A) is not new the Egyptians first came up with monotheism

Noting wrong with that. God has revealed himself through many Prophets and to many people.

Safeguarding the Qur'an is new but it isn't enlightening.

Thats why the article is titled Distinctive features of Islam
First of all what kind of disruption are the Muslim converts causing? Second of all, if the only disruption is that they have changed their religion and that is deemed unacceptable then that Buddhist/Shinto society knows no freedom of religion.
To begin I just want to make sure we are on the same page. You do support allowing Jews to build Synagogues in or around Mecca and Medina? You do support allowing Hindus to build Temples to Shiva in or around Mecca and Medina?

I'll have to be a little late in my replies because as I'm soo busy.
But thanks for replying, I'll try to get to everything one at a time.
So it is "unenlightened" to deal with the cause of disruption and disorder? Well, lets throw away medicines then. Who needs hospitals anyway. Schools? Meh :shrug:
No my example was of gays whom are hung in Iraq. The excuse is that they "disrupt society". I'm not saying the West is any better as adults who happen to be gays have been treated unfairly but I'm saying that such open statements like "disrupting society" are not helpful because anything can be disruption to society. No one needs this to be tied to some religous dogma that will then be used to rial up the masses to go off and hang a couple kids. This is what I meant as unenlightened.

A better way is to guarantee basic human rights.
Ocen again, when you ascribe to a certain religion or point of view, you do that because you think it is the best. If you dont think it is then you wont stay there for long! Islams superioiryt over other religions has been established. The doctrines on which Christiantity is based have been shown to be false. And etc. etc. etc.

If teaching that a certain point of view is the best, why do we teach that democracy is the best way to run a country? Or that education and healthcare should be for everyone?
Buddhism doesn't teach such intolerance and superiority and it's a very successful life-doctrine.
The system worked because it was implemented during the life of the Holy Prophet and was well estbalished during the Khalifa a Rashideen. Spain had it for a while and so did every Muslim country that made progress.
during which time period (from when to when) and where at?

What do you mean by "worked"? (To some degree Communism "works" for north korea.)
Islam is the only one of the 3 major religions in which both genders are equal.
I said legally equael.
Question: Can a women have more than one husband? Can a man have more than one wife?

Fortunately this is not true. The sword was never used to spread Islam or force it upon people by the Holy Prophet the Khalifa e Rashideen and in many other countries. This is a lie by Western Orientalists who wrote books on these kinds of topics when asked by the Christian clergy to help spread Christanity in the East.
Tell that to a Persian.

The story of Umar?
Yes some people converted and so what? Muslims sometimes convert to Xiaity and to Atheism – I know some.

My point is Humanity on whole is not converting. Sure a few people do but you do not see most people picking up this magic book called the Qur’an, reading it and saying WOW I’m becoming Muslim.

It simply doesn’t happen and as you surely must agree to this.

It is happening, Just not on this forum :) How do you think Islam is spreading so fast? By the sword? Dont make me laugh. Even despite the best efforts of Anti-Islamists it continues to spread because it has something they dont: The Quran.
I’m going to assume you mean by conversion.
So, by conversion - Where is Islam spreading so fast? China? No. USA? No. Europe? No.

In Australia the fastest spreading religion by conversion is Buddhism.

Baha’i wins more converts than Islam.

None of this is my point. My point is MOST people who read the Qur’an don’t convert and very few philosophers make, if any, a comment on it.

If you look the world over, and I’m talking from Japan to Brazil people will pick up Plato’s writing and say yes this is amazing – it’s even taught in University. But that just isn’t so of Mohammad’s writing.

My Chinese friends said: We need to catch up to the West that is why Plato is so important to us. (note he said Plato – not the Qur’an, Plato)

See my point yet?
The jsut over 300 people that fought against the Meccans that attacked them, I guess they werent swayed by the guidance in the Quran and its beauty. Indonesia, one of the largest Muslim countries, also had many Muslims who spread their religion by the sword right? Oh wait :rolleyes:
Either you are not reading my writing or you are intentially misrepresenting my words. I said BOTH sword and teaching's. So the Persians were conquered and the Indonesians were taught.

And you are saying that every single Chinese has read the Quran?
The fact is the Chinese became Buddhists but did not become Muslims. This is a fact of History. One could say "Did every single Chinese read the Buddhist texts? No. But something in there was inspiring enough that a well established civilization found it enlightening.

Look at the world, the majority are religious and not atheist. So religion must be the right thing! That argument wont work, im afraid.
This is a logical fallacy called "Appeal to Popularity"

Appeal to Popularity has the following form:

1. Most people approve of X (have favorable emotions towards X).
2. Therefore X is true.

It's illogical,
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Arsalan, by the sound of it, you seem to be another believer whose personal interests in humanitarianism are compromised by your group association with islamism, or islamic society. This is not uncommon: can you make a guess as to the reasons for it?
The Quran was revealed 1400 years ago. New and enlightening for that age or this one?
My specific question is what philosophy or insight into the human condition does the Qur'an present that wasn't already written by someone else before the Qur'an?

