definition of god

1) God could control and interfere our lives
I dont think thats necessary, we can have free will, he can merely influence

2) God has no physical shape
Should possibly be altered to God needs no physical shape, The Roman/Greek Gods had form and walked 'round having fun everywhere. The Catholic God created man in his own image, so they say he does need an image

3) He doesn’t consume energy
nothing can create or destroy energy, but he could transform it, ie light into heat if he wanted

4) He has thelepatcal abilities
most likely

5) He can move between dimensions
Assuming there are more than 1, i agree

6) FTL travel
mostly unnecessary, usually, either the God is believed to be everywhere, or the universe that He created is only a few light seconds accros

7) Network like mind

8) He should be able to destroy universe
physically, yes, it wouldnt be a very nice or smart thing for Him to do, and therefore he probably won't (assuming he is sane)

9) He can not be killed
Many Gods were killed, although if its a religion with only 1 god, then maybe

10) He should have a very stable psyhic
either he has an infinatley stable psychic, or the Earth would have been destroyed (an infinate time in which to have gone insane and done it)
alain said:
1) God could control and interfere our lives
I dont think thats necessary, we can have free will, he can merely influence
M*W: I believe humanity is God; therefore, humanity controls, interferes, and influences our lives. Yes, humanity has free will to learn and do whatever is good (or evil), but I believe that humanity (i.e. God) is a positive force of pure creative energy.
2) God has no physical shape Should possibly be altered to God needs no physical shape, The Roman/Greek Gods had form and walked 'round having fun everywhere. The Catholic God created man in his own image, so they say he does need an image
M*W: God has a physical shape and looks like an androgynous human.
3) He doesn’t consume energy nothing can create or destroy energy, but he could transform it, ie light into heat if he wanted
M*W: God does transform energy into heat, light, power, fire, passion and love.
4) He has thelepatcal abilities most likely
M*W: God (i.e. humanity) is fine-tuning its telepathic capabilities. We are still in the last day of creation, and we are not finished, yet. Telepathy in the human race will come when we are one body, one mind, and one spirit. There will be no diversity between the "races," so telepathy will spontaneously occur in humanity.
5) He can move between dimensions Assuming there are more than 1, i agree
M*W: Yes, humanity (i.e. God) will be evolved psychically enough to travel between dimensions. In fact, we may no longer live in this dimension. Humanity will be more evolved so that we could live entirely in the spiritual dimension.
6) FTL travel mostly unnecessary, usually, either the God is believed to be everywhere, or the universe that He created is only a few light seconds accros
M*W: God (humanity) will be omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Travel as we know it will be unnecessary.
7) Network like mind watever
M*W: Yes, humanity and God will be in like mind.
8) He should be able to destroy universe physically, yes, it wouldnt be a very nice or smart thing for Him to do, and therefore he probably won't (assuming he is sane)
M*W: Humanity is already capable of destroying at least a small part of the universe, but what would that benefit? Humanity still has the desire to survive. After all, humanity/God is a pure force of POSITIVE energy. Destruction of the universe will NOT happen.
9) He can not be killed Many Gods were killed, although if its a religion with only 1 god, then maybe
M*W: The human race will live eternally. There would be no reason for humanity to be killed. Humanity is God. God is humanity. We are here to create, evolve, and become immortal.
10) He should have a very stable psyhic either he has an infinatley stable psychic, or the Earth would have been destroyed (an infinate time in which to have gone insane and done it)
M*W: Yes, humanity is infinitely evolving toward perfection and not vice versa. Not only do we need God, we should realize that we are God. Only those who don't believe will be destroyed. The energy (spirit) these folks have been using up will leave them and return to the whole of humanity to enable the rest of us to continue creatin eternal life on Earth.
medicine woman, just curious, is what u believe a widespread religion, or just your personal belief?
my 10 statements above arent really belief, jsut from what i know of Roman/Greek/Christian Gods and a few books about immortals

