define spirituality

except spirituality or one's lifeforce is a dynamic state and it can veer from not feeling well to feeling well.

everyone has a spirituality and people give off those energies as well as it's unique to everyone as well as there are things spiritual we all have in common.
In accordance to your definition of spirituality. Everything I've felt that I associate with a spiritual feeling has been positive.
In accordance to your definition of spirituality. Everything I've felt that I associate with a spiritual feeling has been positive.

i suppose so. i don't consider spirituality something that you "run into" but is what you are which can change, grow or is affected by other factors.
i suppose so. i don't consider spirituality something that you "run into" but is what you are which can change, grow or is affected by other factors.
We're hunting for a definition for the squirrel, so it's good to find out what people mean when they use the word.

It's already fairly apparent that it's very subjective.
figured i had better post something otherwise be accused of not following the conversation..

i found this:
Recognizing the root word as being spirit, let’s look at its definition first. The English word spirit comes from the Greek word pneuma and the Latin word spiritus, both meaning “breath,” or “of wind.”

The spirit is vital in giving life as humankind is made up of mind, body, and spirit. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary says it this way “the force within humans being thought to give the body life, energy, and power.” In this search, you may be seeking a greater understanding for the purpose of your life, the make-up of a human being,

the rest ties it into question is how can we define it without god..
so the rest is biased..
also found this which is very informative:

What is Spirituality?
Spirituality is not bound by any rules. It does not follow any religion and neither does it adhere to any set of principles. Spirituality is the art and science of self-realization. It's a practice of knowing each part of your body. Being spiritual means awakening the very spirit of being who you are. It's means to recognize what you are made of. It can seem complex in the beginning. However, all of us are spiritual beings, it is just a matter of realizing it. Spirituality is a walk towards the ultimate goal of your life. In essence, it's your journey to find yourself. There are many schools of thought that believe in uniting with the pure mental and physical being by meditating. Meditation is focusing on breathing, which is the very reason for existence.

Well, according to the dictionary, it's defined as:

"Attachment to all that concerns the life of the soul"..

I'm not really sure what to make of this.:shrug:
Well, according to the dictionary, it's defined as:

"Attachment to all that concerns the life of the soul"..

I'm not really sure what to make of this.:shrug:

It's pure nonsense. The best way to gain a definition in a case like this is to see how people describe spirituality. From those descriptions there may be a commonality and that is where to work a definition from.
It's pure nonsense. The best way to gain a definition in a case like this is to see how people describe spirituality. From those descriptions there may be a commonality and that is where to work a definition from. what is your definition? err..describe it? what is your definition? err..describe it?

The definition is in post #27. No need to describe anything as the definition isn't presently elusive and is compatible with the current understanding in social science where spirituality is defined as "the search for the sacred, where the sacred is broadly defined as that which is set apart from the ordinary and worthy of veneration.".
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a question brought up in another thread..

define spirituality.

i have always associated this with religion and God, but others have said god is not needed for spirituality, i have heard this enough to accept that it is possible,but not enough to communicate how spirituality can exist without god,

so my question is define spirituality in a way that does not include God or religion..
how does one achieve spirituality without god?

For practical intents and purposes, spirituality is usually the act of fucking with someone, esp. with their mind, and feeling no guilt over it. It is the one way in which a person can abuse another without there being any state-law-imposed sanctions. It is emotional, mental, physical, monetary blackmail at its finest and its grossest. It's an excuse for not actually caring about the other person.
For practical intents and purposes, spirituality is usually the act of fucking with someone, esp. with their mind, and feeling no guilt over it. It is the one way in which a person can abuse another without there being any state-law-imposed sanctions. It is emotional, mental, physical, monetary blackmail at its finest and its grossest. It's an excuse for not actually caring about the other person.

that sounds like religion..
not spirituality..
Because dog fights are such fun, aren't they?!

You can just feel the luv ooozing like puss.

even if you're talking about religion, i can't see the analogy with a dog fight. those dogs don't have a choice; people do.

if you're talking about spirituality, notice that your answer differs greatly from most of those posted here. most people equate spirituality with a peaceful, loving, communal state of being. one that transcends materialism and the physical, and all of the garbage that's associated with it.