Death penalty for attempted suicide

No, we should spend millions, billions even, to help them, to teach them about life, to make them be happy, to give them things that others don't have, .........just because they're too fuckin' stupid to even kill themselves!!

That's what society needs more of ....people who are too fuckin' stupid to even kill themselves. Yes, nothing is too good for people like that.

Baron Max
No, we should spend millions, billions even, to help them, to teach them about life, to make them be happy, to give them things that others don't have, .........just because they're too fuckin' stupid to even kill themselves!!
That's what society needs more of ....people who are too fuckin' stupid to even kill themselves. Yes, nothing is too good for people like that.

Baron Max

so you think, we should spend millions on saving people who want to kill themselves but we shouldnt spend a penny on people who cannot work!! great ethics there Baron!!

i think we should help people who try to kill themselves, i just think if a person is determined then they will anyway.
People who commit suicide are rarely stupid. A lot try to commit suicide because of huge pressures on their positions. Most of the people in certain countries attempt due to family pressures.
Its not easy to kill yourself, either. You'd have to be pretty desperate or depressed to even consider it.
I dunno, If you mean mentally, People can do anything when desperate and family can make you desperate, especially to get away from them.
As for Physically difficult, In Singapore, all you need is a very common high rise building in Australia its less common but still possible.
I agree! But it's the ones who attempt it and fail that are the stupid ones, and they shouldn't be allowed live and breed!!

Baron Max

Wait, Are you saying that Suicidal Tendencies are passed on from Parents to Children ? Is there any proof? Because either way i commit suicide, i get to blame my parents.
Ahh, well, geez, why didn't you say so. Anyone who's ever worked in a hospital is a respected, knowledgeable authority on suicide. I defer to your greater knowledge and authority.

Baron Max

Have you ever known anyone who killed themselves or tried to?
Wait, Are you saying that Suicidal Tendencies are passed on from Parents to Children?

No, but the tendency to UNABLE to cope with their environment probably is! Couple that with their piss poor early training, and they're fucked up and easily turn to something like suicide ...because they can't cope with reality.

Yes, in that way, it's passed on to the offspring.

Baron Max
I hope you offered the family comfort either way.

I didn't even know the families ...why should I give a fuck about them?

If not then you really must have a skewed view of the world.

I feel the very same way about the whiny, lilly-livered, doo-gooder liberals who think that everyone should care for everyone else ....even if they don't know them, or they're on the other side of the fuckin' planet. Those liberals make grandiose speeches, but then insist that everyone else help ...usually while they do nothing themselves!

Baron Max