Denial of Evolution VII (2015)

evolutionist: see that pond of goo over there?
one of these days it will give you an opinion on a dali.
the theory of relativity will spew from its lips.
if someone told me that, i would laugh my ass off.
Good thing no one is telling you that, then.
where does the data come from that says it takes such and such time for a large creature to evolve into a "new species".
on top of that, when you say "new species" you are essentially talking about heredity and adaptation. ...
Various scientific means are available to date roughly when found fossils lived. We can't be sure when the accumulating changes had produced new species - one than lived under diffent environmental stresses in a different and isolated area than some of its less rapidly changing ancestors did - I.e. one that can not mate and produce fertile offspings - the definition of "new species" - with those of the other region who have changed little as their environment remained essentially constant.

No evolution is NOT "heredity and adaptation" as adaptive changes do like calloused hand from hard manual labor, etc. do not change the DNA past on to the next generation - only genetic mutations can do that.
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The preá, shown and discussed in post 281, are a very unusual case. We know they can not mate with their still living on the main land ancestors they evolved from in only 8000 years. We also know that this incredibly rapid evolutions was caused by many forcing factors - most important was only the most well fit for survival of each litter, if any, in their new harsh only 4 hectare large environment did not starve to death and there were none eaten by predators, so better genes for that environment spread rapidly through the entire population, which never had more than 40 members.* We know this was done in no more than 8000 years by sea level data - before that their tiny mainly rocky island was connected to the main land. (Evolution of a new specie requires both large environmental change and isolation from where the environment is remaining nearly constant.)

* Probably only 20 or so were in the initial group cut off from the main land by the rising ocean as the ice age's ice melted. The new specie has only half the body mass / half the "don't starve" grass requirements of their ancestors. Being the "runt" of the litter was a survivable advantage, strongly selected for.
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What about viruses? Are they alive?
From a purely pedantic perspective, no they are not. They do not satisfy at least three of the seven criteria that biologists use to define life (as listed in the Wikipedia article on "Life").
  1. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter.
  2. Adaptation: The ability to change over time in response to the environment. This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism's heredity, diet, and external factors.
  3. Reproduction: The ability to produce new individual organisms, either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms.
A virus cell cannot do any of these three things until it has been attached to a living organism, which provides the energy and other resources needed.

The majority of biologists will agree with this.

I'm sure that when we finally discover life on exoplanets, this definition will have to be updated. But for now, failing three criteria out of seven surely disqualifies viruses... or at the very least requires a rather large asterisk pointing out that viruses are not alive until they hook up with something that actually is alive.
This is the reason for evolution, to prove the non existence of God elimination of singularity to set the foundation of consciousness becoming dominated by dual realms and ego glorification of man becoming a God.
No that is complete nonesense. The theory of evolution explains the observations and evidence that new species are descended from other species.

This is why they eat the apple in the first place the Adamities Thus they descended and became a permanent slave to gravity coincidentally the apple hit Issac Newton on his head
There is no evidence that there was a garden of eden and there is evidence that this could not have happened. An apple did not hit Newton in the head either.

We all may use science because pure knowledge is not of the ego to use science as a means of objection is fine, but once a belief is attached upon it in this case "scientology" it is no longer science but then is and has become a religion "Scientology" check out the link and you will understand the rest...
Scientology has nothing to do with science.
by refusing to acknowledge these gaps, i believe you might be overlooking some important principles.
for example:
everyone seems to think evolution proceeds as a series of "improvements".
i believe there might be some kind of catalyzing action involved.
not only was the first life catalyzed into being, but the diversity of life is also the result of "catalyzing" action.
goulds concept of spandrels would be the basis of this stuff.
No that is complete nonesense. The theory of evolution explains the observations and evidence that new species are descended from other species.

There is no evidence that there was a garden of eden and there is evidence that this could not have happened. An apple did not hit Newton in the head either.

Scientology has nothing to do with science.
Aha..."Nonesene"... my good man:) I wished I had the energy to care but enjoy your state of mind, what is the old saying?? come again "ignorance is transcendal bliss" Beer with a straw
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Aha..."Nonesene"... my good man:) I wished I had the energy to care but enjoy your state of mind, what is the old saying?? come again "ignorance is transcendal bliss" Beer with a straw
You are just being a fool. The largest christian sect in the world does not deny evolution. That is evidence that your idiotic conjecture is crap. Evolution has only to do with evidence and nothing to do with religion.
Evolution has only to do with evidence and nothing to do with religion.
that is what irks me the most about topics like this.
you throw out an anomly and everyone starts accusing you of being a creationist.
starts accusing others of being brain dead.
when i first posted these quotes james refered to the group of scientists as being in a state of communal madness.
grumpy refered to my source as a pop sci rag.
others accused lewin of being creationist.

