Demonic possesion


Destiny Is What You Make Of It
Registered Senior Member
ok well first off im going to start by saying this is a very important thread to me and i would wish that all of you are respectful and do not go off topic.. with this said i would also not like to see bashing and flaming if someone elses oppinion is diffrent from yours.. if you have somethign bad to say just leave please and dont start something.

ok im going to state right now the porpose of starting this thread.. to me i look for knowledge in this topic since i fear one of my good freinds might be going through some issues... ok im basicaly looking fo any knowledge out there or oppinions alll of you people have.. i want to go over the following and more if possable... signs of possesion.. resons for possesion.... traits that follow possesion and abilities given/tooken away, outcome of possesion, and as much more as possable.. i have created this post because i know many people on this forum are highly intelligent and know many diffrent things that i dont which might help my cuse... basically im saying if i learn enough from all of you hopefully ill be able to use this knowledge to find out for sure if my freind is going through certian things and if i can help her...
i'll say that demons don't exist. Theres no such thing as possesion. It's very easy to believe something though and not let it go of it, maybe thats what a demon is :). Demons are what ancient people would call sickness, ill health etc. Jesus cast out demons from people the problem is that Jesus prolly didn't exist either. Errr you can spend alot of time chasing demons, um I don't think it will be very fruitful.

If you're concerned about your friend, don't jump to conclusions. Perhaps he or she is having psychological problems, rather than becoming possessed by demons.

As others have already asked, can you describe the particular circumstance you are worried about?
we aren't just 'conscious' beings. we also have the unconscious. when conscious mind fees compelled by powerful unconscious motivation is when people may feel 'demonically possessed'.

a good example of this. some time back i saw a fascinating documentary about a woman who falls in love wit a serial killer. she gets close to him---he is on death row--an h paints and draws her -ictures to try explain how he felt when about to do his murders.

Actualy this atory is even weirder than i am making out. i was watching this programming at te tail end of a shroom trip, so it was extraordinailry powerful, and involved synchronicity---but i dont want to over complicate my story

OK, he drew these pics, and said how when he was about to commit murder he felt like "meat puppet"---and that he was possessed by--have forgotname of of tis 'entity, have all tis writ down somewhere--an entity, and felyt utterly powerless.
One of thepics, showed a face with eyes, and one of te eyes was distended and looed like a skull!
so, this is an example of the power of the unconscious. when there happens some trauma and rthe unresolved energy of it lies kind of dormnyt, then can happen te feeling of being taken over/possessed.

other 'milder' forms can be 'obsessive compulsion', 'addictions' etc etc etc
ok you guys want to hear her symptons and the resons why im thinking that something might be following her or even possable be possesing her.. im going to say right now everything is 100% real and im beeing seoirs im not commming onto this forums wiht bs... also i am not stating her age...

ok first sympton is this she tells me she can see demons often all over the place example her old house and in other peoples houses along with certian areas around town.. she often tells me there are more demons in the world then one would think..

every now and then she wil ltell me how all these random extremely gory images (soradid images) will appear in her head at any momnet and they dont seem to bug her or freak ehr out..

she tells me that in the sky she can see predictios of the future and i belivie her 100% when she tells me this i look in her eyes and i can tell she is not lieing..

when i am with her every now and then she will get violent and mabye boot me in the leg for no reson trying to cause physical pain to ither myself or her (which doesnt bother me atall but i could see this bothering people who first meet her) what i mean by cuaseing pain to herself is mabye she will be laughing to hard bcuz of something i do then she will get up walk over to seomthing and head butt it.. or just hit it which i find very funny (but not normal)

when i first meet peopel i get this feeling about them which tells me about there personality and if they are a good freind or not and i can see peopels auras.. and what ive got off her is an unclear aura its there but its not and i cant elxpine the colour its strange.. and the feeling i get off her is a feeling i havnt got off somone ever befor.. she says the same thing to me tho :bugeye:

every now and then i will come over to ehr hosue and she will be in a great mood then all the sudden she goes into this weird mood when she feels diffrent and doesnt act like herself at all.... is very strange i feel uncomfertable when she gets in this mood bcuz i dont know what to say or do and then yah the nigh kinda dies lol..

ok now the things that ive noticed while im around her in an empty hosue......

we will be down stairs and it sounds as if thier is poeple walking up stairs even tho no one is home... ive heard a few unexplanable sounds when ive been upstairs while she was down stairs.... its as if the whole house creeks and make sounds.. when im infornt of her apparement waiting for her all things will be quiet then she will come out and we will leave but then when we come back and are sitting outside of the appartment its as if the balcanies creek almost as if they are alive its very intresting..

also ive seen ehr drawing books well some pages she hides alot of her drawns and some of the ones ive seen that she didnt know i was looking at where some what demonic almsot well the drawns looked liek demons... its strange..

she ahs told me that it is almost impossable for ehr to cry i dont know if this means anything... but she never crys..

also she used to be christan at a younger age.. and now she is completely agianst basically any religion. but many people go throught this..

for some reson she tends to block out or forget many events in her life be it good or bad... (she has alot fo memory holes)

when im with her we will put something some where and then all off the sudden the fucking object will dissapear and be in a completely diffrent area...

when im with her along some times in a warm room.. all of the sudden it will go cold and we will both get cold chills up our spine then the room will go warm agian...

also on sunday i went over ot ehr hosue to visit ehr wehang out alot lately.. but any who she ranodmly looked at her arm and she was liek wtf ehre did this scrath come from and ther ewhere a few scrathes on her hand which she said came out of no where... she also told me she had a few on ehr legs.. this has never happened to ehr and i DO not think it is a good sing.. tehy almost looked like a burn mark a small ember would leave on your skin but diffrent..

there are a few more but this is far to long as it is.... once agian i would like to say im beeing serois about this and i appreceate those who take time to read this..

also sorry fro spelling errors and im on another comuter fro some reson i cant post replys form my comuter now internet shuts off and says its an add-ons fault?
it is interesting when you relate how she holds emotions in?
i have a theory, supported by research and shit, that when emotions are held in ten in some way they can....ohhhh whats the word? somethin we dont know about kinda

dont know if you've heard of Dr Stanislav Grof? he did and does mocdern consciousness research with LSD when allowed and then a technique he calls 'Holotropic Breathisn'----this is a tedhnique where you lay flat and breathe in and out continuously, and you begin a .....journey

anway,in one ofhis books he tells how he had really frightnin experiencew with tis girl ho aws a criminal---cant remember if it was LSD or HB, but he said in the session she really seemed possessed by a 'demon'---cant rember if he actually used that term, but he implied demonic possession

what he wouldsee tis as is energy which is
'frozen' and that this causes certain deep psychological events which can be likek demonic posesion. now whe you look at Jung's stuff about 'synchronicity' one can infer that in some cases deep unreolved energies created by various traumas may sychronize with the outer reality

a theory of tis kind seems to correlate with te phemenon of 'poltegiest' where a usualy oung girl going thru a crisis somehow effects actual objects etc

i feel she somehow needs to support to really express herself in a safe supportive environement. trouble is, in tis materiaistic-bias culure she will be diagnosed 'mentally ill' and possibly incacerated and/or drugged anyway. i think this appraoch further freezes rthe energies NEEDING full expression and resolvment
Our thoughts are energy and the projections conscious and unconscious. It is possible that 'demons' are a projection or a type of lifeform, albeit not a physical one but may have characteristics of and could take on a life of its own but borne of an individual's psyche. These may astral travel. There are many compelling stories of entity possession, seeing entities, and interacting with them or even their environment that aren't completely explained away by such diagnosis as Schizophrenia. Anyhow, the thought of criminal ghosts violating you or your privacy is unsettling. I would characterize 'demons' as a dark psychological waste-product but they may be 'alive' so to speak and have an agenda. The distinction of good and evil or a good individual or an evil one is whether one is in league with 'demons', one's own or others. This is the shadow of the psyche and religious texts such as the Bible refer to this as 'principalities'. Unfortunately, they do not realize that these 'demons' and 'angels' are not from 'out there' but are borne of us. The symbolism of heaven and hell may refer to the dimension that these reside in, basically not in 3-D. As they can astral travel they can see what we cannot, therefore they can manipulate. BUT these really would not have any power if it were not individuals who are in league but there are. The shadow feeds and seduces through corruption and greed. The proverbial and neverending battle between good and evil. Therefore, those who are not into degenerate agendas for their existance should ignore 'demons' but if oppressed possibly medication could be helpful.
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the first post of this thread sounds very much like my mental health and the existentialists. i wonder if he/she is experiencing something similar to me? i would say "posession" is real---ie, the abstract of what posession is. in other words one can be posessed by certain aspects of themselfs in early forms. i am not sure about demonic posession, but have experienced something similar by the souond of it, without demons.

i would ask if you think she has a problem with her development! if she is doing fine, if she isn't doing fine: apparently she isn't doing so well. Is this correct?

Please don't take this the wrong way. The way everything is described sounds like you are both teenagers and as such probably don't have the right education to be sorting out an issue like this (assuming of course this is real and not some fantasy-roleplay between you two)

I am going to show you a summary the things you said and sort them out by my opinion of their importance.

* She randomly kicks people
* She randomly head-butts herself or punches various materials
* She easily forgets past events
* She has scratches and doesn't know where they came from
* She sees 'demons' everywhere
* She sees gory images randomly
* She sees the future in the sky

Your friend has demonstrated violent bahavior, doesn't remember things, and visually hallucinates. I don't put a high probability that she'll be able to function in society in this manner. Engage her parents and get her professional help (she may end up in a ward, on the street, or dead otherwise).

* She doesn't cry by self proclomation
* She can 'mood-swing' really quickly into something 'unstable'.
* You feel different around her and vice versa.
* She rejected christianity

Your friend is emotionally unhealthy and you can sense that quite easily. Her unusual experiences are likely preventing her from having a healthy relationship with others and herself (this one is very important as her rejection of religion likely alienated her in various social circles). Again, engage her parents before unhealth turns into depression and suicide.

