Death penalty for attempted suicide

Wait, You knew someone who tried to commit suicide or did commit suicide without knowing their families?, must have been a remote connection, My bad for assuming you had connections
Wait, You knew someone who tried to commit suicide or did commit suicide without knowing their families?, must have been a remote connection, My bad for assuming you had connections

Yeah, see what happens when you make assumptions?

I've known many more people throught work and profession without ever knowing their families. Some people's families were in another state or country, for god's sake, how was I suppose to know them?

Be careful making assumptions. And even worse, using those assumptions to make accusatory comments to others.

Baron Max
suicide isnt an easy option, and i think many people do it has a cry for help, because they are not getting the help they need from society,

my uncle and my best friend killed themselves, i dont know why my uncle did by my mate she killed herself because her father was a asshole and was abusing her, she told people about it and because her dad was respected they didnt belive her, and i miss her!!
suicide isnt an easy option, and i think many people do it has a cry for help, because they are not getting the help they need from society
Sometimes I just want to slam the door shut on mankind's fucking face. But only sometimes. But I wouldn't want their pity for Christ sakes.
Sometimes I just want to slam the door shut on mankind's fucking face. But only sometimes. But I wouldn't want their pity for Christ's sake.

i am not talking about pity i am talking about support, if people werent so quick to condem people then perhaps there wouldnt be so many suicides!!
i am not talking about pity i am talking about support, if people werent so quick to condem people then perhaps there wouldnt be so many suicides!!
Oh, I agree with you. Doors can also be handled in the most subtle and delicate ways. No, I was talking about their pity—or non-pity; means the same thing really because they are reacting to the act, not to the person who committed the act—that would necessitate reacting to themselves too…
Oh, I agree with you. Doors can also be handled in the most subtle and delicate ways. No, I was talking about their pity—or non-pity; means the same thing really because they are reacting to the act, not to the person who committed the act—that would necessitate reacting to themselves too…

i know what you mena though, i somtimes just want to shut the door on mankind. doesnt mean i am going to kill myself though,
I only lack one thing—not that I don't have it for other things, but for suicide, I lack guts. That one thing keeps me humble towards myself. But it also makes me proud that I understand this. Weird.
i am not talking about pity i am talking about support, if people werent so quick to condem people then perhaps there wouldnt be so many suicides!!

I think what you're talking about is the total lack of self-reliance. And if you want it said differently, people have lost self-responsibility. Mostly due to bullshit that people spread around about!

When are people going to get back to taking responsibility for themselves?

And when are people going to quit being so damned weak and needy and overly dependent?

Baron Max
suicide isnt an easy option, and i think many people do it has a cry for help, because they are not getting the help they need from society,

my uncle and my best friend killed themselves, i dont know why my uncle did by my mate she killed herself because her father was a asshole and was abusing her, she told people about it and because her dad was respected they didnt belive her, and i miss her!!

Suicide is a way (the only genuine way) to hide from the world. Real suicide attempts are not about "cries for help" those who do it see no option OTHER than death. They don't want help because it's not something they can see as workable.
I don't know...I just have nagging feeling this is a natural state for some of us once society reaches a certain point(crowded, meaningless, circumstance).

I have been very suicidal in the past, i'm very far away from it now but should circumstances find me in a similar or worse spot that I was when I was 20, I could probably get that way again.

For some of us the usual things people find "happiness" in are completely lame. It is difficult to find goals for some people in today's world and sometimes even when you do, someone or some people will destroy that for you. When I hear a story of suicide, sometimes I will say that's a shame(I think it was a waste) or I will think "I understand completely" or on rare occasion I will say and think "perfect".

PERFECT? Yea...when it's a deal "similar" to this:

You know what, sometimes it is the only way you can "fuck the man" without hurting anyone.
I think what you're talking about is the total lack of self-reliance. And if you want it said differently, people have lost self-responsibility. Mostly due to bullshit that people spread around about!

When are people going to get back to taking responsibility for themselves?

And when are people going to quit being so damned weak and needy and overly dependent?

Baron Max

i think you need to take a big look at the people around you, some people are weak because they have been abused, and support is not bullshit!! people will take responsibilty for themselves when they can, many people cant care for themselves and they need support, example, my friend has a daughter with a disease that is slowly killing her should she be thrust out of the care and SUPPORT system because she is taking money that the goverment "took from the rich to give to the poor"??
..., some people are weak because they have been abused, and support is not bullshit!!

They're weak because they can't rise above the "abuse". And as I see it, "abuse" is just one more of a long list of ....excuses that people use to keep from taking personal responsibility for themselves.

