Death penalty argument

Opinion of the death penalty is...

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Actually, criminals are just like everyone else but tend to have a worse neurochemical condition that non-criminals. Anyone can be stimulated relatively easily into commiting horrible crimes.

Thats fine but that doesnt mean I cant beat their face in with a tire iron if they victimize my family. At that point I have the same condition they do and am also innocent due to chemical imbalance right?
Thats fine but that doesnt mean I cant beat their face in with a tire iron if they victimize my family. At that point I have the same condition they do and am also innocent due to chemical imbalance right?

No, you are not innocent unless it was self defense, which would probably be decided in court.
They are barbaric animals and deserve to be treated as such. I do not think of violent criminals as people.

Why? Are you insecure about the possibility that you might commit a violent crime, so emphasizing a difference in your mind makes you feel more comfortable?
I say.....hand over the convited criminal to the family of the victim and let them do as they wish......

Come on people! We have to show compassion! My idea of daily tasering until the end of time by the family members was born from true compassion for the human life....
Criminals are not civilized; we do not treat them with civility. They are barbarians, and will be treated as barbarians and animals.

It depends where you draw the line on criminality. Are you saying you have ever, ever broken the law?

Everyone has. Speeding, littering, something. Did you turn irreversibly into a barbarian, or is that reserved only for people that commit greater crimes than you?
I thought you might have a good argument against this particular case, but it looks like you don't. And since none of your arguments applied to this case, that's why I asked. Basicly your argument comes down to:

"I don't like it." Which is fine, but not really a good argument.

The argument about the two tier punishment system went right over your head did it? If you say you reserve the Death Penatly for cases where there is no doubt of guilt, you are admitting doubt on all the others, and therefore must let the accused go. You can't have it both ways.

I chose cases when your objections don't apply. Again, see above.

Only because you ignored some of my objections, see above.

Not necessery. The evidence can be good for prison for life, but not good enough for DP. I don't have a problem with it...

Sorry bub, but that's the law. Any doubt, and the accused walks.

By the way you never really addressed the justice issue. I would say a person killing more than 10 easily deserves DP.

'kill ten you are a murderer. Kill 10,000 and you are a conqueror.' George Bush should be on death row, no?

[ I am all for compassion. For the sick, for the old, for the just. But not for criminals. Compassion my ass...

Let's hope you keep your perfectly clean sheet clean on future, and don't gt busted by a cop with your attitude.

You also clearly value retribution above compassion. You are angry about something. It will pass as you mature.
So if one wants JUSTICE, than one must be angry?? That is a silly notion my friend.

On the other hand I am not angry at all, because yesterday justice was served.:

Yesterday in a good old fashioned Texas style exectuin in a nice compassionate way (injection) Texas put to death this asshole for the gangrape, beating and strangulation of 2 teenager girls. Out of the 6 gangmembers, 2 are now executed, 1 in death row, 2 are lifers and 1 got a 40 years sentence.

That is JUSTICE my friend.

P.S.: W never killed anybody but I advocate the DP for treason.
Semantics, schemantics. At least I am not a sadist like you, I just play one here online for making a point.

My first post in this thread stated that anti-DP people are either stupid or sadist. That statement after a few pages is still correct. They must be either stupid if they can't make a valid point supporting their case (believing in a case that you can't defend is stupid IMHO) or sadist if they want to keep a sensitive human being locked up for life.

Here, I have a homework experience for you guys. Go to the closest shelter and adopt a puppy. From day one keep the puppy in a cage letting it out only for 15 mins a day. After a few years report back about the puppy's mental health and social skills.

Now if you wouldn't keep a puppy in a cage for the rest of its life, why would you do that to a human being? Oh, I forgot, because it is compassionate!!!

Phlogo, all your arguments eventually boiled down to the "I don't like it" statement, which is an opinion, not an argument. As an opinion it is fine, you are entitled to like or dislike whatever you want. Just don't expect us to treat it as a valid argument. I suspect most of the posters who voted no in the poll feels the same way but at least they had the common sense not to participate in an unwinable argument.

And once you start to come with compassionate and "you are angry" bullshit, you basicly declared defeat in a debate. So we gonna say goodbye here, I will declare that as we pointed out there is simply no good argument against the death penalty and we just move on...

This thread has ran its course... If someone accidentally discovers a new argument, don't hesitate to PM me, otherwise I am done with this thread...
Semantics, schemantics. At least I am not a sadist like you, I just play one here online for making a point.

Here you go, avoiding the posts I make that you find inconvenient. By using the Death Penalty you are still incarcerating people for a long time, AND making them fear for their life. Mere incarceration is less sadistic, if you want to use that term!

Phlogo, all your arguments eventually boiled down to the "I don't like it" statement, which is an opinion, not an argument.

And again you avoid the points I make that you find inconvenient. How about you answer my point about the two tier system of guilt you propose?

This thread has ran its course... If someone accidentally discovers a new argument, don't hesitate to PM me, otherwise I am done with this thread...

You haven't responded to what has already been put before you. If you withdraw without answering, I have to assume it's because you have no answer, but aren't gracious enough to admit defeat. Cheerio, LOSER!
It depends where you draw the line on criminality. Are you saying you have ever, ever broken the law?

Everyone has. Speeding, littering, something. Did you turn irreversibly into a barbarian, or is that reserved only for people that commit greater crimes than you?
Obviously I am referring to violent and heinous crimes.

any crime where the alternative is life I would favour the death penilty

Life sentences are pointless.