Defining Astrology Scientifically!


Astrology: Determination of planets and orbits affect individual people based on the day and time they were born,

Reason: Each person is preset with a internal harmonic frequency that is directly affected by the gravitational surges due to the periodic arrangement of planetary bodies at that particular time.

Periodic alignments of planetary bodies produce gravitational surges that interfere with each individual's harmonic vibration with respect to their preset frequent at birth.

The Result: Change of human neurological wave patterns that influence and alter individual state of mind, perception, thinking and self esteem.

Best prediction: is when this gravitational force is directly favorable to the internal frequency of the human body where neurological signals are at the its optimum range enabling the individual to display positive attributes of consciousness.
Wow! Good thing you chose this category to place this post in. That's certainly where it belongs!

(I have to admit I pulled it up before realizing it was in Psuedoscience, otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered.)
Astrology: Determination of planets and orbits affect individual people based on the day and time they were born,
But the planets aren't in the same position at the same time of year from year to year...
Reason: Each person is preset with a internal harmonic frequency that is directly affected by the gravitational surges due to the periodic arrangement of planetary bodies at that particular time.
Wow! And how do you know there's an internal harmonic frequency? Or is this speculation? And how do you know it is affected by gravity? How much gravity is needed to cause these changes?
Periodic alignments of planetary bodies produce gravitational surges that interfere with each individual's harmonic vibration with respect to their preset frequent at birth.
Really? No, not really.
The Result: Change of human neurological wave patterns that influence and alter individual state of mind, perception, thinking and self esteem.
Any evidence?
Best prediction: is when this gravitational force is directly favorable to the internal frequency of the human body where neurological signals are at the its optimum range enabling the individual to display positive attributes of consciousness.
Prediction? Hardly, woo-wooism.
That's easy: because you can define the moment of birth but not that of conception! Makes it easier for the woo-woos to have something to lock on to. :D
yes... yes... yes...

but, it would not only be gravity... it would be electrostatic, and electromagnetic.... on an inter-planetary scale.... which would cause regular intervals of fluctiations in the earth fields, over time..

literally... per hour, day, week, month, year... etc...

it becomes a question of being able to quanitfy or qualify the varing aspects .... to which i would propose, it to be electrical.

And only the human body picks up these "electrical signals"? Neat trick.
As far as gravitational effects goes, the delivery doctor has a grreater gravitational influence on the newborn than every planet other than Jupiter.

And even with Jupiter, just moving between two stories of a building causes more gravitational variation than Jupiter's entire gravitational effect when it is at its nearest to Earth. Which floor of the hospital you were born on would have more effect than all the planet's combined.

As far as electromagnetic effects go, Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field, bit even at it closest, its effect on the Earth's magnetic field is millions of times smaller than the natural variation of the Earth's magnetic field from point to point on its surface. Local geologic make-up alone would has a greater effect on the Local field strength than Jupiter. I'd even say that the Steel infrastructure of the hospital would have a greater effect than Jupiter when it comes to alteration of the Earth's field.
Wow! Good thing you chose this category to place this post in. That's certainly where it belongs!

(I have to admit I pulled it up before realizing it was in Psuedoscience, otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered.)

You're off topic.
That's easy: because you can define the moment of birth but not that of conception! Makes it easier for the woo-woos to have something to lock on to. :D

the semantics is symbolic
as knowledge expands, the margin of error will decrease resulting in more accurate charts

refuse to countenance sources that employ illogical methodology to inteprete and explain any particular config of the universe


:Homer: Not a bear in sight. The "Bear Patrol" is working like a charm!
:Lisa: That's specious reasoning, Dad.
:Homer: [uncomprehendingly] Thanks, honey.
:Lisa: By your logic, I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.
:Homer: Hmm. How does it work?
:Lisa: It doesn't work. (pause) It's just a stupid rock!
:Homer: Uh-huh.
:Lisa: But I don't see any tigers around, do you?
:Homer: (pause) Lisa, I want to buy your rock ( The Simpsons - "Much Apu About Nothing")
the semantics is symbolic
The semantics (of astrology) is hogwash.
as knowledge expands, the margin of error will decrease resulting in more accurate charts
Knowledge? You mean there really ARE only twelve personality types. You still haven't accounted for the planets not being in the same position from year to year at any given "star sign". As KNOWLEDGE expands you'll come to realise astrology is drivel.
refuse to countenance sources that employ illogical methodology to inteprete and explain any particular config of the universe
If it's illogical then B does not follow from A, surely? So you can't say what influences what. Maybe it's an influx of invisible pixies that come from Alpha Centauri and whisper in your ear for your entire life... and the personality type depends upon which political party back home these pixies support.
A methodology? It is to laugh. It's a specious piece of bullcrap that accounts for nothing.
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Wow! such open minds in here. (starts throwing up.)