What is new and enlightening or insightful that the Qur'an has brought?

You are building it up by saying, and this is continued from the previous Islam in Europe topic, that Islam has no novel or distinctive features and therefore must be plagiarized. Building something up and then breaking it down yourself and then claiming what you said was right all along is a straw man argument.
I didn't intend to do that.

So, assuming there is something new that is also insightful on the human condition - what is it?
A universal religion, as it is stated in the text, because it claims to be for the whole of mankind. Jesus on the other hand said his teachings were not for everyone and even reused to help people outisde of the ones he was sent to.
Maybe you should explain that "Universal Religion" part.

Firstly, Xiaity is similarly universal. Anyone in humanity that accepts a few Christian tenets are accepted Universally. The message in Islam is similar only people accept Islamnic tenets. Perhaps the tenets are different but the universality is similar.

While Universality is indeed an enlightened concept it certainly wasn't first taught by Mohammad. The ancient Greeks such as Plato speaks extensible about universals in both religous and general terms. It was a whole field of philosophy 1000 years before Islam.
I thought because this thread was becoming so disjointed I'd summarize my points. There are a lot of ideas that can be discovered and questions answered by my question.

Firstly, you suggest that Islam spread ONLY by teaching. Well I can beleive this is the case:
(1) If the society is Civilized and more advance (that is the society the ideas are spread to) and the concepts are indeed revolutionary, very insightful, and take a novel and enlightening position on the human condition [aka: they teach something new]. We see this with Buddhism spreading into China. New ideas into a very old and very civilized society.
(2) If the society is not Civilized (but still at the tribal stage) then while these ideas may not be novel they are more advanced then those of this tribal civilization. Then sure, of course these people will take these ideas as novel - even if they were plagiarized, simply because for these people (who may even be illiterate) the ideas are new. It'd be like taking the best of Plato and presenting it as your own to the Inca - they'd probably think the ideas were really great. But if you took the best of Plato and presented them as your own to the Roman's - they'd tell you to get stuffed. Another example would be the concept of Universality spreading into Indonesia via Arab traders.

make sense?

With this in mind, if the ideas are simply copied then there are only a few other ways I see a Civilized nation taking them up as part of their culture. (1) Their King is either swayed or has formed an alliance and thus it is mandated the new religion become formal (Examples of this happening occur ALL THE TIME historically) or (2) They are conquered and occupied and coerced to take up the new religion. You know, like taxing people for NOT believing. Anyone reasonable can see that taxing people based on their beleif is a sure sign that the Religion is morally bankrupt. Deep in the back of your mind as you try to find something novel - keep this in mind.

Thirdly, there is this idea that the Qur'an is "special". Actually more than special - almost "magical" to some Muslims. Well then - it either floats around in the air or it has some very convincing NOVEL arguments in it.

When the over whelming majority of non-Muslim people read the Qur'an they do not find anything remarkable about it. Sure some do, most do not. Yet, most people who read Plato find that his writing is very remarkable - enough so that it's taught in University from Japan to Brazil. How is it possible that an imperfect work such as The Republic could be sooo much more influential then a "perfect" book like The Qur'an? Interesting conundrum isn't it? So? How to answer this conundrum? Well, what I think is a good solution is to find out just what's so great in the Qur'an. Hence my question. If it's really a perfect book then this should be a snap.

What I find is most Muslims soon realize there isn't anything novel and enlightening in the book. Oh, there are novel things in there (Mohammad flying on a winged fairy creature) and there are enlightening things in there (Universality of humanity) but there is nothing that is novel AND enlightening.

So then most Muslims suggest that there was some small corrections that needed to be made here and there and that's why Mohammad was chosen. But this is absurd from any reasonable point of view. Why would a God head want to create enduring war and animosity just to correct a couple stories that took place in the Middle East - which are not even relevant to people like Japanese or native Brazilian. Assuming the Universality - a just God wouldn't. So we must assume that there must be some very Remarkable and Revolutionary ideas in the Qur'an.

So? What is it?
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To begin I just want to make sure we are on the same page. You do support allowing Jews to build Synagogues in or around Mecca and Medina? You do support allowing Hindus to build Temples to Shiva in or around Mecca and Medina?

Do you support teaching creationism in schools?

No my example was of gays whom are hung in Iraq. The excuse is that they "disrupt society". I'm not saying the West is any better as adults who happen to be gays have been treated unfairly but I'm saying that such open statements like "disrupting society" are not helpful because anything can be disruption to society. No one needs this to be tied to some religous dogma that will then be used to rial up the masses to go off and hang a couple kids. This is what I meant as unenlightened.

