
It is interesting, how a person view of the afterlife affects the very core of how you live your life. As far as I know, all the enlightened people of whom all the religions come from have spoken about an afterlife, about how life doesn’t end with death, and how our actions & thoughts affect the future outcome of our circumstances. When I say “enlightened people of whom all the religions come from”, I mean for example: Zarathustra, Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mahavira, Lao-Tzu, Mohammed, Bahá'u'lláh, etc… None of them wrote anything, or started a religion, because that was not their goal, but the ego of the people made each of those a religion in order to use it as a political device for the masses.

As far as I know, I haven’t seen death, and believing is Karma is only the hope for divine justice, I would not know justice otherwise ´cause real justice is not a worldly thing.

I know that my belief about life not ending in death was thought by others, and that I have no experience on this as far as I can remember. I think that people call God only what they don’t understand, and they have to deal with it somehow. To call it God is a convenience in order to stop breaking your head over impossible problems with no solution.

On the other hand, I have known love, and I could tell that is not a physical thing, it is a feeling from the soul. It is not my body who loves, it is my soul, because love transcends the mind, love is really blind indeed, because with love, rationality really doesn’t matter at all… Some people give their lives for love, I would give my life for my love, and that totally contradicts the fact that it comes from your physical body. Why you say? Because there is no biological reason to give your life for the person you love, without even thinking about it.
For me, love is the closest you can get to heaven from Earth, and it is the easier way too.

I know that death is a part of life, because the moment you are born, you are meant to die. To fear death is to fear the natural order of life, and it is also not a rational fear, it is bound to happen, it is happening right now. Every second a person is dying, and another one is being born, it is just life. This just means that life and death compounds life; they are together, not separate aspects, two sides of the same coin.

The fact that we die, is the natural order of things, and accepting that is to transcend life; to accept life in its totality. If you embrace only life, you are missing 50% of life; if you only wish death, you are missing 50% of life too.
If we would be afraid of going to sleep, because we don´t know what happens during sleeping, we don´t even know why we sleep, but that is the way things are, that is life.

Life is day and night, life is activity and rest. If you could see that life & death is just as day and night, there is no way that you could just cease to exist after life. Energy only transforms, it does not cease to exist. Your conscience is energy, it transcends life, it lives through death; life & death are just day & night for our conscience. Our body on the other hand, is temporary, our mind is temporary; it converts into worm food. But our conscience, that part of ourselves which we don’t see, only gets cleaner after our body dies; it is like a mirror that reflects the body during a life time, but the mirror that reflects is not affected by the thing that is reflecting. The mirror stays the same, it only reflects a reality temporarily, like the temporary reality that is our body.