Denial of evolution III

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Aren't YOU the biology major? :rolleyes:

Yes... but I want him to say it so that I can show him how it is exactly the same as Godly Selection in terms of 'process'--

Kind of like Islamic indoctrination? You would never question your god or your cult doctrines in the fact of facts. Brainwashed.

That was the point.... the same accusations you make on theists is actually true for fools like you :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Which explanation, this thread is full of stuff it would be nice if you provided the post #.

And I'm not a Christian :rolleyes:

I have no problem in believing Dinosaurs- why? We have fossils don't we- although the evolution of dinosaurs is probably a BS story made up by scientists- I plan to do some research on the topic next summer.

Peace be unto you ;)

Ok, so your not a Christian.

But you believe in creationism, so which god do you believe in ?

Ok, so you believe or accept the dinosaurs.

Do you believe dinosaurs roamed the earth along with man, and by dinosaur I mean T-rex and the like.
Yes... but I want him to say it so that I can show him how it is exactly the same as Godly Selection in terms of 'process'--

But, you haven't even demonstrated you understand the very basics beyond grade school, never mind a university level of understanding.

You're studying biology in university and my name is Donald Duck.

That was the point.... the same accusations you make on theists is actually true for fools like you

The idiocy of that statement would confirm you aren't studying anything but your holy book. Yes, scientist do in fact question their findings. Islamic propagandists like yourself do not question their beliefs.

Peace be unto you ;)

Propaganda is you.
Ok, so your not a Christian.

But you believe in creationism, so which god do you believe in ?

I'm a Muslim

Ok, so you believe or accept the dinosaurs.

Yes I have no problem in accepting dinosaurs

Do you believe dinosaurs roamed the earth along with man, and by dinosaur I mean T-rex and the like.

Dude why the hell do I care about dinosaurs? There is a possibility- they found a new fossil of basically a tiny T-rex- humans could potentially exist with those- as long as they played hide and seek - :D


Here is an example of made up bullshit-

""It really is the blueprint for the later (T. rex) dinosaurs," Sereno said, "it was a blueprint that was scalable."

OH.... SCALABLE..... and what is the proof--- none really- we just know that there is a large size T-REX millions of year AFTER this one so it must be scalable for things to fits nicely into our theory---- oh Okay!!!! All blueprints can be scalable! There is nothing stopping a Human to be a GIANT! But we never found a Giant so lets leave that---- But small T-rex and a large T-REX ---hmmm- :idea: --- I got it, its scalable!!!! It works! OH yeah.

Peace be unto you ;)
But, you haven't even demonstrated you understand the very basics beyond grade school, never mind a university level of understanding.

You're studying biology in university and my name is Donald Duck.

You're more like Pluto- a dumb dog :D

The idiocy of that statement would confirm you aren't studying anything but your holy book. Yes, scientist do in fact question their findings. Islamic propagandists like yourself do not question their beliefs.

Scientists may question it, but assholes like you who simply want to be spoon fed by 'pros' don't-

Peace be unto you ;)
Dinosaurs demonstrate your holy book to be nothing but myth and superstition.

Blah Blah.... I don't see the contradiction you are trying to present-- I don't think Humans lived on Earth from the very beginning anyways so unless you have some concrete proofs to show the contradiction I think you're just blabbering.

Peace be unto you ;)
No the only form that would lead to us would be our ancestor- a sister group is NOT your ancestor! In order for something to be an INTERMEDIATE they HAVE to be YOUR ANCESTOR (at some point)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You understand how you connect the dots?

Before - Intermediate- After

If the specie is totally a sister group it is simply Before- After
And that 'ape-human' is SEPARATE!!!!

You need to learn how to connect the dots!

