Define true Intelligence

true intelligence is when someone makes a decision completely based on their own thoughts, as in not told they have to do it, as in they make the choice of right and wrong and what they do and how they react upon those thoughts
Hmmmm, interesting . . .

true intelligence is when someone makes a decision completely based on their own thoughts, as in not told they have to do it

How can that be??? I'm told to get off my lazy ass all the time and I end up usually doing some intelligent things. Or maybe not.

Sorry, I think this threads progressed to this. I apologize on behalf of all the monkeys in this world. We salute you!!!
hey guys,

this is what i believe:

Intelligence is the ability to see relationships between different things.

simple and neat.:D :cool:
don't you agree with me?!
Originally posted by TheAlchemist
Intelligence is the ability to see relationships between different things.

simple and neat.:D :cool:
don't you agree with me?! [/B]
When I place a button on a VB form, it can see its relationship with the form (the form is button’s parent object). Would you call that button “intelligent”? I actually like your definition but I understand that it may not be acceptable for many others.

Generally, intelligence is a tool and happiness is a goal. The tool is meaningless without a “need to do”. Intelligence goes hand to hand with uncomfortable feelings. An entity which is constantly 100% happy without doing anything (or something what has nothing to do with feelings) could be able to “see” some relationships but may not necessarily be intelligent according to many other definitions. The ability to think wouldn’t develop for such entities. It could just kind of blindly see relationships. Many definitions include learning, adaptability etc..

BTW if the time spent on thinking about the definition of intelligence would have been spent with active development of artificial systems which can think (and search for solutions of real problems) then the quality of our lives would probably be much higher.
Well then, let us create a kernel program that is scalable as the program runs - to create an artifical inteligent system. In the begining the Kernel will only take various input with a "suck it to me" sound. Each input has to be text, graphics, video, audio, chemical (pH), pressure, temperature etc like 100 different stimuli types.

Anyone upto the challenge?
Loading data into a system is (relatively) a piece of cake. But before you do that, you need to figure out:

(A) how to organize the data internally (it should be optimized for (C)),
(B) app's interface for I/O communication with the system (based on (A) and (C))
(C) AI algorithms itself.

Many existing systems are filled with a huge amount of somehow organized data but, obviously, that's not enough. Many people have AI ideas which look good from the high-level point of view but when they go into details trying to implement it, they are hitting walls which proved to be really hard to break. Read this.
To define, anything, it is necessary to experiment with it first, and any experiment, if in reality be expected to yield outcomes which can be trusted, has to go beyond, the rational. If we step into the irrational world, or to be more presice, the world where things, like in real life are not either of A or NOT A, but possibly also A AND NOT A, then the definition has to be infinitely long, thereby making it an unfeasible task for you to go through it in finite time.
thus i suggest you not to try & define intelligence in any manner finite.
Definiciòn de la verdadera inteligencia

La VERDADERA INTELIGENCIA es la que entiende la diferencia entre lo abstracto
y lo real .Hay distintos niveles y solo el Ho.puede entender las 4 letras...DIOS !
Aùn no sabemos si las otras 4 letras AMOR las entienden animales como los
monos ò los delfines pero si logramos comprobar q`mueren de tristeza ! ! !
.....................ES UN TEMA INTERESANTISIMO
La VERDADERA INTELIGENCIA es la que entiende la diferencia entre lo abstracto y lo real .Hay distintos niveles y solo el Ho.puede entender las 4 letras...DIOS !

So, going by your own definition, you aren't intelligent?
Brave admission.

PS reviving an 8-year old thread isn't exactly smart, either.
So, going by your own definition, you aren't intelligent?
Brave admission.

PS reviving an 8-year old thread isn't exactly smart, either.

Aside from some of the original posters possibly no longer in residence, why would you suggest that reviving an 8-year old threat isn't exactly smart?

My definition of intelligence would include the ability to recognize the relationship between the past, present and future, with an ability to integrate, transpose and extrapolate any information into present and future utility and application.

