Denial of Evolution VII (2015)


everyone seems to think evolution proceeds as a series of "improvements".
Everyone thinks that, do they?

i believe there might be some kind of catalyzing action involved.
not only was the first life catalyzed into being, but the diversity of life is also the result of "catalyzing" action.
goulds concept of spandrels would be the basis of this stuff.
This is so vague as to be meaningless.

Just so I know that you understand what you're talking about, please explain Gould's "spandrels" for me in a couple of sentences. Because if you think they have something to do with catalysts, then you're all at sea.

that is what irks me the most about topics like this.
you throw out an anomly and everyone starts accusing you of being a creationist.
What anomaly have you thrown out?

when i first posted these quotes james refered to the group of scientists as being in a state of communal madness.
Where? Please quote the relevant post, with a link. Or retract your claim.

you know, if i was the author of NAIG, i would have been all in sciences face over this.
NAIG doesn't have just one author.

Your favorite article is unimportant when it comes to the truth of evolution.

the number of people that wrote to science and bitched about the article IS PROOF that it WAS NOT a small deal.
How many people wrote? Where can I see these letters?

everyone except ayala that is.
and yes, science could have lost a bunch of money over this.
That's an unsupported claim. But who cares? It has no bearing on evolution.

but hey, it was a "misunderstanding", right?
Of a clumsy explanation by Lewin. Or both.

heh, heh, yeah, go tell someone else cause i don't buy it.
Who cares what you think? You don't even understand what the arguments at the conference were about.

you will notice that NAIG makes no indication that they contacted science.
Probably they didn't.

and that is the very FIRST thing that should have been done.
Why? This isn't important to scientists. Get it?

no big deal, but it was big enough to get NAIG to contact ayala.
NAIG is an anti-creationist site. Among other things, it explicitly investigates creationist tactics and exposes them for what they are.

Science, on the other hand, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It publishes science, not creationist bullshit.

remember, this was/is the foremost evolutionist in the US saying this.
1. Ayala didn't say it.
2. Ayala wasn't/isn't "the foremost evolutionist in the US".
3. Why would the foremost evolutionist in the US say he doesn't believe in a fundamental point about evolution, anyway?
4. Why are there no other statements from Ayala anywhere in the literature saying that "small (genetic) changes don't accumulate"? Why just this one?

so, it's not just ayala, it's the record origin.
and it's not just a couple of gaps here and there.
these gaps are typical of the record, the norm.
Fossilisation is rare. The reasons for apparent "gaps" are well understood. The simplest among them is that many fossils remain to be found.

where does all of this leave us?
It leaves us with you falsely proposing that evolution is dead and buried because of a mistake made in an obscure article back in 1980. And it leaves you as ignorant of science as when you first started this, at least two years ago. Just think how you could have used that time usefully if only you wanted to learn something.

ayala said it, that's where.
and he said it in reference to the gaps, right where the transitional fossils should be.
He didn't say it. That's on the record. And even if he did, it would just be Ayala being wrong about something. Evolution doesn't stand or fall on anything Ayala said, ever.

if evolution proceeds by catalysis then maybe these spandrels are biomolecular in nature.
This is the reason for evolution, to prove the non existence of God elimination of singularity to set the foundation of consciousness becoming dominated by dual realms and ego glorification of man becoming a God. This is why they eat the apple in the first place the Adamities Thus they descended and became a permanent slave to gravity coincidentally the apple hit Issac Newton on his head
"The author of the rational world he has inspired the scientific perspective" ((Someguy1)) signifying hell and animal like realms. Then they eventual was on a pursuit of knowledge the tree they eat from for their masters taught them lessons of the scionic disciplines as well as gave them the basics tools to discovery it. That tool is basically science and it's subcategories. This is why there is a church of scientology they have mastered the secrets of levitation and all sorts of reality bending techniques, the mathematical proofs are hidden in plane sight so you cannot say they never told you the truth. But you remain ignorant only to save face and perpetuate fear and disbelief. We all may use science because pure knowledge is not of the ego to use science as a means of objection is fine, but once a belief is attached upon it in this case "scientology" it is no longer science but then is and has become a religion "Scientology" check out the link and you will understand the rest... Remember to scroll to the bottom to read Spidergoats description of what's going on.
How do you get out of bed in the morning and not end up with your underwear on the outside of your pants?