First of all, I dont support Iran. Second of all, the disruption of society are my words from what I've understood in the Quran. It is obvious that you do not want to grasp the meaning of disruption in society.

A better way is to guarantee basic human rights.

Which is what Islam does.

Buddhism doesn't teach such intolerance and superiority and it's a very successful life-doctrine.

In my eyes Islam doesnt teach intolerance either.

during which time period (from when to when) and where at?

What do you mean by "worked"? (To some degree Communism "works" for north korea.)

Im not going to look up every single link for you. It is not that hard to find it yourself by the criteria I gave.

I said legally equael.
Question: Can a women have more than one husband? Can a man have more than one wife?

Like I said, there are many practical and moral advantages with the permission of polygamy. Cant you find anything else to complain about except polygamy?

Tell that to a Persian.

After the death of the Prophet a lot of Persian tribes left Islam and actively attacked and killed Muslims. They were fought and were conquered. They have always been a fierce nation. And they probably never liked to have lost to the Arabs. the only connection that has with Islam is that they were fought to protect the Muslims living there. They werent forced into Islam.

Yes some people converted and so what? Muslims sometimes convert to Xiaity and to Atheism – I know some.

First a strong enemy converted after hearing the Quran. Then more than 300 converts defended the faith. After the treaty more than 7000 people converted just by argument and reading the Quran. And this is still going on.

My point is Humanity on whole is not converting. Sure a few people do but you do not see most people picking up this magic book called the Qur’an, reading it and saying WOW I’m becoming Muslim.

Strange as I've seen people do exactly that. On the otehr hand a lot of people dont know anything about Islam atm either. Have patience, give it somet ime. When they have studied it and heard the arguments they will.

I’m going to assume you mean by conversion.
So, by conversion - Where is Islam spreading so fast? China? No. USA? No. Europe? No.

How else is it spreading in the West? Or are you going to bring up that tired argument about birth rates?

In Australia the fastest spreading religion by conversion is Buddhism.

Yes they went from 200k to over 300k.

Baha’i wins more converts than Islam.

Islam already has a lot more than Bahai. And even then it is growing at almost the same percentage. Where for the Bahai 5% may be 400k its a bit more for Islam.

None of this is my point. My point is MOST people who read the Qur’an don’t convert and very few philosophers make, if any, a comment on it.

Then you will have to show me a statistic saying that so many people read the Quran, studied it and heard the arguments and so many acutally converted. Also, so what if philosophers dont make a comment on it? What does that have to do with the personal religion of people?

If you look the world over, and I’m talking from Japan to Brazil people will pick up Plato’s writing and say yes this is amazing – it’s even taught in University. But that just isn’t so of Mohammad’s writing.

My Chinese friends said: We need to catch up to the West that is why Plato is so important to us. (note he said Plato – not the Qur’an, Plato)

See my point yet?

I see your point, you are confusing religion with education in educational institutions. Also, The Prophet didnt write anything as far as i know.

Either you are not reading my writing or you are intentially misrepresenting my words. I said BOTH sword and teaching's. So the Persians were conquered and the Indonesians were taught.

The fighting with the Persians had nothing to do with spreading Islam or converting them.

The fact is the Chinese became Buddhists but did not become Muslims. This is a fact of History. One could say "Did every single Chinese read the Buddhist texts? No. But something in there was inspiring enough that a well established civilization found it enlightening.

So it wasnt that Buddhism came to China way before Islam? Also, in that age whenever a leader chose a religion, all his subjects followed that religion too. Just because some leaders accepted a certain religion, does not mean any other religion has failed in that area.

This is a logical fallacy called "Appeal to Popularity"

Appeal to Popularity has the following form:

1. Most people approve of X (have favorable emotions towards X).
2. Therefore X is true.

It's illogical,l

*le major sigh* Hence the part that I said at the end. Maybe I shudve said /sarcasm there to make myself clearer.
Maybe you should explain that "Universal Religion" part.

Firstly, Xiaity is similarly universal. Anyone in humanity that accepts a few Christian tenets are accepted Universally. The message in Islam is similar only people accept Islamnic tenets. Perhaps the tenets are different but the universality is similar.

So Christianity claism universality? Why does the Bible then say that jesus was only sent to the House of Israel? Why not to everyone, to mankind?
So Christianity claism universality? Why does the Bible then say that jesus was only sent to the House of Israel? Why not to everyone, to mankind?
It was Jesus directly who said that...a passage Christians like to ignore.
They are conquered and occupied and coerced to take up the new religion. You know, like taxing people for NOT believing. Anyone reasonable can see that taxing people based on their beleif is a sure sign that the Religion is morally bankrupt.

