Defining what is God.

I read the link and assert that it is your definition that is faulty. What now? I suppose we could just ad hom each other for the rest of our days.
alternatively you could try and evidence the faults of logic, but given your proclivity, it seems likely you will opt for your suggestion
then you have the task of logic ahead of you to establish what qualities your word has that are lacking in omnipotent.

So you agree that the original question and your final conclusion were totally pointless? You must have been aware right at the moment of making your original post that "all..." could not be bested by any means whatsoever. I wonder therefore why you bothered making the post.

Actually what the analysis of these words indicates, is that most people, your humble self included, are not aware of what the implications are

Yes, yes.. "most people" being everyone but you, and especially all atheists. Do me a lemon. P.S Support your claim.

as such discussions about the nature of god frequently fall flat on their face due to the absence of a theoretical foundation

See? My point.

alternatively you could try and evidence the faults of logic, but given your proclivity, it seems likely you will opt for your suggestion

I see you went for the ad hom.
well for a start, it doesn't seem you have come any closer to introspectively analyzing what you deem as imagination as distinct from substantial claim

but aside from that, which wasn't really the ambitious task of this thread, I have noted that those few contributers who have actually posted in accordance with the OP have given definitions that fall within the claims of scripture - thus it appears that the defintions of god in scripture are beyond the empirical effort to better

Ah. So whether it be a Bronze Age imagination or a Space Age one, it doesn't matter as long as you can pretend to know there is some quality that can be "bested." Complete rubbish.

Here's a definition of a god: a perceived supernatural agent that humans believe they must appeal to or appease.

then you have the task of logic ahead of you to establish what qualities your word has that are lacking in omnipotent.

So you agree that the original question and your final conclusion were totally pointless? You must have been aware right at the moment of making your original post that "all..." could not be bested by any means whatsoever. I wonder therefore why you bothered making the post.
the word "all" cannot be bested - yes - but the implications and understanding of that little word often requires work

Actually what the analysis of these words indicates, is that most people, your humble self included, are not aware of what the implications are

Yes, yes.. "most people" being everyone but you, and especially all atheists. Do me a lemon.
if you had a correct understanding of the word you certainly didn't exhibit it

as such discussions about the nature of god frequently fall flat on their face due to the absence of a theoretical foundation

See? My point.

alternatively you could try and evidence the faults of logic, but given your proclivity, it seems likely you will opt for your suggestion

I see you went for the ad hom.
I see you chose not to take the path of logical examination
Ah. So whether it be a Bronze Age imagination or a Space Age one, it doesn't matter as long as you can pretend to know there is some quality that can be "bested." Complete rubbish.
actually the thread was specifically designed to avoid empirical classifications of religion - it doesn't matter what you advocate god to be - it was the pursuit of teh quality of god, not the identity

Here's a definition of a god: a perceived supernatural agent that humans believe they must appeal to or appease.
then you have defined a quality of god - namely that the living entity, either in their conditioned or liberated state, is always dependant on him
the word "all" cannot be bested - yes

I rest my case.

if you had a correct understanding of the word you certainly didn't exhibit it

Your high and mighty, self righteous, superiority complex is really getting tiresome. Support your claims.

I see you chose not to take the path of logical examination

Please, I have pointed out problems and the errors you have made many times. The fact that I am an atheist clearly prevents you from paying any attention to what has been said - also noticeable by the fact that I keep asking you to support the claims you make while you keep ignoring them in preference of rehashing the same old high and mighty gibberish.
The only sure quality a god is dependent upon is the human imagination. Obviously living entities are not "always dependent upon" a god since there are many, many who don't believe in the need to appeal to or appease a god. Also there are many different versions of gods, some with contradictory and varied "qualities" based on human mythology (none of them based in reality, of course).

So your precious OP appears a farce and a con. A pseudo-intellectual bit of mental masturbation.

the word "all" cannot be bested - yes

I rest my case.
you would prefer discussions that do not innvlove the clarification of terminology?

if you had a correct understanding of the word you certainly didn't exhibit it

Your high and mighty, self righteous, superiority complex is really getting tiresome. Support your claims.
support my claim that your claim is not supported?
how about your claim about communities of gods with nagging wives and clicking fingers being fit for falling in the folds of omnipotence?