Peace be unto you ;)
I'm not talking about knowing exactly which hominid species is our direct ancestor. I'm talking about the clear narrative that the fossil record tells. First, upright walking apes. Then, their brains get bigger, and they split into a robust form and a gracile form, the robust form dies out, and the gracile form further develops with larger and larger brains, and less and less ape-like features. Finally, they arrive at Homo Erectus, a form which wouldn't look out of place in modern clothing. Then modern humans appear. We don't know exactly where some forms fit in the tale, but the overall picture is one that fully supports evolution.

This is how you connect the dots:

they are purposefully fitting shit and making things up to suit their tale of Evolution.

Peace be unto you ;)

Yes it's all a grand conspiracy.

I have another question for you.

You have accepted that these bones/fossils we have found are geniune, correct.

Ok, so if all of these creatures we placed here on earth relatively recently, and all of these creatures are independent aniimals and not transitional forms, then why are they not with us today.

Why do we have monkeys and apes and humans but no australopithecine roaming around.

Now think about all of the fossil evidence and ask yourself where did they all go.
I'm not talking about knowing exactly which hominid species is our direct ancestor. I'm talking about the clear narrative that the fossil record tells. First, upright walking apes. Then, their brains get bigger, and they split into a robust form and a gracile form, the robust form dies out, and the gracile form further develops with larger and larger brains, and less and less ape-like features. Finally, they arrive at Homo Erectus, a form which wouldn't look out of place in modern clothing. Then modern humans appear. We don't know exactly where some forms fit in the tale, but the overall picture is one that fully supports evolution.

This is how you connect the dots:]

Most of them are 'dashed lines'- secondly this doesn't change the fact the features you say come in a 'trend' could be independent- and Homosapiens could be totally independent of the rest of them...... You're just following your storyline--- you don't think the story could have a twist? Makes it boring to read :D

Peace be unto you ;)
By the way the theory that evolution occurred by 'gradual' changes is practically dead- punctuated equilibrium is the way to go- so the theory continues :rolleyes:

"Eldredge and Gould proposed that the degree of gradualism commonly attributed to Charles Darwin was virtually nonexistent in the fossil record, and that stasis dominates the history of most fossil species."

By the way they did teach Punctuated Equilibrium in the Evolution Systematic class at UW- that's the first place I heard it.

Peace be unto you ;)
Yes science does not really know or understand this process, of change. So you really have to wonder why they say evolution is a fact( proven) when the theories are constantly changing to try to explain it. Punctuated_equilibrium still does not explain how a single cell ended up as all the life we see and have record of in the past. This includes animal life and plant life. We already know there is a variety of humans and cats for example. What we don't see is animals becoming man for example. I don't like to use the word species because science is unclear on what they mean by species.( there are different view points on what a species is)
Also a jump ( or major change is something is better explained from creation rather than evolution. That is why abiogenesis theory is getting closer to what happens in creation.
Yes it's all a grand conspiracy.

I have another question for you.

You have accepted that these bones/fossils we have found are geniune, correct.

Ok, so if all of these creatures we placed here on earth relatively recently, and all of these creatures are independent aniimals and not transitional forms, then why are they not with us today.

Why do we have monkeys and apes and humans but no australopithecine roaming around.

Now think about all of the fossil evidence and ask yourself where did they all go.

There is a thing called Extinction! Unless you are asserting that all species can cope with everything you throw at them, is what creationism teaches? will be hardpressed to support this claim..

And You didn't address the BS about T-Rex that I mentioned..

Peace be unto you ;)
I'm a Muslim

Yes I have no problem in accepting dinosaurs

Dude why the hell do I care about dinosaurs? There is a possibility- they found a new fossil of basically a tiny T-rex- humans could potentially exist with those- as long as they played hide and seek - :D


Here is an example of made up bullshit-

""It really is the blueprint for the later (T. rex) dinosaurs," Sereno said, "it was a blueprint that was scalable."

