Demonic possesion

age i cannot say she is very mature tho.. but her family status is mom and dad jsut devorced and her and her mom moved away from the day (they live an 20 min drive away from each other tho). but it doesnt matter for her bcuz she really dislikes her dad...
Ember-To-Inferno said:
wow man that was wicked.. i dont even know what to say ither then nice speech very inspirting...

There wasn't a damn thing that I said that was inspiring and it likely closest to the truth (assuming again that this isn't just fantasy role-play or 'drama-queening' as someone put it).

Ember-To-Inferno said:
also i would liek to say that i am not in any religion and i truely dont have anything to belive in that i know of yet... im going to get to know her more and spend as much time as i can with her she seems to want to hang out basically every night and yah im jsut worryed about a few things that are happening latly bcuz i jsut dont want anything bad to happen to her or any of my freinds periodi still ahve a feeling that there is some darkness around her and im sure ill get an understadning of it soon enough..

If her symptoms are real then the best thing you can do is engage the parents (or at least the most responsible one).

Ember-To-Inferno said:
also about the remarks about age... age means nothing its the matureitly level of the individual that matters...

Thats simply not true. Biological age playes a huge role in behavior, emotion, learning, problem solving, etc. It also tells me that my assertion of you two being teenagers is likely correct.

If this really isn't fantasy role-play then the shits going to hit the fan at some point and this poor girl is fucked im sorry to say. If you really do care then get her parents involved and get the out of this demonic possession fantasy. There is simply no evidence to even remotely suggest a life form called a 'demon' exists and there is plenty of evidence to suggest your friend needs professional help.
man i cant jsut go tell her parents then i would be fucked and like everything would go basically wrong hahaha..i dont know im just going to see how things go over the next week or so and then i will decied on what to do if things get worse...
Ember-To-Inferno said:
man i cant jsut go tell her parents then i would be fucked and like everything would go basically wrong hahaha

Wait a minute, this is about her... not you. What ever sacrafice you think you're making it's worth it.

Ember-To-Inferno said:
..i dont know im just going to see how things go over the next week or so and then i will decied on what to do if things get worse...

I'm just going to wait and see if this gangreen gets any better and decide what to do if if things get worse. Knowing the right thing to do is easy. Doing it takes balls.
yah crunchy cat your right it is about her and not me and i should make the sacrifice.. if it gets worse...there is also a few other things that im lerning about her well i kinda knew about which might be making things worse involving addictions and what not which seems to be my worse enemy (which is making everything make more sence) of the other shit that i talked about earlier ... if worst comes to worst then ill have to make that large jump and try and fix things involving the parents this is the worst case senario, tho i think me persionally might be able to help her out and i ill contuinue to.. we will have to see tho..

i still wish i could explainfully some of the things that have happened around us tho which still are unknown to me...
Ember-to-Inferno -

I absolutely, unequivocally believe in a spiritual/unseen world. It is real, it does exist, there are various planes of existence and anyone who tells you otherwise is foolish. In order to understand the spiritual world and the forces within it you have to be open to trust and have faith in one thing alone...that is the acknowledgement of the power of the name of Jesus! Look..everyone has an opinion and I respect other opinions but I am speaking from experience and my personal convictions. No other name or belief will heal a broken soul than a belief and connection with Jesus Christ..I truly believe this. Now...I believe that there are many problems that exist concerning biblical understanding and separating fact from fiction. I have concluded that it is not important that we understand every minute detail about scripture at this point in our existence because we will all become a part of consciousness once we leave our bodies..we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our faith is what keeps us glued together..believing in something or someone. Understanding Jesus and the power that lies within the name can only be attained through a lot of prayer, fasting, meditation, etc. in other words, fighting spiritual battles require a belief in the spiritual world. Do research on spiritul warfare and study various passages within the new testament concerning spiritual warfare. I don't care what others think of my response because the only one living my life is me and I know what I am talking about...the spirit realm is very very real, energy is very real, and dedicating you life to Christ is essential for spiritual growth and the understanding of unseen and supernatural forces. Trust me...
hi im new and im trying to make sum friends but only 2 people will talk to me one of them is really nice but the other one is really mean to me coz of my name. how r u?
mabye more people would be polight to you and mabye become your freinds if you went into the conversation with something related to the topic of the thread..? but yah hey nic to meet you also Blkice nice oppinion i agree wiht you deeply about there beeing a spirtiual world or diffrent planes of this reality. and i also think there are many negitive entities out there more then somone would think but persoanlly i dont beliive in chirst or a religion fo that matter hmmm
what is most important, ember-to-inferno.....
do the right thing, and dont leave these problems to just yourself and your friend. it is obvious that you lack qualifications to deal with this problem, since you are on a science forum asking for help diagnosing the problem.
i dont mean to be rude...what i mean is this:
get your friend some help, before it is too late for her----regardless of what the problem actually is.
1. if demons are scratching your friend or whatever, that is a serious problem that should be dealt with, rather than talked about.
2. if she is cutting herself, or whatever, this is also a serious problem that should be dealt with, rather than talked about.

