Definition of a troll....

W4U is not a troll.
He is creative, lateral and against the mainstream - he's just not a d*ck about it.
Yeah I was pulling his leg a bit.

He does bang on rather about Implicate Order and this Shapiro showman, but I would not class him seriously as a troll.

R U really from the 60's? I thought you would have been extinct. Can I touch you? I feel so much like an archeologist at this point.

Maybe I'm just trolling - my cat made me do it.
How about a baby from the 40s?

When I was a young man
Back in the 1960s
We used to make our own amusements then
Knocking on the neighbours' doors and running away
The nerdy ones were in their rooms with a pencil and paper, trying to invent the Internet.
Baby Trolls are cute, they come in so many colors. We're gonna have to invent a special Troll comb though.
I don't like that spikey hair.
IMO, trolls would look much better with their hair flat and parted in the middle...a nice nerdy visual.....:D
It is interesting that if you use a bit of reverse thinking, play the trolls at their own ''game'', they then ignore you . I consider in a trolls head, they are playing a game. Whether that game is to upset and offend a person or getting a person banned.

Their intent is winning the game in their own head.
They just want attention, any kind, as long as it's attention. You can imagine what their life is like IRL.
What if a person does not want attention, has a very happy life with fam and kids and generally works about 15 hrs a day for the last ten year, trying to learn science hoping they can use their brain to answer a problem with no answer yet?

How do you class that person who is deadly serious and works harder than most people to learn?

Myself , I have lots of friends and social life but I try to study hard. I seek attention to learn , remain polite and try to understand.

I choose to do this, my life does not force me to do this.
How do you class that person who is deadly serious and works harder than most people to learn?
That person is less likely than a troll to point out what a terrible human being Darwin was or that Einstein attributed everything to God.
What if a person does not want attention, has a very happy life with fam and kids and generally works about 15 hrs a day for the last ten year, trying to learn science hoping they can use their brain to answer a problem with no answer yet?

How do you class that person who is deadly serious and works harder than most people to learn?

Myself , I have lots of friends and social life but I try to study hard. I seek attention to learn , remain polite and try to understand.

I choose to do this, my life does not force me to do this.
What if a person does not want attention, has a very happy life with fam and kids and generally works about 15 hrs a day for the last ten year, trying to learn science hoping they can use their brain to answer a problem with no answer yet?

How do you class that person who is deadly serious and works harder than most people to learn?

Myself , I have lots of friends and social life but I try to study hard. I seek attention to learn , remain polite and try to understand.

I choose to do this, my life does not force me to do this.
Why do you need to seek attention in order to learn?
What if a person does not want attention, has a very happy life with fam and kids and generally works about 15 hrs a day for the last ten year, trying to learn science hoping they can use their brain to answer a problem with no answer yet?
Great! But with a schedule like that there's no way they are posting here.
How do you class that person who is deadly serious and works harder than most people to learn?
A hard worker who does not post on the Internet (and is therefore not a troll.)
Repetitive trolling, of a kind, got Trump elected.

The repetition endangers - trolls vary in motive: some (not only the bots) will persist even if ignored, and some of those who persist will gather allies.
Why do you need to seek attention in order to learn?
What sort of lesson lasts for years?
If I was at school my lesson would have my continuous questions answered. I would not have to wait hrs, days or even months for a reply to move on.
Great! But with a schedule like that there's no way they are posting here.

A hard worker who does not post on the Internet (and is therefore not a troll.)
I meant working hard at studying and trying to learn. Not actually working, although I am a carer.
Vengeance is sweet and expensive
Even chimpanzees, infants want to punish antisocial behavior
Date: December 19, 2017

Source: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Summary: Living together in communities requires mutual cooperation. To achieve this, we punish others when they are uncooperative. Scientists have discovered now that even six-year-old children feel the need to reprimand antisocial behavior, and that they are willing to take risks and make an effort to be present when the guilty one is punished.