I see you chose not to take the path of logical examination

Please, I have pointed out problems and the errors you have made many times. The fact that I am an atheist clearly prevents you from paying any attention to what has been said - also noticeable by the fact that I keep asking you to support the claims you make while you keep ignoring them in preference of rehashing the same old high and mighty gibberish.
on the contrary, it appears you haven't even referenced the link, which deals with the exact question that you insist on being addressed inthis thread as opposed to the one refernced - I could cut and paste it here if you like, but it may disrupt skinwalkers modship sensibiltiies about wasting valuable space on sciforums
The only sure quality a god is dependent upon is the human imagination.
its not clear on what sense of surety you make this statement (please note, decorating a response to this query with ad homs will not increase its clarity)

Obviously living entities are not "always dependent upon" a god since there are many, many who don't believe in the need to appeal to or appease a god.
therefore they are dependant on the phenomenal world, which is an inferior energy of god, but which has the frequency of kicking them up the backside when things get out of hand

Also there are many different versions of gods, some with contradictory and varied "qualities" based on human mythology
if you assert variety equals mythology, then you must decry the variety of headache tablets available on th e market, all of which are making claims that they cure headaches, as complete and utter poppy cock

(none of them based in reality, of course).
the use of the word "reality" particularly in regards to what it does and does not contain, requires that one establish how one determines what reality is - alternatively you can just ride with confidence statements

So your precious OP appears a farce and a con. A pseudo-intellectual bit of mental masturbation.
out of curiousity, what is your working definition of the word "philosophy"?
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I respect your patience in dealing with people that evidently don't want to present arguments to contradict notions of omnipotence, omniscience, et cetera.
it kind of illustrates the sorry state of the world when philosophy is not deemed as necessary to intelligent discussion
its not clear on what sense of surety you make this statement (please note, decorating a response to this query with ad homs will not increase its clarity) therefore they are dependant on the phenomenal world, which is an inferior energy of god, but which has the frequency of kicking them up the backside when things get out of hand if you assert variety equals mythology, then you must decry the variety of headache tablets available on th e market, all of which are making claims that they cure headaches, as complete and utter poppy cock the use of the word "reality" particularly in regards to what it does and does not contain, requires that one establish how one determines what reality is

My "sense of surety" comes from the fact that the only thing that can be truly demonstrated is that you and others can imagine gods (by your own admission). No gods have been demonstrated to actually exist. Surely you aren't daft (my confidence on your lack of daftness wouldn't be an 'ad hom' would it?)?

With regard to your "phenomenal world," which has an "inferior energy of god" (LMFAO!), do you have any evidence of either? Entering bits of your fantasy and imagination into the discussion is hardly saying much, LG! Really! You actually wrote "phenomenal world" and "inferior energy of god" in the same sentence as if that really meant some shit! :)

And where you get the notion that by "decrying" your mythological BS has anything to do with "headache tablets" is obviously something from the depths of your imagination. That postmodernist mumbo-jumbo doesn't work with me.
you would prefer discussions that do not innvlove the clarification of terminology?

Pointless question. I said your original post was pointless, you agreed.. what more is there to say? Nothing. Accept it and move on.

support my claim that your claim is not supported?

Wasn't what I was getting at but it'll do..

how about your claim about communities of gods with nagging wives and clicking fingers being fit for falling in the folds of omnipotence?

I've already explained it several times for you, but now feel that perhaps it needs a different thread..

