Defining what is God.

the dalai lama's amazing birth into existence as a dalai lama,
with all the tests that they checked with him...
the historical documents with prophecies about a boy at a lake with certain characteristics, etc., and they found him in the same conditions...

you know, that's appears to be more truthful than christianity.
know that as an athiest, i will not doubt a possibility
if it seems reasonable to me.

if god sees time...
my god,
he should just keep me updated.

buddhism, at least does that.
there's logic,
they help provide us with information on quantum physics.
without much trouble.

if this religion makes sense,
and another makes sense to another.
who's to say what's the right religion?

if scientology somehow makes it out to the future 2000 years from now,
i'm pretty sure there will be enough cock and bull stories to make up
for its fraudulent properties.
i mean it came from a science fiction novel, in which the author
said it's not really a religion...
the fact that he's a science fiction author said that
probably wont be heard 2000 years from now.
...and on the other extreme there is the idea that want is synonymous with "material desire " (name, fame adoration and distinction), in which case is your q "is a god that does not have material desire superior to a god that does ?" the answer would be "yes"
I am going with the angle of merely wanting - i.e. being lacking in something.

One wants something one lacks.
And thus one can not want something they already have.

So, now you know the angle:

Is a God that does not want superior to one that wants?

Does an eternal God who does not want superior to an eternal God that wants?

Further questions, LG, if you don't mind, following from your answers thus far...

Does one create if one does not want anything?

Can an eternal God who does not want anything create anything, given that creation comes through wanting comes through lack of that thing?

Thus, is a God that creates inferior to a God that does not?

Thanks in advance for your responses. :D
then the question arises from where did the phenomenal world (ie the medium that these 10 entities are interacting in) emmanate from?

I told you. One of them created this thing that we would call a universe. To them it is a marble. (Some time watching the end of Men in Black might help give you a pespective of this).
Mountains in scriptural symbolism represent something else.

Of course, mountains in scriptures represent molehills.

Hence, the problem, where does one draw the line as to what represents what in scriptures. No one seems to agree. Even the so-called authoritative theists which LG would promote as "knowing" the scriptures can't agree with one another.

Aesop and Grimm's have better representations then scriptures.

So, what use are scriptures when mountains are molehills?
seems you are only on the look out for posts that agree with your values

If that were the case, I doubt I would have spent so many words in exchange with the likes of Woody and IceAgeCivilizations. No, LG, I'm just interested in debunking your BS where it suits me and not reading your long winded-BS when it doesn't.
If that were the case, I doubt I would have spent so many words in exchange with the likes of Woody and IceAgeCivilizations. No, LG, I'm just interested in debunking your BS where it suits me and not reading your long winded-BS when it doesn't.

You do have an opinion. So do I. 100 years from now we'll see who was wrong. :D

You don't believe in an afterlife. The laws of probability support my view:

If something happens once, given enough time, it will happen again. Hence, another life is inevitable. ;)
If something happens once, given enough time, it will happen again. Hence, another life is inevitable. ;)
Please provide the math to support this claim - and then please provide evidence that this "another life" will be you, any more than I am someone from history?
i swear i'll still alive when andromeda hits our milky way.
i will stay alive,
until i can go into the blackhole.
i will stay alive in the blackhole,
and i'll take pictures of the afterlife from the other dimension,
come back through my blackhole,
and show you there is an afterlife.
speaking of black holes,
i mean,
judgement day for this habitable environment is then?

the black created from the clashing of galaxies that is,
the clash that's calculated to happen before our sun blows up...
I am going with the angle of merely wanting - i.e. being lacking in something.

One wants something one lacks.
And thus one can not want something they already have.

So, now you know the angle:

Is a God that does not want superior to one that wants?
there is the issue of wanting something, not because one doesn't have it, but because one wants others to have it - like for insatnce a well fed person may want that other people don't starve.

but if you want to ride with the notion of want that equals lack, yes, a god that has something lacking is inferior to a god that has nothing lacking (BTW - the sanskrit word for god, bhagavan, means one who possesses all opulences - wealth, renunciation, strength, intelligence, renunciation and fame - in full)
Does an eternal God who does not want superior to an eternal God that wants?
ditto above
Further questions, LG, if you don't mind, following from your answers thus far...

