Did Mohammad sin???


Valued Senior Member
Apparently so,

[48:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[48:1] We have bestowed upon you (O Messenger) a great victory.

[48:2] Whereby GOD forgives your past sins, as well as future sins, and perfects His blessings upon you, and guides you in a straight path.

I wonder what sorts of sins did Mohammad commit? Anyone have some examples of any?

Uhm, He began a religion that seems to lead many of its adherents to incite gaiin submission over others, including the use of violence to enforce that submission?
I believe his former worship of idols counts as one.

EDIT: This site has an interested anaysis that reduces what the sins could've been to one or more of the following: "To sum up, those who possess or commit dh—n—b do the following: disbelieve, sexually seduce, rebel, murder, defy Allah, refuse his messengers, disobey clear warnings, doubt holy men, or mock sacred truths and messengers or patriarchs."

I'm no Quran expert so I can't verify it for you. Take it as you like.
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He was married to five girls aged from 9-15 years old and boasted that he could satisfy them all in one night. However, this was not judged a sin in those days.

As Mohammad died a slow and lingering death and Allah did nothing to ease his suffering, I assume he managed to really upset Allah in some way.
Islam believes that all of God's prophets were sinless. Abraham, Daniel, Jesus, etc. Muslims believe Muhammad sets the example for perfect behavior. That behavior is mainly in Hadiths (stories/traditions) of the things he did. (The Qu'ran is the perfect and unchanging word of Allah). Muslims ant to emulate his behavior just as Christians want to emulate Jesus.
I posted a direct quote from the Qur'an that seems to suggest Mohammad "sinned". Maybe he was secretly going for pork BBQ sandwiches?
In general, in the Qur'an, Allah is speaking to all believers. When it says "Allah may forgive thee thy faults of the past" Allah is talking to the reader. Muhammad just regurgitated what Allah told him to write. Muhammad's behavior is in the Hadiths.

Allah does forgive, but only forgives the sins of his believers:

009.080 Whether thou ask for their forgiveness, or not, (their sin is unforgivable): if thou ask seventy times for their forgiveness, Allah will not forgive them: because they have rejected Allah and His Apostle: and Allah guideth not those who are perversely rebellious.

And non-believers (Christians, Jews and others) are perversely rebellious which makes them all inherently enemies and dangerous to Islam. When Muslim apologists say they do not believe in killing innocents, keep in mind non-believers are never innocent.
In general, in the Qur'an, Allah is speaking to all believers. When it says "Allah may forgive thee thy faults of the past" Allah is talking to the reader. Muhammad just regurgitated what Allah told him to write. Muhammad's behavior is in the Hadiths.

The Quran takes precedence over the Hadith. Is there a direct quote in the Quran that suggests Muhammad was sinless?
The Quran takes precedence over the Hadith. Is there a direct quote in the Quran that suggests Muhammad was sinless?

No. That Muhammad was sinless was IIRC a doctrine developed long after his death. Muslims wanted Muhammad to appear at least as good as Jesus who was considered sinless and performed miracles. I think Muslims say Muhammad performed miracles now too but there are no miracles I know of in the Qur'an.

Sin is also a different concept. Sin is simply failing to be obedient to Allah. Muhammadians don't have the concept of "The Fall" where everyone is inherently sinful. Therefore there is no concept of "salvation" either. On your judgement day your good deeds are weighed against your bad deeds - meaning how well did you obey Allah.
No. That Muhammad was sinless was IIRC a doctrine developed long after his death. Muslims wanted Muhammad to appear at least as good as Jesus who was considered sinless and performed miracles. I think Muslims say Muhammad performed miracles now too but there are no miracles I know of in the Qur'an.
He did fly on a magic winged fairy creature...
Since its pretty useless for me to reply (because it will be censored and or deleted), if you really want a discussion on Islam, the Holy Prophet and want to see the posts by me that were censored and or deleted by a mod, pm me and ill recommend a forum where we can have these discussions without fear of censorship.
Why are you being deleted? So long as you don't copy past long posts I really can't imagine why you would be censored?

Speaking of which, didn't I leave you with some specific question in another thread
*looks for other thread*

Here we are:

Tell me Arsalan, how does Islam "unite" polytheisms such as Japanese Shintoism without denigrating the Japanese religion?


Just briefly describe 3 of the "many" revolutionary and perfect teachings.

Here I'll give you an example:
Christianity teaches that all humans a sinners and that the only path to salvation is through the forgiveness of accepting Jesus as your savior.

So Arsalan three brief examples of revolutionary and perfect teachings from the Qur'an

(note you can see how short mine was, also I am not a Christian)

Maybe we have a different opinion of what is perfect.

Which is more perfect?
a) A society where all people are taxed equally or
b) a society were some people are taxed based on their belief.
Which is more perfect a or b?

Which is more perfect?
a) A society where Slavery is an acceptable institutional or
b) a society were Slavery is illegal.
Which is more perfect a or b?

Which is more perfect?
a) A society where polygamy is an acceptable practice or
b) a society were polygamy is unacceptable.
Which is more perfect a or b?

Which is more perfect?
a) A society where women are legally equal to men or
b) a society were women are not legally equal to men.
Which is more perfect a or b?

Which is more perfect?
a) A polygamist society where men can legally take more than one wife or
b) a polygamist society were men and women can legally take more than one partner
Which is more perfect a or b?

Surely the A or B wouldn't be censored??? I'm asking for a letter!!!
Since its pretty useless for me to reply (because it will be censored and or deleted), if you really want a discussion on Islam, the Holy Prophet and want to see the posts by me that were censored and or deleted by a mod, pm me and ill recommend a forum where we can have these discussions without fear of censorship.

Yea what's up with deleting posts? I had a post deleted that compared a detail of the difference between Christianity and Islam - a rather benign post I thought. I asked the mod what it was about the post that was against the rules but no reply yet.

Meanwhile other threads copy and past large lists of junk from anti-Christian sites, call Christians killers, claim Hitler was a good Christian, and none of that gets deleted.
Since its pretty useless for me to reply (because it will be censored and or deleted), if you really want a discussion on Islam, the Holy Prophet and want to see the posts by me that were censored and or deleted by a mod, pm me and ill recommend a forum where we can have these discussions without fear of censorship.

i remember that mod called ( skinwalker ) with his racism ... we asked before to ban him from moderating this forum ....

so whom else do you point to ?

i hope it is not michael .... because if that guy became a mod here on this forum .. this will be the biggest joke ( i mean mistake ) the site co-owner have done :(

a mod should be neutral .. open minded ... and adult .. and so many things ...