*sigh* Do I have to explain the whole taxing thing again. Ok, pay attention. Every government taxes its subjects. But when the government is Muslim it taxes the Muslim the Zakat. But they cant tax the Non-Muslim subjects because that would be coercing a religion on them. So for them, because everyone has to pay tax, another tax is valid, a lighter one. Can you please try to grasp this before saying that it is morally bankrupt to tax people like this? I guess you would rather have them pay the Zakat and then you would say they were being subtly coerced into accepting Islam.

Thirdly, there is this idea that the Qur'an is "special". Actually more than special - almost "magical" to some Muslims. Well then - it either floats around in the air or it has some very convincing NOVEL arguments in it.

It is the word fo God. That is why its so revered.

When the over whelming majority of non-Muslim people read the Qur'an they do not find anything remarkable about it.

Are you talking for yourself or for everyone else? If so give me a statistic.

Sure some do, most do not. Yet, most people who read Plato find that his writing is very remarkable - enough so that it's taught in University from Japan to Brazil. How is it possible that an imperfect work such as The Republic could be sooo much more influential then a "perfect" book like The Qur'an?

Because it is an educational pice of work. It is not a religion as far as I know. Another thing to keep in the back of your mind is that a lot of the teachings of Islam have been incorporated in modern society and laws around the world. These teachings have become accepted standards.

What I find is most Muslims soon realize there isn't anything novel and enlightening in the book. Oh, there are novel things in there (Mohammad flying on a winged fairy creature) and there are enlightening things in there (Universality of humanity) but there is nothing that is novel AND enlightening.

So then most Muslims suggest that there was some small corrections that needed to be made here and there and that's why Mohammad was chosen. But this is absurd from any reasonable point of view. Why would a God head want to create enduring war and animosity just to correct a couple stories that took place in the Middle East - which are not even relevant to people like Japanese or native Brazilian. Assuming the Universality - a just God wouldn't. So we must assume that there must be some very Remarkable and Revolutionary ideas in the Qur'an.

Lol @ winged fairy creature :) Anyway, the fact of the matter is, and one which you just dont want to understand, that Islam is an evolution of religion and presents its ultimate form. Its just unbelievable how long I have spent telling you that (ofcourse deletings didnt help). What other religion has all these values, morals and teachingsa bout humanity, spirituality, religion, politics, freedom etc in its teachings?
Lol @ winged fairy creature :) Anyway, the fact of the matter is, and one which you just dont want to understand, that Islam is an evolution of religion and presents its ultimate form. Its just unbelievable how long I have spent telling you that (ofcourse deletings didnt help). What other religion has all these values, morals and teachingsa bout humanity, spirituality, religion, politics, freedom etc in its teachings?

Uh...Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and...all the rest, I suppose.
Hi Arsalan,
I have read all of your responses and thanks for taking the time to respond. I see that we will just disagree on many subjects so I'm going to narrow everything down to two.

First: Islam has been around for 1400 years. You say that Islam is the perfect beleif system. You also say that this isn't self-evident today and that today it isn't working - but this is due to the people. The people's fault.
What I want to know is when and where did it work? Just a time and place in the last 1200 years. If there is no time and place in 1200 years I'd say it's simply not going to work. You can not say it's a great system and then not provide at least ONE example in a thousand years of when it worked.
Surely you agree.

Second: I beleive you picked Universality as a novel and enlightening concept. Can you expound on this on how it is novel to Islam? I agree that the notion we are all equal is an enlightening concept but how is this an Islamic idea? How is Islam's idea of Universality novel? As I mentioned many Greek Philosophers including Plato wrote volumes on the subject. It was one of the biggest selling points of Christianity. Regardless of what is in the Bible my point is the concept was well and truely founded before Islam. Finally Buddhism is a Universal religion as well. So what I am asking is for you to explain what is novel in Islam's notion of Universality.

If you could please first define the term "Universality" and then explain why Islam's definition and teaching is novel that'd be great.

So Christianity claism universality? Why does the Bible then say that jesus was only sent to the House of Israel? Why not to everyone, to mankind?
M*W: I try to explain this from an astro-theological perspective. Jesus is represented by the sun, the center of the zodiac. The very name Is-ra-el stands for Issa-Sun-God. I've seen other places where the "Is-" also stands for "Isis," but I believe it stands for "Issa." Now, Issa, being the Sun-God, was sent to all creation as the myth goes. The "House of Israel" is nothing more than the zodiac, the 12 constellations from where all myth generated. Astro-theology is the study of the stars as applied to the human condition. Astrology, OTOH, is the movement of the stars and constellations. All religions stemmed from the study of the stars.


Ernest Busenbark, Symbols, Sex, and the Stars, 2003.

Acharya S., Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Revealed, 2004.

Ahmed Osman, Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus, 2004.

David Fideler, Jesus Christ, Son of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism, 1993.

Acharya S., The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, 1999.