The air is a poor conducter and is surrounded by the earth below (good conductor), and the E region above. This makes a resonant system, and any energy affecting the interior causes it to ring. pluto (not the dog) was discovered after it was predicted to exist because of the visibility of its magnetic rings.

The ringing E.L.F (extreme low frequency) radio waves however seems to center around a magic number between 7.8 to 8 hertz, and that seems to correlate exactly with the E.L.F. from human brains ??? (Go FIGURE).

What if ancient civilizations knew that these frequencies change at certain times of the year (equinoixes, solstices). What if they built those elaborate observatories to predict these.

One cell in your brain out of billions in your c cortex contains RNA witha dielectric constant over 100000. The dielectric constant of a vacuum is 1.
Part of .our brain is a quantum transducer that reacts to coherent energy in the neighborhood of one hundredth of a micro-gauss

It is well documented that ELF can entrance via video screen flashes, etc. People subjugate themselves to ALPHA-BETA-DELTA-THETA waves in attempts to alter their states od consciousness.

So many of you seem bent on planetary influences being caused by gravity. Forget everything else and write it off as crackpot theory.

The idea is that planets affect our moods via disruptions of our brain waves. It is not far fetched at all, and is being used on practical day to day basis. Many believe we are using this technology as a weapon even now. If a person with a ELF broadcaster walked into your workplace with it set on a disruptive frequency, you might get sick, function poorly, or just feel anxiety, all effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electro-static and Electro-magnetic fields on human performance, mood, etc

Many generations of our ancestors believed it was extremely important to study the planets in great detail, maybe they knew something we did not.

Maybe in our arrogance (none of which can be seen better than on sci-forum), we are overlooking possibilities.

What the (Heck) is wrong with what VEGA said? I am not saying he is right, I am saying I am open to the possibility and did some research before I commented, and am thankful for the concept (though not new). I think it is the close-minded people who are the crackpots.

Not refering to Mosheh Thezion, and other contributors. The ELF of the earth is recognizeable to us, the disturbance is caused by picking up the varied signals. Anyways; I cannot buy into the birth/conception ideas at this time, except to agree that possibly an altered Brain wave at birth could affect your entire life? Hmmm
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pluto (not the dog) was discovered after it was predicted to exist because of the visibility of its magnetic rings.
Really? The rings are probably ice and not 100% confirmed
the discovery was by Clyde Tombaugh by comparing photographic plates
and that seems to correlate exactly with the E.L.F. from human brains ???
Part of .our brain is a quantum transducer
Many believe we are using this technology as a weapon even now
Yup, they're called woo-woos.
What if ancient civilizations knew that these frequencies change at certain times of the year (equinoixes, solstices). What if they built those elaborate observatories to predict these.
And how did "ancient civilisations" measure or even discover electromagnetic frequencies?
Many generations of our ancestors believed it was extremely important to study the planets in great detail, maybe they knew something we did not.
And maybe they had no science as such and therefore resorted to superstition...
Wow! such open minds in here. (starts throwing up.)

The air is a poor conducter and is surrounded by the earth below (good conductor), and the E region above. This makes a resonant system, and any energy affecting the interior causes it to ring. pluto (not the dog) was discovered after it was predicted to exist because of the visibility of its magnetic rings.

The ringing E.L.F (extreme low frequency) radio waves however seems to center around a magic number between 7.8 to 8 hertz, and that seems to correlate exactly with the E.L.F. from human brains ??? (Go FIGURE).

What if ancient civilizations knew that these frequencies change at certain times of the year (equinoixes, solstices). What if they built those elaborate observatories to predict these.

One cell in your brain out of billions in your c cortex contains RNA witha dielectric constant over 100000. The dielectric constant of a vacuum is 1.
Part of .our brain is a quantum transducer that reacts to coherent energy in the neighborhood of one hundredth of a micro-gauss

It is well documented that ELF can entrance via video screen flashes, etc. People subjugate themselves to ALPHA-BETA-DELTA-THETA waves in attempts to alter their states od consciousness.

So many of you seem bent on planetary influences being caused by gravity. Forget everything else and write it off as crackpot theory.

The idea is that planets affect our moods via disruptions of our brain waves. It is not far fetched at all, and is being used on practical day to day basis. Many believe we are using this technology as a weapon even now. If a person with a ELF broadcaster walked into your workplace with it set on a disruptive frequency, you might get sick, function poorly, or just feel anxiety, all effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electro-static and Electro-magnetic fields on human performance, mood, etc

Many generations of our ancestors believed it was extremely important to study the planets in great detail, maybe they knew something we did not.

Maybe in our arrogance (none of which can be seen better than on sci-forum), we are overlooking possibilities.

What the (Heck) is wrong with what VEGA said? I am not saying he is right, I am saying I am open to the possibility and did some research before I commented, and am thankful for the concept (though not new). I think it is the close-minded people who are the crackpots.

Well, things are rather slow so I decided to see what was going on in the thread.

My first question to you, kwhilborn, since you are a non-crackpot, is "Really?"

Are you even aware that there is NO celestial body close enough to the Earth for it's magnetic field to even reach us?????? So how can it be that something that doesn't even get here influence anything at all?
Clearly astrology is pure bunk. The fat guy that sits two cubicles over from me at work has more gravitational affect on me than the moon, the planets or even the sun. Why shouldn't charts be created based on the weights of the hospital staff that deliver babies rather than the planets? There's far more gravitational pull from them.

Not a single scientific study backs the nonsense posted in the OP.
Astrology defined also known as Jyotish has historically been part of a continuous "holistic" approach to living and to spiritual practice within the life of Hindus predominant in India. Marital relationships are based upon this avoidance of negative infuence especiiallly mars and for renumeration of harmony.
Astrology defined also known as Jyotish has historically been part of a continuous "holistic" approach to living and to spiritual practice within the life of Hindus predominant in India. Marital relationships are based upon this avoidance of negative infuence especiiallly mars and for renumeration of harmony.

Is this meant to make us think that astrology is anything more than superstition? An ancient and revered form of nonsense is still nonsense. Appeals to popularity and tradition are not evidence that astrology is anything other than nonsense.

It would be very simple. An astrologer could make a prediction and publish it. Obviously, it would take more than one to ensure it was more than a lucky guess. A series of verified predictions that came true would completely remove astrology from the realm of superstition. And if no astrologer can predict the future any more accurately than someone making guesses, well then; what good is it?
Is this meant to make us think that astrology is anything more than superstition? .......

And if no astrologer can predict the future any more accurately than someone making guesses, well then; what good is it?

Well, just like God, its just Faith. When one gets an astrological report on self and compatibility or marriage it doesnt always agree, but can also create a path for harmony. Similar to a compatibility report for couples, we hindus put the faith of love in a supreme degree of astrology not each others hobbies to bring us together. Its easy to imagine gravitaional forces at birth present at different times of the year with planets forces. Location is also required when obtaining such a report called Jyotish based on a 36 point system.
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I don't think you're going to make any headway against any of the astrology skeptics in this thread by comparing it to faith in god. I've no faith in anything, other than that my senses are reporting correctly. And there have been occasions I've doubted that.
I am still under the impression "Read only", that we can recieve many electromagnetic (radio waves) waves from space. Mankind has been recieving radio waves and microwaves and lots of other wave types from space for years. We are after all talking about Radio waves here right? -

Nothing to do with magnetic fields, or gravity.

I also said I am not saying VEGA is right. I am saying I am open to the possibiliity that he is right until I believe otherwise. I guess I'm just not as advanced intellectually as some of you yet, that I can blow off something without looking into it. I hope I can gain that kind of insight, so I can forget about scientific theory altogether.

I am saying
- if radio waves come from our planets. (they do, and it has nothing to do with little alien HAM radio operators).

- and if Extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves can affect moods as is purported by many sources (google search "ELF / frequencies/ MOOD " for 180000 hits, I am sure one of them is probably even science based. add astrology to that and get 18000 hits.

Then it is possible that a combined radio waves intercepting and resonating within our ionosphere could allow credence to Astrology in at least some form.

This would open up possibilities of creating your own astrological "luck" or the use of ELF / gwen weaponry.

So argue all you want, the facts seem to point towards Astrology.

But then again ??? Just food for thought really.
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