Denial of evolution III

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Yes you understand it because you have been brainwashed--

You also don't understand the definition of 'indoctrination or brainwashed.'

They can come up with imaginary ways to show how something is functional, but how do they know....

This reasoning is far beyond your level of comprehension, which appears to be more of an elementary school level, around grade 4 or 5.

As long as you agree that you are one, yes.

I only know for a fact that you are one as can be demonstrated here:

Peace be unto you ;)
Don't skip the part about them clearly bullshitting about T-rex

Why do you want me to choose a side when I clearly DON'T know! If only Evolutionist said the same thing... we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Why must it say anything about them? Is the book supposed to be a Zoology book?

Does Physics mention anything about Dinosaurs...:bugeye: please share it with me

Peace be unto you ;)

Where are they bullshitting about t-rex ? Explain please. All they are saying is that this is a smaller version of t-rex. There are small lizards and big ones, right ?

No, the text is not a zoology book, in fact it is just a bunch of bullshit that has been proven to be false. The only reason it lives on is because people have been indoctrinated over centuries to believe in a sky being.

People believe all sorts of crap with no actual evidence to back them up.

The point about the dinosaurs has to do with the time line. The earth and all of it's creatures based on your creation story were placed here less than what 10,000 years ago.

If god created the dinosaurs, then they would have been roaming around with us and other creatures. So then you are suggesting that somehow, all of them got wiped out, think about how many species we are talking about just based on the fossil record and tell me you honestly believe that.

This includes all of the so called independent species you claim existed. Where is the evidence of them living alongside man.
God created all species, the religious texts make no mention of extinction of species.

The book is about HUMANS! :bugeye: It does mention the extinction of some group of people- Noah's?

The book is NOT about teaching what animals existed- Perhaps it should have had a million pages that lists all the extinct species :confused:

Do you think that god created all the species as the religious texts claim ?


If so, what is the time frame of this creation ?

Unimportant information to Humans.... the question is based on the premise that a religious book will reveal everything about every subject.... Maybe it should have listed how to make a protein from amino acids and everything scientists have discovered.

Point being that if these creatures lived along side of us, INDEPENDENT creatures as you say, we would have historical documentation of them along with us. They would be in our art, our writings and texts, and furthermore, of the millions and millions of creatures that we claim evolved over hundreds of millions of years, are you actually suggesting that this is all we have left ?

Did I say we lived with them? I said "I DON'T KNOW"- you're the one making claims.

The box is closing 786.

The box wasn't ever there because your questions are based on the wrong presume. As if Religion should have revealed everything and anything...

Peace be unto you ;)
The point about the dinosaurs has to do with the time line. The earth and all of it's creatures based on your creation story were placed here less than what 10,000 years ago.

See here is the problem..... I'm NOT a Christian.... and I have no idea of what 10,000 year bullshit you are spewing, upon which your whole argument is based! This is NOT part of my religion... if It is show it to me.... if not then just STFU.

Peace be unto you ;)
Magic would be reality because 'reality' encompasses everything that is... If magic exists it IS REAL.... What you should've asked is magic contradictory to 'nature'- no- because they are two separate things-. Does Yellow contradict Red- no they are separate colors!

Wow! Your ignorance and gullibility are staggering and are only equaled by your penchant to lie and deceive.

Anyways learn to understand what 'reality' is before you pose a question

Is it full of gods and angels, imps and demons, spirits and ghosts, and little green men that go bump in the night?

Your childish, puerile worldview isn't going to convince anyone with an ounce of reason.

All could see it only if you brought them up with the quotes?

I would be spamming the forums as they've been brought up countless times in countless threads.

Do you actually believe you're the first Islamic propagandist to plague these forums? HA! :roflmao:
See here is the problem..... I'm NOT a Christian.... and I have no idea of what 10,000 year bullshit you are spewing, upon which your whole argument is based! This is NOT part of my religion... if It is show it to me.... if not then just STFU.

It has everything to do with your religion, that which you are clearly ignorant. Your cult doctrines are gleaned from the OT and your god is the Abrahamic god. Are you that dense?