..., example, my friend has a daughter with a disease that is slowly killing her should she be thrust out of the care and SUPPORT system because she is taking money that the goverment "took from the rich to give to the poor"??

Whose daughter is it? The government's? Why should the government take care of such people? The woman had the child, so the child is now the woman's responsibility ...and the family and friends and church organizations, etc. But NOT the government! And NOT the taxpayers!

Baron Max
They're weak because they can't rise above the "abuse". And as I see it, "abuse" is just one more of a long list of ....excuses that people use to keep from taking personal responsibility for themselves.

Whose daughter is it? The government's? Why should the government take care of such people? The woman had the child, so the child is now the woman's responsibility ...and the family and friends and church organizations, etc. But NOT the government! And NOT the taxpayers!

Baron Max

have you ever lived thrugh abuse? do you know how hard it is to come through?

and the daughter needs medical help she also gets two careres to look after her.

we pay our taxes towards healthcare for people and people should be able to get the financial support that they need, also children with mental conditions need support aswell.
have you ever lived thrugh abuse? do you know how hard it is to come through?

If all of our ancestors felt the way we do now, the human race would never have survived. We've become weaklings, pussies, who do nothing but whine and cry about our conditions instead of doing something about it. And worse, we expect others to take care of us. Then even worse, those others don't even want us to commit suicide so as to help unburden all of those others!

and the daughter needs medical help she also gets two careres to look after her.

Ahh, now I can see why you're one of the whiners! You have a difficult time caring for your own daughter. Whose daughter is she? The government's?

we pay our taxes towards healthcare for people and people should be able to get the financial support that they need, also children with mental conditions need support aswell.

Our taxes to the government were never intended to be used in such a manner. And in my view, it's a misuse of government funds.

Baron Max
If all of our ancestors felt the way we do now, the human race would never have survived. We've become weaklings, pussies, who do nothing but whine and cry about our conditions instead of doing something about it. And worse, we expect others to take care of us. Then even worse, those others don't even want us to commit suicide so as to help unburden all of those others!

Ahh, now I can see why you're one of the whiners! You have a difficult time caring for your own daughter. Whose daughter is she? The government's?

Our taxes to the government were never intended to be used in such a manner. And in my view, it's a misuse of government funds.

Baron Max

Taxes are also meant for welfare, its a commitment the government must needs make to provide for those unable to provide for themselves; like veterans of war, war widows, war orphanages, those requiring specialised medical attention, etc.
If all of our ancestors felt the way we do now, the human race would never have survived. We've become weaklings, pussies, who do nothing but whine and cry about our conditions instead of doing something about it. And worse, we expect others to take care of us. Then even worse, those others don't even want us to commit suicide so as to help unburden all of those others!

Ahh, now I can see why you're one of the whiners! You have a difficult time caring for your own daughter. Whose daughter is she? The government's?

Our taxes to the government were never intended to be used in such a manner. And in my view, it's a misuse of government funds.

Baron Max

B]dont you dare call me a whiner, i have 2 mentally ill children that need extra help, i care for MY children MY way!! yes they are MY children, and i work to keep a roof over tehy're heads but they also get DLA, (disabilty living allowance) because they need help getting to dr's appointments and it is dangerous for them to go out wihtout a chaperone!!

so what you saying to me is, taht it is ok for my disabled kids todie because you dont want to see your tax money spent on keeping them safe while in the street, which by the way is somthing that many people take for granted
Taxes are also meant for welfare, ...

It is now, of course, but government was never intended to act as the people's parents or caregivers. And in my view, it shouldn't be that now. I think that it's made people less responsible and, as such, more dependent ...which means less free.

Baron Max
It is now, of course, but government was never intended to act as the people's parents or caregivers. And in my view, it shouldn't be that now. I think that it's made people less responsible and, as such, more dependent ...which means less free.

Baron Max

Perhaps the government should make gas, food, basic utilities more expensive ; I bet that would bring back responsibility in a flash.
dont you dare call me a whiner, i have 2 mentally ill children that need extra help, i care for MY children MY way!! yes they are MY children, and i work to keep a roof over tehy're heads but they also get DLA, (disabilty living allowance) because they need help getting to dr's appointments and it is dangerous for them to go out wihtout a chaperone!!

Doesn't sound to me like their "your" children! It would appear that they're also children of the state, of the society. You've already admitted that you can't adequately care for them, so....?

Your children should be helped by people who care, not by a bunch of strangers or by the government. Private charities, church groups, etc, but not by the government.

Baron Max