death penalty vs abortion

Abortion...etc... is WRONG!

Abortion is wrong! Under the ten commandments it states that thou shalt not kill, meaning that you can not take the life of another. Some ppl may think that in doing so may come as of no harm, i think otherwise! Killing a baby that is not at most mature yet is MURDER, no matter what way look at it it is just plain murder! Do most os you know how abortion is performed? Abortion is performed by taking the babys legs out and leaving only the head. The docter slowly pulls the head out and takes a stab at its head. The docter continues this process untill its scull caves in. Now tell me this... is this MURDER? yes, you are EXACTALLY right, it is. There are over 5,000,000 abortions each year! Mothers who have this done are emotionally scared for the reast of their life! Just think about it and maybe even look it up!!!

well i dont believe in the 10 commandments. i dont believe you have your facts straight either. abortion does not scar the mother. you are focusing on late term abortions. if you would read back i stated numerous times about the undeveloped fetus, or the inseminated egg. these are far from being human. they are simple cellular systems. i dont agree with abortion when the baby can survive outside the mother, prior to taht though i see no problem. what is going on is an internal process of the woman and if she does not want it to continue it is her body and her right.
premonitiotn chick do you consider yourself to be a murderer every month when you go through your menstrual cycle with out getting knocked up? your unfertilized egg is after all very early version of a human right? so how many murders have you committed so far?

jesus is going to be pist
Abortion is wrong! Under the ten commandments it states that thou shalt not kill, meaning that you can not take the life of another. Some ppl may think that in doing so may come as of no harm, i think otherwise! Killing a baby that is not at most mature yet is MURDER, no matter what way look at it it is just plain murder! Do most os you know how abortion is performed? Abortion is performed by taking the babys legs out and leaving only the head. The docter slowly pulls the head out and takes a stab at its head. The docter continues this process untill its scull caves in. Now tell me this... is this MURDER? yes, you are EXACTALLY right, it is. There are over 5,000,000 abortions each year! Mothers who have this done are emotionally scared for the reast of their life! Just think about it and maybe even look it up!!!
Finally a woman who judges for herself what
is right and wrong!

so what makes your interpretations correct and universal? what if i say it is the actual breath that makes something alive. and again why do i assume the 2000 year old events of hebrews to be what defines the morals for eternity? there are too many religious assumptions here preach any kind of universality
I believe there are also quotes like "I breathed my spirit
into you". "It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh
is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and
life." Since both the breath of life and the spirit gives
life they are one in the same.
Originally posted by okinrus
Finally a woman who judges for herself what is right and wrong!
I am not sure what you mean by this comment. Can you please clarify?
you calling it a sin is irrelevent. your belief system is not absolute nor is it universal. you should consider the imposition of your beliefs on someone else a sin. what if i told you it was illegal pray or read the bible? it is the samething as you expecting everyone to respect what you call to be a sin. you calling it a sin is something you assume. you have no proof. it was indoctrinated into you since you were born. i was raised a catholic too but i couldnt deal with how illogical and prejudice it often was. i didnt have that much hate and hypocracy in me.
Originally posted by Flores
Oh yeah, so are most crimes. Two drug dealers disagree, one shoot the other, still the system will try and kill the killers, although he was in a consensual relationship with the victim.

Murder isn't a consensual act and two competing drug dealers trying to kill one another wouldn't be considered a consensual relationship.

Nice try.
well back to the point of the thread: for those that consider the fetus to be a human life, if taking a human life is wrong and god is the ultimate judge, how can one justify the death penalty?
you calling it a sin is irrelevent. your belief system is not absolute nor is it universal. you should consider the imposition of your beliefs on someone else a sin. what if i told you it was illegal pray or read the bible? it is the samething as you expecting everyone to respect what you call to be a sin. you calling it a sin is something you assume. you have no proof. it was indoctrinated into you since you were born. i was raised a catholic too but i couldnt deal with how illogical and prejudice it often was. i didnt have that much hate and hypocracy in me.
Why are you assuming I was raised a catholic. In fact
I droped out of sunday school and only went for 2 months.
My father is an athiest, my brother thinks christians are
superstitious, and my mother does not go to church.
By rationalizing abortion I mean look at the pictures of aborted babies and then look at pictures of starving Jews in the holocaust. Both have similar responses: utter disgust.
Originally posted by Galt
Murder isn't a consensual act and two competing drug dealers trying to kill one another wouldn't be considered a consensual relationship.

Nice try.

Please, so a mother dying in labor knew at the point that she was having sex that her death is marked less than 9 month from now.

When you say consensual relationship, you have to define that. A relationship is between two people, in that case, it is between the mother and the baby, the father and the sex is out of the picture at that point. The mom could have easily gotton pregnant againest her will, failed birth control, rape, ect......In that case, I don't think that the mother baby relationship is consensual, it is more like both things were forced on each other. The baby never got a chance to select it's mom and the mom never got a chance to select to carry the baby.
Re: Abortion...etc... is WRONG!