I have read much on evolution and have talked to many scientists on this subject, none have been able to answer the questions I pose. Also there are no experiments that show in a real life way that any of this could happen. Now science is learning more on DNA and are now able to start playing with it, to make changes, but that is based on intelligence ( the scienctist). You can compare that to a non programmer playing with code someone else produced.
This all shows creation.
This doesn't take away anything from science in it's ability to learn many things about our world , the science is still science. But the interpretation of what they found is really the problem.
You also don't understand the definition of 'indoctrination or brainwashed.'

You are a living example as seen here:

This reasoning is far beyond your level of comprehension, which appears to be more of an elementary school level, around grade 4 or 5.

No source, no proof.... just continuous bullshit could've answered it but nooooo..... you don't understand it and you just accept it like the rest of them.....

Peace be unto you ;)
I have read much on evolution and have talked to many scientists on this subject

You are a liar. You know nothing about evolution. You've made that evidently clear.

This all shows creation.

It shows deception, indoctrination, delusion and gullibility on your part.

But the interpretation of what they found is really the problem.

It is your faith based interpretation that is the problem.
Wow! Your ignorance and gullibility are staggering and are only equaled by your penchant to lie and deceive.

You can hide your stupidity with jokes all you want.... but it is out in the open that you don't know what REALITY means!

I would be spamming the forums as they've been brought up countless times in countless threads.

What you are doing right now is spamming... if you brought the quotes at least it would be meaningful spamming... but no... you like to continue spamming consisting of only bullshit..

Do you actually believe you're the first Islamic propagandist to plague these forums? HA! :roflmao:

No, but I do believe that you're not the only idiot on this forum.

Peace be unto you ;)
It has everything to do with your religion, that which you are clearly ignorant. Your cult doctrines are gleaned from the OT and your god is the Abrahamic god. Are you that dense?

Refering to the OT... huh? I'm a Muslim... I know what you're getting at but the the fact is YOU are still bullshitting and have not given a single evidence from Islamic literature...... Continue your tirade and spamming :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)

Originally Posted by wsionynw
Oh dear...Hay, the information you seek is out there if you care to look it up:

Guaranteed, he won't look anything up.
I liked the one that says
"Evolution for Dummies" ( sorry I couldn't resist.) :)

I have read up on this subject for years I also try to keep up with the new science that is coming out.
All of this material does not answer the questions, that I have posed.
Where are they bullshitting about t-rex ? Explain please. All they are saying is that this is a smaller version of t-rex. There are small lizards and big ones, right?

They're just fitting it into their theory with 'SCALABLE'- Its exactly the same thing! Do you have lizards that are 100 times bigger and are exactly the same?

Peace be unto you ;)
You are a liar. You know nothing about evolution. You've made that evidently clear.

It shows deception, indoctrination, delusion and gullibility on your part.

It is your faith based interpretation that is the problem.
I do understand what science says on evolution. But it can not be demonstrated by science to work or that it actually happened. I could just say God did it! But I have not done that, I am discussing the actual science with you. The reason science keeps coming up with new theories is because the older theories, do not answer the questions. The reason science had to come up with abiogenesis is that Darwin's ideas could not work on it's own, there are parts of these theories have huge holes in them. Abiogenesis, has tried to fill some of these flaws, but abiogenesis has it's own flaws.
Really what is happening is, that science wants a no creator answer, and is trying to explain away the creator with details and assumptions and and theories. That is why science has not been able to answer the question on the start to life, or demonstrate that evolution could produce all the life we see today.
The evidence we have is that life comes from life. And that there is intelligent design in the life we see.
Both of these evidences, science ignores.
I do understand what science says on evolution.

No, you don't, you've made that quite clear to those who do, so you can stop with all the bullshit.

The evidence we have is that life comes from life. And that there is intelligent design in the life we see.
Both of these evidences, science ignores.

Faith based delusions are not of any interest to science. Try getting an education instead.
No, you don't, you've made that quite clear to those who do, so you can stop with all the bullshit.

You've made clear that you are brainwashed..... so you can stop with the bullshit.

Peace be unto you ;)

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
God created all species, the religious texts make no mention of extinction of species. ”

The book is about HUMANS! It does mention the extinction of some group of people- Noah's?