Also Greco "God is to man what man is to a cell
man uses a cell to imprison another man, so, God uses man to imprison another God?? not sure if i got that one
medicine woman, those who dont believe will be destroyed? Every religion says that, so 90% of people are going to be destroyed one way or another. That belief sounds like a dictatorship, if you dont agree you will be killed etc.
alain said:
medicine woman, just curious, is what u believe a widespread religion, or just your personal belief? my 10 statements above arent really belief, jsut from what i know of Roman/Greek/Christian Gods and a few books about immortals

Also Greco "God is to man what man is to a cell
man uses a cell to imprison another man, so, God uses man to imprison another God?? not sure if i got that one
M*W: What I have stated has been what I believe to be true. I am not a member of any organized religion. I don't know if there is an organized religion that holds my beliefs. I know there are other people who share my beliefs because they have contacted me and told me so. Since I don't like organized religions, I don't want to organize in any way. If others decide to organize, that's okay by me, but it doesn't mean I will become a part of their organization.
Lemming3k said:
medicine woman, those who dont believe will be destroyed? Every religion says that, so 90% of people are going to be destroyed one way or another. That belief sounds like a dictatorship, if you dont agree you will be killed etc.
M*W: Lemming3k, are you asking me a question or making a statement? Personally, I don't believe anyone will be destroyed and neither will the world we live in. I'm not sure if you meant to direct this question/statement to me. I don't believe in a destruction of humanity and the Earth, I believe in a pure positive godly paradigm shift for the betterment of humanity and the world in which we live. Further, I don't agree with what any organized religion might say on this subject.
your post is quite confusing, you stated that those are your beliefs, yet you said you dont believe anyone will be destroyed? May I kindly ask you to remove the statement that you believe those who dont believe will be destroyed, the last part of your original post where it says
"Yes, humanity is infinitely evolving toward perfection and not vice versa. Not only do we need God, we should realize that we are God. Only those who don't believe will be destroyed"
Why did you put that those who dont believe will be destroyed if you dont believe that? Earlier I was making a statement about that particular part making it sound as though non believers will be destroyed(to me that sounds as though you believe or die, like in a dictatorship you follow that leader or die). Maybe I misunderstand.
MW - "What I have stated has been what I believe to be true. I am not a member of any organized religion. I don't know if there is an organized religion that holds my beliefs. I know there are other people who share my beliefs because they have contacted me and told me so. Since I don't like organized religions, I don't want to organize in any way. If others decide to organize, that's okay by me, but it doesn't mean I will become a part of their organization."