Does one create if one does not want anything?
obviously not - consciousness (thinking/feeling/willing) cannot be seperated from action

Can an eternal God who does not want anything create anything, given that creation comes through wanting comes through lack of that thing?
as explained previously, wanting something for others who lack something (like the way that god wants that the living entities in the material get liberated from their self induced ignorance (because they,like god, have independence, but of th e miniscule variety) does not necessarily indicate a lack

Thus, is a God that creates inferior to a God that does not?
obviously a god that creates to accommodate for his personal lack is inferior to a god that doesn't create because he has no personal lack - but higher than both these conceptions is a god that creates to accommodate for the lack of others

Thanks in advance for your responses. :D[/QUOTE]
no problem

Please provide the math to support this claim - and then please provide evidence that this "another life" will be you, any more than I am someone from history?
well you do have 1 life at the moment don't you?

I told you. One of them created this thing that we would call a universe. To them it is a marble. (Some time watching the end of Men in Black might help give you a pespective of this).
then what objective medium were these 10 omnipotent gods existing in before the cosmic manifestation and who caused that medium?
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If that were the case, I doubt I would have spent so many words in exchange with the likes of Woody and IceAgeCivilizations. No, LG, I'm just interested in debunking your BS where it suits me and not reading your long winded-BS when it doesn't.

its just the nature of your intellectual miserliness
And after 22 pages Lightee has still failed to explain "what god is?"

Admittedly it has been a difficult task to get the mostly atheistic contributors to remain on topic (since most of them are just obtuse attempts to diverge, much like your contribution), but then I guess, particularly if they lack a philosophical foundation, they are not the most resourceful option one could quiz for such info

there are however several clear indications on what the significance of omnipotence, all pervading, omniscient etc etc entails
then what objective medium were these 10 omnipotent gods existing in before the cosmic manifestation and who caused that medium?

They have always existed.. In the same place any other eternal god you can think of would have existed in that time before creating anything. So, as you are by your own words well above me, why don't you tell me where your god existed before the 'cosmic manifestation' and who caused that medium? Once you answer the question you'll have my answer.
They have always existed.. In the same place any other eternal god you can think of would have existed in that time before creating anything. So, as you are by your own words well above me, why don't you tell me where your god existed before the 'cosmic manifestation' and who caused that medium? Once you answer the question you'll have my answer.
both god and the cosmic manifestation are eternal - however the cosmic manifestation is contingent on god, much like an eternal fire would have eternal heat, but the heat is contingent on the fire.
If you have multiple contingencies, you have a problem (Is the manifested world independent from the gods?)
both god and the cosmic manifestation are eternal - however the cosmic manifestation is contingent on god

I disagree with the latter part of the statement. While the 'cosmic manifestation' cannot create, it is on purely equal terms with a god concerning existence. It has no say in his affairs, he has no say in its.

much like an eternal fire would have eternal heat, but the heat is contingent on the fire.

Now you're looking at 'creation' instead of always being. The heat is contingent on the fire because, (from a human perspective), fire creates heat. If neither came first, neither created the other then you don't end up in that scenario. Being eternal the heat is not contingent on the fire - it is eternal regardless to the fires existence unless the fire created the heat - which given your statement we know to not be true. Your god did not create the "cosmic manifestation", it just is.

If you have multiple contingencies, you have a problem

No you don't. Having multiple beings that have always existed and a cosmic manifestation that has always existed is no different to having one being that has always existed and a cosmic manifestation that has always existed. To many christians, god is three specific entities in one, (the godly trio). If you were to put these entities in a line you wouldn't suffer any more problems than if these three entities were stuck together as one entity. Going to the bible: It mentions Melchizedek - a person with that has apparently always existed and always will.. "His life has no beginning or ending.. He is like the son of god". This clearly points at a distinctly separate entity that has always existed along with god. It doesn't cause any problems given that there is now more than one that has always been.

Is the manifested world independent from the gods?

Our universe? They created it, they can do anything they like with it - but they let it progress along it's own path.
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both god and the cosmic manifestation are eternal - however the cosmic manifestation is contingent on god

I disagree with the latter part of the statement. While the 'cosmic manifestation' cannot create, it is on purely equal terms with a god concerning existence. It has no say in his affairs, he has no say in its.
then you have a polytheistic paradigm, which differs from a monthesitic one because there is no possibility of claiming omnipotence, as you clearly indicate

much like an eternal fire would have eternal heat, but the heat is contingent on the fire.

Now you're looking at 'creation' instead of always being. The heat is contingent on the fire because, (from a human perspective), fire creates heat. If neither came first, neither created the other then you don't end up in that scenario.
therefore I mentioned an eternal fire - it explains not what came first but what is the cause and what is the effect
Being eternal the heat is not contingent on the fire - it is eternal regardless to the fires existence unless the fire created the heat - which given your statement we know to not be true. Your god did not create the "cosmic manifestation", it just is.
the eternality of the heat owes its nature to the eternality of the fire - in other words the heat would have no scope to act independant from the fire - like if you moved the fire 100 yards the heat would follow - if you somehow moved the heat 100 yards, the fire would not follow, and the heat, newly located 100 yards away, would cease to be eternal, meanwhile th efire woul dcontinue to emmanate eternal heat in its present location

If you have multiple contingencies, you have a problem

No you don't. Having multiple beings that have always existed and a cosmic manifestation that has always existed is no different to have one being that has always existed and a cosmic manifestation that has always existed. To many christians god is three specific entities in one, (the godly trio). If you were to put these entities in a line you wouldn't suffer any more problems than if these three entities were stuck together as one entity. Going to the bible: It mentions Melchizedek - a person with that has apparently always existed and always will.. "His life has no beginning or ending.. He is like the son of god". This clearly points at a distinctly separate entity that has always existed along with god. It doesn't cause any problems given that there is now more than one that has always been.
multiple cases of eternality is not a problem , as indicated by the eternal fire and eternal heat (the eternal fire would also have eternal light and eternal smoke as well)-

multiple cases of being omnipotent is a problem, unless you advocate that the multiple causes are expansions of the same sense of being - in other words it is the same individual with the same potency appearing as different expansions (as opposed to being intrinsically different individuals in different forms making the same claim)

as for claimingthat the medium of objective existence is eternally independant (regardless whether you are talking about this phenomenal world or some abstract of pre-phenomeanl world existence) then you have a potency (ie the medium of objectivity) that is actually superior, since without this medium, your so called god or gods is powerless to act (which gives you the picture of polytheism - a lot of different "gods" duking it out within the medium of objective existence to gain superiority, while the medium of objective existence remains the unchallenged champion)
Is the manifested world independent from the gods?

Our universe? They created it, they can do anything they like with it - but they let it progress along it's own path.
then where were these gods before they created it? (ie what is the nature of this pre-phenomenal existence you are alluding to?)
Who created or is responsible for being the cause of this pre-phenomenal existence?
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Please provide the math to support this claim - and then please provide evidence that this "another life" will be you, any more than I am someone from history?

A rigorous proof?. If the probability of an event is greater than zero, and an infinite number of trials are applied, then the chance it WILL NOT happen is zero after an infinite number of trials have been applied, or else the probability should have been zero to start with.

This logic is the basis for the central limit theorem.

Time however is not infinite.
You do have an opinion. So do I. 100 years from now we'll see who was wrong. :D

You don't believe in an afterlife. The laws of probability support my view:

If something happens once, given enough time, it will happen again. Hence, another life is inevitable. ;)

M*W: Woody, you are wrong. Don't you know that when you report a statistic as the first words in a sentence, they should be spelled-out?

It won't take "100 years from now" to show that you are wrong.