The book is NOT about teaching what animals existed- Perhaps it should have had a million pages that lists all the extinct species

You would think it would at least mention dinosaurs, oh and that the earth revolves around the sun.

“ Do you think that god created all the species as the religious texts claim ? ”


So, this is where you text should clearly spell out what happened to the dinosaurs. Considering that god apparently created them, what did he do with them and why ?

“ If so, what is the time frame of this creation ? ”

Unimportant information to Humans.... the question is based on the premise that a religious book will reveal everything about every subject.... Maybe it should have listed how to make a protein from amino acids and everything scientists have discovered.

this is a typical diversion. Did the quran get the story of creation right.

Order In four days the earth was completed. Then attention was given to the sky, which was still smoke. In two days seven heavens were created with the lower heaven adorned with lights (41:10-12). Everything on earth was created before Allah turned to the sky or heaven and fashioned seven levels of heavens (2:29, 41:10-12).

Flat Earth The earth was leveled flat or spread out in the creation event (88:20, 15:19, 79:30). Allah will not let it cave in beneath mankind (67:16). Both the earth and the heavens would fall if it were not for the sustaining power of Allah. If they did fall, no one could hold them back (35:41, 16:45).

Mountains Set Down Mountains were set down on the earth like giant immovable weights or pegs in order to keep the flat earth from moving (15:19, 21:31, 31:10, 88:19, 16:15, 79:32, 78:7).

Sky Is a Dome The sky and the heavens were still just smoke after the completion of the earth with its living things and mountains (41:10-11, 2:29). The sky was built up as a dome over the earth (2:22, 21:32). It was raised on high as a canopy (79:28). It continues to be amazing that it has no visible pillars or cracks (31:10, 50:6). It was built up, decorated with bright ornaments and has no cracks or defects (50:6). It remains to be a threat as a piece of the sky could fall on an individual as a form of punishment (34:9).

Sun and Moon Orbit Earth After the seven heavens were built over the earth, the sun was put into service (13:2-3, 78:12-13). The sun is a shining lamp (25:61, 78:13). The sun swims its rounded course and comes to a resting-place (36:40, 18:86). The sun is not allowed to catch up with the moon and the moon is not allowed to overtake the sun as they run their prescribed orbits (36:37-40, 21:32-33). Allah swears by the sun with his midday brightness and the moon, how she rises to follow him (91:1-2).

Maybe it should have gotten this crap right at least. But it has shown to be false. What then of the rest of the story ?

Point being that if these creatures lived along side of us, INDEPENDENT creatures as you say, we would have historical documentation of them along with us. They would be in our art, our writings and texts, and furthermore, of the millions and millions of creatures that we claim evolved over hundreds of millions of years, are you actually suggesting that this is all we have left ? ”

Did I say we lived with them? I said "I DON'T KNOW"- you're the one making claims.

Ok, fair enough, but ask yourself, how would early man have faired with T-rex around. Considering he had his hands full with bears and lions.

“ The box is closing 786. ”

The box wasn't ever there because your questions are based on the wrong presume. As if Religion should have revealed everything and anything...

No but what it has placed in the texts is enough to discard it as fantasy created by humans who were ignorant. Not stupid, but ignorant.

They didn't have the knowledge to make more informed opinions.
hay said:
I have read much on evolution and have talked to many scientists on this subject, none have been able to answer the questions I pose.
Despite Q's discourtesy, he is correct in pointing out that you have not actually done that. You have little familiarity with the theory of evolution, and you are asking questions based on assumptions about the theory and its evidence that are false.
Q said:
Flatdeck be on top of you.
That's actually funny, and would be a good one for the last one.
They're just fitting it into their theory with 'SCALABLE'- Its exactly the same thing! Do you have lizards that are 100 times bigger and are exactly the same?

Peace be unto you ;)

How so, all they are saying is that it is a smaller version of T-rex. that's all.

"Sereno reports that Raptorex has all the hallmarks of T. rex, including a large head, tiny arms and lanky feet – just in a smaller size."

They are not saying they are the same animals. They are not saying these evolved to become T-rex, but that this species was an earlier form of a successful killing design.
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