alright then.
Lemming3k said:
your post is quite confusing, you stated that those are your beliefs, yet you said you dont believe anyone will be destroyed? May I kindly ask you to remove the statement that you believe those who dont believe will be destroyed, the last part of your original post where it says
"Yes, humanity is infinitely evolving toward perfection and not vice versa. Not only do we need God, we should realize that we are God. Only those who don't believe will be destroyed"
Why did you put that those who dont believe will be destroyed if you dont believe that? Earlier I was making a statement about that particular part making it sound as though non believers will be destroyed(to me that sounds as though you believe or die, like in a dictatorship you follow that leader or die). Maybe I misunderstand.
M*W: You're confusing me. I don't believe in the destruction of humanity. It makes no difference to me if people share my beliefs or not. Certainly no one would be destroyed for not believing what I believe. If I sounded like that is what I meant, then I didn't put it in the right context. I believe in the power of positive energy, not negativity. Regardless of what people believe or what religion they may follow, I still don't believe they will experience any kind of physical destruction. Spiritual destruction is another matter altogether. When negativity is present, the power of positivity is displaced with a vacuum which can easily turn into negativity which is the absence of God (a pure positive spirit). The soul is not destroyed but loses positive power.
I think you've explained what you meant, destruction of the spirit not the body, ok. However im curious, negativity is present almost everyday in my life, i always have something happen that annoys me, though also i feel positive a lot, however i never believe in god, regardless of if i feel positive or negative, and i dont believe in the soul, and im unsure about ghosts/spirits, where would i fit in?
Lemming3k said:
I think you've explained what you meant, destruction of the spirit not the body, ok. However im curious, negativity is present almost everyday in my life, i always have something happen that annoys me, though also i feel positive a lot, however i never believe in god, regardless of if i feel positive or negative, and i dont believe in the soul, and im unsure about ghosts/spirits, where would i fit in?
M*W: Yes, you are right. Negativity IS present everyday in everyone's life. The annoyances are part of life. We all have annoyances that bother us. As long as you are a positive person, regardless if you believe in God or not, your positive nature will make you successful. Regardless of your beliefs, a positive attitude is god-like, even if you don't believe in God. Just knowing that you are part of the One Spirit of God is all it takes for happiness. At this point, you may not believe in the purpose of your existence. That will come in time. Everyone is on his/her own time clock. I think you will do just fine as you already are. God dwells within you!
Geez the original message is so incorrect I don't know where to start... god DOES NOT control everything... he is a maintainer... he made everything, shook his fist and said "Live good or I'll smite you down!" and relaxed with a bottle of Jack Daniels... god isn't a material thing, more like light which can spread all over and penetrate everything (abouts but god moreso)... you also have a few "if's", like what if god killed himself? He wouldn't. Can he break his own laws? He wouldn't try. And so forth...
Medicine Woman, I dont believe in god and I never will, im happy without a god, the purpose of my existance is to live my life so im happy and so I help make the people around me happy, if I can, but you have a nice idea all the same:)
Lemming3k said:
Medicine Woman, I dont believe in god and I never will, im happy without a god, the purpose of my existance is to live my life so im happy and so I help make the people around me happy, if I can, but you have a nice idea all the same:)
M*W: Coincidently, you are living a godlike life! It doesn't really matter "what's out there," it's what's inside. You're actually closer to god that all the Christians I know!
lol, closer to something i dont believe exists? Interesting idea. I spose we could all be god in a way, with genetic engineering and stuff, but even if theres a vacancy for a god, i think i'll pass on that job. :)
Lemming3k said:
Medicine Woman, I dont believe in god and I never will, im happy without a god, the purpose of my existance is to live my life so im happy and so I help make the people around me happy, if I can, but you have a nice idea all the same
M*W: I'm with you, Lemming. No one needs Christianity. You believe in God incarnate. That's what I believe. There's no point to a god.
Im actually against man becoming a god, i dont think its right to screw with DNA or RNA or whatever it is they are messing with now, but they wont get it right for a few decades yet. I think religion is the wrong way to go in life, science is the best way, though thats just my personal opinion i know others think differently.
Avatar said:
I see tht one here try to prove tht there is a god and others try to prove tht there is/are no such being(s).
But we can not prove or disprove the gods' existence if we have no definition of it. How can we prove or disprove smthing if we do not know what it is. Maybe one thinks tht he has proven the gods existence, but to smone other god means smthing entirely different with god. So I propose tht we define what is god and if you think tht there is no such being then, why (meaning – disprove tht characteristics given to god can not be true). Of course at our present state of technological and spiritual advancement, we can not be sure what can be possible and what not, but it’s worth a try.
I do not agree with the concept of god, but I’ll try what a god should have –
1) God could control and interfere our lives
2) God has no physical shape
3) He doesn’t consume energy
4) He has thelepatcal abilities
5) He can move between dimensions
6) FTL travel
7) Network like mind
8) He should be able to destroy universe
9) He can not be killed
10) He should have a very stable psyhic

And from my point of view
1) God can not control everything (first we need to define what is everything) i.e. can he break the laws he has created (physics and such)
2) If he consumes energy, then our universe might collapse (maybe tht thing has already happened smwhere in deep past (singularity)
3) God can not be like some think – all knowing and wise. Think of it - you have all eternity to live alone (no one is a mach for you and no one to talk as an equal) He would 1. go completely mad. 2. become a completely mad tyrant.
4) If someone destroyed all tht god has created and taken all energy in the universe, would god still be god (what would he then control and be a god to)

These are only my starting thoughts and anything could change, so let us start this discussion going (if you think it's worth it:) )
in another words;
GOD is anything your mind can imagine it to be,
thats why there are so many gods/religions.

and since no one can prove the existence of god thats proof enough imo that he doesnt exist!
i read in a book that the world would only havr turned out the way it is with out God in a 1/125,000,000 chance...i dont see anything as that lucky...espiacially sir...please look at the numbers :eek: