Death penalty for attempted suicide

Who an claim disability living allowance
Disability Living Allowance is a social security benefit that you may be able to claim if you are under 65 and have a long term health problem, mental or physical, that affects your everyday activities.

12 things that won’t affect your Disability Living Allowance claimMany
people, including some doctors, care workers and Department of work and Pensions staff, pass on information and opinions about Disability Living Allowance that aren’t correct. So, no matter what you’ve been told before, here are:

12 things that don’t affect your right to claim Disability Living Allowance.
You’re getting any other benefits - Disability Living Allowance will be paid on top.
You’re working.
Your partner works.
You have savings.
You have not paid any national insurance contributions.
You don’t consider yourself to be disabled - Disability Living Allowance is for people with long term health problems which affect their everyday activities.
You’ve been told by a doctor, nurse, care worker - or anyone other than a welfare rights worker - that you won’t get Disability Living Allowance. Eligibility for Disability Living Allowance is a legal question, not a matter of medical - or any other - opinion.
You live alone and no-one is providing care for you.
You already have someone, a partner for example, providing care for you.
You don’t want anyone to provide care for you.
You’ve been turned down before. Once you've looked at the information in our you may decide you could put forward a stronger case if you applied again.
You do not want to spend money on personal care: you can spend Disability Living Allowance on anything you wish.
Doesn't sound to me like their "your" children! It would appear that they're also children of the state, of the society. You've already admitted that you can't adequately care for them, so....?

Your children should be helped by people who care, not by a bunch of strangers or by the government. Private charities, church groups, etc, but not by the government.

Baron Max

The government is supposed to care.:rolleyes:
Perhaps the government should make gas more expensive ; I bet that would bring back responsibility in a flash.

The government shouldn't have anything to do with setting the price of gasoline, either! Supply and demand will take care of that nicely.

See? We've become a culture of dependent whiners and slackers ...expecting the government to take care of our every need! While at the same time, we whine and cry if the government tries to curtail any of our freedoms. Geez, is this really what humans have become??? If so, I'm glad I'm old and don't have to live for long in this fucked up world.

Baron Max
Doesn't sound to me like their "your" children! It would appear that they're also children of the state, of the society. You've already admitted that you can't adequately care for them, so....?
Your children should be helped by people who care, not by a bunch of strangers or by the government. Private charities, church groups, etc, but not by the government.

Baron Max

where did i say in those exact words that i cannot look after my children, they are NOT children of the state, i dont go to church, i am a member of an ADHD charity organisation, that gives support to perants wtih children like mine.

and i do CARE!!!
Why? When did that become what government is supposed to be? When did government become our babysitter?

Baron Max

When we elected it to manage society on our behalf. Same way that companies make allowances for the handicapped/ mothers and provide special facilities for them.
The government shouldn't have anything to do with setting the price of gasoline, either! Supply and demand will take care of that nicely.

See? We've become a culture of dependent whiners and slackers ...expecting the government to take care of our every need! While at the same time, we whine and cry if the government tries to curtail any of our freedoms. Geez, is this really what humans have become??? If so, I'm glad I'm old and don't have to live for long in this fucked up world.

Baron Max

HOLY shit........Are you sure you aren't my dad? he SAYS THE EXACT THING:eek:
Originally Posted by Baron Max
The government shouldn't have anything to do with setting the price of gasoline, either! Supply and demand will take care of that nicely.

See? We've become a culture of dependent whiners and slackers ...expecting the government to take care of our every need! While at the same time, we whine and cry if the government tries to curtail any of our freedoms. Geez, is this really what humans have become??? If so, I'm glad I'm old and don't have to live for long in this fucked up world.Baron Max

you know what baron.....i'm so glad your not long for this world aswell, as far has i can tell you are a hatefull man who has nothing better to do than knock people who need support.

i am hoping that you have a car accident and you ahve to turn to charities and churches for help. because you wouldnt want the goverment to support you would you.

oh and for the record the goverment also gives to certain charities aswell.
I am a home health care nurse and while I agree that there are a lot of abuses of the system. Part of governments job is to provide security for the people which encourages the taking of risk. There is no realistic way for a middle class parent to plan and prepare for a special needs child who requires 24 hour nursing care. Before you say they should be allowed to die. You should be aware that a large number of these children make full recoveries and go on to live normal productive lives. It is a catastrophy for the expenses to be born by one family but just an inconvenience when the expenses are born by society as a whole. People who commit suicide are coming out of depression usually because when you are truly depressed you lack the will necessary to succeed at killing yourself. That is why the warn people to be so very careful when they stop taking anti depressents. You have full blown depression combined with the energy and focus necessary to accomplish suicide. Charities and government together cannot keep up with all the request for help. How can charities be expected to accomplish alone what they are unable to accomplish with governments help? People who attempt suicide are not thinking rationaly. They are mentally ill and it is a very temporary easily (usually) correctible disorder. It is tragic how many children/teenagers die each year as well as are seriously injured and sometimes crippled in their attempts to end their lonliness and alienation. In purly pragmatic terms we have already as a government wasted a lot of money educating them we should spend a small amount to help them and put the on the right track.