but now, now it's like "what's the big deal"?
"a lack of memory is a weakness".

you know, if i was the author of NAIG, i would have been all in sciences face over this.
the number of people that wrote to science and bitched about the article IS PROOF that it WAS NOT a small deal.
everyone except ayala that is.
and yes, science could have lost a bunch of money over this.

but hey, it was a "misunderstanding", right?
heh, heh, yeah, go tell someone else cause i don't buy it.

you will notice that NAIG makes no indication that they contacted science.
and that is the very FIRST thing that should have been done.

no big deal, but it was big enough to get NAIG to contact ayala.
so, what does ayala do?
he does what any normal person does and bitches to everyone else EXCEPT the horses mouth.
uh, right.
You are just being a fool. The largest christian sect in the world does not deny evolution. That is evidence that your idiotic conjecture is crap. Evolution has only to do with evidence and nothing to do with religion.
You do realise you are argueing with yourself yet again you make assumptions with out even allowing me to state my position so then now I deem you unworthy, for I still love and admire you but do not speak to me again until you have learned to conduct yourself in an adult manner. For you as well lack comprehension you have failed and disappointed me because I though better of you before this revelation. So until you gain comprehension that I deem worthy I will not respond to you until I believe you are worthy of my time, this is a consequence to your failure to comprehend and pays homage to your need of jumping to conclusions without a thorough path of a logical thought structure, this is chess not checkers.
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you know, if i was the author of NAIG, i would have been all in sciences face over this.
the number of people that wrote to science and bitched about the article IS PROOF that it WAS NOT a small deal.
everyone except ayala that is.
Well let's just pretend that Ayala was contacted and he said that he did not believe that evolution is a viable theory. That still would not matter, if one out of a million disagrees it is meaningless.
and yes, science could have lost a bunch of money over this.
Why do you think that Science would lose a buch of money over this?
You do realise you are argueing with yourself yet again you make assumptions with out even allowing me to state my position so then now I deem you unworthy, for I still love and admire you but do not speak to me again until you have learned to conduct yourself in an adult manner. For you as well lack comprehension you have failed and disappointed me because I though better of you before this revelation. So until you gain comprehension that I deem worthy I will not respond to you until I believe you are worthy of my time this is a consequence to your failure to comprehend and pays homage to your need of jumping to conclusions without a thorough path of logical thought structure this is chess not checkers.
Thanks for admiring and loving me, I must let you know I am married and as such am not 'available'. I thought you did not accept evolution but since you reacted so vehmently to that assumption I must have been incorrect and you actually do accept evolution as a viable theory. Is that correct?
Thanks for admiring and loving me, I must let you know I am married and as such am not 'available'. I thought you did not accept evolution but since you reacted so vehmently to that assumption I must have been incorrect and you actually do accept evolution as a viable theory. Is that correct?

It is not evolution that is the problem, but the method in which it takes place now this is a test I give you to see if you can comprehend if you fail I will not respond.
Well let's just pretend that Ayala was contacted and he said that he did not believe that evolution is a viable theory. That still would not matter, if one out of a million disagrees it is meaningless.
incorrect analogy.
it would be more along the lines of "after reviewing the evidence presented by paleontologists i conclude that small changes do not accumulate".
remember, this was/is the foremost evolutionist in the US saying this.
so, it's not just ayala, it's the record origin.
and it's not just a couple of gaps here and there.
these gaps are typical of the record, the norm.
Why do you think that Science would lose a buch of money over this?
for falsely representing ayala.
i believe a good lawyer could get slander charges brought against science.
you have to also remember that science is a respected scource, honor means a lot to them.
what would be the honorable thing to do here origin?

where does all of this leave us?
ayala said it, that's where.
and he said it in reference to the gaps, right where the transitional fossils should be.
leopold said:
remember, this was/is the foremost evolutionist in the US saying this.
Not even close. Not the "foremost evolutionist", not what anyone like him said, not "saying this", and wrong anyway - what difference does it make who says a wrong thing, or asserts falsehoods? They're still falsehoods, so what's the point of claiming they came from this or that supposed authority?

leopold said:
everyone seems to think evolution proceeds as a series of "improvements".
Nobody but creationists thinks that Darwinian evolutionary theory specifies a series of "improvements". Darwinian theory specifically denies that evolution proceeds as a series of "improvements".
leopold said:
and he said it in reference to the gaps, right where the transitional fossils should be
There are no established gaps - there are only times and places from which fossils have not yet been found. Since fossils are very sparse and well hidden, no one is surprised by the difficulty of finding them.
leopold said:
i believe there might be some kind of catalyzing action involved.
leopold said:
not only was the first life catalyzed into being, but the diversity of life is also the result of "catalyzing" action.
Catalysis runs downhill - in the direction of greater entropy, etc. You need to pick a different term to misuse in reference to vaguely related and irrelevant concepts, for proper confusion.
leopold said:
goulds concept of spandrels would be the basis of this stuff.
Gould was in error, and that concept in this application has been more or less debunked - see Dennett, et al.

(Even the spandrels Gould based his approach on turned out to be not "spandrels" as he required - they had developmental function, originally. The consequent search for appropriate "spandrels", like the search for actual irreducible complexities, has been coming up empty. )
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Actually, I may have found one or two.
This is the reason for evolution, to prove the non existence of God elimination of singularity to set the foundation of consciousness becoming dominated by dual realms and ego glorification of man becoming a God.


It is to discover what we are, what we are made of, where we came from and perhaps where we are going. It conflicts with Biblical literalism (and the literalism of other religions) in that it does not validate their stories. If you wish to believe in a deity, I'm sure there is plenty of philosophical room in which to do that. We cannot prove non-existence, and we certainly cannot prove the non-existence of a magical being, because the contrary answer is always going to be well, magic. That is outside our purview.

This is why they eat the apple in the first place the Adamities Thus they descended and became a permanent slave to gravity coincidentally the apple hit Issac Newton on his head

Ah, I see!: you are a madman. May I suggest a John Travolta movie, instead of wasting everyone's time?
evolutionist: see that pond of goo over there?
one of these days it will give you an opinion on a dali.
the theory of relativity will spew from its lips.

if someone told me that, i would laugh my ass off.

Only if you could not conceive, or had no insight.
Even the spandrels Gould based his approach on turned out to be not "spandrels" as he required - they had developmental function, originally. The consequent search for appropriate "spandrels", like the search for actual irreducible complexities, has been coming up empty. )

Silver fox paedomorphotic traits don't represent spandrels? Artificial selection, surely, but in a way any new mutation is a spandrel until the action of selection begins to move its population along some frequency or distributional axis on a phase-space plane.

I don't totally agree with Gould here - I forget why - but it's an interesting concept although it smells a little unfalsifiable without the action of the second phase - selective advantage outside the home system.
(Even the spandrels Gould based his approach on turned out to be not "spandrels" as he required - they had developmental function, originally. The consequent search for appropriate "spandrels", like the search for actual irreducible complexities, has been coming up empty. )
if evolution proceeds by catalysis then maybe these spandrels are biomolecular in nature.

i think you are aware that for some organic reactions a catalyst is required.
for others, a catalyst greatly speeds up the reaction.
the "junk genes" might be responsible for these catalysts.
IOW, goulds spandrels aren't necessarily structural, they might be biomolecular.

This is the reason for evolution, to prove the non existence of God elimination of singularity to set the foundation of consciousness becoming dominated by dual realms and ego glorification of man becoming a God.

Evolution is a scientific theory about how the living things we see around us came to be. It has nothing to do with the existence or non-existence of God, or anything religious.

Many people believe in evolution and also believe in God. They aren't mutually exclusive beliefs.

"The author of the rational world he has inspired the scientific perspective" ((Someguy1)) signifying hell and animal like realms. Then they eventual was on a pursuit of knowledge the tree they eat from for their masters taught them lessons of the scionic disciplines as well as gave them the basics tools to discovery it. That tool is basically science and it's subcategories.
I have no idea what this means.

This is why there is a church of scientology they have mastered the secrets of levitation and all sorts of reality bending techniques, the mathematical proofs are hidden in plane sight so you cannot say they never told you the truth.
Scientologists can't levitate or bend reality (whatever that means). Scientology is a religion invented by a science fiction writer. Primarily, it is a money-making venture for the "church".

But you remain ignorant only to save face and perpetuate fear and disbelief.
Ignorant of what?

We all may use science because pure knowledge is not of the ego to use science as a means of objection is fine, but once a belief is attached upon it in this case "scientology" it is no longer science but then is and has become a religion "Scientology" check out the link and you will understand the rest...
Now I can't tell whether you're talking about Scientology, the cult started by L. Ron Hubbard, or some other kind of vague worship of science or something. You're not being very clear.

This thread is about evolution remember, not religion.