10 beings all in a room, all with the ability to do anything, not a necessity to do anything. Of course we do hit a snag whenever we take omniscience into account because technically speaking these gods can't do anything other than what they know they're going to do, (same issue with all omni gods). It's a long issue and we'll continue it somewhere else.

it appears you haven't even referenced the link, which deals with the exact question that you insist on being addressed inthis thread as opposed to the one refernced

Actually no, I decided not to start quoting that thread over here - as you go on to point out in about one sentences time:

"I could cut and paste it here if you like, but it may disrupt skinwalkers modship sensibiltiies"

If there was any sensibility about "wasting valuable space," surely I should start with deleting those tiresome attempts at riposte that contain 50 or more lines of alternating quotes and responses. Ugh. Nothing puts me asleep faster. I think LG responded to me a few pages back like that. I made it about 8 lines before I clicked the little red "X" in the corner.

In case any ever wonders why I don't respond to a post they make, I almost always ignore such long winded and tedious responses that go on more than a few lines. But put it in a nice paragraph structured essay and I'll read it every time. Or, unless there's a bunch of scriptural quotes or if its The Visitor's posts. I usually skip on past those too.
it kind of illustrates the sorry state of the world when philosophy is not deemed as necessary to intelligent discussion

philosophy is used by all genius scientists.
buddhism, for instance, a religion and philosophy is shown to have many parallels with quantum science.
philosophy is by no means ignored in intelligent discussion.
i wouldnt mind a person educating me on kant and his whole who's better and who isn't?
philosophy would also go against god, i hope you see that too.

a scientific method also isn't just based on its structured method.
there is philosophy behind it.

so in a method, philosophy is indeed there.
a theory is also developed from the roots of philosophy, prior to using a method!
but philosophy isn't the root of all meanings.
philosophy, methods, science and evidence.
you put them together, and you get a far more satisfying result (although not all the time :D).
hm so god can do anything, and he has no limits... he's omniscent and is infinite.

so he can do anything since there are no limits.
but he either is limited by rule, or has limited himself in the following question to pose:

does he lie?

and you know, it'd be funny if he was actually the creator of our universe, and actually wrote the revelation.
where he gives the perception that the world is flat.
like matthew 4:8... the satan takes jesus to the top of a mountain so tall that he could see the all the kingdoms of the world.

here, i'll quote it directly...
"Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them"

god just lied. that fucking asshole... i guess he can really do anything.
but he's not supposed to lie!
why the hell am i supposed to bow to down to him and jesus?!?
and oh great, i go to hell,
where god sent the satan to live.
but the satan is a hell of an asshole too.
at least he's a sinner, like me.

ps yikes, that could offend a lot of christians, but if you leave me without doubt that
christianity is the way to be, you will earn my new found belief in christianity.
but in all honesty, respect, and no offence, i really doubt that will happen.
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To SnakeLord and nsd1
Yes the physical type of a seventh day was spoken of in the past tense.
That is the way He does things, He lays down types and shadows in the physical world to be fulfilled later in the spiritual.
However the actual fulfillment is just happening now.
The seventh day. The day of the Lord.

According to some interpretations the the scriptures are sometimes referring to two different gods....
There is such a close resemblance to the God of Heaven, and the god of the Earth, SnakeLord...
that few will be able to tell the difference.
It's that way for a reason.

SkinWalker.....just skip past this next part, if it bores you so.

To cpt. scruffy.......
Don't take things so literally or be too carnal minded.
Calm down.
It wasn't an actual mountain where Jesus could physically see all the kingdoms of the earth.
Mountains in scriptural symbolism represent something else.
A great revelation.....a vantage point from which to see a great distance see?
A mighty understanding of the reality of things.
Jesus saw all the kingdoms of the world that are in Satan's power....from Adam's time till now, including America and the great nations of today.

Jesus did not deny they were Satan's to offer did He?
He just refused to worship Satan to get them because He knew He would fall heir to them in time and be the salvation of the Earth.
Technically Jesus never denied Satan was a god.
For the people of this world....he is their god.
He fell claim to the rights of this world, and everything on it.

We are talking about two different Gods, so close to the same it would deceive the very elect if it were possible.
Satan has impersonated God in every way, even down to Christ's second coming.

But Jesus came as He did to take back them that are His, and redeem which means to "bring back to where something once was".
He died to do that, God died for you.
There is no "Jesus" and "God".
Jesus is God.

The churches that teach the three god Trinity and such confusions, are Satan's churches.
He's the god of this world...remember.
They may think they are Christian, and even try to claim His name....but if you ask them if they are "Christian".....they will tell you right quick, they are Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, ect...
Those are "names of blasphemy".....blasphemeous names in the sight of God.
Satan said he would sit in the temple of god and be worshiped as god.
And He is.

God once winked at their ignorance, but now they have rejected Him, they represent Him no longer.
The Gentile church ages are over.
It is done, their time shall be no longer.
Hear the parable of the seven women.
They want to be called by "His" name.......Christian, but wear their own apparel, and eat their own bread.
Those are symbolic of the Word they have defiled with their traditions and false doctrines.....and their garments represent their revelation......
It shows they have the mark...of their father the devil.

Jesus on the other hand, is the real God of creation, "the beginning of the creation of God".
And He is the "firstborn of many brethren".
Unless a corn of wheat fall into the ground...and die, it abideth alone.
By His sacrifice we have been brought forth.
The manifestation of the Sons of God....which all of creation has waited for and is in travail of birth pains to be delivered.
He also died to bring judgment, you see now the Spirit falls on all flesh...just and unjust alike.
Like the Holy fire that burns those that would not believe God, that refused to retain God in their understanding....and walk by faith.
The God of this world, the god of the sun....has blinded their eyes by everything they see.
Only by Faith, which is the sixth sense can you truly have eyes to see.
All else is illusion.
By the very power of god, the true Holy Spirit.......Satan's minister's are transformed into angels of light.

In this day, the evil day, when darkness appears as light.....
A mountain can also be a great revelation thats wrong.
Something standing in the way of your seeing the truth, a mountain of sin, which is unbelief.

If you ask what you will, and do not doubt it not in your heart....see?
Say to this mountain be moved, and you can have what you've asked.
Ask Him to move the mountain in your life......He promised He would if you'll only ask for the right things.
Have Faith, don't doubt in your heart....and He will do it for you.
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My "sense of surety" comes from the fact that the only thing that can be truly demonstrated is that you and others can imagine gods (by your own admission). No gods have been demonstrated to actually exist. Surely you aren't daft (my confidence on your lack of daftness wouldn't be an 'ad hom' would it?)?
another confidence statement - in other words you know because you know - you will have to forgive me for not being convinced ...

With regard to your "phenomenal world," which has an "inferior energy of god" (LMFAO!), do you have any evidence of either?
evidence for you?
Entering bits of your fantasy and imagination into the discussion is hardly saying much, LG! Really! You actually wrote "phenomenal world" and "inferior energy of god" in the same sentence as if that really meant some shit! :)
well you know .. it is a religion sub forum after all - as a mod here I thought you might even expect this to crop up from time to time ....
And where you get the notion that by "decrying" your mythological BS has anything to do with "headache tablets" is obviously something from the depths of your imagination. That postmodernist mumbo-jumbo doesn't work with me.
my mistake
philosophy is not your strong suit
10 beings all in a room, all with the ability to do anything, not a necessity to do anything. Of course we do hit a snag whenever we take omniscience into account because technically speaking these gods can't do anything other than what they know they're going to do, (same issue with all omni gods). It's a long issue and we'll continue it somewhere else.
then the question arises from where did the phenomenal world (ie the medium that these 10 entities are interacting in) emmanate from?
If there was any sensibility about "wasting valuable space," surely I should start with deleting those tiresome attempts at riposte that contain 50 or more lines of alternating quotes and responses. Ugh. Nothing puts me asleep faster. I think LG responded to me a few pages back like that. I made it about 8 lines before I clicked the little red "X" in the corner.

In case any ever wonders why I don't respond to a post they make, I almost always ignore such long winded and tedious responses that go on more than a few lines. But put it in a nice paragraph structured essay and I'll read it every time. Or, unless there's a bunch of scriptural quotes or if its The Visitor's posts. I usually skip on past those too.
seems you are only on the look out for posts that agree with your values
Don't take things so literally or be too carnal minded.
Calm down.
It wasn't an actual mountain where Jesus could physically see all the kingdoms of the earth.
Mountains in scriptural symbolism represent something else.
A great revelation.....a vantage point from which to see a great distance see?
A mighty understanding of the reality of things.
Jesus saw all the kingdoms of the world that are in Satan's power....from Adam's time till now, including America and the great nations of today.