Because, no offense, but that is some crazy stuff. As in scary crazy stuff.. The scary part comes from the thought that you are allowed to roam free.

leopold said:
evolutionist: see that pond of goo over there?
one of these days it will give you an opinion on a dali.
the theory of relativity will spew from its lips.

if someone told me that, i would laugh my ass off.
What is it with creationists and their 'pond of goo' argument?

It appears to be a staple.

My 7 year old has a better grasp of evolution than you do.
that is what irks me the most about topics like this.
you throw out an anomly and everyone starts accusing you of being a creationist. ...
I've mentioned several times that the Giraffe's anomaly* strongly supports the ToE but if one insists on taking the ID /creationist's POV, it must be modified. I. e. not an "Intelligent Designer" but a very, very stupid one. That alternative of a SD (Stupid Designer) is at least plausible / supported by facts.

* It seems likely that the distant ancestor of the giraffe was a four legged creature with probably shorter than average neck (or possibly none) as one of the nerves that told "cheek information" (i.e that bee stung there or he bit his cheek, happen to pass below a bone before going to the brain for processing. Getting it on top of that bone can not be done via a set of many very tiny "analog changes" accumulating over thousands of generations. The relocation of that nerve to the top side of the bone, which later became the "collar bone" is a "binary change" I.e. there are only two "states" ("under" or "on top" of the bone.) So the long necked giraffe of today learns he bit his cheek with considerable neural delay as the bite induced neural signals leave the cheek area, travel all the way down that long neck, go under the bone still and then travel all the way up that long neck and finally reach the brain. - If the giraffe was "designed" the designer must be very stupid.

In contrast the length of the neck can increase via tiny incremental changes accumulating over thousands of generations. For example the average length of the giraffes in generation n+1 can be 0.1mm longer than the average neck length in generation n. Evolution can (and did) change the length of the neck of giraffes as that is an ANALOGUE CHANGE. I don't know why it happened but perhaps the short necked ancestor of the giraffe liked the taste of the leaves at the top of the short bush it feed on more than the slightly more dusty ones closer to the ground - Why the change occurred is not important as it did occur as each tiny stage of that analogue change gave a slight benefit.

BTW, the human retina is also "built backward" from good design practice. The photo detector cells are BEHIND the network of shadow casting blood vessels, and all the nerves collecting data from them. This makes the signals coming to V1 from an object image be cut into many dozens, (or hundreds for a large image) of separate pieces by the shadows. A lot of extra computational work must be done in V1, just to fill in the shadow gaps, with best guesses - not always correct, but I skip here describing how that "fill in" error can be demonstrated.

The octopus has a correctly designed eye - the photon sensitive cells of the retina are in front of all this shadow casting support structure. If god, the creator exists and made anything in his image, eyes correctly, etc., he must look like an octopus. Think how much more work I could do, if I too had eight arms and hands like God probably does if he/she exists!
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Perhaps "8" is the special number you may be on to something...
Yes. It is the symbol for Infinity rotated 90 degrees. Do you think that is hint about eight armed God's true nature?

God, in the female form, (and a tiger) posed for an artist to paint.
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Yes it is the symbol for Infinity rotated 90 degrees. Do you think that is hint about eight armed God's true nature?
Well it was the answer I used to disprove the Riemann hypothesis so I find that very interesting also my sun is in the 8th house. You see how amazing God is 90, 8, and, 72 are all related to each other plus, they all are synonymous to God now this is no coincidence. Twistyness !!:)
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Yes. It is the symbol for Infinity rotated 90 degrees. Do you think that is hint about eight armed God's true nature?