OH.... SCALABLE..... and what is the proof--- none really- we just know that there is a large size T-REX millions of year AFTER this one so it must be scalable for things to fits nicely into our theory---- oh Okay!!!! All blueprints can be scalable! There is nothing stopping a Human to be a GIANT! But we never found a Giant so lets leave that---- But small T-rex and a large T-REX ---hmmm- :idea: --- I got it, its scalable!!!! It works! OH yeah.

Peace be unto you ;)

Don't muddy the waters.

Ok, so your not sure if dinosaurs roamed with man but it sounds like you don't believe they did, is that correct ? IOW which is it.

What does your religious texts say about dinosaurs ?

I mean, since it was all part of gods creation.
Assholes like me understand it, in stark contrast to assholes like you.

Yes you understand it because you have been brainwashed--

If you understand it then just answer the question-

If a fossil is presented to them with a significant change-perhaps due to 'rapid evolution'- HOW CAN THEY TELL THE SIGNIFICANT CHANGE IS A NEW FEATURE OR A DEFECT?

They can come up with imaginary ways to show how something is functional, but how do they know....

Is that from one asshole to another?

As long as you agree that you are one, yes. :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Don't muddy the waters.

Don't skip the part about them clearly bullshitting about T-rex

Ok, so your not sure if dinosaurs roamed with man but it sounds like you don't believe they did, is that correct ? IOW which is it.

Why do you want me to choose a side when I clearly DON'T know! If only Evolutionist said the same thing... we wouldn't be having this discussion.

What does your religious texts say about dinosaurs ?
I mean, since it was all part of gods creation.

Why must it say anything about them? Is the book supposed to be a Zoology book?

Does Physics mention anything about Dinosaurs...:bugeye: please share it with me

Peace be unto you ;)
There is a thing called Extinction! Unless you are asserting that all species can cope with everything you throw at them, is what creationism teaches? will be hardpressed to support this claim..

And You didn't address the BS about T-Rex that I mentioned..

Peace be unto you ;)

God created all species, the religious texts make no mention of extinction of species.

Do you think that god created all the species as the religious texts claim ?

If so, what is the time frame of this creation ?

Point being that if these creatures lived along side of us, INDEPENDENT creatures as you say, we would have historical documentation of them along with us. They would be in our art, our writings and texts, and furthermore, of the millions and millions of creatures that we claim evolved over hundreds of millions of years, are you actually suggesting that this is all we have left ?

The box is closing 786.
Blah Blah.... I don't see the contradiction you are trying to present--

Of course you don't, that would mean you'd have to start actually thinking and questioning your beliefs. If magic isn't contradictory to reality, please demonstrate that to us all.

I don't think Humans lived on Earth from the very beginning anyways so unless you have some concrete proofs to show the contradiction I think you're just blabbering.

The creationist contradictions are in your holy book for all to see. This isn't some surprise for you, is it?:rolleyes:
incomplete would be a defect and defects dont last in a hostile environment. fossils are hard to come by and not every creature that dies in nature creates a fossil that would show the intact specimen.

i am not the spokesperson for evolution so i dont want to give that impression.
Yes that would be true. But even still the evidence in the fossil record would be much more than for completed animals. Also some of these would still live because, there mutation may not be life threatening. Also science says there are enough fossils found and researched to support their theory on evolution, but none found that support all the transitional ones that should be there. Especially when the transitional ones should be in the millions compared to completed animals. This is a major flaw in the theory of evolution. Darwin even knew that.
Evolution as science is saying is totally impossible.
Of course you don't, that would mean you'd have to start actually thinking and questioning your beliefs. If magic isn't contradictory to reality, please demonstrate that to us all.

They are not mutually exclusive! Magic would be reality because 'reality' encompasses everything that is... If magic exists it IS REAL.... What you should've asked is magic contradictory to 'nature'- no- because they are two separate things-. Does Yellow contradict Red- no they are separate colors!

Anyways learn to understand what 'reality' is before you pose a question :cool:

The creationist contradictions are in your holy book for all to see. This isn't some surprise for you, is it?

All could see it only if you brought them up with the quotes? :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
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