Rather than start a redundant thread on my own, I will probably poke around in the archives and kick a few threads to see if there is any life left in them.

Regardless of how it reflects upon my perceived intelligence or lack of it. ;)

Pleased to meet you Dywyddyr.
Aside from some of the original posters possibly no longer in residence, why would you suggest that reviving an 8-year old threat isn't exactly smart?
It's frowned upon. If the topic hasn't garnered much interest in 8 years then let it die...

Rather than start a redundant thread on my own, I will probably poke around in the archives and kick a few threads to see if there is any life left in them.
Regardless of how it reflects upon my perceived intelligence or lack of it. ;)
Possibly. As often as not you'll get a "necromancy is bad" sticker and the thread locked. But it's up the individual sub-forum mod IIRC.

Pleased to meet you Dywyddyr.
You say that now, but wait a while to see if you change your opinion before expressing any pleasure. ;)
La VERDADERA INTELIGENCIA es la que entiende la diferencia entre lo abstracto
y lo real .Hay distintos niveles y solo el Ho.puede entender las 4 letras...DIOS !
Aùn no sabemos si las otras 4 letras AMOR las entienden animales como los
monos ò los delfines pero si logramos comprobar q`mueren de tristeza ! ! !
.....................ES UN TEMA INTERESANTISIMO

Can't understand a word of that, but luckily I have Babelfish to translate.

Go ahead babelfish!

TRUE INTELLIGENCE is the one that understands the difference between the abstract thing and the real thing. There are different levels and the Ho.puede to only understand the 4 letters… GOD! Aùn we do not know if the other 4 letters LOVE understand animal to them as the monkeys ò the dolphins but we managed to verify q `die of sadness! ..................... IT IS THE MOST INTERESTING SUBJECT

mmmh...............still don't understand a word.
It's frowned upon. If the topic hasn't garnered much interest in 8 years then let it die...

Possibly. As often as not you'll get a "necromancy is bad" sticker and the thread locked. But it's up the individual sub-forum mod IIRC.

You say that now, but wait a while to see if you change your opinion before expressing any pleasure. ;)

Thank you for sharing your experience of such things with me, Dywyddr.

As for expressing my pleasure, I was raised to extend politeness, at least on the first exchange. I would not disappoint my upbringing in that regard.

It goes without saying that as I am new on this forum, there may be some who preferred the status quo.

I have noticed that you are a 'lock-happy' bunch at this forum. :D
One way to define intelligence is to be begin with artificial intelligence. Since true AI has not be yet been achieved, intelligence would be the ability to do things that current computers can not do.

Computers can't depart from their programming to create a new relationship. That is an example of intelligence.

Computers can memorize, they can calculate, etc., so this is not intelligence since it is not included as AI. Even without intelligence computers can do many things formerly assumed to be intelligent.
As for expressing my pleasure, I was raised to extend politeness, at least on the first exchange. I would not disappoint my upbringing in that regard.
The problem is that, like I said, you may come to regret expressing that pleasure at some point.
Watch, read, learn. Then form an opinion.
Much as I have been doing with you ;)
It's frowned upon. If the topic hasn't garnered much interest in 8 years then let it die...

There may be some reason why the subject is again of interest, and the old thread may have useful material in it.

Does anyone understand the Spanish thing about sad dolphins?
I hate hearing about that.
Poor dolphins.:bawl:
One way to define intelligence is to be begin with artificial intelligence. Since true AI has not be yet been achieved, intelligence would be the ability to do things that current computers can not do.
Recursive definition.
Since we have to know what intelligence is before we can decide that AI has been achieved. Fail.

Computers can't depart from their programming to create a new relationship. That is an example of intelligence.
Supposition. How do you know our "programming" doesn't allow for the new relationships we create?
How you know that we can depart from the programming we do have?

Computers can memorize, they can calculate, etc., so this is not intelligence since it is not included as AI. Even without intelligence computers can do many things formerly assumed to be intelligent.
Yeah, let me know when they can match a human for inane posts. Then I'll say we've achieved AI. :rolleyes: