Defining Astrology Scientifically!

I have mentioned that there are conflicting views, and conflicting results. I think the EMF theory is at least a plausible explanation for planetary influences as opposed to "Magic".

I am not willing to invest my time investigating this matter further, however I would like to return to it many years from now when this new area of study has run past its infancy and see what the results might be.

It would make sense (to me) that VLF's could affect moods because

A) We have been using hypnotic beats (alpha - Theta), to induce trances, etc. This has also been done using light frequencies. Radar technicians had been "hypnotized" by the light frequency of their stations, etc.

B) It would make our ancestors look a lot less foolish.

Again many of the "scientific" type experiments, have been conducted to test dangers associated with high voltage wires, cell phones, etc. The frequencies of which are not in the brain wave spectrum.
i.e. Our household electricity outputs 60 hertz, because that is what was deemed the correct amount of light flashes from a lightbulb to fool our eyes that it is constant light.

I would like to see an experiment(s) done where the frequency output more closely matches brainwave activity in the 6-12 Hertz ballpark.

Any takers?
i say!
my hero, kwhilborn

here is what i found as far as refs go...probable dead links..

(1) Planets effect the solar cycle in specific ways.
(2) The solar cycle effects the geomagnetic field.
(3) The geomagnetic field affects life on Earth in certain observed ways.
(4) Specifically, many species, including man, can be influenced by particular states of the geomagnetic field.
(5) The particular influences appear to correlate with the planetary positions.
(6) I propose that the behavior of the fetus at the time of birth is linked to the cycles within the geomagnetic field, which in turn are influenced by the solar cycle and positions of the planets. Resonance is the phenomenon by which the fetus is phase locked to specific cycles. (Percy Seymour)

There is a growing body of evidence that changes in geomagnetic field affect biological systems. In particular, homing pigeons and other migratory creatures who use the earth magnetic field as their guidance. Other studies indicate that physically stressed human biological systems may respond to the minute but measurable fluctuations of the geomagnetic field.

Geomagnetic disturbances

It might be possible for artificial magnetic fields to directly influence neural transmissions. Even a static 65 millitesla field has been shown to reduce frog skin Na+ transport by 10-30%.500 Each neuronal discharge develops an electrical energy of ~20 picojoule (~1010 kT), far smaller than the magnetic energy stored in a B = 1.4 tesla field of a permanent micromagnet traversing an L3 = (20 micron)3 volume which from Eqn. 6.9 is B2 L3 / 2 m0 ~ 6000 pJ. If properly manipulated, such a field may be sufficient to enhance, modulate, or extinguish a passing neural signal. micromagnets

Solar Magnetism Integrates Astronomy And Astrology

So, How does it relate to Astrology

Frequency-specific blocking in the human brain caused by electromagnetic fields

The Solar System Interplanetary Electromagnetic Field Matrix and the Biological Clock



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