in conclusion, DO something for your friend. she obviously needs help in one area or another. tell her parents, tell a priest, tell a doctor...anything is better than nothing, in my opinion.
The Devil Inside said:
what is most important, ember-to-inferno.....
do the right thing, and dont leave these problems to just yourself and your friend. it is obvious that you lack qualifications to deal with this problem, since you are on a science forum asking for help diagnosing the problem.

in conclusion, DO something for your friend. she obviously needs help in one area or another. tell her parents, tell a priest, tell a doctor...anything is better than nothing, in my opinion.

ok seroisly i no these things need to be dealt wiht but they come and go and now that ive been haning out wiht her basically everyday they seem to be getting better slowly.. and she int cutting her self she isnt that stupid.. i just wanted some oppinions and a help of advice frm some of you guys which i have gotten and i am very greatful for.. and trust me if things do get worse and what not im going to tell somone just not yet i need to wait a bit longer to understand a few more things.. the things i told you befo i described them vagly so there is more to the things thati have previously stated.. i just need to give it time... and another thing is its not that i lack the qualifications to help her its just i personally like to hear other poeples oppinions on certian matter
Don't buy into religion to fix this. Most of the time certain Charlatan's would inflict misery on others just to cure them of their ailments.

As for your age's being a concern in this, it's definitely true. There are two lines of thought, that which doctors will profess as being textbook (psychological ailments, the teenage mind developing while also the body develops too etc), while I do suggest an alternative thats more the concern of being a Victim of either Psychological or Parapsychological research (all very humanly made.)

If your friend is placed onto a psychological database, then expect them to always bring up her psychological state in the future.

I do suggest that she however does report what she see's to her parents and doctors.

As my fear is that certain types of technology could be misused by people to manipulate hysteria and belief in the supernatural for one, and for their own Paedophilia pursuits for another. (For instance a young virgin girl being abused through such equipment questions the morality of those using the equipment.)

I'm not asking you to join in the espionage conspiracy I have, however you might want to check as it too will state how some people have "demonic thoughts" thrust into them by their assailants.
it sounds more like you want to "save the damsel in distress" yourself. in that case, you are harming this girl more than you are helping.

tell someone.
keeping it secret only reveals a selfish agenda.
Actually not so much the "Damsel in Distress", just sick of the world full of bullsh*t.
Blkice, you have a point but poor wording....

I'm curious, does she harm herself or act out of the ordinary in front of her parents (or other adults)?
This is almost certainly schizophrenia, not demon possession. The onset of symptoms is usually in the late teens, early 20's. My friend has the same thing. Although he's not a Christian exactly, he is what I would call excessively religious. Often they don't know what's happening to them, and frame it in religious terms. He would see things that weren't there, feel connections with time he saw a kid and said it was his future son. He scribbled strange things in notebooks too. My advice is not to wait until the symptoms get really bad so she can no longer function in society, but get her to some kind of psychologist that can prescribe anti-psychotic medication. The good news is that it's a treatable condition, although there is no cure yet. Believe me, the situations you describe are frighteningly similar to my friend's case. What does her family think? Having a support network of friends and family will be vital to her recovery.


Oh, you haven't told her parents. You must but it's also important not to be too confrontational to her. Physical symptoms are possible with schizophrenia. My friend's face got puffy and red during an episode. She may be fine in between episodes, and stress can set off a reaction. She probably has trouble sleeping, too.
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symptoms mean nothing.
why would "schizophrenia" be a "disease"?

there have been many people in history who have been considered as "sick", but they themselves have known that they're not "sick".