"Defense" of marriage act

Same sex couples and same sex parents have similar legal issues as heterosexual couples and parents, but do not have the same legal rights. This section covers some specific differences in the law, however, other information in the family law section of the website will be relevant.

Use of the Family Court
If you are, or were, in a same sex relationship and have children, you can use the counselling and mediation services at the Family Court to reach agreement about arrangements for the children. You can also apply for parenting orders.

The Family Court can also make an order which legally recognises the same sex partner of the biological parent as having parental responsibility for the child. Property disputes of same sex relationships are not covered by the Family Law Act or the Property Law Act (see "What about property settlement?" below).



i will have to do a search for the age of concent laws but unless they have changed SINCE i read them last your wrong about the differences
Reguarding my own state's laws concerning homosexuality (For reference that would be Arizona), I have found a few things so far.

First off I haven't found our laws reguarding homosexual marriages, yet, as there is a myriad of sites both private and governmental, which only bother giving a few spacific laws that are on the books, reguarding certain specalized areas, such as wildlife conservation, or zoning and constructin, but I have found this little tidbit in some legislation about how AZ schools should handle sex education:

"C. No district shall include in its course of study instruction which:

1. Promotes a homosexual <s>life-style</s> LIFESTYLE.

2. Portrays homosexuality as a positive alternative <s>life-style</s> LIFESTYLE.

3. Suggests that some methods of sex are safe methods of homosexual sex."

There are words crossed out, because this is a recent revision of the legislation, inwhich they aparently felt that life style needed to be made one word and written in all caps.

I think that shows a bit about how this state's government views homosexuality, the fact that they want to name it loudly and obnoxiously name it as a "LIFESTYLE" as opposed to "Sexual orientation".

This particular bit of legislation essentialy says that homosexuality will NOT be discussed at all in sex education in Arizona's schools. What a wonderfully caring and enlightend society whe have going for us here, it makes my heart swell with pride to know that my government is serving me in this respect. (Note the sarcasm)

(Click here to see the source of this information)
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Here we go. The following is the state of Arizona's legal stance on homosexual marriages, one short line, spelled out quite simply and clearly:

Title 25-101 point C. Of Arizona's Marital and domsetic relations legislation: C. Marriage between persons of the same sex is void and prohibited.

Click here to view my source.

Is anyone else filled with the urge to head down to their state legislature building, bend over some state congressmen, and urge them to get in touch with their inner rainbow, as you fuck them violently up the ass?

I know I am.
And now, because I'm really tired, and my desision making is impared, I shall share with you a little log of a chat I had with a friend of mine tonight, which is somewhat relavant to this topic, enjoy! And keep in mind that this all took place from 1:30-2:00AM, so cut me some slack on spelling, hehe.

Foxx Smidt: well as i was trying to say, they can outlaw it all they want... its not gonna change the way we feel
themystech: We're being actively discriminated against, not just by backward hicks who want to shout that god hates fags, but by the people who are supposed to represent us in our government.
Foxx Smidt: vote for some one else? *sigh* they represent the majority... its rare for some one that represents a mass to understand the needs and the nesessiteis of all that he may overlook
themystech: Panther let me explain to you how this works. We're all being held at the end of a gun, We're standing at arms length from our rights, and that's the only thing between us. If I have a religious ceremony that's good for me, but the government doesn't give a shit. If I start claiming married status on Tax forms, you know what that makes me, John? It makes me a fucking criminal.
Foxx Smidt: theres a bill that is stiring about that acutally
Foxx Smidt: i think its like same-sex couples that have state proof can clame soem thing like 50% of marrage creadits or some thing *shrug*
Foxx Smidt: not sure, lost track of it about 3 months ago
themystech: And that's all that this legislation is designed to do, to piss us the fuck off, They know that we'd want to claim the rights due to us and all free people, but they want to make me a criminal for trying to exersize those rights. They'll take me to court, and I'll lose, because I HAVE broken their laws. They'll try to send me to jail, and if I don't agree to go, they'll try to send me there by force. And if I mach their savage behavior in such an action, and try to fight back in the same way, you know what will happen then? I'll end up dead. It's as simple as that.
Foxx Smidt: i think if yo ufeel that stronly that you need to send a letter to your senator

Anyway I guess that what I'm trying to say there, is that through denying it's citizens basic human rights, it can turn them into a criminal a killer or a corpse. It's just bad business any way you look at it.

Oh, and one other thing, looking over these state legal doccuments, why does it seem that it's always article C which deals denying rights to homosexuals? There's gotta' be some sort of secret plot code or conspiracy that I'm missing out on here, I'll have to do more research, I bet there's something devious behind it.
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actualy, i checked a few months ago, the ages for straight, lesbian and gay sex were 16, 16 and 18 respectively.

however i checked again last week and it seems now there all 17.
The law is the same for relationships between people of the same sex and relationships between people of opposite sex.

There are age limits on when you are allowed to have sex. If you are:

Under 10
No one is allowed to have sex with you (even if you agree).

Between 10 and 16
A person is not allowed to have sex with you if they are more than two years older than you (even if you agree).

Exceptions to this are if:

you are married to the person
the person had reason to believe that you were 16 or older, or
the person had reason to believe that he or she was married to you.
Aged 16 or 17
A person is not allowed to have sex with you if you are under their care, supervision or authority, for example, a teacher, youth worker or foster carer (even if you agree).

Exceptions to this are if the person had reason to believe that:

you are 18 or older, or
you were married to the person.
Subject to the age limits, the law says that two people are not allowed to have sex unless they both agree. If you do not agree and someone threatens or touches you sexually they are breaking the law. Get advice from Victoria Legal Aid, or contact the Centre Against Sexual Assault. Click on the "How to Get Help" resource link at the right hand side of this page for details.

thats from vic legal aid

what are you on?
the person had reason to believe that he or she was married to you.

Haha, Australian Legislators are trying to prevent some pretty wacky situations here. Getting imaginative with the laws, that's for sure.
i think it has to do with if one person lies about there identity and so gets married to someone else then that other person cant be charged when the marrige becomes void
Ahh yes, I guess it could be handy to cover that aspect. Everything I could think of ended up sounding like the premise for a sitcom, heh.
Failure of the left

I thought the DMA sounded like a good idea at the time. I figured, "Let the religious people have their marraiges." After all, registries and so forth were coming into fashion, and I find marriage an abominable institution, anyway.

But when Clinton didn't follow up with a master stroke, the left was unfortunately so dazzled by their alleged golden boy that we didn't really pick up the ball and run with it. When the GOP turned around and wrote new tax legislation intended to exclude homosexuals from its benefit, everybody knew that we'd missed an opportunity to strike after the heart of sycophantic religious devotion in the US.

Go ahead and blame the left for this contribution. But don't blame it all on us. It never would have come up at all if it wasn't for a bunch of pathetic Christians who wanted to do as much malice as possible upon the least of His brethren (Matthew 25).

And so they did unto Him.

I note the failure of the left here specifically because the failure of Christianity and the right is inherent in the subject, and there's no need to review their brand of hatred unless someone would like to pretend confusion.

Tiassa :cool:
Oh, right I don't blame the democrats for this bill, it wasn't written by the left, that's for sure, and I think I mentioned that it was an extreemly unexpected move for Clinton to have acctualy signed the damn thing into law, it tends to go against most leftist views.