* You see 'auras'
* The house where you two hang out makes noises
* With her, items turn up in places where you don't recall leaving them
* With her, sometimes the room gets cold and then gets warm again

There is no evidence to suggest any of these items are even remotely related to the problem behaviors / experiences.
degenerate. let us hope that i am a man and that you are not in any sort of degerate agenda. if you were, surely you are being degenerate. good luck. wish you well.
Or that, was kinda hoping that the newer generations wouldn't be getting THAT pathetic, although my generation is pretty fucking bad.
Oh, every generation has its fair share. That particular story never changes... ;)


Y'know, your concern for your friend here is really quite admirable, but much as you disclose your friend "used to be Christen at a younger age.. and now she is completely against basically any religion. but many people go throught this.." I'm willing to bet here you yourself hold to a given faith, correct?

Now ask yourself, why is your friend telling you these things, specifically.

Do you not find these claims on the part of your friend here of the manifestation of certain supernatural issues (daemons, etc) somewhat coincidental to the fact that previously the person in question followed a faith in which such issues are regarded as being real?

Is it actually because she genuinely is afflicted in the manner you yourself fear or is it mealy that she is relaying to you issues of personal disquiet and unrest and discontent in terms you yourself, personally, can implicitly share, accept and understand without you questioning her too deeply or doubting her in disclosing such "facts".

I'm not here suggesting for an instant that your friend doesn't actually have problems, real ones, ones that are actually prompting her to manifest behaviour in the sort of terms you are describing - but what I am, not so much suggesting, but telling you - there's no ritual, no magic potion, no casting out and hence forth and begone solution that's going to help.

She needs her friend, obviously. That would be your job here and you should be exactly nothing else, she's telling you things with her aren't right, that there's a certain darkness to her life tainting everything - it isn't supernatural though, it's worse - it's life.

Sometimes people really do just go through the most awfully hard time of things and the worse thing about it is they themselves don't even know why it is they're doing it - why they're angry, why they're hurting themselves, what it is they're actually angry about. There are reasons, they're not evil spirits, it's stuff - real world, blood, sweat and protein stuff that can make a person feel and do all sorts of things for all manner of reasons - troubled teens really can have problems but, as long as they have a friend, which apparently this one seems to in spades, at least there is someone they can turn to and this is what your friend is doing with you.

Turning to you, looking for your support and acceptance.

I have absolutely no idea what's going on with your friends domestic situation, but I do know it isn't demonic and that's really all you need to know.

Be there for her, talk with her, ask her what's really going on.

I wish you the very best of luck with it, but put away the rosary and garlic - unless your making a Lasagna and want to bless it, it isn't going to do the slightest bit of good.

A ;)
wow man that was wicked.. i dont even know what to say ither then nice speech very inspirting... also i would liek to say that i am not in any religion and i truely dont have anything to belive in that i know of yet... im going to get to know her more and spend as much time as i can with her she seems to want to hang out basically every night and yah im jsut worryed about a few things that are happening latly bcuz i jsut dont want anything bad to happen to her or any of my freinds periodi still ahve a feeling that there is some darkness around her and im sure ill get an understadning of it soon enough..

also about the remarks about age... age means nothing its the matureitly level of the individual that matters...
o yes and the only reson i have came to this whole conclussion is the nigth after i hung out with ehr one ngit and she was in one of thsoe strange moods i talked about and later on in the night i talked to her on msn and behind her email name it said

demons will be cast into hell: Jn 16:11; Mt 25:41; 2 Pe 2:4; Jude 6; rev 12:7-9

and when i went tto and looked it up only things on demonic possesion came up and alot of the spymtoms i read matched hers..and then on the next day the whole tlaking about and her showing me those burn mark scratches that came out of no where just made me think i find those verses very strange not all of them tlka about demons getting cast into hell can anyone help me understand what this is trying to say?
Ember-To-Inferno said:
also about the remarks about age... age means nothing its the matureitly level of the individual that matters...

Indeed, you're absolute right. It does, you're perfectly right to correct me. I do apologise for that it's just I'm old and I'm warty, and often I'm naughty - y'kind of stick around long enough and basically y'get to see practically everything twice, except the second time round it's generally speaking a damn sight funnier is all...

You're friend, by the sound of it, is basically just turning into a Goth. Instances of self harming and/or self destructive behaviour equally match a good many of the descriptions you convey - Google a little outside the remit of the Biblical passage you site and you'll recognise a good many similarities between what's going on with your friend here and what other people have gotten up to at a similar point in their lives.

Focusing exclusively on the Anti-Christian aspects of a previously held belief basically aren't really at all that uncommon - it's a kicking back mechanism, a rebellion of sorts. That kind of does go with age, part of the process really. How extreme it gets basically depends on what's going on in her domestic situation rather than the demonic exclusively.

I'm sorry I can't help you with all the latter aspects of that, but if you're curious about the passage you mention, ask her about it. It's only there because she wants it to be noticed...

Trust me. ;)