Developing Telepathy


Registered Member
I've got a hypothesis about how a regular person could develop telepathy. I know it's probably wrong, and I encourage compitent individuals to poke holes in, and totally shatter this theory. Seriously, I want to have a better idea of this.

I consider some forms of ESP valid. Telepathy being one of them. Considering that we use a tiny portion of our brain, it is possible that we all have the potential to work on a much higher mental level. Knowing that we can increase the power and flexibility of our bodies, this should (theoretically) carry through to our brains. If we were to gain enough information to reach our brain's limit, and we were to continue to push the limit like people do in their physical training, it is possible (over time) to open up a new section of our brains to pick up for what it currently cannot do. This could possibly open up areas involving telepathy.

There it is. Like I said, feel free to shoot it down.
Have you tried it? Did it work for you?

BTW, that "using a tiny portion of our brain" thing is a myth. We use all of our brain. If we didn't, it would be unnecessary wasted space.
i dout it is wasted space i personally think much of our brain is locked... and you can unlock it by disipline and training i would think... people of the past used to be way more spiritual connnected with the world then they are now i think this is because of all the physcical technology that the world has today if people would rely less on physical needs i think much more of our brains would be unlocked poeple who has stonge phycic powers or can use telephathy have unlock a little bit of their brain that many people havnt some people can connect and understand animals another part of there brain is unlock usually by something that happened in there past mabye or mabye they somehow trianed themselves to do this humans have many abilities that we dont even know about... when people first have a OBE i think a part of there brain is beeing unlock since they trained for it and told themselves it was posable and eventually this happens.......
Emmm.... no, not quite. What James was attempting to point out is that the idea that only a relatively tiny portion of the human brain is used is actually a myth - we do actively use all of our brain, just not necessarily all of it all at the same time.

Simply because our minds can imagine it possesses greater powers doesn't necessarily follow that actually they do. We just like to think it.
That's a good point. I suppose no one really knows for a fact that there are special abilities that can be attained. But on the same note, there's no proof that we don't have latent abilities, waiting to be used. Unless there's some article that I haven't seen, and there's a pretty good chance of it. I don't claim to know everything.
Lomion said:
I've got a hypothesis about how a regular person could develop telepathy. I know it's probably wrong, and I encourage compitent individuals to poke holes in, and totally shatter this theory. Seriously, I want to have a better idea of this.

I consider some forms of ESP valid. Telepathy being one of them. Considering that we use a tiny portion of our brain, it is possible that we all have the potential to work on a much higher mental level. Knowing that we can increase the power and flexibility of our bodies, this should (theoretically) carry through to our brains. If we were to gain enough information to reach our brain's limit, and we were to continue to push the limit like people do in their physical training, it is possible (over time) to open up a new section of our brains to pick up for what it currently cannot do. This could possibly open up areas involving telepathy.

There it is. Like I said, feel free to shoot it down.

Jeez! You act like you just said you were gay or something.

Of course there is ESP and telepathy. Of course it can be developed. There is lots of literature about how to do it. Go practice kung fu or yoga or do some of that new age stuff. You have to be patient. Might take 3 or 5 years. That is nothing compared to the length of your life.

Be reasonable about your expectations too. It is not Hollywood razzle dazzle like in the X men movies.
We have an organ in our brain which can send and receive thoughts. People don't know they own such an organ, but it will be awakened later. It has fallen into a latent state because of a crossbreeding between a primitive and a highly developed human race long ago.

To send a thought to someone you have to think about the person, then feel the person, then be the person. Easier said than done.

(this also means that you can become a spoon for instance, and since the self is omnipresent, you can bend yourself, the spoon, when you have become it. This enhanced will power is a "substance" similar to the electric force)

To receive a telepathic thought you have to empty yourself of all thoughts, otherwise you'll not hear it.

Telepathy works best on the night when the body is asleep and the 'spirit' is awake.

May the force be with you.

~ The 400,000 year old ultramaterial cat from lemurian beaches
Deep meditation is the usually suggested method to develop telepathy and other psi related skills.
Lomion said:
That's a good point. I suppose no one really knows for a fact that there are special abilities that can be attained. g.

What makes you say that? I am someone. I tell you for fact that people can have telepathy.

It is your choice to believe or disbelieve just like it is your choice to believe or disbelieve that the sky is blue.
I swear people are lemmings. I have been on the internet for about 10 years. In those 10 years, you know what? When I post that people have telepathy, 98% of the lemmings out there in internet world post that link.

Why are people so purposefully stupid?