God, in the female form, (and a tiger) posed for an artist to paint.

God is usually depicted by the lion so I think what the message here is showing is that Gods creations seek to become greater than God the multidimensional beings you have one here on sci forums the 8 arms in this case is signifying the multidimensional nature of separation from God and descendance into duality the same as what davinci was trying to communicate in his artwork he was known in the multidimensional realms and communicated with the biengs and they showed him many visions. And this women here in the picture is a descendant of an ancient alien race that works for God they are suppose to return not too long from now after the beacon is erected to broadcast the signal.
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Where? Please quote the relevant post, with a link. Or retract your claim.
i would if i could, but unfortunately this discussion is distributed amongst about 6 or more threads.
and i'm not going to search all of them, IF i could find them
How many people wrote? Where can I see these letters?
the source was posted in one of threads i mentioned above.
That's an unsupported claim. But who cares? It has no bearing on evolution.
i haven't seen the issue where ayala wrote to science denying he made the remark, have you?
Of a clumsy explanation by Lewin. Or both.
go for it james.
you are talking about an editor of one the most respected names in science.
, on the other hand, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It publishes science, not creationist bullshit.

1. Ayala didn't say it.
science says he did
2. Ayala wasn't/isn't "the foremost evolutionist in the US".
i'm sorry, science refered to him as "the moremost proponet of evolution in the US.
3. Why would the foremost evolutionist in the US say he doesn't believe in a fundamental point about evolution, anyway?
ask lewin, or the paleontologists that were there, they probably knows why
4. Why are there no other statements from Ayala anywhere in the literature saying that "small (genetic) changes don't accumulate"? Why just this one?
probably for the same reason some of my best links in this area has stopped working.
and the word "genetic" wasn't in his remark.
Fossilisation is rare. The reasons for apparent "gaps" are well understood. The simplest among them is that many fossils remain to be found.
yes, like almost all of them.
It leaves us with you falsely proposing that evolution is dead and buried because of a mistake made in an obscure article back in 1980.
i am proposing that this snafu with ayala is a charade.
He didn't say it. That's on the record.
no it isn't, it's on a personal website james.
there is no record ayala ever contacted the source of the alleged "misquote".
And even if he did, it would just be Ayala being wrong about something
ayala based his remark on the evidence presented by paleontologists.
gould addresses the same gaps.
these gaps are mentioned no less than 3 times in the article.
because i don't like your pedantry.
for example:
james r said:
Just so I know that you understand what you're talking about, please explain Gould's "spandrels" for me in a couple of sentences. Because if you think they have something to do with catalysts, then you're all at sea.
i specifically said concept.
can you formulate a concept james?
how do you like MY pedantry?
exposing fraud in science isn't a laughing matter kristoffer.
i wonder how many of these other so called "retractions" are bogus.
Someone misquoted one person at a conference and this is the "fraud" you are obsessing over?

Ayala himself stated he never said those words as stated and that he was either misquoted or taken out of context. For most thinking people, this should be enough.

Yet you claim this is a fraud and have yet to provide any evidence that there is a fraud.

The problem with creationists like you is that you argue from a dishonest standpoint right from the start. What with arguments about a plant morphing into a man and the whole obsession over the pond of goo. To your ridiculous arguments that it has never been observed. Which we all know is patently false. These are staples of creationist arguments. And it is inherently dishonest, not to mention somewhat stupid. You have consistently refused to read links, provide links of your own or even do your own research, instead expecting others to find your links for you.
This is why there is a church of scientology they have mastered the secrets of levitation and all sorts of reality bending techniques, the mathematical proofs are hidden in plane sight so you cannot say they never told you the truth.
You may have mistaken some L. Ron Hubbard science fiction for reality. He wrote a lot of it. There really are no Thetans, and people can't levitate.