"Defense" of marriage act

edit to corect who this was aimed at, 2 posts up (cant rember who the author is and this doesnt show me)

i agree

as for which three

Artical 5 almost cirtenly, DEFINITLY artical 6, potentully artical 7 (as if it makes a difference), Artical 9, DEFINITLY artical 10, both parts of artical 11 (ie being part of an orgaination which is LATER declared illegal), artical 12....

as for the above i think its EVERYONES responcability to make the whole world better

just like the way slavery and apatide were abolised

Unfortunately the furthering of your cause is limited to how many people are with you and against you. IE: will a politician get more votes if they are for or against gay marriages? The only thing you can really do is make it a large issue and hope the polls see it your way.
Heh, well there's that, Persol, or I could always bring out Mrs. Kitty. . . "I'm sorry, Mr, senator, I'd like to let you go with your life, but unfortunatley, Mrs. Kitty here don't agree *BLAM BLAM BLAM!*" . . . Um, but that'd really only feel good in the short term. . . I imagine that setting back the cause of gay rights, and also being shot in the face by secret servicemen wouldn't be the most fun in the world. Your way is probably better.
Right, well, if you could both (Asguard especialy) keep that sort of thing out of my thread, I'd be really glad, it's got nothing at all to do with anything. Thanks.
Originally posted by Mystech
and also being shot in the face by secret servicemen wouldn't be the most fun in the world. Your way is probably better.
Yeah, I'd say that being dead is worse then not being able to get married... and probably wouldn't help the cause.
But then, fighting for what is rightfully yours, and dieing in so doing, is perfectly acceptable to me. Not that shooting a senator would be an acceptable way to do it, haha, that was just a joke, I couldn't help it.
Yeah I know.

Gays seem to be at a difficult place though. They have almost all the same rights as everyone else, and the rights they don't cause public farses.

Blacks had to live everyday and deal with racism. A gay guy can walk down the street and nobody is going to notice that he is gay (usually :D ). The problem isn't as obvious as 'seperate but equal' was because it isn't 'in your face'.
Right, gays today don't have things quite so bad as blacks did in decades past, that's not the point, though. There is still a lot of injustice in this world aimed at us, this Defense of Marriage thing one of the larger things amoung them, and I'd sleep a lot easier, knowing that there isn't legislation biased spacificaly against me in effect.

Don't try to play this down, lets start squeezing your civil rights away, and see how well you receive it. Things could be a lot better than they are right now.
out of interst do u have laws stoping firing (and rejecting a job aplication) basied on gender, or race?
I think you misunderstood what I was 'attempting' to say. My general point was that it is more difficult for you to make signifigant progress because the problem is not as obvious to people outside the group.

Blacks were physically and visually seperate from white, but you can't walk down the street and see this with gays. The problem isn't as obvious so people are less likely to admit there is a problem.
Originally posted by Asguard
out of interst do u have laws stoping firing (and rejecting a job aplication) basied on gender, or race?

Yes, we do, though none of them apply to sexual orientation.

And Persol, I figured that that's pretty much what you meant, just wanted to get the ponit across for anyone reading, sorry if I was a little too sharp tongued.
yea i know, xev told me bout that

couldnt belive any "civillsed" country could be so backwards

lucky i live in victoria where thats illegal:)
Asguard, as the moderator of this board, I would ask that at very least YOU have the decency not to hijack this thread and try to turn it into some sort of self serving "I hate America" forum. If you like I can get you a nice big foam finger with #1 emblazoned upon it, and you can go into your closet and shout hurray for Australia all you like, but that's not what I started this thread for.
ummmm firstly did i say yay australia

nope, tasmaina is the worst state u will ever find for gay rights

LUCKLY i live in victoria, where the laws run against ALL forms of discrimination

unfortnatly some members here thing these laws are "draconinan"

sad but true

if i got where U live wrong im sorry, i was more lementing that the world doesnt follow victoria's lead
Until the day when it goes so far that the very laws you champion, ensuring no one can do anything to potentially hurt another or themselves, work against you.

Until the day you find you're subject to those laws.

Until the day that you find you're not allowed to post your opinions in sciforums anymore because it has the potential to make someone feel offended.

You're blind, Asguard.
asguard, actualy, victoria is lagging behind tasmania at this point in the whole equal rights for homosexuals thing. since tasmania reformed a -long- time ago.

the only state in .au to have the age of concent for homosexual guys, girls and straight people at the same age of 16.

in victoria, the ages are 16 when hetero, 16 when lesbian and 18 for gay males.

so i could go out and screw a 16 year old girl and theres nothing illegal about it (provided she concents, of course.)
but if i go out and have sex with a 16 year old guy i'll get my butt thrown in jail for being a pedophile.

go fig...

also, i also dont think homosexual maraiges are recognised anywhere in .au... i cite that rescent case on the news of the transsexual that they tried to stop getting married cos she was origionaly a guy. now, think logicaly about this, would there have even -been- a case against this person if gay marraiges were recognised?
(just FYI, they did rule her legaly female. and allowed the marraige)

oh, *waves to mystech* you should know this stuff. i've bitched to you about it before =P
*hugs Kura*

Good to see you here. And if you've bitched at me about this stuff before, then I must not have been listening, hehe. I tend to zone out a lot. . .
Do you currently live in a state with similar laws? I just wonder if it's easier to get the individual states to change the local laws or to get the feds to change the law. Although this would be a piecewise solution.
Well, the thing is, that at present it would be possable for a homosexual to receive state related benefits, of having a legal marriage licence, however, all federal benefits are barred to them, since the passing of this act.

As for the laws in my own state reguarding this issue. . . heh, I haven't botherd t check, acctualy, so I'd have to get back to you on that one.