Define true Intelligence

The brain has a central CPU that is unconscious to most people. This is like the mainframe computer of the brain; inner self. The conscious mind is analogous to a PC-terminal, which can run its own programs, as well as access the mainframe CPU, using thought based command prompts. Intelligence tends to use the conscious mind more like a terminal than as a PC, taking advantage of the faster more powerful CPU.

Some tasks require extensive data processing. If you dis these calculations on a PC sized computer, it can still work, but it will be slow. On the other hand, if you could use the PC as a terminal and transfer this task to the mainframe, it can speed through the calculations, and return an answer much faster. This faster turn around is what we call intelligence.

A good analogy is connected to sports. Say you were a baseball player, who is at bat. The pitcher throws a fastball. You do not have time to consciously think or process all this information in a fraction of a second, with only the PC. You need the mainframe CPU to help do all the split second calculations for the needed muscle reflexes. The best players have terminal access and trust the mainframe problem solution.

Say we change the scenario. Instead of a fastball, we need to solve an equation for homework. Since time is not a major concern, like hitting the fastball, we can use the PC to process the data, trying to remember the learned rules and logically applying them to solve the equation. Some students can zip through this homework and can get the answer really fast, since they use the terminal command lines instead.

Sometimes, since the data crunching was done unconsciously, they may omit parts of the solution while still giving the right answer. This may be taboo, requiring that detach from the main CPU. They may be told to use only the PC, at its slower speed, so they can be more by the book.

Sometimes exam will be a three hour test that you have one hour to complete. This poses a time processing problem for the ego PC. Those who can use the terminal command prompts, are able to take advantage of the mainframe CPU and may finish early.

Although some gifted people are naturally wired as a conscious terminal, it is possible to develop this interface to the central CPU. There is a wall that was placed to prevent conscious access so the ego PC could evolve. Some people have natural permeability. The fine line between genius and insanity shifts one way when the mainframe processes too fast, and you don't have enough PC power to deal with the results; insanity. But if one can target the results, with conscious knowledge, we call it genius.
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The brain has a central CPU that is unconscious to most people. This is like the mainframe computer of the brain; inner self. The conscious mind is analogous to a PC-terminal, which can run its own programs, as well as access the mainframe CPU, using thought based command prompts. Intelligence tends to use the conscious mind more like a terminal than as a PC, taking advantage of the faster more powerful CPU.

Some tasks require extensive data processing. If you dis these calculations on a PC sized computer, it can still work, but it will be slow. On the other hand, if you could use the PC as a terminal and transfer this task to the mainframe, it can speed through the calculations, and return an answer much faster. This faster turn around is what we call intelligence.

A good analogy is connected to sports. Say you were a baseball player, who is at bat. The pitcher throws a fastball. You do not have time to consciously think or process all this information in a fraction of a second, with only the PC. You need the mainframe CPU to help do all the split second calculations for the needed muscle reflexes. The best players have terminal access and trust the mainframe problem solution.

Say we change the scenario. Instead of a fastball, we need to solve an equation for homework. Since time is not a major concern, like hitting the fastball, we can use the PC to process the data, trying to remember the learned rules and logically applying them to solve the equation. Some students can zip through this homework and can get the answer really fast, since they use the terminal command lines instead.

Sometimes, since the data crunching was done unconsciously, they may omit parts of the solution while still giving the right answer. This may be taboo, requiring that detach from the main CPU. They may be told to use only the PC, at its slower speed, so they can be more by the book.

Sometimes exam will be a three hour test that you have one hour to complete. This poses a time processing problem for the ego PC. Those who can use the terminal command prompts, are able to take advantage of the mainframe CPU and may finish early.

Although some gifted people are naturally wired as a conscious terminal, it is possible to develop this interface to the central CPU. There is a wall that was placed to prevent conscious access so the ego PC could evolve. Some people have natural permeability. The fine line between genius and insanity shifts one way when the mainframe processes too fast, and you don't have enough PC power to deal with the results; insanity. But if one can target the results, with conscious knowledge, we call it genius.