Originally posted by premonitionchik_445
There are over 5,000,000 abortions each year!
Have you ever gone so far as to imagine what the world would be like if these abortions had never occured?
No every human would not be in a circle holding hands and singing as a rainbow goes over their heads, they would be starving and dying of disease on the streets.
The fact of the matter is WAY too many people are being born every year. Anything that lowers that number can't possibly be seen as a bad thing by a rational mind.
There is no discussion.
If religion is saying this is wrong than religion is officially hammering nails into the coffin of the earth.
I say "Go to fucking hell religion!".
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I say "Go to fucking hell religion!".
Originally posted by Flores
Please, so a mother dying in labor knew at the point that she was having sex that her death is marked less than 9 month from now.

Not necessarily, but she would have known that her actions could result in a pregnancy which could lead to many different scenarios.

Originally posted by Flores
When you say consensual relationship, you have to define that. A relationship is between two people, in that case, it is between the mother and the baby, the father and the sex is out of the picture at that point.

So the unborn child is a person? Thanks for clearing that up. As a person, the unborn child of course has rights.

Originally posted by Flores
The mom could have easily gotton pregnant againest her will, failed birth control, rape, ect......In that case, I don't think that the mother baby relationship is consensual, it is more like both things were forced on each other.

Comparing rape with failed birth control is suspect to say the least.
Originally posted by shrubby pegasus
flores didnt call it rape, it was called against her will. there is a difference

Rape was specifically mentioned. Although rape and failed birth control can both result in an unwanted pregnancy, there is a very obvious difference between the two.
Originally posted by Galt
Rape was specifically mentioned. Although rape and failed birth control can both result in an unwanted pregnancy, there is a very obvious difference between the two.

You just insist on not having an intelligent discussion by twisting my words on purpose. Do you know that the use of comma in the english language implies AND or OR. I meant, againest her will or and by rape, or and by failed birth control, ect....... I didn't imply at all that failed birth control is rape, they are different, but all examples of how a woman can get pregnant without planning for it, ie. againest her will.

In a nut shell, you have no religious basis againest abortion. It was never mentioned in the bible in specific. In addition, noone can interfere with another human body againest their will without causing a physical and phsycological harm. The state intervention to stop abortion and force a woman to carry a load inside her body againest her will is a crime far worse than a woman selecting to abort her own body.
The Lord says "the life is in the blood" and to Abel "What have you done!Listen: Your brother's blood cries out to me from the soil! Therefore you shall be banned from the soil that opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. If you till the soil, it shall no longer give you its produce."

The bible does not say that driving while drinking is a sin or going through red lights is a sin. Using some simple logic and we know these to be sins.

In a nut shell, you have no religious basis againest abortion. It was never mentioned in the bible in specific. In addition, noone can interfere with another human body againest their will without causing a physical and phsycological harm. The state intervention to stop abortion and force a woman to carry a load inside her body againest her will is a crime far worse than a woman selecting to abort her own body.
This is excuse will not work with God. Abel tried it with "Am my brother's keeper".
Originally posted by okinrus
The Lord says "the life is in the blood" and to Abel "What have you done!Listen: Your brother's blood cries out to me from the soil! Therefore you shall be banned from the soil that opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. If you till the soil, it shall no longer give you its produce."

The bible does not say that driving while drinking is a sin or going through red lights is a sin. Using some simple logic and we know these to be sins.

This is excuse will not work with God. Abel tried it with "Am my brother's keeper".

You keep comparing this issue with nonsense abel and Cain and X person killing Y person. This is different. For example, can you give me an example in our lives, where another person might die just because another person is fatally ill.....You will not ever find this case, but in the case of mother and fetus, that's a true scenario. A fetus can be very healthy and a mother sickness could enduce it's death.

A fetus is not an independant human being, it is part of the mother until it can survive on it's own. A father can't give it a bottle because the mother is not there, a fetus needs the mother respiratory system, circulatory system, and even her own bladder to rid itself from waste. A fetus can't be alive without complete support on it's mom's biological system, and because of that a fetus is no Abel or Cain....and no absolutely no relevance to this issue was mentioned in the bible...

Now if you allow me to bring in the Quran to our discussion, I will tell you that although there was no mention to abortion, there as plenty mention to motherhood. God have said in the Quran, that he is not to tell a mother to care for it's young, because he have created a mother with intincts to love and protect it's young. God though have told many times sons and daughters to care for their mothers, because that's the hard one, and no instincts are available to love your parent.....It's because of that and my utter respect for my mother that I'm a pro-choice, because I know that my mom who gave me life would never cause me harm unless it was the last resort and even in that case, she would wish the harm on herself instead.....Women who abort are not murderers, they are mothers who do not want to bring a baby to this world to suffer.

And by the the way, the Quran say that you should not drink alcohol period, so there is no need to mention not driving while drinking since you are not supposed to drink from the first place. As far as your stupid red light issue, I say, there are many emergency situation that warrant crossing a stupid red light, and you can always have a turn about intersection instead of signalized intersection....Don't be naive please and start using dumb examples to mimic such a serios complicated issue.