Demonic possesion

duendy said:
we aren't just 'conscious' beings. we also have the unconscious. when conscious mind fees compelled by powerful unconscious motivation is when people may feel 'demonically possessed'.

a good example of this. some time back i saw a fascinating documentary about a woman who falls in love wit a serial killer. she gets close to him---he is on death row--an h paints and draws her -ictures to try explain how he felt when about to do his murders.

Actualy this atory is even weirder than i am making out. i was watching this programming at te tail end of a shroom trip, so it was extraordinailry powerful, and involved synchronicity---but i dont want to over complicate my story

OK, he drew these pics, and said how when he was about to commit murder he felt like "meat puppet"---and that he was possessed by--have forgotname of of tis 'entity, have all tis writ down somewhere--an entity, and felyt utterly powerless.
One of thepics, showed a face with eyes, and one of te eyes was distended and looed like a skull!
so, this is an example of the power of the unconscious. when there happens some trauma and rthe unresolved energy of it lies kind of dormnyt, then can happen te feeling of being taken over/possessed.

other 'milder' forms can be 'obsessive compulsion', 'addictions' etc etc etc

But this guy didn't have a mental illness, right Duendy? Was he just operating under a different - but equally valid - world view?
well i can only speak for myself
but i have personally seen 2 of my friends in the past become possessed by the devil
or whatever it woudl be
first of all when they woudl become taken over their head would look towards the ground
they wouldnt be able to tell me they were taken over while they were
whatever it was would pretend to continue being the person
one friend i assumed was constantly taken over because every time i woudl talk to them about it they woudln't be able to talk about it and would change the subject like he was taken over again every time
also i could see another face inside of theirs
it would ussualyl be the most intense after longer periods of time without sleep
this was with the more serious old friend of mine and im not going to get too deep into it

my other friend was basically taken over one night after i told that first one off on the phone and to basically fuck off
i pretty much knew it was going to happen
once again i hadnt slept for quite a few days at this time
and with this friend i would see his face change colors
his face would go back and forth between the color bright bright purple and whatever else i cant remember
but this time was pretty messed up he kept pretending to be my friend and it was hard to tell sometimes which person it was
but he kept telling me to look into these two reflecting mirrors and picture my face in it etc...
also he would keep playing with the smoke from the cigarrete he was holding with his mind and stuff like that
i could tell he was fighting whatever it was takign him over though because he kept changing color and he was goign back and fother between himself and whatever it was
i actually helped him overcome whatever it was and after he told me it was the worst feeling ever like he was trapped inside his own body and couldnt control what he was saying
i knew it was sincere because he jstu had to cry because of the pain he felt and crashed for abotu a day after this
i'm not asking for advice on this
someone asked for signs and symptoms so i am giving my personal experience as what to expect
Laika said:
But this guy didn't have a mental illness, right Duendy? Was he just operating under a different - but equally valid - world view?
no. as i have said here and elewhere on tese boards, mental illness is a myth. it is not a biological disease but behaviour deemed unACCEPTABLE. TIS CAN INCLUDE UNHAPPINESS, HYPERACTIVITY, SEEING VISIONS AND THE DARK DOINGS OF A SERIAL KILLER (ooops sorry about caps. i'm not shouting)

was he operatig under another equally valid wordview?
no, he was evil. what he was doing was utterly vile and evil and criminal. of course it was his worldview when he chose to do it, but he stated he felt takien over. wheter he said tis to lessen his sentence we dont know. but we D know ourselves dont we, tat sometimes we feel driven, or whatever. everyone do. but in cases like his it is extreme. as it is for tose who do habitual tings over and over and feelthey have no control. like gambling, shoppin, doin hard drugs, even workin etc. there is te feeling of being obsessed---compulsed

now w is talking about 'demonic' possession. tis man s we have got to know te history and mythology of 'demons'/ whats tat all mean? 'evil spirits' . where's this concept come from? how far back

from what i have gleaned it come ffrom far back. it is the idea of good and bad spirits, and one needs protection from te evil spirits. some tribes would try and appease certain spirits

so i see it as a floow on from when--FROM a prmal animistic insight of undifferentiated spirit throughot material reality, for some mindsets, the concept develops tat spirits are BEHIND events, like wind, rain, rivers, trees, etc etc. with me? so it becomes person-alized. and at first tese 'spirits' are ambiguous. like us can b good or bad. but tem devlops idea of good versus bad spirits. te culmination of this is wit the ultimate dualism of te Christian faith qhich believes in an al-good 'God' and an all bad @divil' and hs demons. so thisbeliefe is also interNaliZed--as its makers INTENDED so as to divide and rule. because IF they can have you in inner conflict we are more easier to oppress, making us cling to a 'ood' authority

this cultire does oppress, and doesn't like free expression of whole slf. so elements of yur selves become repressed, and for some can seem demonic in the negative sense. I modern terms,the un-conscious energies can seem to overpower our acculturaized idea of te 'ego'
duendy said:
no. as i have said here and elewhere on tese boards, mental illness is a myth.

Most 'myths' are true.

(ooops sorry about caps. i'm not shouting)

I don't care if you're not shouting.

now w is talking about 'demonic' possession. tis man s we have got to know te history and mythology of 'demons'/ whats tat all mean?

I don't care what it means.

because IF they can have you in inner conflict we are more easier to oppress, making us cling to a 'ood' authority

They can't do a shit.