I like the analogy you have used. Well thought out and defined, and makes a lot of sense to me, as it fits with much of what I have observed.

The fine line between genius and insanity.....right on the mark.
Intelligence is realizing that if a thread hasn't seen any activity is eight years, you probably shouldn't respond to it. I don't think that the Captain Crunch, the OP, has even been active on sciforums in 5+ years.
Intelligence is realizing that if a thread hasn't seen any activity is eight years, you probably shouldn't respond to it. I don't think that the Captain Crunch, the OP, has even been active on sciforums in 5+ years.

So what, the topic is still of interest to some and perhaps to those new here.

No harm in discussing the topic if people are interested and given the majority or on-topic posted there is definitely interest.

Way more interesting than the the global warming and christian/atheist bashing threads.

I like the analogy you have used. Well thought out and defined, and makes a lot of sense to me, as it fits with much of what I have observed.

The fine line between genius and insanity.....right on the mark.

Unfortunately I don't like the analogy. The human brain, senses and nervous system is very very different than a computer system. It is very misleading to think of it that way.
Unfortunately I don't like the analogy. The human brain, senses and nervous system is very very different than a computer system. It is very misleading to think of it that way.

I would expect biology to be considerably different than technology in many respects.

Except for the inconvenience of emotions, there are certain logical functions of the mind that do fit, in a rough manner, into the computer analogy, in my simple conceptual space.

I would be very interested, also, in hearing other descriptions/comparisons from yourself or any others who may be following this thread. :)
Intelligence is realizing that if a thread hasn't seen any activity is eight years, you probably shouldn't respond to it. I don't think that the Captain Crunch, the OP, has even been active on sciforums in 5+ years.

"Everything old becomes new again."

I would hypothesize that the OP may not be the only person who had an interest in the topic.

Why does science dig up fossils and artifacts? They're dead. Move along......:p

Not everyone arrives at the same understanding at the same time, therefore some patience is required.

Sorry if 'digging up bones' offends you, Nasor. There are plenty of other threads at this hangout.....;)
So when I train in say... Martial Arts untill specific responses to a set stimuli become an unconcious reaction, i.e. blocking an attack and then countering, Have I in essence "hacked" my CPU and altered its programing?
So when I train in say... Martial Arts untill specific responses to a set stimuli become an unconcious reaction, i.e. blocking an attack and then countering, Have I in essence "hacked" my CPU and altered its programing?

Perhaps you have then programmed your biology to perform the function of a 'dedicated computer', one that specializes in specific 'programs'. :)
Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. Intelligence is a term to describe a system not a human.

I agree. I would like to add that intelligence is etymologically defined as...basically the innate ability to choose the best answers. Of course, the same problem arises, in which people question which answers are the best, but this is paralleled to problem-solving. It's a bit difficult sometimes to tell which solutions are best...but that's where basic logic is to be used.
Intelligence is the ability, and willingness to learn. The opposite of being intelligent is being a ingnaranus.
true intelligence?
Some people are socially intelligent, some are not
some others have books intelligence some others have an artistic intelligence
others have an analyzing intelligence, wich allow them to have a social intelligent, some scientific one too, and maybe artistic too, etc...
It depends on what is that intelligence concentrated, according to the people personnality, so interests, and sicologic conditions, the kind of life that he have, etc.... many things..
(the genius people may be more special, since they were born with high intelligence, but still, each one concentrate he's intelligence in some domains, Bethoven in music and arts, Einstein in physics and maths, etc...)

So, what true intelligence?
So are IQ tests a true indicator of intelligence? If you asked a person who scored highly in an IQ test to write a sonnet or an opera or paint a landscape how well would they go?
I guess each shows a different aspect of intelligence even professional athletes use a high level of body control, which requires intelligence.

So could we clone a super human who could excel at every aspect of intelligence?
I'm not sure because I've noticed that genius in one aspect of intelligence seems to be at the expense of another often as not.
A classic stereotype would be the Math’s genius who’s completely socially inept i.e. a nerd.
Is being a nerd the price he has to pay to be a Math genius? Is there a level of servantism in all aspects of genius?