Jesus did not deny they were Satan's to offer did He?
He just refused to worship Satan to get them because He knew He would fall heir to them in time and be the salvation of the Earth.
Technically Jesus never denied Satan was a god.
For the people of this world....he is their god.
He fell claim to the rights of this world, and everything on it.

We are talking about two different Gods, so close to the same it would deceive the very elect if it were possible.
Satan has impersonated God in every way, even down to Christ's second coming.

But Jesus came as He did to take back them that are His, and redeem which means to "bring back to where something once was".
He died to do that, God died for you.
There is no "Jesus" and "God".
Jesus is God.

The churches that teach the three god Trinity and such confusions, are Satan's churches.
He's the god of this world...remember.
They may think they are Christian, and even try to claim His name....but if you ask them if they are "Christian".....they will tell you right quick, they are Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, ect...
Those are "names of blasphemy".....blasphemeous names in the sight of God.
Satan said he would sit in the temple of god and be worshiped as god.
And He is.

God once winked at their ignorance, but now they have rejected Him, they represent Him no longer.
The Gentile church ages are over.
It is done, their time shall be no longer.
Hear the parable of the seven women.
They want to be called by "His" name.......Christian, but wear their own apparel, and eat their own bread.
Those are symbolic of the Word they have defiled with their traditions and false doctrines.....and their garments represent their revelation......
It shows they have the mark...of their father the devil.

Jesus on the other hand, is the real God of creation, "the beginning of the creation of God".
And He is the "firstborn of many brethren".
Unless a corn of wheat fall into the ground...and die, it abideth alone.
By His sacrifice we have been brought forth.
The manifestation of the Sons of God....which all of creation has waited for and is in travail of birth pains to be delivered.
He also died to bring judgment, you see now the Spirit falls on all flesh...just and unjust alike.
Like the Holy fire that burns those that would not believe God, that refused to retain God in their understanding....and walk by faith.
The God of this world, the god of the sun....has blinded their eyes by everything they see.
Only by Faith, which is the sixth sense can you truly have eyes to see.
All else is illusion.
By the very power of god, the true Holy Spirit.......Satan's minister's are transformed into angels of light.

In this day, the evil day, when darkness appears as light.....
A mountain can also be a great revelation thats wrong.
Something standing in the way of your seeing the truth, a mountain of sin, which is unbelief.

If you ask what you will, and do not doubt it not in your heart....see?
Say to this mountain be moved, and you can have what you've asked.
Ask Him to move the mountain in your life......He promised He would if you'll only ask for the right things.
Have Faith, don't doubt in your heart....and He will do it for you.

yes the metaphors occured to me.
i can see both ways,
i chose to say it physically.

and that can be up to the interepration of the reader.
which leads to multiple opinions.
you are probably more correct than me, seeing that you have studied the bible more than me!
i'm sorry, but it's a story to me.
if whomever wrote it, say jesus, say god, and whanot wrote it.
they speak rather metaphorically, delusionally, and speak with a connectiveness of godness (or however else one may call it)

those are all symptoms of a psychotic disorder.
i can see schizophrenic patients writing in a similar fashion to that.
in fact, i know people who suffer from mental disorders, who can easily testify to that truth.

there's too many arguments about christianity for me to see it as true.
a brilliant theist can come up with excuses,
he has to think of them.

i'd much rather side with buddhism as an athiest.
that's one that seems to contradict the least, in its principles that is.
(i havent looked enough in that to know, but that's what it seems)

the whole heart thing,
feel god in my heart,
that's a function of the brain, you cut it out, and it is gone.

and for some it doesnt feel like god, but rather something bigger out there is watching them.


this is all studied and founded information!

i have too much doubt.