If I could read minds, 1 million dollars is a joke. I can go to wall street and make billions.

If I was naive, I would beleive that randi was real and would give me the money. Instead of believeing randi is a front organization that searches the populace for people who beleive they are telepathic. If they pass the test, the government contacts them and who knows what happens. Didn't you see how the government treated telepaths in Babylon 5? That is exactly how it would go down.

Stop being so gullible. Wake up and realize that the people you trust want you to be a cattle so they can own you. They want you to work and pay taxes while they eat caviar and drink champagne. They would tell you any lie that you wanted to hear if it meant that you never bothered them and you continued to give them 50% of your yearly wages in taxes.
Developing telepathy? It'll never happen. But rest assured, there are many, many people lined up waiting to take your money to "teach you how." You can buy books, attend seminars, etc, etc. But in the end, you'll still be the same guessing person you were before.

People who are misguided enough to actually believe they have telepathy are the kinds of people who remember the hits and forget the misses in life. They notice that which is of the slightest significance in life and think it was all because of them. But the fact is that humans are pattern seeking animals and we will find the correlations in everything from the scorch marks on a tortilla that look like a messiah to the last meal eaten when pitching a no-hitter. Thinking about a loved one who suddenly calls by phone is an immediate proof of telepathy, in spite of the fact that the many, many times that loved one didn't call when thought of is completely ignored.

What would be significant is if there weren't coincidences.

Telepathy. Yeah, right. Wanna buy a book on the subject?
Happeh sez:

Of course there is ESP and telepathy. Of course it can be developed. There is lots of literature about how to do it... I tell you for fact that people can have telepathy.

1 million dollars is a joke. I can go to wall street and make billions.

So, why aren't all those people making billions on Wall Street from telepathy? Why hasn't anyone successfully taken the 1 million dollar challenge and walked away with that?

Why, instead, are they trying to sell you literature on telepathy?
Because telepaths are altruistic and don't want fame, of course. They just seek status among internet peers by boasting of their claims. The money made on books barely covers their expenses: publishing, a new home, a Lexis, the new plasma screen, ..... you know, the basic expenses of living.

Or the alternative hypothesis: there is no telepathy and those that claim there is simply want to steal hard-earned money from gullible muggles willing to give it to them.

Happeh said:
I swear people are lemmings. I have been on the internet for about 10 years. In those 10 years, you know what? When I post that people have telepathy, 98% of the lemmings out there in internet world post that link.

If 98% of the lemmings out there are delivering the same exact message then thats a significant agreement amongst the lemming population. Rarely (if ever) do agreements reach such high statistical results. Maybe the message of such a statistical anomoly should be examined more closely?

Happeh said:
Why are people so purposefully stupid?

Because they accept assertions as true based on attractiveness / authority rather than evidence.

Happeh said:
If I could read minds, 1 million dollars is a joke. I can go to wall street and make billions.

Show me the results of this prediction with people whom can read minds.

Happeh said:
If I was naive, I would beleive that randi was real and would give me the money. Instead of believeing randi is a front organization that searches the populace for people who beleive they are telepathic. If they pass the test, the government contacts them and who knows what happens. Didn't you see how the government treated telepaths in Babylon 5? That is exactly how it would go down.

Yes, a fantasy television show is a great way to judge reality.

Happeh said:
Stop being so gullible. Wake up and realize that the people you trust want you to be a cattle so they can own you. They want you to work and pay taxes while they eat caviar and drink champagne. They would tell you any lie that you wanted to hear if it meant that you never bothered them and you continued to give them 50% of your yearly wages in taxes.

I pay 30% of my annual wages in taxes (which is reasonable for all the services provided), I drink champagne, eat caviar, and aside from the occasional jury duty request, my government isn't asking me for any special favors.
As we have entered the Era of Global Terrorism it is necessary for people to use all their senses for survival and this includes the much derided 6th sense also known as intuition. There are times when logical reasoning thought is countered by a little unexplained doubt urging caution. Listen to that "inner voice" in the Era of Global Terrorism your life may depend on it. The "inner voice" is not permission to harm other people; it is your cue to walk away from what maybe a very dangerous situation. Listen to the doubt.

If your "inner voice" is telling you to hurt yourself or to harm other people seek professional help.

Intuition maybe the survival skill of the 21st century. Learn to listen for it. All you need to do is be quiet and listen for the "inner voice". Taking a moment to do this is not an arduous task, pausing before doing something just maybe very good for your health as well.
Intuition is a far different thing than telepathy. Moreover, there are more than just 6 senses.