Demonizing people

Yes, because explanations "in detail" must necessarily be true, huh?

I didn't say that, Captain Strawman. I said he provided an argument, while you did not.

Feel like explaining where he has it wrong, and why? If not, just say so, and spare me a week of trying to pry the information out of you.
I didn't say that, Captain Strawman. I said he provided an argument, while you did not.

Feel like explaining where he has it wrong, and why? If not, just say so, and spare me a week of trying to pry the information out of you.

I already provided an argument. Just go look up minority overcompensation for yourself.
: excessive compensation; specifically : excessive reaction to a feeling of inferiority, guilt, or inadequacy leading to an exaggerated attempt to overcome the feeling

: a group of people who are different from the larger group in a country, area, etc., in some way (such as race or religion)

Wow, what a puzzler. How on earth can these terms be made sense of together? Could it be with the exact behavior MR already described? Oh, then that must make it somehow magically not overcompensation. [sarcasm]
: excessive compensation; specifically : excessive reaction to a feeling of inferiority, guilt, or inadequacy leading to an exaggerated attempt to overcome the feeling

: a group of people who are different from the larger group in a country, area, etc., in some way (such as race or religion)

Wow, what a puzzler. How on earth can these terms be made sense of together? Could it be with the exact behavior MR already described? Oh, then that must make it somehow magically not overcompensation. [sarcasm]

Do you really think this is about some confusion over the term? I can't imagine that.

Let's try one more time, Syne.

Make a case for how it is "minority compensation," and not, as MR eloquently described, an expression of personhood in spite of a perceived difference.
Even just by MR's description it is minority overcompensation. Apparently you do have some confusion over the term.
Most demonizing of groups of people, in terms of stereo-types, is connected to projection. A stereo-types creates a one size fits all (all religion people are hayseeds). Any rational person knows this is irrational and illogical, since there are more than one size to any demographics. For example, there are some religious people who exploit the flock for money. Those who are gullible and end up exploited do not fall into the group since losing does not equal gaining. The stereo-type, on the other hand, illogically makes people victims and criminals at the same time, which does not even make sense.

What bothers me is only the atheist claim science and logic as their guide, and then create stereo-types and call this rational. Religion does not claim it is rational, which show a notch above in terms of objectivity to reality.

The entire situation comes back to projection. Projection is an unconscious process, where that which is unconscious, can be made conscious, by appearing to come from the outside in the environment. The demonizing is connected to the shadow side of people. Jesus said, people can see the speck in the other person's eye (projection) but not the log in their own (shadow projector in their own unconscious mind).

A stereo-type is a good litmus test of projection, since without the projection, one can logically infer one size does not fit all. But with the projection active, this movie of the imagination, will overlap reality, and make one size appear to fit all.

Many arguments between atheism and religion never resolve because of the assumptions that one size projections, from each side, fits all. The other side, can see all the exceptions and thereby know this POV is not even rational. What helps to justify and perpetuate many stereo-types, especially on the atheist side, is connected to the acceptability of statistics. Statistics is based on averages, deviation from averages, and odds. This makes any clear cut division between one size fits all, and many sizes, fuzzier, since odds allows for overlap, using low odds conditions. Statistics is a powerful tool, but like a hammer in the wrong hands, which is also a powerful tool, one can use it as a weapon to control and manipulate.

For example, if someone says drinking alcohol will result in liver damage, this is a stereo-type. It is true under certain conditions, but one can also show more exceptions than the claim of the stereo-type. If we add statistics to this stereo-type, which spreads the odds over an average imaginary person, and does not address specifics with probability=1.0, it now seems like all are at risk. Jesus would say love your enemy thereby learning to remove the shadow projection with a better projection. This is not taught in atheism since propaganda makes use of this of this tool/weapon to make one size appear to fit all based on the laws of chance.

The human mind is the last frontier of science and once it is understood, this will all go away.
I already provided an argument. Just go look up minority overcompensation for yourself.

I just Googled "minority overcompensation". It doesn't even exist among all the searches that came up. You're simply putting two words together hoping to pass it off as some real psychiatric disorder. It's pseudoscientific bullshit. There IS no such condition. And given that, you have yet to provide any argument whatsoever for why such would apply to gay people at all. Identifying with one's sexual orientation in a public way is not an expression of insecurity. It is an emblem of self-empowerment--of taking back the trait that society has stigmatized us for and affirming its positivity. That's not overcompensating for anything. Ofcourse for someone bent on demonizing gay people for anything whatsoever this concept of gay pride may be hard to grasp. It's about being a survivor in a world that has historically forbidden you to even exist much less be accepted for who you are. It's being a member of a class of persecuted and ostracized and even damned persons who has nonetheless managed to find validation and affirmation in their lives without compromising their own sexual identity. That's a victory in this day and age. It is thus an honor and privilege to face the world in all of its attempts at shaming us and marginalizing us and proclaim with courage that "I'm here and I'm queer!" Why is that so hard for you to understand?
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Most demonizing of groups of people, in terms of stereo-types, is connected to projection. A stereo-types creates a one size fits all (all religion people are hayseeds). Any rational person knows this is irrational and illogical, since there are more than one size to any demographics. For example, there are some religious people who exploit the flock for money. Those who are gullible and end up exploited do not fall into the group since losing does not equal gaining. The stereo-type, on the other hand, illogically makes people victims and criminals at the same time, which does not even make sense.

What bothers me is only the atheist claim science and logic as their guide, and then create stereo-types and call this rational. Religion does not claim it is rational, which show a notch above in terms of objectivity to reality.

The entire situation comes back to projection. Projection is an unconscious process, where that which is unconscious, can be made conscious, by appearing to come from the outside in the environment. The demonizing is connected to the shadow side of people. Jesus said, people can see the speck in the other person's eye (projection) but not the log in their own (shadow projector in their own unconscious mind).

A stereo-type is a good litmus test of projection, since without the projection, one can logically infer one size does not fit all. But with the projection active, this movie of the imagination, will overlap reality, and make one size appear to fit all.

Many arguments between atheism and religion never resolve because of the assumptions that one size projections, from each side, fits all. The other side, can see all the exceptions and thereby know this POV is not even rational. What helps to justify and perpetuate many stereo-types, especially on the atheist side, is connected to the acceptability of statistics. Statistics is based on averages, deviation from averages, and odds. This makes any clear cut division between one size fits all, and many sizes, fuzzier, since odds allows for overlap, using low odds conditions. Statistics is a powerful tool, but like a hammer in the wrong hands, which is also a powerful tool, one can use it as a weapon to control and manipulate.

For example, if someone says drinking alcohol will result in liver damage, this is a stereo-type. It is true under certain conditions, but one can also show more exceptions than the claim of the stereo-type. If we add statistics to this stereo-type, which spreads the odds over an average imaginary person, and does not address specifics with probability=1.0, it now seems like all are at risk. Jesus would say love your enemy thereby learning to remove the shadow projection with a better projection. This is not taught in atheism since propaganda makes use of this of this tool/weapon to make one size appear to fit all based on the laws of chance.

The human mind is the last frontier of science and once it is understood, this will all go away.

Looks to me that you are doing plenty of projecting yourself. And in regard to atheists, yeah, we are rational sine we leave the superstition for religious people to deal with. You call us irrational because we too have stereotypes—mind you, not as a group but as individuals—and thereby imply that religious people don’t. Again, this is just another one of your diversionary tactics.

You get so caught up in that nonsense you present as pseudo-rationality that you cannot even make a cogent argument and instead overuse analogies that are not relevant. You stereotype atheists and really just prove that you are projecting your own insecurities, fear and hatred of all that is other than you onto us; all the while trying to sound benign and reasonable. And trying is the operative word here. You don’t manage it, but show that irrational thinking cannot be cured by the slavish worship of statistics.

In reality, you make yourself just look irrational, condescending and patronizing without the benefit of the intellectual wherewithal necessary to pull it off. Do you really think acting as if knew what your Jesus supposedly thought/said/did makes you look less hypocritical and/or duplicitous .
You get so caught up in that nonsense you present as pseudo-rationality that you cannot even make a cogent argument and instead overuse analogies that are not relevant.
Another excellent observation. Someone who is suffering from some kind of disorder, who feels no one understands him, keeps struggling to weave alternative realities in which the things he imagines seem to take place. All useless wastes of time, adding no value to the conversation, and all done with this almost Stoic resolve not engage anyone with an ounce of genuineness.
No, it isn't.

And what kind of disgusting, bigoted term is "minority overcompensation?" Holy fuck, that is gross.

I just Googled "minority overcompensation". It doesn't even exist among all the searches that came up. You're simply putting two words together hoping to pass it off as some real psychiatric disorder. It's pseudoscientific bullshit. There IS no such condition. And given that, you have yet to provide any argument whatsoever for why such would apply to gay people at all. Identifying with one's sexual orientation in a public way is not an expression of insecurity. It is an emblem of self-empowerment--of taking back the trait that society has stigmatized us for and affirming its positivity. That's not overcompensating for anything. Ofcourse for someone bent on demonizing gay people for anything whatsoever this concept of gay pride may be hard to grasp.

Really? The very first hit I get on "minority overcompensation" (which I though was perhaps a more PC term) is this:

An inferiority complex is a lack of self- worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to society's standards. It is often subconscious,and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate...

An inferiority complex occurs when the feelings of inferiority are intensified in the individual through discouragement or failure. Those who are at risk for developing a complex include people who: show signs of low self-esteem or self-worth, are of ethnic minority, have low socioeconomic status, or have a history of depression symptoms.

Also, just in case you do not understand the connection:

Alfred Adler, founder of the school of individual psychology, introduced the term compensation in relation to inferiority feelings. -

"It is an emblem of self-empowerment--of taking back the trait that society has stigmatized us for and affirming its positivity." That some trait is felt to be stigmatize is indicative of some feeling of discouragement that can result in an overemphasis on "taking [it] back".
Really? The very first hit I get on "minority overcompensation" (which I though was perhaps a more PC term) is this:

An inferiority complex is a lack of self- worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to society's standards. It is often subconscious,and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate...

An inferiority complex occurs when the feelings of inferiority are intensified in the individual through discouragement or failure. Those who are at risk for developing a complex include people who: show signs of low self-esteem or self-worth, are of ethnic minority, have low socioeconomic status, or have a history of depression symptoms.

Also, just in case you do not understand the connection:

Alfred Adler, founder of the school of individual psychology, introduced the term compensation in relation to inferiority feelings. -

"It is an emblem of self-empowerment--of taking back the trait that society has stigmatized us for and affirming its positivity." That some trait is felt to be stigmatize is indicative of some feeling of discouragement that can result in an overemphasis on "taking [it] back".

Nice try liar. The term "minority overcompensation" is your own made up complex. If you meant inferiority complex you should have used that term. And in no sense do any of your quotes confirm it applying to people due to their sexual orientation. Try again?

That some trait is felt to be stigmatize is indicative of some feeling of discouragement that can result in an overemphasis on "taking [it] back".

No overemphasis at all. Just your basic correction of social injustice and persecution that results from homophobes like you. Must frustrate the hell out of you see a gay person walking down the street with their head held high.
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Nice try liar. The term "minority overcompensation" is your own made up complex. If you meant inferiority complex you should have used that term. And in no sense do any of your quotes confirm it applying to people due their sexual orientation. Try again?

So homosexuals are not a minority, huh?
Also, just in case you do not understand the connection:

Alfred Adler, founder of the school of individual psychology, introduced the term compensation in relation to inferiority feelings. -

"It is an emblem of self-empowerment--of taking back the trait that society has stigmatized us for and affirming its positivity." That some trait is felt to be stigmatize is indicative of some feeling of discouragement that can result in an overemphasis on "taking [it] back".

Couple of problems here. First, you're talking about overcompensation, which is destructive, and is characterized by--according to your wiki link--a "superiority goal." That's quite different from compensation.

Second, the gays who celebrate their sexuality do not have inferiority complexes. They know they're not second-class citizens, and they're not parading to convince you; they're parading to convince those kids (and adults) who do feel bad about it, who were made to feel like sinners or lesser human beings for their sexuality.

This is clearly about more than sexual behavior. You seem to think homosexuals have some nefarious agenda, and the fact that you're not being forthcoming about your true feelings only confirms everyone's suspicions about you. Why not just own it, Syne?
Really? The very first hit I get on "minority overcompensation" (which I though was perhaps a more PC term) is this:

An inferiority complex is a lack of self- worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to society's standards. It is often subconscious,and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate...

Funny... if I search for it, I get nothing back directly on "minority overcompensation", and in fact the second, third, and forth hits on it are a link back to this very forum... the first hit doesn't seem to be overly relevant and the rest are all links to the same discussion on another forum about how bermuda sucks...


It is interesting that if you attempt to search it and add the "psychology" tag, you get only the following two hits:


The first a single reference to it in a PDF, the second a link, again, to that bermuda sucks forum.

So, yes... I'm still dubious as to the meaning of the term "Minority Overcompensation" in the psychological or even sociological realm... do enlighten us, preferably with substantiating evidence (I would accept a reference to a psychology or sociology textbook, or any of the mainstream accepted dictionaries, just as examples)
Are you conflating criminals and gay people? You'd better not be since gays are not breaking the law.

To get back to the proposal, should the demonisation of women and gays which can cause harm be an issue that the government should be concerned with? In my view probably yes, but there should be a debate about it.

I don't have any issue with people holding particular views, for example racism and sexism, but I object to people saying that blacks and women are inferior in status to everyone else, or less worthy, or trying to demonise them. The same thing in my mind relates to other minorities too.

Homosexuals conflate there predicament with African Americans, yet their plight is nothing like that.
